北京版五下UNIT ONE WHAT ARE YOU DOING -Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)(编号:712f4).zip


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五年级下册五年级下册 Unit4Unit4 WhatWhat areare youyou doing?doing? 第一课时教学设计第一课时教学设计 一、教学目标与要求:一、教学目标与要求: 1、 知识与技能目标: 能够听、说、读、写五个动词短语 drawing pictures, doing the dishes, co oking dinner,reading a book,answering the phone;能够运用句子 What ar e you doing ? 询问别人正在做什么,并用 Im doing the dishes/.来做 答;通过说唱 Lets chant 部分的歌谣巩固复习 Lets learn 部分的动词短 语和句子。 2、过程与方法目标:培养学生良好的英语学习策略和综合运用语言的能力。 3、情感态度与价值观目标:培养学生热爱做家务活的美好情感,增强学生生活 的自理能力。 二、教学重、难点分析二、教学重、难点分析 1、本课时需要重点掌握五个动词短语的 ing 形式,能够理解下一课时的主要句型 “What are you doing?”并能用“Im doing the dishes”作答。 2、针对本课时的难点之一,动词短语 ing 形式的读音,教师要多做示范,逐步引 导学生流畅地连读。 三、课前准备三、课前准备 1、教师准备各种动词短语的图片、卡片等。 2、教师准备小道具,如乒乓球(拍)、炒菜铲、碗碟、书、电话、画笔等。 四、教学步骤四、教学步骤 StepStep 1 1:Warm-upWarm-up T: First,lets enjoy a song together,ok?(播放 Lets chant 歌曲) T: Do you like the song? Now,lets review. Please follow me. Do as I do. 1复习动词:(边做动作边说) eat/ drink/read/ write/ draw/ jump/ run/ swim (T: Wonderful! Lets go on.) 2复习词组: take a photo / sweep the floor/ wash the clothes /do the dishes /cook the meals / read a book. (设计思路:在 Warm-up 中通过 TPR 的形式回顾所学的动词,以旧带新,同时也 为后面的新授、拓展做一简单的铺垫,目的就是从一开始就将学生带入动词的 世界。) StepStep 2.2. UnitUnit 4 4 WhatWhat areare youyou doingdoing 的导入及板书。的导入及板书。 1This class Ill divide you into 3 groups. Group12. 3. Lets have a competition,ok? T: Boys and girls. Heres a ping-pong. Do you like playing ping-pong.( 做动作)Please look at me. What am I doing now?(边托球边解释:现在, 我正在干什么?)You can ask me: What are you doing?(拿词卡边领读边板 书) 2T:Ask me together. (师再次托球回答)I am playing ping-pong. 3T: From this class .Well learn Unit 4. What are you doing? (设计思路:这一环节即是课题的导入也是现在进行时用法的感知,针对本节课 的难点,即如何引导学生感知、理解现在进行时所表达的含义。通过 play pin g-pong 这一正在进行的动作,鼓励学生用 What are you doing?来问老师,借 此老师教学并板书课题,且初步熟悉其陈述句的表达法 I am ___ing.) StepStep 3.Presentation3.Presentation 1 1FreeFree talktalk 引出引出 dodo thethe dishes.dishes. T: Hello .Whats your name? S1:(回答) Nice to meet you. By the way, can you do housework? What can you do? Great. Youre helpful. T: Hello. What can you do at home? S2:(回答) Good boy/girl. Youre helpful. T:Boys and girls,I can do housework ,too. Please guess what I can do at home. Look carefully.(师做动作,生猜。)You can use the sentence: “Can you -”) T: Yes, I can do the dishes . (板书然后自己边洗盘子边说:I am doing the dishes.) (板书,并领读:dodoingdoing the dishes,同时教师稍加解释:表达正在 做某事时,动词原形后要加上一条小尾巴 ing。) T: Ok. Please try .(出示图片,教读) What are you doing? Ss: I am doing the dishes. T: We can also say“Im doing the dishes.” (板书:I am 下方板书 Im 教师领读,拿盘子准备传) T: This time, Lets pass the dish one by one, and ask: What are you doing? (领读 34 遍之后开始传,全体同学一起打着节奏问:What are you doing? 当 老师说:Stop 时,拿到盘子的同学站起来边洗盘子边说:“I am doing the di shes.”) (设计思路:由 Free talk 引出 do the dishes ,由学生熟悉的词组入手,通过 传盘子的游戏集体练习、重点突破主句型 What are you doing ?) 2.2. cookcook dinnerdinner T:(与拿着盘子的学生对话)You can do the dishes . Can you cook dinner ? (如果生回答 Yes, I can.老师就用 T: Youre helpful. Please do the act ion and say. 如果生回答 No, I cant 老师边做动作边启发鼓励学生 T: You cant? co ok eggs, can you? What about noodles?) T: Ok ,now say after me. (边让学生说 cook dinner, 边做动作) (师板书 cook dinner) T: It means: cook the meals. (出示它的图片,让学生理解教师的意思) Who can ask me with the sentence : (指标题) S:(读课题) T: I am cooking dinner . (板书ing ,并画连读符号,教读 cooking,出示图片) 师生大小声读,小组之间大小声读 (设计思路:当传盘子游戏结束时,老师问最后一个拿着盘子的学生: You can do the dishes . Can you cook dinner?自然引出 cook dinner 的教学,练习 的形式是两人合作,边做动作边练习。) 3 3readread a a book.book. T: Wonderful.Class ,I have a book. (教师边做看书的动作边教学生读 read a book,并板书) T:What are you doing? (引导学生试着加 ing,读出。然后请学生上台在 read 后面加上 ing。教师出示图 片教读两遍) T:I read one time,you read two times.(教师读一次,学生读两次,以此类 推) T: I have many books here.Look! Who want to get them?(教师把书分发给 学生)Please read it. T:(师蹲下去问)What are you doing? T: (师启发学生说出具体的书目)如:Im reading a Chinese book. (设计思路:当学生读到 picture book 时,老师用幻灯片展示 pictures,并且 问学生 Can you draw pictures ?然后老师在黑板上画画示范,边画边说:I am drawing pictures .自然将 drawing pictures 引出,接着让学生来画画, 亲身体验现在正在进行的这一动作) 4 4drawdraw picturespictures T: Youre reading a picture book. Lets see. (老师在幻灯片上展示,并说:pictures, beautiful pictures (板书 pictures) Can you draw pictures?(板书 draw) T:Can you draw pictures? Lets finish the picture together,ok?Firse,we draw one thing. Ican draw a tree. Who can draw anything?Who can help me? (教师引导学生上台画画,如 a path, grass, flowers,apples and so on .) (设计思路:学生画时教师从旁引导其说句子,几位同学画完之后,老师对画做简 单的评价。) T: What are you doing? Ss:Im _____(引导学生说出句子,同时请学生上台板书 ing) (教师出示图片教读短语) 学生根据教师手势的高低读单词。 5 5answeranswer thethe phonephone T:Boys and girls,Whats this?(出示电话机) Wow,this is a phone.(此时教师模仿电话铃声)Im sorry. Please wait a minute. Let me answer the phone.(老师拿起听筒) Hello. This is Miss Li. Im having English class. Im very busy. By e. Ok,please follow me . (放下电话教学词组 answer the phone ) Who can ask me with the sentence?(指标题) 教读单词后,做 Hide and seek 游戏,把单词卡片藏起来,通过一名学生找卡 片,全班同学用高低声提示,巩固这一动词词组。当学生找到时, 全班学生 问 “What are you doing?”找到的同学边做动作边回答:I am answering the phone.游戏继续。 T: Next,practise in pairs.Use your books,like this.(老师把英语课本卷起 来,作为听筒,并出示下面的对话。) A: Hello.This is ______.What are you doing? B:Hi.I am answering the phone.What are you doing? A:I am____________(drawing pictures/reading a book/doing the dishes/co oking dinner) (设计思路:老师接电话时说:Hello! This is Miss Li.自然渗透打电话的日常 用语,然后做 Hide and seek 游戏,以此来练习这一短语。紧接着让学生将书 卷起做为电话,出示对话提示,小组练习。借助这个短语即可以对前面的四个 短语做一阶段性总结,又可渗透下节课 Lets talk 的内容。) StepStep 4 4 PractisePractise 1、学生边在空中仿写边拼读单词。 2、(师生分工读)Ss: What are you doing? What are you doing? T: Im doing the dishes. (教师边做动作边说) What are you doing? StepStep 5 5 ConsolidationConsolidation andand extensionextension 做踩地雷游戏。学生根据教师手中的卡片读单词,但其中有一张是地雷不能读 ,如果哪位同学读了,全班就一起对他说:one two bomb! StepStep 6 6 HomeworkHomework After school, please give your friend a call in English and talk about what you are doing at home. (设计思路:将本课的教学延伸到课外,也为下节课的教学提供真实的语言材 料。) 金凤区第二小学金凤区第二小学|、八小、砖渠小学、八小、砖渠小学 三校联盟英语教研活动授课三校联盟英语教研活动授课 教学设计及反思教学设计及反思 2014.4 五年级下册五年级下册 Unit4Unit4 WhatWhat areare youyou doing?doing? 第一课时教学反思第一课时教学反思 金凤区第二小学金凤区第二小学 石石 儒儒 今天我上的是一节五年级的单词课,说是单词,其实是动词短 语的 ing 形式,也就是让学生初步感知现在进行时的用法。一节课 下来,整体感觉自己的教学设计、学生的状态以及对重难点的突破 都还不错,但还是有一些不足之处。接下来,我就一一来反思。 首先,在运用小组评价机制方面还很欠缺。比如学生展示时不 能做到机会均等,有的同学得到的机会多,有的同学得到的机会少, 导致不能充分调动学生回答问题的积极性,学生的情绪也会受到影 响。整堂课没有设计小组的展示活动,我给与大家的点评时间较少, 只是让每大组简单打了个分数,导致整个一节课下来,我只给四个 组在“点评”一栏加了星,但并没有起到有效的评价作用。 另外,就是对于时间的把握还是不太合理。在巩固练习环节中 的游戏部分给的时间过于长,并且教学指令不够清晰,导致学生不 明白怎样进行游戏,浪费了不少时间,最后的检测环节练习不够扎 实就打了下课铃,于是就匆匆收了尾,让人感觉很应付,最重要的 是,教师不敢放手让学生自主练习,没有体现出学生的主体地位, 所以很遗憾。 除了以上两点不足,肯定还有不少缺点,在今后的教学过程中, 我会继续努力研究并改正不足,争取能上出更好的课。What are you doing? Im What are you doing? Im What are you doing? Im Lucy What are you doing? Im Lily What are you doing? Im What are you doing? I am doing the dishes. drawing pictures answering the phone cooking dinner reading a book Game: passing the box 游戏:听音乐传单词盒,音乐停止时传到的同 学从盒中抽出一张单词条。 class: What are you doing? What are you doing? student: Im_________. She is drawing pictures What is she doing? He is cooking dinner What is he doing? He is doing the dishes What is he doing? reading a book answering the phone Amy Lily Zhang Peng Bill Lucy Answering the phone Reading a book Tom Cooking dinner Drawing pictures Doing the dishes Watering the flowers is 写出下列各词的ing形式。 draw pictures __________ do the dishes ___________ cook dinner ___________ read a book ____________ answer the phone __________ play football _____________ drawing pictures cooking dinner doing the dishes reading a book answering the phone playing footballName_________________ 1.连线组句。 Amy watering the flowers Lily drawing pictures Zhang Peng is answering the phone Bill cooking dinner Lucy doing the dishes Tom reading a book 1. 写出下列动词的 ing 形式。 (draw )pictures (do)the dishes (cook) dinner (read) a book (answer) the phone (play) football
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