北京版五下UNIT FIVE WHO'S THAT BABY BOY -Lesson 15-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)(编号:71fc4).zip


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Lesson 15 What do you know about me? startTimes up 60 10 20 30 50 40 You should read and answer the questions by yourself. 1.Check the answers in your group. 2.Draw a thinking map together about one of Saras family members. You should think about: Who will draw? Who will write? What should you write down on the paper? 3.Prepare to share with others. Start Times up 5 1 2 4 3 时间限制: 5 分钟 1.Check the answers. 2.Draw a thinking map together. 3.Prepare to share with others. Family Tree教材版本:教材版本: 北京版五年级下册北京版五年级下册 课课 题:题: Saras cousin 授课教师:学授课教师:学 校:校: 指导思想与理论依据 在 2011 版新课标中英语课程的性质指出:英语课程承担着培养学生英语素养和发 展学生思维能力的任务。因此我们要使语言的学习过程成为学生主动思维、大胆实践 并形成自主学习能力的过程。 而思维导图能够使思维的训练培养与语言的学习、信息的获取有机地结合和统一。 使学生在学习新语言的过程中将散乱的知识点结构化,信息点清晰化,学习策略化。 本课是五年级下第四单元 lesson 15 第一课时新授课,话题是“介绍人物”,是在朋 友家欣赏相册的情境中展开交流的。本课我将利用思维导图,在语言习得过程中引导 学生明确可以从哪些方面谈论或描述某人的信息,使人物的信息点清晰化;利用思维 导图梳理本课的知识点,使其结构化;引导学生通过提出问题,参与思维导图的构建, 逐步完成本课的学习,实现学习的策略化。这样学生在老师的指导下,活跃思维、构 建知识、提高技能、掌握策略、习得语言。 教学背景分析 教学内容:教学内容:本课为北京版五年级下第四单元的第一课。本单元的话题是介绍人物, 三课书连起来是一个完整的对话,而本课是对话的第一部分,在对话中 Sara 向 Yangyang 介绍了表兄 Tom。在后两课中,他们还会就介绍家庭成员的话题展开进一步 的谈论。而且也为六年级相关话题的学习打下了基础。本课的教学重点将从人物关系、 年龄及家庭成员构成等方面来介绍家人。 词汇学习方面:词汇学习方面:有关家庭成员的词汇及数词学生从一年级就开始学习了,掌握较 好。所以对于本课出现的新词汇son学生并不陌生,而cousin在一年级下册也接触过, 本课不仅仅局限于理解、会读,更侧重让学生去用英文的思维方式来解释、检测学生 的理解,并在相关情景中和话题下运用。而lovely、kid等词可以通过cute、child等相关 词汇通过知识的迁移帮助学生理解。 句型学习方面:句型学习方面:大多数学生在平时的英语学习中接触过形容词比较级及相关句型。 所以对于本课的重点句型:He is eighteen years older than I am. 学生在理解上是没有 问题的。所以我把本课句型教学定位为:能用功能句描述年龄间的关系。 教学目标(内容框架) 1. 知识与技能目标知识与技能目标: (1)学生能够在欣赏家人照片、谈论家人的过程中听懂、会读、会使用 cousin, son, than. (2)学生能够在比较和家人的年龄关系的过程中,理解、学习He is eighteen years older than I am. 体验英文的思维方式,并能尝试使用句式比 较、表达年龄关系。 (3)学生能够正确理解课文对话,获取课文中 Tom 的相关信息,能在谈论 家人的情景中尝试从多方面描述家人,提高语言实际应用能力。 2. 过程与方法目标:过程与方法目标: (1)学生通过泛听明确了本课的主题;通过精听,自主阅读划批等方法, 了解到了本课所介绍的人物的细节。 (2)学生通过提出问题,和老师共建思维导图的过程将本课的知识点清晰 化,同时明确了可以从哪些方面就介绍人物的话题展开交流。 (3)学生利用思维导图,通过描述Tom的相关信息,对语言的逻辑关系有 了清晰的认识;在group work活动里,在小组合作的过程中,达到语言的进一 步内化、输出。 3. 情感态度与价值观目标:情感态度与价值观目标: 学生通过本课学习,在了解他人家庭情况的同时,也能够更加关注自己的家 人。 教学重点:教学重点: 1学生能够从人物关系、年龄及家庭等方面来介绍家人。 2学生利用思维导图,学习新知,掌握有效的学习策略。 教学难点:教学难点: 利用比较级描述人与人之间的年龄关系。 教学过程(文字描述) 1. Warming-up 活动:歌曲导入,激活旧知 学生与教师一同演唱英文歌曲,Look at my family photos.在歌曲演唱后,教 师根据歌曲中出现的人物,以问答的方式,与学生一起在黑板上构建“Family Tree” 。在此过程中,复习家庭成员的称谓。 T:The song is about a little girls family. How many people are there in her family, and who are they? 教师根据学生的答案,逐步完善 family tree. T:How many cousins does she have? 教师拿起 cousin 的词卡,问学生 T:Where should I put them? 教师根据学生的答案将磁卡贴到相应位置,即叔叔阿姨子女的位置,并与 brother 进行对比。 T:So what does cousin mean? S: It means uncle or aunts son or daughter. 教师根据学生的答案,进行板书。 设计意图:教师通过轻松的歌曲进行导入,在演唱歌曲的过程中学生复习了 已知的家庭成员的称谓。之后将相应的称谓贴在 Family Tree 的相应位置,明确 家庭成员彼此间的关系,之后用英英互译的方式,在 Family Tree 里情境中进一 步理解单词 cousin 的含义。 2. Presentation and practice 活动 1 人物介绍,初步构建导图 T: Today we will talk about a person. When we talk about a holiday we usually talk about the date, the food, the activities and so on. But if we talk about a person, what should we talk about. Lets talk about a person we all know her very well, me. What do you know about me? 教师出示自己的图片,引导学生进行回答。 T: Wow, you know a lot things about me. You know my name, my job, my family, , my hobby 学生在教师的引导下,逐步梳理、总结出人物介绍的几个方面内容。教师根 据学生的答案,逐步完善人物介绍的思维导图。 T:But I never told you my age, because its a secret. Can you guess? Lets do some math exercises. 教师在 PPT 上呈现主句型: I am years old. You are years older than I am. 请学生猜测自己的年龄。在此过程中,学生初步尝试使用语言。教师在必要 的时候进行板书,列出算式,帮助生理解句子含义。 设计意图:学生通过讨论教师本人的相关信息,逐步了解了该从哪几个方面 介绍人物,在涉及人物年龄的时候,教师引导学生用本课功能句进行描述,初 步使用了句型。 活动 2 听音连图,理解课文 T: Now we know what we should talk about a person, we will talk about the age, the job, the hobby, the family and so on. 教师引导学生一起梳理、构建思维导图。 T:Today we will talk about a family, Whose family will we take about? Can you guess? S: Saras family. T: Why do you think so?教师引导学生看图片 S:Because people from the photo are all look like Sara. T: Yes, you are right. But there are so many people in her family, who will we talk about today? 教师播放录音,请学生听录音,提取本课主旨信息 S:We will talk about Tom. T: Please open your book and find these information about Tom. 教师让学生打开书,根据黑板上的思维导图,进行信息提取。 T:From the textbook , what do you know about Toms family, his age and so on. 学生通过阅读文本,提取细节信息,逐步完善人物介绍的思维导图。 教师在此过程中,利用 Family Tree,帮助学生理解人物之间的亲属关系。 T:Look at this Family Tree. If this is Sara, where should I put Tom, Mary, Sally, and Jack. If Sara is 11 years old, Jack is 1 year old. How old is Tom, and how old is Sally. Can you help me to write down the information on the blackboard? 学生将相应信息贴在 Sara 家谱的相应位置并写出主要成员的年龄。 T:Now, please take out your pencil, lets match the names and photos. 师生一同将课文中的人名与文本中的图片进行匹配。之后两人一组进行跟读、 朗读练习。 设计意图:通过听录音,学生找到了本课要学习的主要人物,之后,通过阅 读,从爱好、年龄、家庭情况进行提取信息,进一步完善人物介绍的思维导图。 为了让学生更好地理解课文中人物的关系及功能句型,教师让学生到副黑板上, 一起构建 Saras Family Tree。同时,让学生仔细观察主题图,将文本中的人物 名字与图片中的人物头像连线,进一步检测学生理解课文的程度。 3.Production 活动:小组合作,绘制导图 T: There are more people in Saras family. Each group will read one of them. First, you will do individual work, you should read by yourself and then answer the questions. You have 1 minute. And then lets do group work, check the answers, draw a thinking-map together, and prepare to show. You have 5 minute. 教师提前为每组准备好阅读资料,学生先自学。之后进行小组合作,每组 就 Sara 家的一位家庭成员绘制思维导图,之后在全班师生面前进行分享。 设计意图:教师为了提升学生的阅读能力,为每组学生编写了不同的阅读 材料,材料中大量复现了本课的重点语言。之后组织学生进行小组合作,为 Sara 家的每位成员绘制思维导图,生生之间互帮互助,并将本课知识学以致用, 检测学生提取信息的能力。之后小组进行汇报,学生根据自己的导图,有序地 介绍他人,使思维的训练培养与语言的表达、信息的获取相统一,培养了学生 的综合语用能力。 本教学设计与以往或其他教学设计相比的特点(300-500 字数) 1. 学会思维方法:学会思维方法:本节课,教师采用双板书的形式,帮助学生构建了两个导图, 第一个是家庭树,帮助学生理清家庭成员之间的亲属关系。第二个是针对介 绍人物所用的思维导图,帮助学生了解该从哪些方面对他人进行介绍。两幅 导图,教师与学生一同互动,逐步构建,使思维的训练培养与语言的学习、 信息的获取有机地结合和统一,使学生在学习新语言的过程中将散乱的知识 点结构化,信息点清晰化,学习策略化。 2. 以学生为主体以学生为主体:研究学生的认知水平和文化背景,在词汇的处理上,读音以 学生自主拼读为主,通过英英互译,反复练习,使学生达到对词汇的正确、 全面的理解与运用,符合五年级的认识特点和水平。 3. 尊重个性差异:尊重个性差异:尊重学生的语言差异,为各层次的学生提供语言发展的平台, 利用小组合作的方式,让每个孩子的思维都有不同程度的发展,体验英语学 习的乐趣。1 Peter is seventy-eight years old. He is from Canada. He is a farmer. He is very good at planting carrots and cabbages. He has four grandchildren and two great grandchildren. He goes fishing every weekend, he likes fishing with his grandson, Tom. Q: Peter is Saras _______. Peter is ______ years (older, younger) than Sara is. 1 Peter is seventy-eight years old. He is from Canada. He is a farmer. He is very good at planting carrots and cabbages. He has four grandchildren and two great grandchildren. He goes fishing every weekend, he likes fishing with his grandson, Tom. Q: Peter is Saras _______. Peter is ______ years (older, younger) than Sara is. 1 Peter is seventy-eight years old. He is from Canada. He is a farmer. He is very good at planting carrots and cabbages. He has four grandchildren and two great grandchildren. He goes fishing every weekend, he likes fishing with his grandson, Tom. Q: Peter is Saras _______. Peter is ______ years (older, younger) than Sara is. 2 Ann is seventy-five years old. She is from the U.S.A. She has two daughters, Mary and Kate. She was a nurse before and worked in the hospital. She likes music and she loves to sing for her grandchildren. She likes traveling with her husband. Q: Ann is Saras ____________. Ann is ________ years (older, younger) than Sara is. 2 Ann is seventy-five years old. She is from the U.S.A. She has two daughters, Mary and Kate. She was a nurse before and worked in the hospital. She likes music and she loves to sing for her grandchildren. She likes traveling with her husband. Q: Ann is Saras ____________. Ann is ________ years (older, younger) than Sara is. 2 Ann is seventy-five years old. She is from the U.S.A. She has two daughters, Mary and Kate. She was a nurse before and worked in the hospital. She likes music and she loves to sing for her grandchildren. She likes traveling with her husband. Q: Ann is Saras ____________. Ann is ________ years (older, younger) than Sara is. 3 Mary is fifty-four years old. She is the sister of Saras mother, Kate. And she is fourteen years older than Kate is. Mary is a doctor, and she likes painting very much. She is married to Mark. They have a son and a daughter. Q: Mary is Saras ___________. Sara is _________years (older, younger) than Mary is. 3 Mary is fifty-four years old. She is the sister of Saras mother, Kate. And she is fourteen years older than Kate is. Mary is a doctor, and she likes painting very much. She is married to Mark. They have a son and a daughter. Q: Mary is Saras ___________. Sara is _________years (older, younger) than Mary is. 3 Mary is fifty-four years old. She is the sister of Saras mother, Kate. And she is fourteen years older than Kate is. Mary is a doctor, and she likes painting very much. She is married to Mark. They have a son and a daughter. Q: Mary is Saras ___________. Sara is _________years (older, younger) than Mary is. 4 Mark is fifty-five years old. He is an engineer. Mark likes running. He often runs in the evening. He is Marys husband. He has a son and a daughter. Mark likes travelling and taking photos. He also enjoy playing the guitar. Q : Mark is Toms ___________. Mark is __________ years (older, younger) than Tom. 4 Mark is fifty-five years old. He is an engineer. Mark likes running. He often runs in the evening. He is Marys husband. He has a son and a daughter. Mark likes travelling and taking photos. He also enjoy playing the guitar. Q : Mark is Toms ___________. Mark is __________ years (older, younger) than Tom. 4 Mark is fifty-five years old. He is an engineer. Mark likes running. He often runs in the evening. He is Marys husband. He has a son and a daughter. Mark likes travelling and taking photos. He also enjoy playing the guitar. Q : Mark is Toms ___________. Mark is __________ years (older, younger) than Tom. 5 Kate is forty years old. She is a writer, and she writes storybooks for children. She has two children, Sara and Henry. She likes reading all kinds of books, and she often reads her books for the children. Q : Kate is Saras ___________. Sara is __________ years (older, younger) than Kate. 5 Kate is forty years old. She is a writer, and she writes storybooks for children. She has two children, Sara and Henry. She likes reading all kinds of books, and she often reads her books for the children. Q : Kate is Saras ___________. Sara is __________ years (older, younger) than Kate. 5 Kate is forty years old. She is a writer, and she writes storybooks for children. She has two children, Sara and Henry. She likes reading all kinds of books, and she often reads her books for the children. Q : Kate is Saras ___________. Sara is __________ years (older, younger) than Kate. 6 Tony is a PE teacher. He is forty-two years old. He is tall and strong. His favorite sport is rugby. Kate is his wife. Sara and Henry are his children. He often travels with his family. Q : Tony is Saras ___________. Sara is __________ years (older, younger) than Tony. 6 Tony is a PE teacher. He is forty-two years old. He is tall and strong. His favorite sport is rugby. Kate is his wife. Sara and Henry are his children. He often travels with his family. Q : Tony is Saras ___________. Sara is __________ years (older, younger) than Tony. 6 Tony is a PE teacher. He is forty-two years old. He is tall and strong. His favorite sport is rugby. Kate is his wife. Sara and Henry are his children. He often travels with his family. Q : Tony is Saras ___________. Sara is __________ years (older, younger) than Tony. 7 Sara is eleven years old. She has long hair and two big eyes. She has a little brother, Henry. She is 4 years older than Henry is. Sara likes swimming best, and she wants to be a swimmer when she grows up. She also likes to play baseball after school. Q : Sara is Henrys ___________. Henry is __________ years (older, younger) than Sara is. 7 Sara is eleven years old. She has long hair and two big eyes. She has a little brother, Henry. She is 4 years older than Henry is. Sara likes swimming best, and she wants to be a swimmer when she grows up. She also likes to play baseball after school. Q : Sara is Henrys ___________. Henry is __________ years (older, younger) than Sara is. 7 Sara is eleven years old. She has long hair and two big eyes. She has a little brother, Henry. She is 4 years older than Henry is. Sara likes swimming best, and she wants to be a swimmer when she grows up. She also likes to play baseball after school. Q : Sara is Henrys ___________. Henry is __________ years (older, younger) than Sara is. 8 Henry is seven years old. He is a cute little boy. He likes to play chess. He has an older sister, Sara. He is 4 years younger than Sara is. They play chess everyday. Q : Henry is Saras ___________. Sara is __________ years (older, younger) than Henry is. 8 Henry is seven years old. He is a cute little boy. He likes to play chess. He has an older sister, Sara. He is 4 years younger than Sara is. They play chess everyday. Q : Henry is Saras ___________. Sara is __________ years (older, younger) than Henry is. 8 Henry is seven years old. He is a cute little boy. He likes to play chess. He has an older sister, Sara. He is 4 years younger than Sara is. They play chess everyday. Q : Henry is Saras ___________. Sara is __________ years (older, younger) than Henry is. 9 Lucy is sixteen years old. She is tall and beautiful. She has a brother, Tom. She is twelve years younger than Tom is. Science is her favorite subject and she does best in science. Q: Lucy is Saras ___________. Sara is __________ years (older, younger) than Lucy is. 9 Lucy is sixteen years old. She is tall and beautiful. She has a brother, Tom. She is twelve years younger than Tom is. Science is her favorite subject and she does best in science. Q: Lucy is Saras ___________. Sara is __________ years (older, younger) than Lucy is. 9 Lucy is sixteen years old. She is tall and beautiful. She has a brother, Tom. She is twelve years younger than Tom is. Science is her favorite subject and she does best in science. Q: Lucy is Saras ___________. Sara is __________ years (older, younger) than Lucy is.
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