北京版五下UNIT FIVE WHO'S THAT BABY BOY -Lesson 17-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:11bc7).zip


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Unit 5 Whos that baby boy?Unit 5 Whos that baby boy?Unit 5 Whos that baby boy?Unit 5 Whos that baby boy? (Lesson 17)(Lesson 17)(Lesson 17)(Lesson 17) ather nd other i oveou. F a m l y Every day I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you Family Family tree s son Iwife cousins grandparents uncle aunt father mother Family tree sister sister Miyun Family reunion Every day Every weekend Every month Every summer Every winter Every Spring Festival Every year cousins Numbers of cousins See each other . . . Share happiness Sara, join us. come on! Yangyang has_______ cousins. Two of them are in________school. They all live in the _____city and often see each other. Sara has ______cousins. They often have a big family reunion every __________. four same more high Christmas Listen and write Play a game A: Its funny! B: It makes sense. For example: 1.How often do you eat fruits? Never. (从来不) 2. How often do you have English class ? Every Tuesday. My family There are six people in my family. They are my grandparents, my parents, my sister, and I. My sister is eight years old. She is two years younger than I am. My mother is a clerk.(公司职员) She likes growing flowers. My father is a doctor. He likes reading books. I have threes cousins. I visit them every weekend. 1. How many people are there in Mingmings family? ( ) A. six B. four C. five 2. How old is Mingming? ( ) A. 8 B. 10 C.6 3. What is his mothers job? ( ) A. Doctor B. teacher C. clerk. 4. What is his fathers hobby? ( ) A. Watching TVB. Growing flowers C. Reading books 5. How often does Mingming visit his cousins?( ) A. Every day. B. every year C. every weekend. A B C C C Mingming Homework Draw a family tree and talk about it .1 指导思想与理论依据 义务教育英语课程标准指出“英语课程应成为学生在教师的指导下构建知识、发展技能、 拓展视野、活跃思维、展现个性的过程。提倡采用既强调语言学习过程又有利于提高学生学习成效 的语言教学途径和方法,尽可能多地为学生创造在真实语境中运用语言的机会。鼓励学生在教师的 指导下,通过体验、实践、参与、探究和合作等方式,发现语言规律,逐步掌握语言知识和技能, 不断调整情感态度,形成有效的学习策略,发展自主学习能力” 。基于本理念,我深入分析文 本和学生兴趣等因素,确立了本课的主题“my family” 。.围绕主题,结合听、说、读、写,开展 语言的综合实践活动,提高语言水平。 教学背景分析 教学内容:教学内容: 本课内容选自北京版小学英语教材五年级上册第五单元第 17 课。本单元围绕“family”这一话 题,进行展开,表述自己拥有的 cousins 数量及多长时间和 cousins 相聚。Lesson 17 是本单元的最 后一节新授课,学生在前面的学习中掌握了家庭成员的名称及如何表达年龄差,学生能够介绍家庭 成员的喜好。教材中本课分了三个版块,Listen and say, listen, look and learn, listen and match, 对于 listen look and learn 版块缺少相应的情景,因此我把这一板块改成了游戏的 形式“funny or make sense”,不但扩充了练习数量,而且比较有意思。 学生情况:学生情况: 本节课的授课对象是我校五年级学生,他们已经有了四年多的英语学习经历,课上养成了良好 的听、说、读的学习习惯,有一定的语言基础。在以前的学习中,他们能够用 there are 介绍 家庭成员的数量,能够用 He/she isyears old.介绍年龄。 能够用 He/she likes介绍爱好。但对 于 How often 提问活动的频率及用 every 回答在理解上有一定难度。 技术准备:教学课件;PPT 演示文稿; 教学目标(内容框架) 教学基本信息 课题Unit5 Whos that baby boy? (Lesson 17) 是否属于 地方课程或校本课程 是 学科英语学段: 高段年级五 教材书名:义务教育教科书 出版社: 北京出版社 出版日期: 2016 年 7 月 2 教学目标教学目标 1.能够理解并能够朗读对话, 能够听懂、认读单词 every , Christmas,same,quite, reunion 及词组 see your cousins,visit your grandparents 等。 2. 能够使用 How often do you 及 every在情景中对活动频率进行问答。能够通过照片用五、 六句话介绍自己的家庭情况。 3.进一步了解自己的家庭,体会到家庭幸福。 教学重点教学重点 1. 能够理解并能够朗读对话,能够听懂、认读单词 every ,reunion, Christmas,same,quite 及词组 see your cousins,visit your grandparents 等。 2. 能够使用 How often do you 及 every在情景中对活动频率进行问答。 教学难点教学难点 1理解认读 reunion。 2. 能够通过照片用五、六句话介绍自己的家庭情况。 板书设计: Unit five Whos that baby boy? Lesson 17 Numbers : how many people are there in your family? There are Relations: who is she/he? He /she is my Age :How old is your mom/dad? He is Family Hobby: whats his/ her hobby? He/ she likes Reunion: how often do you see your? Every Christmas. 3 教学过程(表格描述) 教学阶段教师活动学生活动 设置意 图 技术 应用 时 间 安 排 Warm up 一、Greeting 二、Free talk Whats the picture about? Today lets go on talking about family. How do you spell family? If F means father, A means and, what does MILY mean? When do you say I love you mom? We should say it every day? Do you think so? Try to do that, ok? (一)The number of family members When we talk about others family, What can you ask? Lets ask someone, ok? How many people are there in your family? (二)The Relation 1Show my family tree and say: Look, if you want to know the man, woman, boy, what can you ask? 2.listen and guess 3. 引导学生问问某个学生 一、Greeting 二、Ss guess Ss: family Ss: 认读 every (一)The number of family members Ss try to ask How many people are there in your family? (二)Relation Ss try to ask Who is he/she? 2.listen and guess He is She is . 3. 利用自己家庭的照片 介绍家庭成员 S: He is my 通过一个 有意思的 家庭单词 的拼写, 引导学生 进入家庭 情景。 理解 every 的 含义。 复习回顾 介绍家庭 成员数量。 复习回顾 介绍家庭 成员名称。 PPT7 4 的家庭成员关系 Who is he? Who is she? 4.利用教师的 Family tree 和描述引导学生认识成员。 They are my cousins. (三)Reunion Show teachers family reunion picture T:My cousins live in Miyun too. So we see each other every weekend. We have family party every weekend. How many cousins do you have? How often do you see each other? She is my 4. 学习单词 cousins (三)Reunion Ss talk about cousins 初步感 知新知。 Listen and say 一、一、Dialog1Dialog1 1.Show picture1 T: Look, Yangyang and Sara are also talking about cousins. 2.play the cartoon and raise questions: (1)第一遍听 Q:How many cousins do they have? (2)第二遍听 Q:When do Sara and her cousins have a family reunion? Why? 二、Dialog2Dialog2 1. 引导学生进一步思考: How often do they see their cousins? 2. Write down Yangyang: quite often Sara: every Christmas. Talk about the reason, why? 3. Look at the Yangyang and his 一、Dialog1 1. View and listen 2.listen and try to answer (1)Yangyang has four cousins. Sara has more cousins. (2) Ss listen and answer Very Christmas She lives China. But her home is in U.S.A. 二、Dialog2Dialog2 1.引导学生进一步思考: 2.Listen and think 3Discuss and 通过听 前明确 任务, 听中完 成任务, 听后发 表自己 的建议 和看法。 进一步 提高学 生解决 问题的 能力, 培养学 生的人 文情怀。 PPT 动画 课件 15 6 cousins. They see each other quite often, they have a reunion. How do they feel? How does Sara feel? If you were Yangyang, what would you say to Sara? 三、ReadingReading practicepractice 1. Listen and repeat. 2. 分角色朗读练习。 3. show. 四四SumSum up.up. 1. Let Ss introduce Yangyang and Saras cousins. 2. Have Ss try to retell. talk about your opinions. 三、ReadingReading practicepractice 1. Listen and repeat. 2.分角色朗读练习。 3.show 四四SumSum up.up. 1. Ss read and try to fill in the blanks. 2. Ss try to retell. 7 Practice 一、 Listen and write How many cousins do Leo/ Jane and Dongdong have. How often do they see each other? 1.Play the recorder 2.Check the answers 二、Play a game “Its funny. It make sense.” 左三排的学生每人抽取一个带 有 how often 的问题,右三排的 同学每人抽取一个回答频率的 短语如:every hour, every new year 左三排的同学可以任意提问右 三排的任意一名同学,看看他 的答案是否合适。 一、Listen and write 1. Listen and write 2. Report 二、Play the game Two Ss ask and answer Others think :Is it funny or make sense? 通过游 戏操练 句型, 使得语 言操练 变得有 趣且有 意义。 课件 游戏 卡 8 Extension Reading 1. Read Mingmings family. Then choose the correct answers. 2.check the answers 3.Have Ss try to introduce Mingmings family. Reading 1.Ss read and try to choose the correct answers 2.check the answers 3. Try to introduce Mingmings family. 培养学 生阅读 语篇的 能力, 为介绍 自己的 家庭做 好铺垫。 work sheet 4 Production 利用自己的家庭照进行问答 和介绍家庭。 1.Use family photos ask and answers. How many people are there in your family? Who is he? Who is she? What does he like? How old is he? What does he do? How many cousins so you have? 利用自己的家庭照进行问 答和介绍家庭。 1.Ss ask and answer 通过家 庭照, 训练学 生就家 庭话题 进行真 实的问 答和介 绍活动, 提高学 生综合 家庭 照片 6 8 How often do you see each other? 2.Introduce your family.2.Ss try to introduce their family. 运用语 言的能 力。 Homework Draw a family tree and talk about it My family There are six people in my family. They are my grandparents, my parents, my sister, and I. My sister is eight years old. She is two years younger than I am. My mother is a clerk.(公司职员) She likes growing flowers. My father is a doctor. He likes reading books. I 7 have threes cousins. I visit them every weekend. 1. How many people are there in Mingmings family? ( ) A.six B. four C. five 2. How old is Mingming? ( ) A.8 B. 10 C.6 3. What is his mothers job? ( ) A. Doctor B. teacher C. clerk. 4. What is his fathers hobby? ( ) A. Watching TVB. Growing flowers C. Reading books 5. How often does Mingming visit his cousins?( ) A.Every day. B. every year C. every weekend.
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