闽教版三年级下册Unit 5 Parts of the Body-Part A-ppt课件-(含教案+微课+素材)-公开课-(编号:003b9).zip
Read and choose (读一读,选一选)(读一读,选一选) 1、I can see(看) with (用) my . 2、I can listen(听) with my . 3、I can eat (吃) with my . 4、I can smell(闻) with my . ears eyes mouth nose.小组成员分工职责: 小组长:主持小组学习讨论,监督小组成员认真学习, 带头 示范。 前置作业: 1 、听录音,复习读课本第35页,听听读读学语音部 分。 2、请登录班群观看微课,并利用微课跟读自学本课 与 Body 有关的5个单词eye, nose, face, ear, mouth,认真 模仿,尽量做到语音准确、规范。 3、学着说Draw a /two_句子,并试着画一画。 4、你能听懂句子Touch your _ .并做出反应。 Unit 5 Parts of the Body (Part A ) Can you say these in English ? an eye an ear a mouth a nose a face I can ,I show. Whats the Mr. Monkey doing? B .dancingA. drawing First, what does Mr. Monkey draw ? (猴先生第一步画什么?) 课文录像.wmv face a ei cakename skate 滑冰 grapes 葡萄 baby Kate Second,what does Mr. Monkey draw ? (猴先生第二步画什么?) Now draw two eyes. an eye two eyes two eyes big 大的 two eyes small 小的 Then draw a nose and a mouth. nogohomeOK nose o u a long nose 长的长的 a mouth ou th au a big mouth 大的大的 Then draw two ears. Look and say. a nosean eye an ear a mouth a face Whats missing? an eye an ear a moutha face Whats missing? a nose an ear a mouth a face Whats missing? a nosean eye an ear a face Whats missing? a nosean eye a mouth an ear Sing a song 本次比赛,每一组派出一个同学代表参 赛,在场同学读出屏幕上的指令Touch your _ .三位同学背对黑板做动作。 规则:同学们下达指令后如有做提示动 作则算犯规,动作正确,速度快的同学 获胜。 Fast reaction 速度大比拼速度大比拼 1. Touch your eyes. 2. Touch your ears. 3.Touch your nose. 4.Touch your mouth. 5.Touch your eye. 6.Touch your face. 1.Touch your face. 4. Touch your ears. 3.Touch your nose. 2.Touch your mouth. 5.Touch your eye. 6.Touch your eyes. 课文录像.wmv Introduce your pictures (介绍自己的画) 试试看能用以下句子及单词来介 绍你画画的过程吗? 1.Draw a/two Then draw 2. long(长的) short(短的) big (大的) small(小的) Read and choose 读一读,选一选 I can see with(用) my _. I can listen(听)with my _. I can eat with my _. I can smell(闻) with my _. ears eyesnose mouth Homework : 1.完成活动手册第29-30页。 2.登录“闽教英语”完成相关的练习。 3.画你最喜欢的人或物,并用英语写 出你所学的身体部位的单词并向家长 或朋友说一说。1 闽教小学英语第二册 话题:身体与健康话题:身体与健康 Unit5 Parts of the Body (Part A) 教学设计思路教学设计思路 首先在理念方面,本课根据建瓯市推出的“自主互助,展示反馈”的教学模式的基础 上,本课教学采用“翻转课堂”教学模式,依托当前信息技术,让学生借助微课,自主学 习,为实现信息技术环境下的个性化学习进行设计。其次在设计思路上,根据英语新课 程标准中的兴趣性原则、活动性原则和生活性原则,运用直观教学法、启发性教学法进 行教学;我在教学过程中采用“先学后教,以学定教”的原则,鼓励学生自己看微课时也 能开口大声读英语。通过导学、导教、导练,为课堂上内容的延伸拓展做好铺垫。充分体 现“以生为本”,激发学生自主学习的兴趣,学生真正成为学习的主人。第三,文本教学 运用整体语言教学原则,从整体部分整体三段式模式,在单词教学时,坚持“词不离 句,句不离文”运用文本提供的素材,多次播放课文录像,从句子中引出新词教学,同时 根据学生试读中存在的问题,再一次运用直观的图片、自己的身体部位学习新单词,让学 生直观明了地认识新单词,加深了对单词、句子的理解与记忆。始终关注学生“学”的功 能,充分发挥学生在课堂中的个性化学习的积极性。相信三年级的孩子们在已有知识储备 的基础上,通过学习一定能能实现让“不同的学生得到不同程度的发展。 ” 教学内容及分析教学内容及分析 本课是由福建教育出版社出版的英语(三年级起点)第二册第五单元 Part A 的教 学内容,该课通过猴先生教学画画的情境,呈现给学生的是人体部位中头部的五个单词, 以及 Draw a /two_ . Touch your _ .的指令性句型,这一单元是闽教版教 材中第一次出现身体部位名称,但学生在生活中、幼儿园时就或多或少有所认识并会说一 些身体部位名称,但在读的规范准确方面有所欠缺。 学生情况分析学生情况分析 三年级学生活泼好动,善于形象直观思维,对游戏、竞赛等活动感兴趣,有较强的求三年级学生活泼好动,善于形象直观思维,对游戏、竞赛等活动感兴趣,有较强的求 知欲和表现欲,对英语仍保持着比较浓厚的学习兴趣。执教者在分析教材的基础上,针对知欲和表现欲,对英语仍保持着比较浓厚的学习兴趣。执教者在分析教材的基础上,针对 学生认知特点和水平,设计有效的教学方法学生认知特点和水平,设计有效的教学方法 小组成员分工职责:(小组成员分工职责:(PPT1PPT1) 小组长:主持小组讨论,监督小组成员认真学习,带头示范。 前置作业:前置作业: 1 、听录音,复习读课本第 35 页,听听读读学语音部分。 2、请登录班群观看微课, ,并利用微课跟读自学本课与 Body 有关的 5 个单词 eyes, nose, face, ears, mouth,认真模仿,尽量做到语音准确、规范。 3、学着说 Draw a /two_句子,并试着画一画,并标出身体部位,你能学着说 Touch your _ .并做出反应。 教学目标教学目标 语言知识目标语言知识目标 2 学习单词 face, mouth, ear, eye, nose,初步运用 Touch 学习句子:Draw a /two-. 理解句子:Touch your- . 进一步巩固字母“o” “a”在开音节中的发音,学习 ou 和 th 的发音 功能:描述身体部位 语言技能目标语言技能目标 能认读和正确书写 face, mouth, ear, eye, nose 这些身体部位的单词。 能听懂会说 Draw a -. 能听懂句子 Touch your- .并做出反应。 能初步感受 long,short,big,small 的意义,对身体部位进行适当的拓展表达并学着运 用。 情感态度目标情感态度目标 鼓励学生喜欢并积极参加英语活动,激发他们的学习兴趣和热情,提高学习的积极性 和主动性。让学生明白身体的每一个部位对我们来说都很重要,要爱护好自己的的身体。 文化意识文化意识 乐于接触异国文化,明白在日常生活中,中国人和英美人对体态语的理解差异。 教学重点教学重点 能认读和正确书写 face, mouth, ear, eye, nose 这些身体部位的单词。 教学难点教学难点 进一步学习巩固字母“o” “a”在开音节中的发音,学习“ou” “th”的发音。 教具准备教具准备 1、单词卡片:单词卡片:face, mouth, ear, eye, ears, eyes, nose 2、教学光盘,多媒体及课件。教学光盘,多媒体及课件。 教学步骤教学步骤 Step 1 Warm up 1.Greetings T: Hello,Boys and girls. Ss: Hello,Miss Qiu. T: Nice to see you ,again. Ss: Nice to see you ,too. T: Ready for our class? Ss: Yes. T: Here we go. Step 2 Revision 1. Play a game T: Please look! I have a bag, Therere some things in my bag. Can you guess? Whats in my bag? 教师依次出示 clock, grapes, egg., bananas, apple. 复习相关食物单词和句子 Whats the time? Its-oclock. 把相关图片粘贴黑板上, 组成一男孩头像。 2.Lead in 1)T: Wow, its a lovely boy. The grapes are-( eyes). The egg is the-( nose). The apple is the -(mouth). The bananas are -(ears). They are parts of the body. So today well learn Unit 5 3 Parts of the Body.(PPT)出示课题。Follow me, Parts of the Body(twice) 2)Read it together. 学习 body. (设计意图: 三年级孩子刚起步学英语,底子簿,且易学易忘,因此,在此环节运用游 戏,既活跃气氛,在有趣的猜一猜游戏活动中复习水果类单词。把三四单元知识如红线串 珠,把知识的点串成链。形成单元间知识层层递进的系统化,又形象生动引出新课,引发 孩子的好奇心。 ) 3.提出评价方案 There are three groups here.G1 ,G2, G3 .Every group has one smiling face. If you did a good job, You can go on one step. At last Lets see which group is the winner. Come on baby! Step 3 Presentation (一一)展示反馈,检查预学,以学定教。展示反馈,检查预学,以学定教。(330) Show the new words (PPT) 1) 在小组内读读,小老师稍作指导;T:Can you say these in English? Please work in groups. Try it! 2) 请个别同学试着读读,检查预学效果。T:Never mind./smart girl./clever boy. 3) 展示个别同学在家读的微视频。T:OK.Lets watch the vedio. T:Nick is very smart. Leo is a handsome boy.wonderful. Congratulations! (设计意图:(设计意图:学生学习能力的培养要从学学生学习能力的培养要从学 会预习开始,学生预习过程中必然会产生疑问,疑是确定教学目标的基点,是教学的出发会预习开始,学生预习过程中必然会产生疑问,疑是确定教学目标的基点,是教学的出发 点,也是学生学习新知的新起点。点,也是学生学习新知的新起点。) (二二)初听课文,初听课文, 整体感知整体感知,把握课文总体脉络。把握课文总体脉络。 T: The boy has a new friend .Please look. Who is he? Ss:A monkey. T:Yeah,He is Mr. Monkey. He is an art teacher. Whats he doing?( 出示 Monkey 头像并粘贴) Please watch the vedio.(初听课文第一遍) (PPT)Whats the Mr. Monkey doing? A. drawing B. dancing Ss: A. drawing (三) 再听课文,文中学词与句。再听课文,文中学词与句。 1教学新单词 face, eye, nose, mouth, ear, 1)学新单词 face T: First, What does Mr. Monkey draw ?(猴先生第一步画什么?) (PPT) S1: face T: Maybe S2: face T: You also think draw a face. Lets check the answer. (T PlayS the CD) Yes. Lets draw a face. (贴单词;draw) T: :Look!This is a smiling face. (PPT) Smiling please. You are lovely. I love you. Who can read it? S1: T:Wonderful. 4 T:You once more. ( 运用卡片)Please follow him/her.(twice) T:ei ei face 升降调读(2), ei ei_ cake 升降调读(2) T:ei ei the other words. S2: S3: name/baby/skate/grapes T:升降调读(2),大小声读(3),分组读( 运用卡片) 拼读 f-a-c-e,T:Fingers up ,spell it together. 教师板书,学生书空。 T: Second,Which part does Mr. Monkey draw? (猴先生第二步画什么?) S1: eye T: Maybe S2: two eyes T: OK. Lets have a look. Yes. Draw two eyes. You have a good memory. Say it together.(点击录音) 2)学习单词 eye/eyes(运用卡片) Who can read it? S1: S2: T:Wonderful. T:You, once more. ( 运用卡片)Please follow him/her.(twice) T:eye eye 升降调读(2), 分组读 G1,G2,G3,( 运用卡片) T:an eye, (The first letter is “e” so an eye).We have two eyes. (PPT) 师指自身与生一块说 eyeeyes eyeeyes, 男女生读 拼读:Fingers up ,spell it together. e-y-e, 教师板书,学生书空。 b.利用(PPT) 渗透学习 big , small T:Look,They are two eyes. Wow two big eyes, big, big ,two big eyes. Oh so small eyes, small , small two small eyes. 3)学习 nose(运用卡片) T: First, Mr. Monkey draw a face. Second Mr. Monkey draw two eyes. Then draw-.? 相机学习 then(运用卡片) T: Then Mr. Monkey draw -.? S1: a nose T: Maybe S2: a nose and a mouth. T:Please look! Are you right? Ss: T: So congratulations.G4 Has good memory. T: Then Mr. Monkey draw a nose and a mouth. T: Say it together. (点击录音) (出示 nose and mouth 卡片) a. T:Look! Its a (nose). who can read it? Please follow him/her. 升降调读,男女生分组竞赛读, Who can read it? S1: T:Wonderful. T:(PPT) Pay attention “o”-uu nose 升降调读(2), uu go 升降调读(2) T:uuthe other words. S2: S3: OK/no/home 5 T:升降调读(2),分组读( 运用卡片) 拼读 n-o-s-e,T:Fingers up ,spell it together. 教师板书,学生书空。 (设计意图:在新词学习时我多次运用设计意图:在新词学习时我多次运用 Who can read it?”等激励性语言,鼓励学等激励性语言,鼓励学 生通过预学后大胆展示自己。通过导学、导教、导练生通过预学后大胆展示自己。通过导学、导教、导练,充分体现充分体现“以生为本以生为本”让学有余力让学有余力 的同学做小师,激发学生自主学习的兴趣。变学生的的同学做小师,激发学生自主学习的兴趣。变学生的“要我学要我学” ,为,为“我要学我要学” 。学生真正学生真正 成为学习的主人。)成为学习的主人。) c. 结合图片,拓展学习结合图片,拓展学习 long (PPT) Whats this?Its an elephant. Wow It has a long nose. Long long, a long nose 4)学习学习 mouth(运用卡片) T:Look! Who can read it? Please follow him/her. T:Pay attention “ou”, “th”.的发音。 “ou”-au, “ou”-au, th-, th-, 升降调读,大小声读, T:Fingers up ,write it together. 拼读 m-o-u-t-h,教师板书,学生书空。 (PPT) 结合图片,拓展学习结合图片,拓展学习 big Whats this?Its a monkey.Julius the Monkey.It has a big mouth. Big, big, a big mouth 5)学习 ear/ears(运用卡片) T: Then draw -.? S1: ear Ss: ears Please look! Then draw two ears. (点击录音) Read it together. T:Look! Who can read it? Please follow him/her. ( 运用卡片) T:ear ear 升降调读(2), ( 运用卡片) T: an ear, (The first letter is “e” so an ear).We have two ears. (运用卡片) 师指自身与生一块说 earears earears, 男女生读,某一小组 one by one 读. 拼读:Fingers up ,spell it together. e-a-r, T: an ear or two ears?教师板书 two,学生书空。 T: Can you say it? (eareye 卡片,看词说一遍,看图说一遍。) 区别 eareye eyesears Touch your eyes. Touch your ears. T:Who can ricite eye? a.指名拼读并背诵,想像记忆 eye 单词, T: How to remember the word? Oh , oh,Look.We have two eyes. Two “e” look like our two eyes. Letter “y ”looks like our nose. (PPT)Can you remember? 再请个别同学背诵。 T:Yeah.Give me five. 6 只要肯动脑筋,Use your head. You will remember the words so easy. (PPT)渗透学习 long ears, short ears .big ears, small ears. 4.Play games (1)Whats missing? T: Now Its time for games. First, Lets say the words as quickly as you can. (PPT) 游戏前复习 已为学的五个单词 T: Now,Lets begin. Whats missing? (PPT) T: Youre very clever. 4. Listen and touch. T: Lets play another game. Listen and touch. 教师边说边做“touch”的动作。并运用卡片, 引出“touch” ,让学生理解“touch” 。 T: Touch, Touch my nose/ face.(教师示范) Can you? Fingers, please. a. I say, you do. b. Lets chant. c.Lets sing and do it. T: Lets have a compotition. (PPT) d.小组代表到台前,听全体同学发指令(PPT 显示句子指令),小组代表竞赛做。 5. read the text.(回归整体,感悟语篇,深化理解课文内容) 1)T: Youre wonderful. Listen and imitate. 2)Listen , imitate and act. Step 4 Consolidation (基于语篇,构建展示平台,整体输出、初步运用语言基于语篇,构建展示平台,整体输出、初步运用语言.).) T: Mr. Monkey can draw. Can you? S; Yes, we can. 1、 Introduce pictures Introduce pictures in your group. T:OK, Please take out your pictures and introduce it. (PPT 试试看能加上这些词来介绍你的画画的过程吗? A long(长的) nose, a big (大的)mouth, a small (小的)eyes. two short(短的) ears, two long ears For example, You can say draw a face. Now draw two big eyes. Then draw a small nose and a small mouth. Then draw two long ears. OK .Work in groups. T:If you finish it. Please raise your hands. 2)Show pictures and introduce it. 2、do some exercises T: OK. Youre wonderful. Now Lets do some exercises. 1. Read and choose.(PPT) I can see(看) with(用) my _. I can listen(听) with my _. I can eat(吃) with my _. I can smell(闻) with my _. 7 ears, mouth, eyes, nose T: Work in pairs 讲评习题,校对答案。 T: Our body is very important. So take care. (设计意图:通过设计意图:通过“Read“Read andand choose”choose”的拓展练习的拓展练习. .一方面是对所学的身体部位的功一方面是对所学的身体部位的功 能作用的拓展,另一方面是让学生明白身体的每一个部位对我们来说都很重要,要保护好能作用的拓展,另一方面是让学生明白身体的每一个部位对我们来说都很重要,要保护好 自己的的身体,进行健康与安全教育自己的的身体,进行健康与安全教育。 ) Step 5 Summary T: Eyes please. Ears please. Today we learned Parts of the body. (师指板书) T: 1、 Can you say and write these words?- nose/ear/eye/mouth/face 2、 Can you say the sentences? Draw a/two -. 3、 Can you play the game? Touch your -. Step 6 Homework(PPT)(PPT) 1. 登录亲闽教英语作业,完成相应的听、说、读、背练习。 2. 活动手册第 29 至 30 页。 3. 画你最喜欢的人或物,并用英语写出已学过的和下节课将要学到的身体部位单词。 小结评出本课的冠军小组,并表扬鼓励。 8 Blackboard design Unit5 Parts of the Body (Part A)
- 资源描述:
Read and choose (读一读,选一选)(读一读,选一选) 1、I can see(看) with (用) my . 2、I can listen(听) with my . 3、I can eat (吃) with my . 4、I can smell(闻) with my . ears eyes mouth nose.小组成员分工职责: 小组长:主持小组学习讨论,监督小组成员认真学习, 带头 示范。 前置作业: 1 、听录音,复习读课本第35页,听听读读学语音部 分。 2、请登录班群观看微课,并利用微课跟读自学本课 与 Body 有关的5个单词eye, nose, face, ear, mouth,认真 模仿,尽量做到语音准确、规范。 3、学着说Draw a /two_____句子,并试着画一画。 4、你能听懂句子Touch your ____ .并做出反应。 Unit 5 Parts of the Body (Part A ) Can you say these in English ? an eye an ear a mouth a nose a face I can ,I show. Whats the Mr. Monkey doing? B .dancingA. drawing First, what does Mr. Monkey draw ? (猴先生第一步画什么?) 课文录像.wmv face a ei cakename skate 滑冰 grapes 葡萄 baby Kate Second,what does Mr. Monkey draw ? (猴先生第二步画什么?) Now draw two eyes. an eye two eyes two eyes big 大的 two eyes small 小的 Then draw a nose and a mouth. nogohomeOK nose o u a long nose 长的长的 a mouth ou th au a big mouth 大的大的 Then draw two ears. Look and say. a nosean eye an ear a mouth a face Whats missing? an eye an ear a moutha face Whats missing? a nose an ear a mouth a face Whats missing? a nosean eye an ear a face Whats missing? a nosean eye a mouth an ear Sing a song 本次比赛,每一组派出一个同学代表参 赛,在场同学读出屏幕上的指令Touch your ____ .三位同学背对黑板做动作。 规则:同学们下达指令后如有做提示动 作则算犯规,动作正确,速度快的同学 获胜。 Fast reaction 速度大比拼速度大比拼 1. Touch your eyes. 2. Touch your ears. 3.Touch your nose. 4.Touch your mouth. 5.Touch your eye. 6.Touch your face. 1.Touch your face. 4. Touch your ears. 3.Touch your nose. 2.Touch your mouth. 5.Touch your eye. 6.Touch your eyes. 课文录像.wmv Introduce your pictures (介绍自己的画) 试试看能用以下句子及单词来介 绍你画画的过程吗? 1.Draw a/two Then draw 2. long(长的) short(短的) big (大的) small(小的) Read and choose 读一读,选一选 I can see with(用) my ____. I can listen(听)with my ____. I can eat with my ____. I can smell(闻) with my ____. ears eyesnose mouth Homework : 1.完成活动手册第29-30页。 2.登录“闽教英语”完成相关的练习。 3.画你最喜欢的人或物,并用英语写 出你所学的身体部位的单词并向家长 或朋友说一说。1 闽教小学英语第二册 话题:身体与健康话题:身体与健康 Unit5 Parts of the Body (Part A) 教学设计思路教学设计思路 首先在理念方面,本课根据建瓯市推出的“自主互助,展示反馈”的教学模式的基础 上,本课教学采用“翻转课堂”教学模式,依托当前信息技术,让学生借助微课,自主学 习,为实现信息技术环境下的个性化学习进行设计。其次在设计思路上,根据英语新课 程标准中的兴趣性原则、活动性原则和生活性原则,运用直观教学法、启发性教学法进 行教学;我在教学过程中采用“先学后教,以学定教”的原则,鼓励学生自己看微课时也 能开口大声读英语。通过导学、导教、导练,为课堂上内容的延伸拓展做好铺垫。充分体 现“以生为本”,激发学生自主学习的兴趣,学生真正成为学习的主人。第三,文本教学 运用整体语言教学原则,从整体部分整体三段式模式,在单词教学时,坚持“词不离 句,句不离文”运用文本提供的素材,多次播放课文录像,从句子中引出新词教学,同时 根据学生试读中存在的问题,再一次运用直观的图片、自己的身体部位学习新单词,让学 生直观明了地认识新单词,加深了对单词、句子的理解与记忆。始终关注学生“学”的功 能,充分发挥学生在课堂中的个性化学习的积极性。相信三年级的孩子们在已有知识储备 的基础上,通过学习一定能能实现让“不同的学生得到不同程度的发展。 ” 教学内容及分析教学内容及分析 本课是由福建教育出版社出版的英语(三年级起点)第二册第五单元 Part A 的教 学内容,该课通过猴先生教学画画的情境,呈现给学生的是人体部位中头部的五个单词, 以及 Draw a /two_____ . Touch your ____ .的指令性句型,这一单元是闽教版教 材中第一次出现身体部位名称,但学生在生活中、幼儿园时就或多或少有所认识并会说一 些身体部位名称,但在读的规范准确方面有所欠缺。 学生情况分析学生情况分析 三年级学生活泼好动,善于形象直观思维,对游戏、竞赛等活动感兴趣,有较强的求三年级学生活泼好动,善于形象直观思维,对游戏、竞赛等活动感兴趣,有较强的求 知欲和表现欲,对英语仍保持着比较浓厚的学习兴趣。执教者在分析教材的基础上,针对知欲和表现欲,对英语仍保持着比较浓厚的学习兴趣。执教者在分析教材的基础上,针对 学生认知特点和水平,设计有效的教学方法学生认知特点和水平,设计有效的教学方法 小组成员分工职责:(小组成员分工职责:(PPT1PPT1) 小组长:主持小组讨论,监督小组成员认真学习,带头示范。 前置作业:前置作业: 1 、听录音,复习读课本第 35 页,听听读读学语音部分。 2、请登录班群观看微课, ,并利用微课跟读自学本课与 Body 有关的 5 个单词 eyes, nose, face, ears, mouth,认真模仿,尽量做到语音准确、规范。 3、学着说 Draw a /two_____句子,并试着画一画,并标出身体部位,你能学着说 Touch your ____ .并做出反应。 教学目标教学目标 语言知识目标语言知识目标 2 学习单词 face, mouth, ear, eye, nose,初步运用 Touch 学习句子:Draw a /two-. 理解句子:Touch your- . 进一步巩固字母“o” “a”在开音节中的发音,学习 ou 和 th 的发音 功能:描述身体部位 语言技能目标语言技能目标 能认读和正确书写 face, mouth, ear, eye, nose 这些身体部位的单词。 能听懂会说 Draw a -. 能听懂句子 Touch your- .并做出反应。 能初步感受 long,short,big,small 的意义,对身体部位进行适当的拓展表达并学着运 用。 情感态度目标情感态度目标 鼓励学生喜欢并积极参加英语活动,激发他们的学习兴趣和热情,提高学习的积极性 和主动性。让学生明白身体的每一个部位对我们来说都很重要,要爱护好自己的的身体。 文化意识文化意识 乐于接触异国文化,明白在日常生活中,中国人和英美人对体态语的理解差异。 教学重点教学重点 能认读和正确书写 face, mouth, ear, eye, nose 这些身体部位的单词。 教学难点教学难点 进一步学习巩固字母“o” “a”在开音节中的发音,学习“ou” “th”的发音。 教具准备教具准备 1、单词卡片:单词卡片:face, mouth, ear, eye, ears, eyes, nose 2、教学光盘,多媒体及课件。教学光盘,多媒体及课件。 教学步骤教学步骤 Step 1 Warm up 1.Greetings T: Hello,Boys and girls. Ss: Hello,Miss Qiu. T: Nice to see you ,again. Ss: Nice to see you ,too. T: Ready for our class? Ss: Yes. T: Here we go. Step 2 Revision 1. Play a game T: Please look! I have a bag, Therere some things in my bag. Can you guess? Whats in my bag? 教师依次出示 clock, grapes, egg., bananas, apple. 复习相关食物单词和句子 Whats the time? Its-oclock. 把相关图片粘贴黑板上, 组成一男孩头像。 2.Lead in 1)T: Wow, its a lovely boy. The grapes are-( eyes). The egg is the-( nose). The apple is the -(mouth). The bananas are -(ears). They are parts of the body. So today well learn Unit 5 3 Parts of the Body.(PPT)出示课题。Follow me, Parts of the Body(twice) 2)Read it together. 学习 body. (设计意图: 三年级孩子刚起步学英语,底子簿,且易学易忘,因此,在此环节运用游 戏,既活跃气氛,在有趣的猜一猜游戏活动中复习水果类单词。把三四单元知识如红线串 珠,把知识的点串成链。形成单元间知识层层递进的系统化,又形象生动引出新课,引发 孩子的好奇心。 ) 3.提出评价方案 There are three groups here.G1 ,G2, G3 .Every group has one smiling face. If you did a good job, You can go on one step. At last Lets see which group is the winner. Come on baby! Step 3 Presentation (一一)展示反馈,检查预学,以学定教。展示反馈,检查预学,以学定教。(330) Show the new words (PPT) 1) 在小组内读读,小老师稍作指导;T:Can you say these in English? Please work in groups. Try it! 2) 请个别同学试着读读,检查预学效果。T:Never mind./smart girl./clever boy. 3) 展示个别同学在家读的微视频。T:OK.Lets watch the vedio. T:Nick is very smart. Leo is a handsome boy.wonderful. Congratulations! (设计意图:(设计意图:学生学习能力的培养要从学学生学习能力的培养要从学 会预习开始,学生预习过程中必然会产生疑问,疑是确定教学目标的基点,是教学的出发会预习开始,学生预习过程中必然会产生疑问,疑是确定教学目标的基点,是教学的出发 点,也是学生学习新知的新起点。点,也是学生学习新知的新起点。) (二二)初听课文,初听课文, 整体感知整体感知,把握课文总体脉络。把握课文总体脉络。 T: The boy has a new friend .Please look. Who is he? Ss:A monkey. T:Yeah,He is Mr. Monkey. He is an art teacher. Whats he doing?( 出示 Monkey 头像并粘贴) Please watch the vedio.(初听课文第一遍) (PPT)Whats the Mr. Monkey doing? A. drawing B. dancing Ss: A. drawing (三) 再听课文,文中学词与句。再听课文,文中学词与句。 1教学新单词 face, eye, nose, mouth, ear, 1)学新单词 face T: First, What does Mr. Monkey draw ?(猴先生第一步画什么?) (PPT) S1: face T: Maybe S2: face T: You also think draw a face. Lets check the answer. (T PlayS the CD) Yes. Lets draw a face. (贴单词;draw) T: :Look!This is a smiling face. (PPT) Smiling please. You are lovely. I love you. Who can read it? S1: T:Wonderful. 4 T:You once more. ( 运用卡片)Please follow him/her.(twice) T:ei ei face 升降调读(2), ei ei_ cake 升降调读(2) T:ei ei the other words. S2: S3: name/baby/skate/grapes T:升降调读(2),大小声读(3),分组读( 运用卡片) 拼读 f-a-c-e,T:Fingers up ,spell it together. 教师板书,学生书空。 T: Second,Which part does Mr. Monkey draw? (猴先生第二步画什么?) S1: eye T: Maybe S2: two eyes T: OK. Lets have a look. Yes. Draw two eyes. You have a good memory. Say it together.(点击录音) 2)学习单词 eye/eyes(运用卡片) Who can read it? S1: S2: T:Wonderful. T:You, once more. ( 运用卡片)Please follow him/her.(twice) T:eye eye 升降调读(2), 分组读 G1,G2,G3,( 运用卡片) T:an eye, (The first letter is “e” so an eye).We have two eyes. (PPT) 师指自身与生一块说 eyeeyes eyeeyes, 男女生读 拼读:Fingers up ,spell it together. e-y-e, 教师板书,学生书空。 b.利用(PPT) 渗透学习 big , small T:Look,They are two eyes. Wow two big eyes, big, big ,two big eyes. Oh so small eyes, small , small two small eyes. 3)学习 nose(运用卡片) T: First, Mr. Monkey draw a face. Second Mr. Monkey draw two eyes. Then draw-.? 相机学习 then(运用卡片) T: Then Mr. Monkey draw -.? S1: a nose T: Maybe S2: a nose and a mouth. T:Please look! Are you right? Ss: T: So congratulations.G4 Has good memory. T: Then Mr. Monkey draw a nose and a mouth. T: Say it together. (点击录音) (出示 nose and mouth 卡片) a. T:Look! Its a (nose). who can read it? Please follow him/her. 升降调读,男女生分组竞赛读, Who can read it? S1: T:Wonderful. T:(PPT) Pay attention “o”-uu nose 升降调读(2), uu go 升降调读(2) T:uuthe other words. S2: S3: OK/no/home 5 T:升降调读(2),分组读( 运用卡片) 拼读 n-o-s-e,T:Fingers up ,spell it together. 教师板书,学生书空。 (设计意图:在新词学习时我多次运用设计意图:在新词学习时我多次运用 Who can read it?”等激励性语言,鼓励学等激励性语言,鼓励学 生通过预学后大胆展示自己。通过导学、导教、导练生通过预学后大胆展示自己。通过导学、导教、导练,充分体现充分体现“以生为本以生为本”让学有余力让学有余力 的同学做小师,激发学生自主学习的兴趣。变学生的的同学做小师,激发学生自主学习的兴趣。变学生的“要我学要我学” ,为,为“我要学我要学” 。学生真正学生真正 成为学习的主人。)成为学习的主人。) c. 结合图片,拓展学习结合图片,拓展学习 long (PPT) Whats this?Its an elephant. Wow It has a long nose. Long long, a long nose 4)学习学习 mouth(运用卡片) T:Look! Who can read it? Please follow him/her. T:Pay attention “ou”, “th”.的发音。 “ou”-au, “ou”-au, th-, th-, 升降调读,大小声读, T:Fingers up ,write it together. 拼读 m-o-u-t-h,教师板书,学生书空。 (PPT) 结合图片,拓展学习结合图片,拓展学习 big Whats this?Its a monkey.Julius the Monkey.It has a big mouth. Big, big, a big mouth 5)学习 ear/ears(运用卡片) T: Then draw -.? S1: ear Ss: ears Please look! Then draw two ears. (点击录音) Read it together. T:Look! Who can read it? Please follow him/her. ( 运用卡片) T:ear ear 升降调读(2), ( 运用卡片) T: an ear, (The first letter is “e” so an ear).We have two ears. (运用卡片) 师指自身与生一块说 earears earears, 男女生读,某一小组 one by one 读. 拼读:Fingers up ,spell it together. e-a-r, T: an ear or two ears?教师板书 two,学生书空。 T: Can you say it? (eareye 卡片,看词说一遍,看图说一遍。) 区别 eareye eyesears Touch your eyes. Touch your ears. T:Who can ricite eye? a.指名拼读并背诵,想像记忆 eye 单词, T: How to remember the word? Oh , oh,Look.We have two eyes. Two “e” look like our two eyes. Letter “y ”looks like our nose. (PPT)Can you remember? 再请个别同学背诵。 T:Yeah.Give me five. 6 只要肯动脑筋,Use your head. You will remember the words so easy. (PPT)渗透学习 long ears, short ears .big ears, small ears. 4.Play games (1)Whats missing? T: Now Its time for games. First, Lets say the words as quickly as you can. (PPT) 游戏前复习 已为学的五个单词 T: Now,Lets begin. Whats missing? (PPT) T: Youre very clever. 4. Listen and touch. T: Lets play another game. Listen and touch. 教师边说边做“touch”的动作。并运用卡片, 引出“touch” ,让学生理解“touch” 。 T: Touch, Touch my nose/ face.(教师示范) Can you? Fingers, please. a. I say, you do. b. Lets chant. c.Lets sing and do it. T: Lets have a compotition. (PPT) d.小组代表到台前,听全体同学发指令(PPT 显示句子指令),小组代表竞赛做。 5. read the text.(回归整体,感悟语篇,深化理解课文内容) 1)T: Youre wonderful. Listen and imitate. 2)Listen , imitate and act. Step 4 Consolidation (基于语篇,构建展示平台,整体输出、初步运用语言基于语篇,构建展示平台,整体输出、初步运用语言.).) T: Mr. Monkey can draw. Can you? S; Yes, we can. 1、 Introduce pictures Introduce pictures in your group. T:OK, Please take out your pictures and introduce it. (PPT 试试看能加上这些词来介绍你的画画的过程吗? A long(长的) nose, a big (大的)mouth, a small (小的)eyes. two short(短的) ears, two long ears For example, You can say draw a face. Now draw two big eyes. Then draw a small nose and a small mouth. Then draw two long ears. OK .Work in groups. T:If you finish it. Please raise your hands. 2)Show pictures and introduce it. 2、do some exercises T: OK. Youre wonderful. Now Lets do some exercises. 1. Read and choose.(PPT) I can see(看) with(用) my ________. I can listen(听) with my ________. I can eat(吃) with my ________. I can smell(闻) with my ________. 7 ears, mouth, eyes, nose T: Work in pairs 讲评习题,校对答案。 T: Our body is very important. So take care. (设计意图:通过设计意图:通过“Read“Read andand choose”choose”的拓展练习的拓展练习. .一方面是对所学的身体部位的功一方面是对所学的身体部位的功 能作用的拓展,另一方面是让学生明白身体的每一个部位对我们来说都很重要,要保护好能作用的拓展,另一方面是让学生明白身体的每一个部位对我们来说都很重要,要保护好 自己的的身体,进行健康与安全教育自己的的身体,进行健康与安全教育。 ) Step 5 Summary T: Eyes please. Ears please. Today we learned Parts of the body. (师指板书) T: 1、 Can you say and write these words?- nose/ear/eye/mouth/face 2、 Can you say the sentences? Draw a/two -. 3、 Can you play the game? Touch your -. Step 6 Homework(PPT)(PPT) 1. 登录亲闽教英语作业,完成相应的听、说、读、背练习。 2. 活动手册第 29 至 30 页。 3. 画你最喜欢的人或物,并用英语写出已学过的和下节课将要学到的身体部位单词。 小结评出本课的冠军小组,并表扬鼓励。 8 Blackboard design Unit5 Parts of the Body (Part A)