北京版五下UNIT FIVE WHO'S THAT BABY BOY -Lesson 18-Now I can read Now I can write-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:000e2).zip


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Unit5 Whos that baby boy? Review http:/ Sing a song Review the words: grandma grandpa father mother uncle aunt son daughter sister brother cousins niece nephew Guess a riddle: Guess: Daisy Daisy my grandma my uncle my nephew Jack my cousin fatheruncle grandpa Family tree: grandma mother aunt daughter Daisy son daughter cousins nephew son brother sister Review the text: Tom cousin 18 older Toms family Sally Jack niece nephew Review the text: four cousins the same city high school see each other have a reunion fast more cousins Listen and choose: 听第一段,完成1-3小题. 1. Sara is years younger than Tom. A. eight B. eighteen C. eighty 2. Jack is Saras . A. brother B. uncle C. nephew 3. Sally is Toms . A. daughter B. son C. brother 听第二段,完成4-5小题. 4. Yangyang has cousins. A. two B. three C. four 5. Sara sees her cousins every . A. summer B. Christmas C. day Listen and choose: Listen and choose: 听第一段,完成1-3小题. 1. Sara is years older than Tom. A. eight B. eighteen C. eighty 2. Jack is Saras . A. brother B. uncle C. nephew 3. Sally is Toms . A. daughter B. son C. brother B C A 听第二段,完成4-5小题. 4. Yangyang has cousins. A. two B. three C. four 5. Sara sees her cousins every . A. summer B. Christmas C. day Listen and choose: C B This is my family. David is the oldest in my family. He is my grandpa. He is three years older than grandma, Susan. Martin uncle is not married (结婚) . Emily aunt is married. Her husband is Jason. They have two lovely kids, Betty and Peter. Who is this beautiful girl? Its me, Helen. This is my mother, Daniels wife, Alice. She looks young, just like my sister. We often ride bikes on weekend. Lets count, how many people are there in my family? Read and judge: 1.Peter is the son of Emily aunt.( ) 2. Alice is Helens sister.( ) 3. Daniels wife is Alice.( ) 4. There are 9 people in my family.( ) Read and judge: write or. This is my family. David is the oldest in my family. He is my grandpa. He is three years older than grandma, Susan. Martin uncle is not married (结婚) . Emily aunt is married. Her husband is Jason. They have two lovely kids, Betty and Peter. Who is this beautiful girl? Its me, Helen. This is my mother, Daniels wife, Alice. She looks young, just like my sister. We often ride bikes on weekend. Lets count, how many people are there in my family? Read and judge: Guessing game: Guessing: always often usually every day every weekend three times a month on Sundays always often usually every day every weekend three times a month on Sundays Talk something about your family. 1. Who is he/she? 2. Is he older/younger? 3. What do you usually do with your? I play basketball with. 4. How often do you play basketball ? We play basketball every weekend always often usually every day every weekend three times a month on Sundays My family Hello, I am Apple. This is my family photo. This is my grandfather. He is 90 years old. This is my aunt, my mothers sister. She looks young, but she is 2 years older than my mother. They usually visit my grandpa on weekends. We have a big reunion on grandfathers birthday every winter. Homework: 1.Finish the composition.(完成 作文) 2. Introduce your families next.(下节课介绍家人 ) Riddle: Who is he/she? Who is she? She is my mother. She is my grandparents . daughter Who is she? This is a woman. Lucy She is eighty years old. She is my . grandmother Who is he? He is the son of my grandparents. He is my . He is my fathers brother. uncle Who is she? She is two years older than I am. She is the daughter of my uncle. She is my . cousin Who is he? He is the son of my parents. He is my . brother Who is she? She is my fathers sister. She is my . aunt Who is he? He is the son of my cousin. He is my . nephew Who is he? He is my mothers grandfather. He is my . great-grandfather1 北京市义务教育课程改革实验教材英语五年级下册北京市义务教育课程改革实验教材英语五年级下册 UnitUnit 5 5 WhosWhos thatthat babybaby boy?boy? ReviewReview 教学设计教学设计 教学基本信息 课题 Unit 5 Whos that baby boy? 学科英语 学段: 小学初中高中 年级五年级 教学设计参与人员 姓名单位联系方式 2 设计者 指导思想与理论依据 新课标要求教师为学生创设良好的语言环境和提供语言实践的机会,是学生通过实践、 体验、感知、和交流学习语言,能用英语做事,在做事中发展语言能力、思维能力以及交流 与合作的能力。 教学背景分析 教学内容分析:教学内容分析: 北京市义务教育课程改革实验教材五年级下学期 Unit5 复习课。学生在师大版二年级时 学习过 father 、mother、grandmother、grandfather、uncle、aunt、brother、sister 等家庭成员 词汇。本单元在丰富了词汇 nephew 、niece、cousin 等词汇的基础上,丰富了句型 He is 2years older than I am.、How often do you see your cousins?为第六单元学习职业做好充分的语 言准备。 本课时主要教学内容:学生在学习本单元的内容时,发现学生在概念上分不清 cousins 、brother、sister。所以本节课设计了梳理 family tree 活动,使学生形成清晰的脉络,巩固所 学; L18 将 now I can read 板块改编成听力,学生能通过听短文提取主要信息;加入介绍 my family 的写作练习,也是为了六年级更为系统的学习进行语言准备。 学生情况分析学生情况分析: 本年级的共 14 人,本地生 4 人,入学时由于是新建校,可谓东拼西凑的情况下开的班。 本班学生口语表达整体张不开嘴,发音走调,写作放不下拐杖。 教学手段教学手段:任务型教学 技术准备:技术准备:课件,练习卡 教学目标(内容框架) 1. 通过复习家庭成员亲属词汇:如 father 、grandfather、nephew 、niece、cousin 等梳 理出 family tree,形成清晰的关系脉络。 2. 能通过听短文提取主要信息,培养学生的听力。 3. 能有方法分析阅读短文,进行判断。 4. 能根据照片,介绍家庭成员及其关系。 教学重点:教学重点: 1.通过复习家庭成员亲属词汇:如 father 、grandfather、nephew 、niece、cousin 等梳 理出 family tree,形成清晰的关系脉络。 2.在复习词汇和句型的基础上,对学生进行听力、阅读、写作的训练。 教学难点教学难点: 在复习词汇和句型的基础上,对学生进行听力、阅读、写作的训练。 教学过程(表格描述) 教学阶段教师活动学生活动设置意图 技 术 应 用 时 间 安 排 3 WarmingWarming upup 1. Sing a song: my family T:What family members are in the video? Sing an English song together. 学生回答: father 、mother、grandmother 、grandfather、uncle、au nt、brother、sister、cousi ns nephew 、niece 通过歌曲,让 学生复现关于 家庭成员的词 汇,为梳理 family tree 做 铺垫。 课 件 6 分 钟 ReviewReview1. What relations are they? Lets guessing a riddle : PPT:图片 T:This is a picture of my family, listen and guess: who is he/she? 播放音频。 师小结:look,this is Daisys family tree. Daisy is her parents daughter. Daisys grandparents have two children,her father and her aunt. They say brother or sister each other. they were born from same parents. This uncle is Daisys aunts husband. They have two children: a daughter and a son. 指着 Daisy Jack 和 daughter; they are cousins, they were from different parents. The cousin has a son, the son is Daisy and Jacks 学生 watch、 listen and guess,在老师的带领下, 梳理出 family tree。 学生看图,复述课文。 通过梳理,在 头脑中形成清 晰的关系脉络。 复述课文,引 起学生的内容 储备。培养学 生复述课文的 意识。 课 件 课 件 6 分 钟 3 分 钟 4 nephew. 2. Review the text. PPT 3. Listen and choose 4. Read and judge: write or. 学生听短文选择。 学生阅读,判断。 学生对于自己感兴趣 的内容进行提问: what? How? how often? 培养学生听短 文提取主要信 息的能力。 教师在学生阅 读时,进行阅 读方法的指导。 逐步提高学生 阅读能力。 培养学生用英 语提问的能力。 培养学生用英 语进行交流。 课 件 课 件 课 件 6 分 钟 6 分 钟 6 分 钟 一、一、Listen and choose: 听第一段,完成听第一段,完成 1-3 小题小题. 1.Sara is years younger than Tom. A. eight B. eighteen C. eighty 2.Jack is Saras . A.brother B. uncle C. nephew 3.Sally is Toms . A.daughter B. son C. brother 听第二段,完成听第二段,完成 4-6 小题小题. 4.Yangyang has cousins. 5.two B. three C. four 6.Sara sees her cousins every . 7.summer B. Christmas C. day 二二. Read and finish the family tree. This is my family. David is the oldest in my family. He is my grandpa. He is three years older than grandma, Susan. Martin uncle is not married (结 婚) . Emily aunt is married. Her husband is Jason. They have two lovely kids, Betty and Peter. Who is this beautiful girl? Its me, Helen. This is my mother, Daniels wife, Alice. She looks young, just like my sister. We often ride bikes on weekend. Lets count, how many people are there in my family? Read and judge: write or. 1. Peter is the son of Emily aunt.( ) 2. Alice is Helens sister.( ) 3. Daniels wife is Alice.( ) 4. There are 9 people in my family.( ) 5 5. guessing game Who is the girl? What do you want to know, please ask? 6. 读范文读范文, Talk about your family: 学生 talk with pairs.5 分 钟 Homework 1. Write a composition:my family 巩固练习上课 学习的句型以 及运用 课 件 2 分 钟 板书设计 Unit5 Review Who? Is he/she older/younger? How many? What? How often? 学习效果评价设计 评价方式 教师口头评价、小组评价,个人评价 本教学设计与以往或其他教学设计相比的特点(300-500 字数) 一教师有意识的教学生复习、汇总、梳理的意识。 学生在课件的提示下,边听边猜,梳理出 family tree.在头脑中形成较为清晰的脉络。 但是复习时学生刚一开始有点猛,耽误了时间。 二注重听录音,提取主要信息的能力的培养。 将教材中的短文进行改编,从而对学生有效的进行听力训练。 三注重阅读方法和策略的指导。 四在充分说的基础上,进行写作训练。一、一、Listen and choose: 听第一段,完成听第一段,完成 1-3 小题小题. 1. Sara is years younger than Tom. A. eight B. eighteen C. eighty 2. Jack is Saras . A. brother B. uncle C. nephew 3. Sally is Toms . A. daughter B. son C. brother 听第二段,完成听第二段,完成 4-6 小题小题. 4. Yangyang has cousins. A. two B. three C. four 5. Sara sees her cousins every . A. summer B. Christmas C. day 二二. Read and finish the family tree. This is my family. David is the oldest in my family. He is my grandpa. He is three years older than grandma, Susan. Martin uncle is not married (结婚) . Emily aunt is married. Her husband is Jason. They have two lovely kids, Betty and Peter. Who is this beautiful girl? Its me, Helen. This is my mother, Daniels wife, Alice. She looks young, just like my sister. We often ride bikes on weekend. Lets count, how many people are there in my family? Read and judge: write or. 1. Peter is the son of Emily aunt.( ) 2. Alice is Helens sister.( ) 3. Daniels wife is Alice.( ) 4. There are 9 people in my family.( ) 三三. Introduce my family. Hello, this is my family photo. This is my . He/ she is older than . He/ she often on weekend. This is my . He/ she is . We every week.一、一、Listen and choose: 听第一段,完成听第一段,完成 1-3 小题小题. 1. Sara is years older than Tom. A. eight B. eighteen C. eighty 2. Jack is Saras . A. brother B. uncle C. nephew 3. Sally is Toms . A. daughter B. son C. brother 听第二段,完成听第二段,完成 4-6 小题小题. 4. Yangyang has cousins. A. two B. three C. four 5. Sara sees her cousins every . A. summer B. Christmas C. day 二二. Read and finish the family tree. Look at my family photo. David is the oldest in my family. He is my grandpa. He is three years older than grandma, Susan. They have 3 children, Martin、Emily and Daniel. Martin uncle is not married (结婚) . He likes travel(旅行). He often go traveling on holidays. Emily aunt is married. Her husband is Jason. They have two lovely kids, Betty and Peter. Betty is 15 years old. She is 10 minutes older than Peter. Yes ,they are twins. Who is this beautiful girl? Its me, Helen. This is my mother, Daniels wife. Alice. She looks young, just like my sister. We often ride bikes on weekend. Lets count, there are people in m family. Finish the family tree. 三三. Introduce my family. Hello, this is my family photo. This is my . He/ he is . He/ he is older than . This is my . He/ he is . We often on weekend. Susan/ grandma. Alice Emily Betty绿城小学 张立苹 Unit5 Whos that baby boy? Review http:/ Sing a song Review the words: grandma grandpa father mother uncle aunt son daughter sister brother cousins niece nephew Guess a riddle: Guess: Daisy Daisy my grandma my uncle my nephew Jack my cousin fatheruncle grandpa Family tree: grandma mother aunt daughter Daisy son daughter cousins nephew son brother sister Review the text: Tom cousin 18 older Toms family Sally Jack niece nephew Review the text: four cousins the same city high school see each other have a reunion fast more cousins Listen and choose: 听第一段,完成1-3小题. 1. Sara is years younger than Tom. A. eight B. eighteen C. eighty 2. Jack is Saras . A. brother B. uncle C. nephew 3. Sally is Toms . A. daughter B. son C. brother 听第二段,完成4-5小题. 4. Yangyang has cousins. A. two B. three C. four 5. Sara sees her cousins every . A. summer B. Christmas C. day Listen and choose: Listen and choose: 听第一段,完成1-3小题. 1. Sara is years older than Tom. A. eight B. eighteen C. eighty 2. Jack is Saras . A. brother B. uncle C. nephew 3. Sally is Toms . A. daughter B. son C. brother B C A 听第二段,完成4-5小题. 4. Yangyang has cousins. A. two B. three C. four 5. Sara sees her cousins every . A. summer B. Christmas C. day Listen and choose: C B This is my family. David is the oldest in my family. He is my grandpa. He is three years older than grandma, Susan. Martin uncle is not married (结结婚) . Emily aunt is married. Her husband is Jason. They have two lovely kids, Betty and Peter. Who is this beautiful girl? Its me, Helen. This is my mother, Daniels wife, Alice. She looks young, just like my sister. We often ride bikes on weekend. Lets count, how many people are there in my family? Read and judge: 1.Peter is the son of Emily aunt.( ) 2. Alice is Helens sister.( ) 3. Daniels wife is Alice.( ) 4. There are 9 people in my family.( ) Read and judge: write or. This is my family. David is the oldest in my family. He is my grandpa. He is three years older than grandma, Susan. Martin uncle is not married (结结婚) . Emily aunt is married. Her husband is Jason. They have two lovely kids, Betty and Peter. Who is this beautiful girl? Its me, Helen. This is my mother, Daniels wife, Alice. She looks young, just like my sister. We often ride bikes on weekend. Lets count, how many people are there in my family? Read and judge: Guessing game: Guessing: always often usually every day every weekend three times a month on Sundays always often usually every day every weekend three times a month on Sundays Talk something about your family. 1. Who is he/she? 2. Is he older/younger? 3.What do you usually do with your? I play basketball with. 4.How often do you play basketball ? We play basketball every weekend always often usually every day every weekend three times a month on Sundays My family Hello, I am Apple. This is my family photo. This is my grandfather. He is 90 years old. This is my aunt, my mothers sister. She looks young, but she is 2 years older than my mother. They usually visit my grandpa on weekends. We have a big reunion on grandfathers birthday every winter. Homework: 1. Finish the composition.(完成 作文) 2. Introduce your families next.(下节课介绍家 人) Riddle: Who is he/she? Who is she? She is my mother. She is my grandparents . daughter Who is she? This is a woman. Lucy She is eighty years old. She is my . grandmother Who is he? He is the son of my grandparents. He is my . He is my fathers brother. uncle Who is she? She is two years older than I am. She is the daughter of my uncle. She is my . cousin Who is he? He is the son of my parents. He is my . brother Who is she? She is my fathers sister. She is my . aunt Who is he? He is the son of my cousin. He is my . nephew Who is he? He is my mothers grandfather. He is my . great-grandfather
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北京版五下UNIT FIVE WHOS THAT BABY BOY _Lesson 18_Now can read Now write_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_公开课_(编号:000e2 北京 版五下
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