闽教版三年级下册Unit 6 Clothes (1)-Part A-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:70d0f).zip


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clothes 衣服衣服 Uint 6 Clothes PartPart A A shfiirb d tT- Its a green T-shirt. They are going to the Sports Meeting. 他们要去参加森林运动会。 Mr. Monkey Mr. Monkey Sports Meeting Q 1 Q 2 What does say?( 猴子先生说了什么?) B . What are these? (这些是什么?) B. your T-shirts. Take off your T-shirts. A . A. Put on inkp u t p 穿上 on 谁是大明星?谁是大明星? 全班指着他,齐说: Put on your T-shirt. Put, put , put on. 游戏规则: 聚光灯扫到谁,谁就要站起来,边做边说: Put on your T-shirt. Put, put , put on. pig big. 大的大的 Its too big Haha, Its too big. small allmall Its too small. smallHaha,Its too small. 同学们,灰太狼喝了“植物生长水 ”变成了矩形灰太狼。让我们跟羊村 长一起施魔法,说咒语“small”把灰 太狼变小吧! 他们已经穿上T桖衫是他们还很伤心。 因为他们的衣服不合适。 你们能帮助他们找到合适的尺码吗? M XL S L Size S Size M Size L Size XL 大码小码中码加大码 Q: What size do they wear? 他们穿什么号码? Size XLSize S Size MSize L A:A: WhatWhat sizesize dodo youyou wear?wear? 你你穿什穿什么码么码? B:B: SizeSize S/M/L/XL.S/M/L/XL. S: What size do you wear? ________. S M L XL S Size S GuessingGuessing gamegame 猜一猜猜一猜 游戏规则: 选一个同学上来,随机选择一件T恤。 全班一起拍手说:XXX, XXX. What size do you wear? 该同学用Size(S,M,L,XL)来猜。一人两次机会。 What size? What size? What size do you wear? Size M, Size M. What size? What size? What size do you wear? Size L, Size L. Role play 分角色表演分角色表演 两组扮演猴子队长,两组扮演猴子队长, 一组扮演兔子,一组扮演兔子, 一组扮演大熊。一组扮演大熊。 三人一组,一人扮演猴子队长,人一组,一人扮演猴子队长, 一人扮演兔子,一人扮演兔子, 一人扮演大熊,一人扮演大熊, 两分钟过后请同学上台展示。两分钟过后请同学上台展示。 1. Put on your T-shirts. 2. Its too big/ small. 3. What size do you wear? Size S/ M/ L/ XL. Summary 1.Read the text three times. 读课文读3遍。 2. Finish the survey .P44 完成44页课本调查。 3. Donate some clothes. 1. 捐衣服献爱心 如果你有不想要的衣服,如果你有不想要的衣服, 可以将它们放入旧衣回收可以将它们放入旧衣回收 环保箱。环保箱。 把衣服捐给需要的人们。把衣服捐给需要的人们。Unit6 Clothes Part A 一、教学目标 语言知识目标 1.学习单词 T-shirt,big,small,初步运用 wear,size,too 等单词。 2.学习句子:Put on your T-shirts. What size do you wear? Size. Its too big/small. 3.学习字母 b 和 p 在单词中的读音。 4.功能:运用英语描述服装的尺寸及大小。 语言技能目标 1.能说、会认读单词 T-shirt,big 和 small。 2.能描述服装的尺寸及大小。 文化意识 献爱心,捐献旧衣给需要的人们,帮助他人。 二、 教学重点 1. 单词:T-shirt, big, small 2. 句型:Put on your T-shirts. What size do you wear? Size. Its too big/small. 三、 教学难点 熟练运用句型:What size do you wear? Size 四、教具准备 1.单词图片和卡片:T-shirt,put on,big, small 等。 2. Mr. Monkey, Mr. Rabbit 和 Mr. Bear 的人物头饰。 3.分别贴有 S,M,L,XL 的 T 恤四件。 4.PPT 课件 五、教学步骤 Step 1 Warming up 1. Greeting 2. Sing a song: I Can Sing a Rainbow 3. Lead-in: T: The song is about colors. Now look at the PPT, what color is it? S: Its yellow. T: So this is a yellow jacket. Whats this? S: Its a T-shirt. T: Yes. They are clothes. Today we are going to learn Unit 6 Clothes Part A 揭示并板书课题:Unit 6 Clothes Part A (设计意图:用颜色歌曲来热身,不仅活跃了课堂气氛,激发学生的学习热情, 复习了旧知也为接下来 T-shirt 的操练做准备。) Step 2 Presentation and practice 1. 教学 T-shirt 和 T-shirts 教师出示 fish 和 bird 图片,由这两个旧单词来复习 sh 和 ir 的发音,从而引出 T-shirt 的发音。接着教师通过升降调和小组比赛的形式来操练 T-shirt。 (设计意图:由旧知引新知,降低了学生学习的难度,学生易于接受和吸收。) 教师呈现图片。 T:What color is it? S: Its green. T: So its a green T-shirt. How about this one? S: Its an orange T-shirt. T: Look at the blackboard. This one? S: Its . T-shirt. T: There are so many T-shirts. Lets count together. S: one T-shirt. Two T-shirts 教师板书 T-shirt 和 T-shirts,强调书写和读音的区别。 (设计意图:在教学 T-shirt 时,结合学过的颜色和数字来操练,将新旧知识 相融合,不仅复习旧知也巩固了新知。同时将单词放在句子中教学,做到词 不离句,提高学生的应用能力。) T:There are three T-shirts. They are all for you. If you do the good job, you can get one point. Finally, lets see which clothes is the most beautiful. 教师根据黑板上三件不同颜色衣服将学生分成三组,通过给衣服添加装饰 品作为今天的评价机制。 (设计意图:引入竞争机制,提高学生的学习积极性。) 2. 教学词组 put on 和句子 Put on your T-shit(s). 教师出示课文人物图片. T: Who are they? S: They are Mr. Monkey, Mr. Rabbit and Mr. Bear. T: They are so happy today. Because they are going to the Sports Meeting. 引出森林运动会,接着让学生带着问题听录音 T:Question 1: Whats on Mr. Monkeys hands? Question 2: What does Mr. Monkey say ? 由学生的回答引出词组 put on 和 Put on your T-shirts. 并教学,板书 。 动作操练,游戏巩固:Who is the star? (游戏规则:PPT 上随机呈现班级中一个学生的照片,照片是谁谁就是明 星,他必须迅速站起来,边做边说:Put, put, put on. 全班需迅速指向他 并说:Put on your T-shirt.) 3. 教学单词 big 和句子 Its too big. T:Mr. Rabbit is the star. And he has put on his T-shirt. But its too big. 教师呈现兔子图片,引出新词 big 并教学。接着通过男生读女生读来操练 并板书。 教师呈现句子 Its too big. 游戏操练句子:Magic game.(游戏规则:学生帮 助孙悟空将金箍棒变大,学生说:big 越来越大声,金箍棒就会越来越大。 最后全班齐说: Its too big.) (设计意图:引入学生感兴趣并熟悉的人物孙悟空,让孩子帮助孙悟空把金 箍棒变大,不仅贴合实践,而且提高了学生的学习热情,在游戏中学习。) 4. 教学单词 small 和句子 Its too small. 教师呈现两根金箍棒,一大一小。 T:This one its too big. But this one is too small. 引出 small 并教学,用 up down left right 游戏来操练并板书。接着让孩 子自己读出句子 Its too small. 游戏操练句子:Magic game.(游戏规则: 学生帮助羊羊村长把灰太狼变小,学生说:small,small.直到灰太狼变 到最小,全班齐说: Its too small.) 5. 教学单词 size 和 Size S/M/L/XL. 教师呈现兔子先生和熊的图片。 T:Look, Mr. Rabbits T-shirt is too big. Mr. Bears T-shirt is too small. They arent suitable. They are so sad. So can you help them to find the suitable clothes? There are four sizes of clothes you can choose. 引出 size 并教学,全班齐读,小组竞赛读。用 Touch card 游戏操练并板书。 T:There are four sizes of clothes. Can you say by yourselves. S: Size S/M/L/XL. 引出句子 Size S/M/L/XL.全班跟读,快速反应,接着让孩子排列大小,最后 让孩子边做边说。 (设计意图:教学 Size S/M/L/XL.时采用 TPR 教学,符合三年级学生好动的年 龄特征,在学生学过的字母操的基础上改编,让学生边做边说,记忆更深 刻。) 6. 教学句子 What size do you wear? T: There are sour sizes of clothes you can choose. But we still dont know what size so they wear? So lets look at the video again and line. 教师呈现兔子和熊的图片和四个尺寸,让孩子看视频连线。 (设计意图:让学生带着问题听课文,引导学生思考,提高注意力和学习效果。) 引出 wear,采用大小声操练。 T:What size does Mr. Rabbit wear? S: Size S. T:What size does Mr. Bear wear? S: Size XL. T: Mr. Rabbit wears Size S and Mr. Bear wears Size XL. So how about you? What size do you wear? 引出句子 What size do you wear?教学并板书。全班读,教师问学生答,全 班问个别学生答。 Guessing game T:Lets play a guessing game. I will ask one student to come here. He should close his eyes and choose one T-shirt. Whole class should ask him: , what size do you wear? He can guess two times. If he is right, you should say Bingo. Then he can get one point. (设计意图:所谓“教材给我们的只是一个话题,生活才是学生真实的世界。 ”这是真 实的运用语言的环节。由课本人物回归课堂实际,通过教师问学生,让学生问学生, 猜一猜游戏,目的是让学生学会在真实情境中去运用。) 最后用 chant 来巩固。 What size? What size? What size do you wear? Size M, Size M. What size? What size? What size do you wear? Size L, Size L. Step 3: Consolidation and extension 1. Listen and follow. 2. Turn to Page 43. Lets read together. 3. Lets have a role play. One group to be Mr. Monkey, one group to be Mr. Rabbit and one to be Mr. Bear. 4. Role play in group of three. One student to be Mr. Monkey, one student to be Mr. Rabbit and one student to be Mr. Bear. 两分钟后,请几组学生上台表演。 (设计意图:把课文分成猴子和熊,猴子和兔子,让学生角色扮演,是为了弱化难点, 让学生的输出更容易些。) Step 4: Summary T: Today we have learn . 学生根据 PPT 上呈现的中文提示,补全句子。 Step 5: Homework 1. Read the text three times. 2. Finish the survey. 3. Donate some clothes. 教师呈现旧衣物捐赠箱,告诉学生如果有不想要的衣服,可以把衣服捐到 旧衣服捐赠箱,捐给需要的人们。 (设计意图:给学生渗透“物尽其用” “争献爱心”的情感教育。 ) 板书 : Unit Clothes Part A Put on your T-shirts. Its too big/small. What size do they wear? Size S/M/L/XL.
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闽教版三年级下册Unit Clothes (1)_Part A_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_公开课_(编号:70d0f 闽教版三年级下册 unit _part a_ppt 课件 教案 视频 音频 素材
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