闽教版三年级下册Unit 6 Clothes (1)-Part A-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频)-公开课-(编号:820ad).zip


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U Unitnit6 6 ClothesClothes P Partart A A 闽教版小学英语三年级第二册 Enjoy time: 欣赏各国传统服装 日本日本 中国中国 俄罗斯俄罗斯 clothes 法国法国 韩国韩国 shfiirbird tT- T-shirt T-shirt T-shirts They are going to the Sports Meeting. 他们要去参加运动会。 Where are they going? (他们要去哪儿?) 2.What size does get ? 1.What size does get ? Question :1&2: A.Size M B. Size L (中号)(中号) (大号)(大号) A.Size S B. Size XL (小号)(小号) (加大号)(加大号) (兔子(兔子拿到拿到什么号码的衣服?什么号码的衣服? ) (大熊(大熊拿到拿到什么号码的衣服?)什么号码的衣服?) 2.What size does get ? 1.What size does get ? Question :1&2: A.Size M B. Size L (中号)(中号) (大号)(大号) A.Size S B. Size XL (小号)(小号) (加大号)(加大号) (兔子(兔子拿到拿到什么号码的衣服?什么号码的衣服? ) (大熊(大熊拿到拿到什么号码的衣服?)什么号码的衣服?) Size S (小号小号) Size M (中号中号) Size L (大号大号) Size XL (加大号加大号) size 号码号码 S M L XL Q3:Is the T-shirt suitable for them? Why? (服装是否合适?为什么?)(服装是否合适?为什么?) A. Yes. B. No. Its too big . big 大的大的 pig big Its too big. 太大了。 Its too big. 太大了。 Its too big. 太大了。 Its too big. 太大了。 Its too big. 太大了。 Its too big. 太大了。 Its too big. Its too big. 太大了太大了 Its too small . smallallmall 小的小的 small S Its too small. Its too small. Game:Clothing show 游戏规则: Lily要去参加派对, 请 用 Its too big. Its too small. OK! 帮忙给予提示。 What does the monkey say? (猴子说了什么? ) Its too small. What size do you wear? Size______. 你你穿穿什么号码?什么号码? bear (熊)(熊) pear (梨)(梨) 游戏规则:全班一起拍手说: What size do you wear? What size do you wear? One, two, go!选择其中一件 T恤,用Size(S,M,L,XL)来回答。 Guessing game: Ss: What size do you wear? ________. S M L XL XL Size XL Ss: What size do you wear? ________. S M L XL M Size M Ss: What size do you wear? ________. S M L XL L Size L * Game:Find the T-shirt 游戏规则:请一名同学上台寻找适合 自己的 T恤,其他同学帮忙给予提示 。 Ss: What size do you wear? S1: Size(S,M,L,XL) Ss: No. Its too big. No. Its too small. Yes! 运动会要开始了,请用句型运动会要开始了,请用句型:Put on your T-shirt. 叫小动物们穿上叫小动物们穿上T恤衫吧。恤衫吧。 Lion, lion, put on your T-shirt. Dog, dog, put on your T-shirt. 让我们的小伙伴也穿上T恤吧! XXX, XXX, put on your T-shirt. (名字) Listen and follow. Role play 分角色表演分角色表演 G1、G2扮演猴子队长,扮演猴子队长, G3扮演扮演兔子,兔子, G4扮演大熊。扮演大熊。 Complete the dialogue. Lets go shopping! (让我们去购物吧! ) 两人一组,一个扮演售货员,两人一组,一个扮演售货员, 一个扮演顾客,进行对话练习一个扮演顾客,进行对话练习 。 A:Hello. B:Hello. I like a T- shirt. B:Size( S, M, L, XL) A:What size do you wear? A: A: Here you are. B: Thank you. B: B:Size( S, M, L, XL) A: Here you are. B:Size( S, M, L, XL) saleswoman (售货员) customer ( 顾客) Words: T-shirt, big, small, wear, size Sentences: 1. Put on your T-shirts. 2. Its too big/ small. 3. What size do you wear? Size S/M/L/XL. Summary: You are what you wear. Buy clothes that fit for you. 衣如其人,买适合自己的服饰。衣如其人,买适合自己的服饰。 What Size Do You Wear? What size? What size? What size do you wear? What size do you wear? Size S. Size M. What size? What size? What size do you wear? What size do you wear? Size L. Size XL. Chant: Homework 1、“我是小小朗读家我是小小朗读家”:听录音,模仿并朗读对话。:听录音,模仿并朗读对话。 2、“我是小小调查家我是小小调查家”:请完成课本第:请完成课本第44页的小调查,页的小调查, 调查你的组员穿什么号码的衣服。调查你的组员穿什么号码的衣服。1 Unit6 Clothes Part A 教学目标 (一)知识目标: 1、学习新词:put on, T-shirt , wear, too, size, big, small. 2、学习新句子:Put on your T-shirt. Its too small/big. What size do you wear? (二)能力目标: 1、能够询问并回答 What size do you wear? Size S/M/L/XL. 2、能够描述服装的尺寸及大小:Its too small/big. (三)情感目标: 在小组合作中能互相帮助,增加了解,从而加深彼此的友情。 (四)学习策略: 1、合作学习法,注重合作与实践活动,培养合作能力、创新精神。 2、情景化学习,在真实的环境中学习并运用句型,锻炼口语。 3、自主学习,养成自主学习的好习惯。 重点难点 教学重点: 1、词汇:T-shirt, big ,small, size, wear, 2、短语:too small/big, put on 3、句型:Put on your T-shirt. What size do you wear? Size S/ M / L/XL. 教学难点: 句型:Put on your T-shirt. What size do you wear? 教学过程 Step1: Warming up 1. Sing a song: I Can Sing a Rainbow. 2 T: Do you like English songs? T: Lets sing a song: I can sing a rainbow. Show me your hands. (设计意图:课前唱首歌谣,既活跃了课堂气氛,又激发了学生学习热 情。) 2.Greetings T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls. Nice to meet you. 3. PK T: Today, we are four groups.Group1, Group2, Group3, Group4. Lets have a PK. Who can get more flowers for your group? Are you ready? Step2: Lead in and Presentation 1.欣赏各国传统服饰引出课题 Unit6 Clothes Part A. T: Now, lets enjoy some clothes from different country. They are from. T: These are clothes. Today, we are going to learn Unit6 Clothes Part A 2.介绍小兔和小熊,他们今天要去参加运动会。 T: Look, whos coming? Its a lion/tiger/bear/rabbit. Say “hello” to them. “Hello, lion/tiger/bear/rabbit.” T: Where are they going? T: Yes. They are going to the Sports Meeting. Lets go to have a look. 3.Teach and practice T-shirt 、T-shirts T:Whats this? Its a T-shirt.升降调带读 T-shirt,G1,great;G2,good job; G3,excellent;G4,wonderful. Together. 4.感知课文,提出问题 3 T: lets watch the video and answer my question. What size does the rabbit get? What size does the bear get? 5. Teach and practice S/M/L/XL, size S/M/L/XL. 6. Is the T-shirt suitable for them? Why? Ss: No. Its too small. 7. Teach and practice small, too small, Its too small. (让学生边说边表演动作 small.) 8. Teach and practice big, too big, Its too big. (让学生边说边表演动作 big.) Ss: Its too big. 9. Game: Clothing show T:Lily will go to the party. Can you help her? 10. Teach and practice wear, what size do you wear? T: The T-shirt is not suitable for them. What does the monkey say? Ss:What size do you wear? 11.呈现并回答问题 What size does the rabbit wear? What size does the bear wear? 12. Guessing Game: Ss(拍手):What size do you wear? X3 T:One,two,who can? S1: T: Maybe? S2: T: Maybe? S3: T: Maybe? S4: T: Maybe? T:Now,lets have a look,one,two,stop! Wow! Whos right? 13. Game:Find the T-shirt Rule:教师将四件 T 恤放在讲台上,请一名学生上台寻找适合自 4 己的 T 恤,其他同学帮忙给予提示。 (教师先拿出 T 恤师范是否合适,再请一女一男上台寻找 T 恤。 ) Ss: “What size do you wear?” S1:“Size S/M/L/XL.” Ss: Its too small. Its too big. Yes! 14. Teach and practice put on, put on your T-shirt. T: Sports Day is coming, please ask animals to put on their T-shirts by using the sentence: Put on your T-shirt. T:xxx,xxx, put on your T-shirt. (设计意图:在学习 Size S/L/M/XL 的基础上理解句子 What size do you wear?体会学习的乐趣,探求学习的方法,继续让学生在情景 中学句,以词带句,句中学词。让学生体验学习过程中的乐趣,将“要 我学”为“我要学” 。) Step 3: Text 1.Listen and follow 2.Role play 3.Complete the dialogue. (设计意图:加强语感训练,让学生在学习语言时不单会读句子,还要 会与人交流,会读出好的语音语调,让读课文变得有趣。) Step 4: Extension Role play: Shopping time Rules:两人一组,一个扮演售货员,一个扮演顾客,进行对话 练习。 (教师先请一位同学上来跟老师做示范,再给一分钟时间让学生准 备。 ) (设计意图:这一部分是一个趣味操练活动,通过活动,让学生在操练 中熟悉并运用句子,这一活动让更多学生参与到学习活动中,培养学 生合作学习的能力和深刻的友谊,让学生在实际生活中运用所学语言,发 展其交际思维能力。) 5 Step 5: Summary Words:: put on, T-shirt , wear, too, size, big, small. Sentence: Put on your T-shirt. Its too small/big. What size do you wear? Chant: What size? What size? What size do you wear? What size do you wear? Size S, Size M. What size? What size? What size do you wear? What size do you wear? Size L, Size XL. 情感教育 You are what you wear. Buy clothes that fit for you. 衣如其人,买适合自己的服饰。 Step 6: Homework 1.I can read: listen and imitate the text. 2.I can do: do the survey on page 44. T: Look at the blackboard. Whos the winner today? Yeah! GroupCongregation! (鼓掌)
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