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1 教学基本信息教学基本信息 课题课题Story Time-7 年级年级五年级设计者设计者 指导思想与理论依据指导思想与理论依据 阅读是从书面文字中建构意义。 在阅读过程中,读者需要对文字进行理解,并利 用自己的语言知识,认知能力和背景知识对文本的意义进行建构。因此,理解意义是 阅读最重要的目的。阅读任务的设计要以鼓励学生对文本进行深层次思维为主要目的, 而非考查记忆。 在英语课堂上,教师需要为学生选择有趣而合适的阅读材料,设计参与,观察, 思考等好的教学方法和活动,培养有效的阅读策略,并让学生感受到阅读的乐趣,从 而获得阅读的兴趣和阅读的动机。 教学背景分析教学背景分析 教材分析:教材分析: 本课选取的阅读材料来自于北京版小学英语五年级下册的 story time,故事讲述一 对双胞胎兄弟抱有不同的生活态度,一个极其乐观,一个极其悲观,他们的父亲希望 能够改变他们的想法,引导他们正确的看待生活。故事结束于他们收到生日礼物后截 然不同的心理告白,有一定的深度。教师希望传达给学生“报乐观的态度,做最坏的 打算,脚踏实地做事情”的道理,增加了父亲的忠告。 故事并不难理解, 全篇故事单词总量 112 个,单词有重复,介词较多。句型有简 单的并列句和从句,重复率较高。 故事中生词有:twin, pleased, shoelace, 可能 影响学生理解故事的词是:twin 和 fast or slow, shoelace,pleased,except。 生 词并不多,因此选择拼图阅读的学习模式,希望在阅读中,学生能够尝试借助老师, 手中的资料解决生词,了解故事大意。 同时,采用图片环游的学习方式,希望学生通 过本课的学习,在与老师的交流中理解故事传达的意义。 阅读在生活中无处不在,是我们获取信息的主要手段。提高学生的阅读速度也是 2 教师希望关注的,因此在阅读过程中,通过控制活动时间, 小组竞争等手段,希望能 训练学生逐步提高阅读速度,并通过阅读获取信息。 学生分析: 在学生已有的英语学习经验中,阅读只是停留在平时所完成的阅读理解题的层面, 并没有其他的阅读学习的环节。同时本班学生不太善于口语表达,阅读书面材料的能 力要高于口语表达能力,因此,要提供学生句型和词组帮助学生,鼓励他们表达。通 过本篇文章的阅读,学生应该能够能理解到生活中乐观的态度要比悲观更好,但是教 师希望引导学生认识到:过于乐观也是不可取的,脚踏实地做事情才是应该有的态度。 教学资源准备:教学资源准备: 常规资源:空白小书本;书本贴图;句子贴图 补充资源:教学课件,词卡,学生用生词汇总表。 教学目标教学目标 1. 学生能够看懂文本,并能够有感情朗读文本中两个男孩的自白部分。 3 2. 学生经过本节课的学习,能够对以下阅读技能有所了解: (1) 看图猜测词义,尝试预测故事。 (2) 抓取故事大意,了解文章的标题的作用。 (3) 练习借助资料和其他的辅助方式,自主阅读,培养自主阅读的能力。 3. 希望学生借助故事,能够理解其中蕴含的寓意:报乐观的态度,做最坏的打算,脚 踏实地做事情”的道理。 教学重难点教学重难点 重点: 1.鼓励学生阅读,初步训练学生默读,快速阅读的习惯,体验英语阅读的快乐。 2.学生能够理解文章传达的意义。 难点:能够理解故事传达的寓意,并用简单的词句表达自己的想法。 教学流程示意图教学流程示意图 4 教学过程教学过程 一、热身导入 课前观看动画片“the present” 二、故事学习 (一)读前活动(4 分钟) 1. Free talk: Likes and Dislikes,导入故事 T:(利用学生的文具询问是否喜欢导入)I like it ,but you dont like. We are different. Lets play the game,“likes and dislikes”. Who wants to try? Now its my turn. “chocolate”, “growing flowers”, “a watch” T: Its a present, I like this present. 【设计意图】:教师与学生就“爱好”和“礼物”的话题展开讨论,引导学生进 入英语学习状态,同时导入文本的学习。 2. 观察图片,猜测故事 T: Lets meet two boys. They have got presents. Look at them! They look like the same! Their hair, eyes, and nose, they are twin brothers. Do you know twin? T(提示):This boy looks happy, he is pleased.渗透 pleased (指另一个) Is he pleased? He is sad. 猜测可能的原因, 引发阅读的兴趣。 T:They all have got presents, but one is happy, the other is sad, Can you guess why? What happened in the story? 请学生试着猜一猜,说一说。 T: Do you want to read this story? 5 These are different parts of this story. Please take out your pictures from your desks. 【设计意图】:引导学生关注图片信息,根据图片猜测生词,猜测故事。引发学 生对于文本的好奇。 (二)读中活动 (26 分钟) 1.1. 小组长课前给组内学生分配不同的任务小组长课前给组内学生分配不同的任务“”AB“”AB 页,页,CDCD 页页, , EFEF 页页, , GHGH 页页, , IJIJ 页,页, 这些同学根据任务不同,分成不同的这些同学根据任务不同,分成不同的“专家组专家组”:ABAB 组,组,CDCD 组组, , EFEF 组组, , GHGH 组组, , IJIJ 组。组。 “专家组专家组”内尝试通过讨论,借助生词条,内尝试通过讨论,借助生词条, 询问老师,阅读故事中询问老师,阅读故事中 的的 2 2 幅图,解决阅读中遇到的问题。幅图,解决阅读中遇到的问题。 T: Everyone has your task, you should finish reading 2 of them. Try to read and translate into Chinese, any questions, you can ask your partner, check your “glossary” paper, or ask me , Please take your task pages, AB come here-, If you finish your work, go back to your group quickly. 分配不同任务的学生回到本组,分配不同任务的学生回到本组, 尝试把不同的页码按照故事发生的正确顺序贴尝试把不同的页码按照故事发生的正确顺序贴 成一本书成一本书 T: Please read and talk about all these pictures in your groups, get the pictures in the right order, and then stick it on the book. Lets see which group is the first one. 教师大屏幕展示正确的顺序,播放故事录音,帮助学生核对答案,关注学生阅读教师大屏幕展示正确的顺序,播放故事录音,帮助学生核对答案,关注学生阅读 的准确性。的准确性。 T:Lets have a look at our story, which is page one? Listen! 【设计意图】:让学生通过拼图阅读,自主阅读故事,解决阅读中遇到的生词,发 6 音等问题,阅读完成后,根据自己的理解按照正确的顺序排序,制作成书本, 检 查学生对于故事大意的了解。 2.2. 根据学生的问题,在老师的引导下,采用图片环游的方式,关注故事细节,思根据学生的问题,在老师的引导下,采用图片环游的方式,关注故事细节,思 考故事意义。考故事意义。 关注故事中的人物关注故事中的人物 T: Who are in the story? S: Mr. Hoffman/father, the sad boy, the happy boy 板书人物图片 关注两个男孩有何不同关注两个男孩有何不同 T: Whats the difference between the two boys? 学生尝试回答 S: Try to answer. ( one boy-, the other-) 板书 feel sad, feel happy T: They see life in the different way. 板书 see life So Mr. Hoffman gives them different presents. 梳理梳理 2 2 个男孩不同的礼物及其反应个男孩不同的礼物及其反应: : 梳理梳理 thethe sadsad boyboy 的部分的部分 (1)the sad boy 得到了什么礼物 T: what present does the sad boy get? S: A gold watch 板书 gold watch (2)学生体会得到金表做礼物什么感觉 (选择学生) I have a gold watch for you , how do you feel? (3)the sad boy 什么感觉 T: How does he feel? Why? 7 S:(try to answer) 板书 fast or slow (4) 请学生模仿 梳理梳理 thethe happyhappy boyboy 的部分的部分 (1) 得到了什么礼物 T: What present does the happy boy get? S: A shoelace (2) 他怎么看待礼物 T: How does he feel? Lets listen! 播放录音 (3) 教师模仿(搞笑) T: Look! The shoelace! Im sure I will have the new shoes. (4) 请学生模仿 T: Who can act the happy boy? 询问模仿的学生,爸爸给他新鞋了吗? T: Does Mr. Hoffman give him the new shoes? S: No 利用利用 flyingflying turtleturtle 的图片,帮助学生理解(的图片,帮助学生理解(they cant see life in the right way.) T: But he is very happy with his shoelace. (出示飞行的小乌龟图片)look at the happy turtle. What is he doing? S: The turtle is flying. T: Are you sure?(转换视角,变成乌龟躺在地上) T: (让学生读一读乌龟的自白),The turtle cant move. Maybe some big animals come here and eat him. Its very bad. But the turtle is happy with it. so the turtle is just like - S: the happy boy. T: Yes, the happy boy is happy with something not so good. 8 And the sad boy should try to be the turtle. Maybe he could be happy. 总结两个男孩都不能正确看待生活:总结两个男孩都不能正确看待生活: T: Can they see life in the right way? S: No, They dont see life in the right way 【设计意图】:了解故事大意的基础上,采用图片环游的方式,师生交流,引导学生 批判的读故事,借助小乌龟的图片理解两个男孩的态度是错误的。 3.3. 补充故事结局,引导学生通过阅读,给两个男孩提出合理的建议。补充故事结局,引导学生通过阅读,给两个男孩提出合理的建议。 阅读故事,给阅读故事,给 thethe sadsad boyboy 提建议提建议 T:Mr. Hoffman want to help them see life in the right way, (出示 P9-P10)So (提示学生朗读) 板书 in the right way S: Mr.Hoffman has a talk with his sons, 3 months later T:They are going to school, look, they are talking about the watch. T: Is the gold watch fast or slow? S: No. T:So he has a good gift, he should be happy. 让学生讨论,应该对他说什么。 T: What do you want to say to him? 根据学生的理解,教师总结。 阅读故事,阅读故事, 给给 thethe happyhappy boyboy 提建议提建议 T: Mr. Hoffman gives the happy boy the new shoes. Yes or no? S: No. T: So his gift is only a shoelace, not - S: The new shoes. 9 T: Thats really bad. 让学生讨论,应该对他说什么。 根据学生的理解,教师总结。 【设计意图】:继续采用图片环游的方式,观察图片,提出问题,引发学生根据常识 思考,推测,做出判断,两个男孩的问题在哪儿, 如何给他们提建议。 4.4. 引导学生思考爸爸会如何说。引导学生思考爸爸会如何说。 T: What did Mr. Hoffman talk to them? 出示 Mr.Hoffman 的所有语句,以第一部分为例展示活动要求 These are in your paper bag. Take it out. Please read and talk about which is for the happy boy and which is for the sad boy , stick them in the right places. 小组活动:出示小组活动:出示 4 4 段话给学生,小组活动讨论哪些表达是说给段话给学生,小组活动讨论哪些表达是说给 thethe sadsad boyboy 的,的, 哪些是说给哪些是说给 thethe happyhappy boyboy 的的, ,把对应的纸条贴在正确的位置。把对应的纸条贴在正确的位置。 T:What did Mr. Hoffman talk to his sad boy? What did he talk to the happy boy? S:学生试着读出来 教师总结,提炼出故事的意义教师总结,提炼出故事的意义 T: So Mr. Hoffman wants the sad boy to have hopes for the best, 板书 have hopes for the best And he wants the happy boy to prepare for the worst. 板书 Prepare for the worst He thinks it is -the right way to see life. (引导学生说) 【设计意图】:总结故事,拓展练习,引导学生思考,Mr. Hoffman 所认为的正确看 待生活的方式是什么,启发学生进一步理解故事所要传达的意义。 10 (三)读后活动(9 分钟) 1.1. 活动一活动一: :心理小测试,引导学生关注自身,无论悲观还是乐观,脚踏实地最重要。心理小测试,引导学生关注自身,无论悲观还是乐观,脚踏实地最重要。 (1)进行测试进行测试 T: Which one are you? The happy boy or the sad boy? There is a psychological test, 心理测试,to check you are happy, or sad. Do you want to try? 解释心理测试 T: If you think it is a half full, please stand up, and the others, you think it is a half empty. Lets check the answer. 出示测试结果, 学生阅读,说一说: T: Im a glass half empty person, how about you? S: Im a glass half full person. Im a glass half empty person. T: Which boy is a glass half full? Which is a glass half empty? T:Its just for fun. (2 2)传达给学生正确的观点)传达给学生正确的观点 T: No matter half full, or half empty, the point is we can make the glass a full one. Who can do it? (找一个学生试一试把杯子倒满)-问:Is it easy? T: Yes, its very easy to do. You just do it. (3 3)引导学生关注)引导学生关注 thethe happyhappy boyboy 最终通过努力自己买到了鞋子最终通过努力自己买到了鞋子 T: Now lets look back to the happy boy. Who buys the new shoes for him? S: He buys on his own. T: He works hard and he tries his best to do things. 板书 Try best to do everything 11 T: What should we do in our life? In our life, (4 4)教师总结)教师总结, ,引导学生说一说引导学生说一说 S: We should prepare for the worst and have hopes for the best And try best to do everything for everyday T: We will get everything we want. Lets try, OK? 【设计意图】:运用半杯水测试,尝试让学生思考自身是乐观还是悲观,怎么才是正确 的态度。 了解 a half full 和 a half empty 可以表达乐观和悲观,传达给学生积极 的人生观。 2.2. 活动二:活动二: GroupGroup workwork 讨论,为故事选择合适的题目。讨论,为故事选择合适的题目。 T: Oh, we dont have a name for the story, can you think of a name for the story? 学生思考选择标题 , 并自己在封面上写上标题。 教师板书贴标题。 【设计意图】:了解标题的作用,尝试为故事选择标题,加深理解故事。 三、布置作业(1 分钟) T: We finish reading this book. what do you want to say to the boys? You can think and write on P13. Or you can try to finish reading this story. 任选其一完成: 写一写:你想对两个男孩说什么。 完成 “The milkmaid and her pail”的阅读。 12 板书设计板书设计 评价方式评价方式 13 1.口头评价:运用 good, smart, you are right 等课堂用语鼓励学生。 2.运用小组比赛的方式,控制活动的活动时间,提高活动的有效性。 教学设计特色 1.在希望学生能够学生自主阅读文本,解决学习中的问题,了解故事大意的环节, 采用了拼图教学的方式。 后续希望学生能够关注细节,理解文本意义的环节,采 用了图片环游,师生交流的方式。 2. 利用图片,心理小测试的方式,帮助学生理解抽象的意义。There is not always the bad in our life. There is not always the bad in our life. There is not always the bad in our life. There is not always the bad in our life. There is not always the bad in our life. There is not always the bad in our life. There is not always the bad in our life. There is not always the bad in our life. There is not always the bad in our life. There is not always the bad in our life. There is not always the bad in our life. There is not always the bad in our life. There is not always the bad in our life. There is not always the bad in our life. There is not always the bad in our life. There is not always the bad in our life. There is not always the bad in our life. There is not always the bad in our life. There is not always the bad in our life. There is not always the bad in our life. There is not always the bad in our life. There is not always the bad in our life. There is not always the bad in our life. There is not always the bad in our life. There is not always the bad in our life. There is not always the bad in our life. There is not always the bad in our life. There is not always the bad in our life. There is not always the bad in our life. There is not always the bad in our life. There is not always the bad in our life. There is not always the bad in our life. There is not always the bad in our life. There is not always the bad in our life. There is not always the bad in our life. There is not always the bad in our life. There is not always the bad in our life. There is not always the bad in our life. There is not always the bad in our life. There is not always the bad in our life. There is not always the bad in our life. There is not always the bad in our life. There is not always the bad in our life. There is not always the bad in our life. There is not always the bad in our life. There is not always the bad in our life. There is not always the bad in our life. There is not always the bad in our life. You should have hopes for the best. Enjoy every day! You should have hopes for the best. Enjoy every day! You should have hopes for the best. Enjoy every day! You should have hopes for the best. Enjoy every day! You should have hopes for the best. Enjoy every day! You should have hopes for the best. Enjoy every day! You should have hopes for the best. Enjoy every day! You should have hopes for the best. Enjoy every day! You should have hopes for the best. Enjoy every day! You should have hopes for the best. Enjoy every day! You should have hopes for the best. Enjoy every day! You should have hopes for the best. Enjoy every day! You should have hopes for the best. Enjoy every day! You should have hopes for the best. Enjoy every day! You should have hopes for the best. Enjoy every day! You should have hopes for the best. Enjoy every day! You should have hopes for the best. Enjoy every day! You should have hopes for the best. Enjoy every day! You should have hopes for the best. Enjoy every day! You should have hopes for the best. Enjoy every day! You should have hopes for the best. Enjoy every day! You should have hopes for the best. Enjoy every day! You should have hopes for the best. Enjoy every day! You should have hopes for the best. Enjoy every day! You should have hopes for the best. Enjoy every day! You should have hopes for the best. Enjoy every day! You should have hopes for the best. Enjoy every day! You should have hopes for the best. Enjoy every day! You should have hopes for the best. Enjoy every day! You should have hopes for the best. Enjoy every day! You should have hopes for the best. Enjoy every day! You should have hopes for the best. Enjoy every day! Prepare for the worst, my boy. You only have a shoelace as your gift. Prepare for the worst, my boy. You only have a shoelace as your gift. Prepare for the worst, my boy. You only have a shoelace as your gift. Prepare for the worst, my boy. You only have a shoelace as your gift. Prepare for the worst, my boy. You only have a shoelace as your gift. Prepare for the worst, my boy. You only have a shoelace as your gift. Prepare for the worst, my boy. You only have a shoelace as your gift. Prepare for the worst, my boy. You only have a shoelace as your gift. Prepare for the worst, my boy. You only have a shoelace as your gift. Prepare for the worst, my boy. You only have a shoelace as your gift. Prepare for the worst, my boy. You only have a shoelace as your gift. Prepare for the worst, my boy. You only have a shoelace asyour gift. Prepare for the worst, my boy. You only have a shoelace as your gift. Prepare for the worst, my boy. You only have a shoelace as your gift. Prepare for the worst, my boy. You only have a shoelace as your gift. Prepare for the worst, my boy. You only have a shoelace as your gift. Prepare for the worst, my boy. You only have a shoelace as your gift. Prepare for the worst, my boy. You only have a shoelace as your gift. Prepare for the worst, my boy. You only have a shoelace as your gift. Prepare for the worst, my boy. You only have a shoelace as your gift. Prepare for the worst, my boy. You only have a shoelace as your gift. Prepare for the worst, my boy. You only have a shoelace as your gift. Prepare for the worst, my boy. You only have a shoelace as your gift. Prepare for the worst, my boy. You only have a shoelace as your gift. Prepare for the worst, my boy. You only have a shoelace as your gift. Prepare for the worst, my boy. You only have a shoelace as your gift. Prepare for the worst, my boy. You only have a shoelace as your gift. Prepare for the worst, my boy. You only have a shoelace asyour gift. Prepare for the worst, my boy. You only have a shoelace as your gift. Prepare for the worst, my boy. You only have a shoelace as your gift. Prepare for the worst, my boy. You only have a shoelace as your gift. Prepare for the worst, my boy. You only have a shoelace as your gift. But there is a job for you. Maybe you can buy yourself the nice shoes. But there is a job for you. Maybe you can buy yourself the nice shoes But there is a job for you. Maybe you can buy yourself the nice shoes.
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北京版五下STORY TIME_STORY 7_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_公开课_(编号:90456 北京 版五下 story _ppt 课件 教案 素材 公开 公然 编号
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