(广东)粤人版四年级下册-Review 1-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:34003).zip


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    • 粤人2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2013年12月第2版)_小学英语_Review 1_Lesson 1_ppt课件_(含教案)__(编号:34003)
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Unit 4 Review 1 Lancy HelpYesNo Sorry! You need password. Step 3: Count the rooms. 数数 一一 数数 二二 Step 2: Say out the words. 眼眼 明明 口口 快快 Step 1: Recognize the words. 慧慧 眼眼 识识 词词 You need 3 steps to get the password. 完成三个步骤,获取密码。完成三个步骤,获取密码。 Step 1:Recognize the words. 慧慧 眼眼 识识 词词 1. 2. 5. 3. 4. Step 3: Count the rooms. 数数 一一 数数 二二 Step 2: Say out the words. 眼眼 明明 口口 快快 Step 1: Recognize the words. 慧慧 眼眼 识识 词词 You need 3 steps to get the password. 完成三个步骤,获取密码。完成三个步骤,获取密码。 A playgroundA classroomA music roomA teachers office Step 2:Say out the words. 眼眼 明明 口口 快快 Step 1: Recognize the words. 慧慧 眼眼 识识 词词 Step 3: Count the rooms. 数数 一一 数数 二二 Step 2: Say out the words. 眼眼 明明 口口 快快 You need 3 steps to get the password. 完成三个步骤,获取密码。完成三个步骤,获取密码。 How many classrooms are there? How many music rooms are there? How many teachers offices are there? Step 3:Count the rooms. 数数 一一 数数 二二 You need 3 steps to get the password. 完成三个步骤,获取密码。完成三个步骤,获取密码。 Step 1: Recognize the words. 慧慧 眼眼 识识 词词 Step 3: Count the rooms. 数数 一一 数数 二二 Step 2: Say out the words. 眼眼 明明 口口 快快c lm nr m Lancy HelpYesNo s c h o ol This is Lancys School. There is __________________________ There are ________________________ _________________________________ Do the right thing in the right place. 在合适的地点做合适的事情在合适的地点做合适的事情。 May I plant a flower? Do the right thing in the right place. 在合适的地点做合适的事情在合适的地点做合适的事情。 May we play basketball? Do the right thing in the right place. 在合适的地点做合适的事情在合适的地点做合适的事情。 May I borrow some books? Try to write about your school. 写一写你的学校写一写你的学校 。 In my school, ____ ________________ ________________ ________________ In my school, ___ ________________ ________________ ________________ In my school, ____ _________________ _________________ ______________ In my school, ___ ________________ ________________ ________________ In my school, ___ ________________ ________________ ________________ In my school, ____ ________________ ________________ ________________ In my school, ___ ________________ ________________ ________________ In my school, ___ ________________ ________________ ________________ Write about your school and the things you may do in the school on the cards. 在卡片上完成对自在卡片上完成对自 己学校的介绍。己学校的介绍。 Tell your parent about your school. 将你写好的学校介绍将你写好的学校介绍 读给你的父母听。读给你的父母听。Review 1”教学设计(复习课)教学设计(复习课) 总体思路:本课以复习第 1-4 单元的知识为主要学习内容,以 了解和介绍学校及学校生活为主线设计的本节复习课。教学重点除 了让学生熟练掌握学校的词汇之外,同时注重让学生用学过的知识 来描绘和介绍学校,更希望通过本课的学习让学生体会学校生活的 多姿多彩并热爱自己的学校。 设计教师:设计教师:谢邱兰 (香洲区杨匏安纪念学校) 课题名称:课题名称:Review 1 (英语四年级下册) 一、学生分析一、学生分析三、四年级的英语学习的基本形式是模仿。处在这个年 龄阶段的学生大都对英语充满好奇,爱表现善模仿,他们喜 欢引起别人的注意,具备小组合作、汇报、角色扮演等学习 策略和能力,但仍需要不断创设情景,用各种有趣新颖的教 学方式刺激他们保持学英语的兴趣。三四年级教学注重语言 的交际用途,学生在上课时能获得较多的口语练习机会,使 得四年级的学生对英语学习较有自信和同时也对英语充满兴 趣。 二、教材分析二、教材分析 本次教学内容选自广东人民出版社版英语四年级下 册教材中的 Unit 4 Review 1。本课是复习课,是对前几个 单元所学知识的梳理及巩固。由于复习的单元较多,主题也 各不相同,包括“My school” , “Our new home” , “Bank or Beach”和“Free time”四个主题,因此要如何把这些主题 和句型串联和融合是本节课首要解决的问题。 为了解决这一问题,我设计了“School life is fun.” 这一话题,巧妙地将几个不同的主题单元串联,帮助学生创 设起真实的生活场景,建立起语言与生活的联系,目的是要 让学生学会在特定的生活场景中使用英语与人交流,并在课 堂活动中加以运用和巩固。 三、教学目标三、教学目标知识与技能目标:知识与技能目标: 1. 能听懂、会读、会说、能写复习单元目标词汇。 2. 熟练掌握并运用“there be”句型来描述或询问周遭的环 境及物品。 3. 能用 May I 向别人询问意见。 文化及情感目标:文化及情感目标: 1. 了解自己的学校,并热爱自己的学校。 2. 体验学校生活是多姿多彩的,但同时也要学会和认识到, 我们应该在合适的场合做合适的事情。 学习策略目标:学习策略目标: 1. 能在视频和听力练习中获取有效的信息。 2. 能将获取的信息整合成完整的文段。 3. 能参与小组合作,分工协作共同完成学习任务。 四、教学内容四、教学内容 句型学习: Whats in your school? There is a/an. There are. How many are there? There are . There is one. May I ? Yes, you may. You may. No, you may not. You may not. 五、教学策略五、教学策略 1. 创设情境,设计桥段,让学生快乐主动地参与复习。 2. 鼓励引导,激发学生学习热情。 3. 层层深入,向学生渗透情感教育。 4. 巧设评价,吸引学生学习兴趣。 六、教学过程六、教学过程 I. Greeting Self-introduction T: Hello, kids. Im your new English teacher today. I hope well have a happy time together. T: First, I want to introduce myself. Look, this is me. My name is Lancy. I work in YPA Memorial School. This is my school. Its beautiful. I want to shoe you a video. Lets watch. (设计意图:向学生介绍自己,并在介绍中引出“my school” 主题。 ) II. Warm-up and review (设计意图:设计需要password的桥段目的让三个复习巩固 环节出现得更自然。 ) 六、教学过程六、教学过程 i. Step 1-Recognize the words. (设计意图:用特制过的单 词图片,吸引学习的注意力, 同时也让学生先简单进行词 汇复习。 ) ii. Step 2-Say out the words (设计意图:用闪过的图片能 有效地吸引学生的注意力,同 时渗透复习“Whats in? There is”,为本课的主要环 节做铺垫。 ) iii.Step 3-Count the rooms (设计意图:设计让学生在听音看图的同时获取数量信息, 并渗透复习“How many are there? There are. / There is one.”也为本课的主要环节做了铺垫。 ) iv.Phonetics review“oo” T: Oh, we need 2 more letters. What are they? “oo”says? Lets watch a video. (设计意图:设计获取密码“sch l”让学生在两个字母空缺中 填入oo字母组合,并融入原音语音教学,帮助学生更好的掌 握发音规则。 ) III.Lancys school i.Play the video about Lancys school and have the students choose the six right cards from nine. ii.After the video, present the form “Whats in my school?”and stick the cards onto the blackboard. iii. Play the video again, and this time, have them 六、教学过程六、教学过程 write down the numbers. iv. Present the form “How many are there?”and let them tell the numbers by using the form “There is. / There are.” v. Let students use the information they got and finish the passage about Lancys school. vi. Let volunteers show the passage, and then read it in the whole class. (设计意图:设计 分段式的任务让学 生能从易到难获取 到这段视频阅读的 有效信息,并能在 小组合作中整合信 息,使其成为完整 的文段产出。 ) IV.School life i. Tell them the things I may do in my school, and ask them if they may do the same thing too in their school. ii.Show them the pictures of a school and let them think about what things they may do in those places. iii. Present the form “I may.” iv. Ask some funny questions and have the students think about what thing they may not do in those places. v.Present the form “I may not. (设计意图:通过图片和游戏的形式让学生感受和体会到校 园生活的多姿多彩,但是同时学会在合适的场合做合适的事 情。 ) V. Writing about their school and their school life. i. Let students work in group and take out the set of nine cards for their group. ii. Have students choose a card or two and write the description and the things they may do or may not do individually. iii. When everyone in a group finishs his/her own part, they can change the cards and read the information. iv. Show time for groups. (设计意图:设计学生小组分工合作环节,但具体操作是个 人完成分配的任务,再各自完成任务后小组分享组内的成果, 并进行小组展示。目的在于让学生在个人完成任务过程中操 练本课的句型,但同时又在小组内相互学习和交流,促进小 组合作学习的模式形成。 ) VI.Closure and Homework i. Closure about the two school. School life is fun. I love my school! ii. Homework: a. Write the complete passage to describe the school and the school life. b. Read the passage about their school to their parents. (设计意图:设计最后让学生对比两所学校,再次将本课的 句型再操练一遍。另外设计让学生写一篇完成的学校和学校 生活的介绍可以让老师了解到每个学生对本课知识的掌握情 况,也希望能通过布置读文章给父母听这一任务促进亲子之 间的互动,也让家长更加了解学生的学习情况。 ) 七、学生材料七、学生材料 1. Lancys school 任务 2. My school 任务 This is Lancys school. There is a playground, _______________ and a _____________. There are _________ teachers offices, 24 ________________ and 2 _______________. InIn mymy school,school, ____________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ __________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ _ _ InIn mymy school,school, ____________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ __________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ _ _ InIn mymy school,school, ____________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ __________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ _ _ InIn mymy school,school, ____________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ __________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ _ _ InIn mymy school,school, ____________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ __________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ _ _ InIn mymy school,school, ____________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ __________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ _ _ InIn mymy school,school, ____________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ __________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ _ _ InIn mymy school,school, ____________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ __________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ _ _ InIn mymy school,school, ____________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________
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