北京版六下UNIT THREE LET'S LIVE A LOW-CARBON LIFE-Lesson 9-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)(编号:e020b).zip


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trash plastic bags public places exhaust 3 Qs Whats it for? It tells people to protect the environment. Whats it for? It tells people to protect the environment. Whats it for? using dont litter in public places put the trash into the trashcans 1. Date 2. Purpose is on . It tells people to . We can . We should . 3. Activities Dont . We need . . So that we can keep our city . What can we do then? Step 1: Work in groups of 4. What can we do then? save paper waste food put the trash into the trashcans walk on the grass play with water protect the animals pick flowers turn off the lights when you leave Step 2: Find and stick. What can we do then? should/can: We Your ideas: shouldnt/cant: Dont: . . . . . . . What can we do then? should/can: We Your ideas: shouldnt/cant: Dont: . . . . . . . stop using plastic bags Your ideas: What can we do then? should/can: We Your ideas: shouldnt/cant: Dont: . . . . . . . Step 2: Find and stick. Step 3: Say it one by one. Step 1: Work in groups of 4. Step 4: Share with us. What can we do then? What can we do then? should/can: We Your ideas: shouldnt/cant: Dont: . . . . . . . What can we do then? should/can: We Your ideas: shouldnt/cant: Dont: . . . . . . . Step 2: Find and stick. Step 3: Say it one by one. Step 1: Work in groups of 4. Step 4: Share with us. What can we do then? World Earth Day is on _________ . It tells people to_________________. We can do many things on that day. We should _____________. We cant ____________. Lets do it together. 6. 1.Reason 3. Date 4. purpose 5. Activities Because of . On that day, we should . We shouldnt .We can . We cant . Dont . It tells people to . Its on . . . 2. Name We have . Because of pollution ,we have World Earth Day. Its on April 22nd. It tells people to protect the environment. We can do many things on that day. We should stop using plastic bags. We can go to school by bus or on foot. We cant play with water. Dont waste food. We need to keep the public places clean and tidy. Lets try our best, then, our earth will clean and tidy. 1. Recite Lesson 9. 2. Finish your introduction, share with us next class. 3.a. Find out the answers. b. Introduce a new special day about the environment. 板书设计板书设计 Purpose Date Activities Reason April 22nd can litter in public places keep the lawn clean and tidy stop using plastic bags go to work by bus or by subway Pollution It tells people to protect the environment. Whats it for? Its Because of We have Name should need need to Dont They more trashcans by the roadside World Earth Day is on _________ . It tells people to_________________. We can do many things on that day. We should ________________. We cant ____________. Lets do it together. 6. 1.Reason 3. Date 4. Purpose 5. Activities Because of . On that day, we should. We can . We need. We need to. We shouldnt. We cant . Dont . It tells people to . Its on . . . 2. Name We have . Because of pollution ,we have World Earth Day. Its on April 22nd. It tells people to protect the environment. We can do many things on that day. We should stop using plastic bags. We can go to school by bus or on foot. We cant play with water. Dont waste food. We need to keep the public places clean and tidy. Lets try our best, then, our earth will clean and tidy. Activity What can we do then? should/can: We Your ideas: shouldnt/cant: Dont: . . . . . . . What can we do then? should/can: We Your ideas: shouldnt/cant: Dont: . . . . . . . What can we do then? should/can: We Your ideas: shouldnt/cant: Dont: . . . . . . . What can we do then? should/can: We Your ideas: shouldnt/cant: Dont: . . . . . . .1 姓名姓名学科学科英语年级年级六 教材版本教材版本北京版课题课题Unit 3 Lets live a low-carbon life. Lesson 9 单元整体分析单元整体分析 1、单元主题:环境和我们的生活。 2、单元话题:低碳生活。 3、本课话题:保护环境。 单元目标单元目标 1、了解与环保主题相关的特殊节日的日期等主要信息,并运用与之相关的短语 及功能句介绍节日。 2. 能听懂、会说保护环境、低碳生活和保护动物的具体途径和方法。 3. 在多元化的活动中树立低碳生活的意识。 4. 借助设计环保倡议书宣传环保理念。 本课教材分析本课教材分析 1、本课是第三单元的第一课时,需要学生了解世界地球日的时间、意义,以及 知道在这一天可以做什么。 2、与之相关的词汇有World Earth Day, protect the environment, go to school by bus or subway, stop using plastic bags, litter, in public places , look around, answer the questions, keep the lawn clean and tidy, more trashcans, by the roadside。其中litter在四年级下册的Lets do中学过;有的词组中,有的词学过有的词没学过,例如:World Earth Day,world和day学过,但Earth没学过;有的词,是第一次出现,例如: environment, plastic, public, lawn ,trashcans和roadside;有的词经常听说,但没见过单词,例如:answer the questions;有的词学生能读,但很少使用,例如:look around。 3、与之相关的句型It tells people to是第一次接触。祈使句Do/Dont和Lets从一年级的教材开始,已经接 触过多次。句型We should/can,We shouldnt/cant,在平时的教学中多次出现并使用过,句型We need 很少使用。 4、在本课结束时,需要学生对现在的恶化的地球环境,增强保护环境的意识, 从自己、小事和现在做起,为了改变我们的环境出一份力。 学情分析学情分析 1. 自然情况:六年级3班的学生两极分化,班容量比较大,有42人,其中有28% 的学生基础比较好,接受能力比较强,有一定的词汇储备,有用英语表达的欲 望和能力,课外知识比较丰富;有24%的学生的综合能力比较弱,不愿表达。 2. 已有知识:经过前测了解到,学生对保护环境的话题了解。;表达 2 日期的句型和词汇,学生对月份的表达有所遗忘,序数词容易与基数词混淆使 用;与环保相关的词汇知道。;祈使句曾在四年级signs 这一话题中学习过;提出建议的句型We should/can/shouldnt/cant/Dont,在平时教学中经常使用,学生能够理解并 进行表达,We need(to),学生能理解,但很少使用。 3. 存在问题:一部分学生用英语表达的能力比较弱;一部分学生对日期的认读和 表达不熟练甚至不会说;一部分学生的知识面比较窄,甚至对于保护环境没有 概念;一部分学生对所学知识不知道如何进行梳理;提问、质疑的意识比较薄 弱。 4. 解决策略:在本课的学习过程中,通过各种提问、演示和活动,逐步展现所学 内容,帮助学生理解本课的知识,设计帮助学生运用所学语言的活动;教给学 生如何有逻辑的表达;如何梳理知识的方法;有些地方需要分层教学,使不同 水平的学生在原有的基础上,都有所收获和提高。 本课教学目标本课教学目标 1、能在活动中了解,并能介绍有关环保的特殊节日的主要信息;能够在恰当的 语境中尝试使用It tells to的句式谈论节日的意义,能用We should/can,We shouldnt/cant, Dont和Lets宣传环保的途径和方法。 2、能理解、听懂、认读词汇:World Earth Day, protect the environment, stop using, plastic bags, in public places , keep the lawn clean and tidy, more trashcans, by the roadside。 3、能够理解和朗读对话,并尝试转述课文。 4、能在学习活动中增强环保意识。 教学重难点教学重难点 教学重点:教学重点: 1. 能使用功能句型: a. 特殊节日日期的询问及回答:“Whats the date?” “Its .”并以学生能表达日期为主。 b. 特殊节日意义的问与答:“Whats it for? It tells people to .” c. 表示可以做某事和不可以做某事的祈使句:“Do/Dont/Lets.”和提出建 议的句式“We should/We shouldnt/We can/We cant.” 2. 能理解、认读词汇: World Earth Day, protect the environment, stop using, plastic bags, in public places, keep the lawn clean and tidy, more trashcans, by the roadside. 3、能够理解和朗读对话。 教学难点:教学难点: 3 1. 理解environment的含义;单词environment, lawn的正确发音。 2.能够正确运用祈使句,提出建议的句式和活动词汇宣传环保的方法和途径。 教学过程教学过程 分小组合作,选组长。(分小组合作,选组长。(2人、人、3人、人、4人)人) Step 1.Free talk 1) Talk about the weather T: Boys and girls, a question. Whats the weather like today? S: T: Is the weather always so good/like this in Beijing? S: T: What do you think of the weather in Beijing? S: T: So, in Beijing北京, sometimes its clear and sometimes there are some haze. S: T: Sometimes, why do we have the bad weather? S: 2) Something in your life T: Look! have you seen it in your life? 动物园 S: T: What are these? 垃圾 S: T: They are trash.读。Who throw the trash here? S: T: What are they?塑料袋 S: T: They are plastic bags.读People throw them away, they become trash. S: T: Sometimes we can see it at the zoo 动物园. What other places can you see it? S:. T: In the park公园, in the street大街, in the river河 or anywhere else. We call them public places.读 T: Have you ever seen anything like this? 堵车 S: T: A lot of cars will have a lot of exhaust. 尾气 S: 4 3) Bad environment in some parts of the world T: Sometimes the weather in Beijing, and the environment in some parts of the world are getting worse and worse. Here is a video about that. Lets watch.视频 S:Watch. T:What do you think of the video? S: 4) Reason T:所有污染w3Everything we see is called pollution.板书Who caused it? S: T/S: Its almost caused by humans.人 Do you want to change it? S: T: Because of pollution, we have a special day. Do you know what day it is? S: T: Its World Earth Day. 板画/读两种说法What do you know about it? S: 这里,老师把学生知道的词卡贴在黑板一侧 T: What do you want to know about it? S: 这里,老师把学生想知道的词卡继续贴在黑板一侧。 Whats the date? When is it?-Date、Whats it for? Why do we have it? Purpose、What can we do on that day?-Activities、Whats the theme? - Theme(主题)、Whats its origin? -Origin、Who is the proponent? Who is the first person to talk about it?Proponent(倡议人)、How many countries/people took part in?-Participants(参与者)、When did it begin?- Start time(开始时间)、Where did it begin?-Start place(开始地点)、Whats the motto?-Motto(座右铭)、Whats the mascot?-Mascot(吉祥物) 、Whats the slogan?-Slogan(口号)、How much did it cost?-Cost 或者这样分类Why、When、What、How、Where、How often、How long Step 2:Presentation 1) Talk about the picture of lesson 9 T: So, class, for what weve just talked about, do Guoguo and her parents know it? Lets have a look. T:Where are they now? S: T: Theyre in the community. Community? Our school is in Fensiting community. 5 T: How do you feel about the community? S: T: What can you see in it? S: T: What are these? S: T: Some trashcans.学。What do we do with them? S: T: Where do you often see them? S: T:By the roadside.手势Do we need more trashcans? S. . T: Yes, more trashcans can be used for garbage sorting.垃圾分类What do you think of it? S: T:Is it a good way to keep a place clean and tidy? S: T:Well, what are Guoguo and her parents looking at? S: T:What are they talking about? S: T: Lets watch. S: 2)Watch and say T:What are they talking about? S: 3)Learn the dialoge T:Does Guoguo know this day? S: T: So she asked her parents. What does she want to know? S: T: Lets watch.课文第一段 S: T:What does she want to know? S: T: She wants to know the date脑图, the purpose脑图, the activities脑图 Can you answer Guoguo? S: 6 T:Whats the date? S:April 22nd,老师板书并读。 T:Whats it for?老师板书 S: T: Listen. S: T:板书句型It tells people to protect the environment.先理解再讲分解发音en-vi- ron-ment。 T:Ask and answer in pairs. Guoguo, Dad.情景里练习 S1S2: T:What can they do then? S: T: Lets look at your books. Page 18. Read this paragraph by yourself and underline the answers. 老师板书They can/should/need/need to, Dont。 S: T:What can they do then? S:They can go to work by bus or by subway. They should stop using plastic bags. Dont litter in public places. They need more trashcans by the roadside. They need to keep the lawn clean and tidy. T: Are they right? Lets check it out. They can go to work by bus or by subway. Is there any other way to go to work? S: T: They should stop using plastic bags. What else should they stop using? They should stop using disposable plastic bowls/cups, disposable chopsticks. Disposable means only one time. What should we use? We should use shopping bags made of cloth. T: Dont litter in public places. What should they do? S: They should put the trash into the trashcans. T: They need more trashcans by the roadside. T:They need to keep the lawn clean and tidy. 讲aw的发音并扩展school等地方。 T: Bingo means you are right. Step 3:Practise 1) P18, lets listen and repeat. 2) 3 people in one group and read in roles. 3) Which group wants to read? 4) Can you retell the dialogue? 如果有人举手,进行方案一。 7 T: You, please. S: T: How about you? S:. T: Guoguo can retell it. Lets say it together. S: 如果没人举手,先进行果果的复述。 5) On this day, except for these things, what can we do? S: T:Many things we can do and we cant do. S: . T: Now, 展示词条They are something we can do and we cant do. Discuss in groups of 4. Then, 展示活动单stick them in the right place. You can say and write anything here. At last, I need 2 groups to show. The first group will share these two parts, and the second group will share these 2 parts. S:. T: Which group wants to say what should we do? S: T: Which group wants to say what shouldnt we do? S: Step 4:Production T: We talked so much about World Earth Day. I think its a special day. Can you introduce it ? S: T: What can we introduce? S: T: We can introduce its . Maybe, you want to say more.板书。We will do it like this. 1)Work in groups of 4. 2)We can introduce with 2 ways图示, this first one is easier, and the second one is a litter bit difficult, you can choose what you like. 3)Talk about it together, but everyone should say something. 4) Share with us T:Some students will show you first, they chose the difficult one.学生展示视频 S:watch T:Can you do it? S: T:This passage and the activities we talked about can help you with it. Any 8 questions, please ask me. Lets start. S: T:Which group will show this way? S: Step 5:Ending 1) Feeling T:Boys and girls, as for protecting the environment, you already know what to do and what not to do,but have you started to act in your life? S:. T: Many people around us are in actions now. Look! They are my friend, family members and our classmates. Lets see how they do it.小片。 T: What do you think of them? S: T: Lets join them and start now. S:. 2) Homework a. Recite lesson 9。 b. Finish the introduction and share with us next class. c. Search the internet about the unanswered questions. d. Introduce another day about the protecting the environment. T:What other special days do you know? S: T:I will tell you some.图You can choose one of them. 3) Summary T:Hi, boys and girls. What did you learn in this class? S:How to protect the environment and how to introduce a special day 板书设计板书设计 9 教学设计特点教学设计特点 1、本课中,有基础知识的学习,有激发思维的活动,还有知识的梳理。 2、本课是本单元的第一课时,旨在讲世界地球日的基本信息,可以不涉及到它 的深度和扩展其他特殊节日。 3、本班学生两级分化,本课有分层教学的设计,利于学生发挥和展示自己。北京版小学英语六年级下册第 9 课的课前调查 姓名_______________ 班级_______________ 一、话题 1、请问你知道世界地球日吗?______________ 2、关于世界地球日,你都知道什么?请用英语或者中文写出来。如果第一 大题的第 1 题,你的回答是不知道,第 2 小题不用回答。 二、词汇 你能读出下面词汇的英语并写出中文吗?如果英语读的全对,请负责测试者 在横线上打勾,如果有读错的词,请在横线上打半对,然后在错词下面划横线。 1.World Earth Day 英语:_______ 中文:___________________________ 2.protect the environment 英语:_______中文: ___________________________ 3.stop using 英语:_______ 中文:___________________________ 4.plastic bags 英语:_______ 中文:___________________________ 5.in public places 英语:_______ 中文:___________________________ 6.look around 英语:_______ 中文:___________________________ 7.answer the questions 英语:_______ 中文: ___________________________ 8.litter 英语:_______ 中文:___________________________ 9.keep the lawn clean and tidy 英语:_______ 中文:___________________________ 10. more trashcans 英语:_______ 中文:___________________________ 11. by the roadside 英语:_______ 中文:___________________________ 12. World Water Day 英语:_______ 中文:___________________________ 13. World Animal Day 英语:_______ 中文:___________________________ 14. World Environment Day 英语:_______ 中文:___________________________ 15. Car Free Day 英语:_______ 中文:___________________________ 16. April 22th英语:_______ 中文:___________________________ 17. play with the animals 英语:_______ 中文:___________________________ 18. save water 英语:_______ 中文:___________________________ 19. save trees 英语:_______ 中文:___________________________ 20. plant trees 英语:_______ 中文:___________________________ 21. go to work by subway 英语:_______ 中文: ___________________________ 22. turn off the lights/radio/TV when you dont use it 英语:_______ 中文:___________________________ 23. walk the dog on the grass 英语:_______ 中文:___________________________ 24. keep off the grass 英语:_______ 中文:___________________________ 25. pick flowers 英语:_______ 中文:___________________________ 26. make paper caps(a bag) from newspapers(the old jacket) 英语:_______ 中文:___________________________ 27. throw trash in the sea 英语:_______ 中文: ___________________________ 28. put the trash in a bag 英语:_______ 中文: ___________________________ 29. keep the animals/water clean 英语:_______ 中文:___________________________ 30. smoke 英语:_______ 中文:___________________________ 三、句型 你能读出下面句子的英语和写出他们的中文吗?如果英语读的全对,请负责 测试者在横线上打勾,如果有读错的词,请在横线上打半对,然后在错词下 面划横线。 1. Lets live a lo
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北京版六下UNIT THREE LETS LIVE LOW-CARBON LIFE_Lesson 9_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)(编号:e020b 北京 版六下 unit low carbon _ppt
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