北京版六下UNIT FIVE WE'RE GOING TO HIGH SCHOOL-Lesson 19-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)(编号:8001a).zip


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Q:What are they talking about? A. The facilities of the school. B. Visiting high school. C. The dream high school. Maomao: May I speak to Baobao, please? Baobao: Hello, this is Baobao speaking. Who is calling? Maomao: Hi! Baobao! Its Maomao. Im going to visit our new high school. Will you come together? Baobao : Sounds wonderful! When and where shall we meet? Maomao: Lets meet at the gate of the City Library at 9:00am this Sunday. Baobao: Great. It will be nice to visit the NO.1 High School. Baobao :Do you know the way to our high school, Maomao? How do we get there? Maomao: I dont know. Lets ask someone. Baobao : OK.sir, can you tell me the way to the NO.1 High School ? Man : Walk on and then turn right at the first corner. The school is behind the green building over there. Do you see it? Baobao : Yes. Thank you very much. Lets go, Maomao 1 2 Read and trace. 1.Why are students wearing uniforms in different colours? A.They must be in different classes. B.They must be in different grades. C.They must be in different schools. 2. Which colour does Maomao like? (blue) (green) 1. When can they go inside the No.1 High School? A. At 9:00 am on Sunday. B. At 10:00am on Saturday. C. At 4:00PM on Saturday. handout 6 handout 6 Maomao: Here we are. Look, those students are wearing uniforms in different colours. Baobao: They must be in different grades. Which colour do you like? Maomao: The blue one looks nice. My new sneakers go well with it. Guard: Hello, young men! Why are you standing there? Maomao: Hi sir! Were going to be new students at this school soon. Can we go inside and have a look? Guard: Welcome to our school! But I cant let you in now. its our Open Day this Saturday. Come between 9 am and 4 pm. Facilities Activities Rules Subjects 4 3Unit5 Unit5 Unit5 Unit5 Lesson19Lesson19Lesson19Lesson19 Were going to high school.Were going to high school. California the west of walk both large small is famous for Q1:What are they talking about? A. The facilities of the school. B. Visiting high school. C. The ideal school. Q2: Where are they going to meet? A: At the gate of high school. B:At Maomaos home. C: At the gate of the City Library. Does everything go well? High School High School AB High School guard 2. Which colour does Maomao like? 3. When can they go inside the No.1 High School? A.At 9:00 am on Sunday. B. At 10:00am on Saturday. C. At 4:00PM on Saturday. handout 3handout 3 1. Why are students wearing uniforms in different colours? A. different classes. B. different grades. C. different schools. Read and chooseRead and choose 2. Which colour does Maomao like? 3. When can they go inside the No.1 High School? A.At 9:00 am on Sunday. B. At 10:00am on Saturday. C. At 4:00PM on Saturday. handout 2handout 2 1. Why are students wearing uniforms in different colours? A. different classes. B. different grades. C. different schools. Read and chooseRead and choose 2. Which colour does Maomao like? 3. When can they go inside the No.1 High School? A.At 9:00 am on Sunday. B. At 10:00am on Saturday. C. At 4:00PM on Saturday. handout 2handout 2 1. Why are students wearing uniforms in different colours? A. different class. B. different grades. C. different schools. Read and chooseRead and choose Listen and Listen and repeatrepeat What a pity! No.1 High School Homework Homework Get to know more about your high school by website and talking with others. Draw a picture of your high school.1 北京版六年级下册 Unit5 Lesson19 We are going to High School. 教学设计 2 学校 P 课例名称 i Visiting High School! 学科英语年级六 课时1教学对象学生 设计者教龄10 课型对话课 阅读课 复习课 教材版本及单元北京版小学英语六年级下册 出版社:北京出版社 出版日期:2015.1 教育的根本任务是立德树人,为了实现这一目标, 义务教育英语课程标准(2011 年版)也 明确英语学科具有工具性和人文性双重性质,英语不仅是语言交际和思维发展的工具,还是促进 学生心智发展的工具。因此,在教学中,教师应设计丰富多样的教学活动,关注学生思维发展, 提升学生思维品质这一英语学科素养。此外,2016 年中国学生发展核心素养(征求意见稿) 还明确指出学生发展核心素养,主要指学生应具备的,能够适应终身发展和社会发展需要的必备 品格和关键能力。基于以上指导思想,本课教师将带领学生认真研读文本,深入理解主题意义, 感悟情感价值,引导品格塑造,发展思维品质,提升学习能力。 1.1.指导思想指导思想 2.2.教材分析教材分析 本单元是围绕即将毕业升入初中话题展开的,学生能够围绕这一话题简单交流毕业典礼,理 想学校的位置、设施、活动,以及参观新学校涉及的问路、指路,学校规则等内容。本课是本单 元第三课时,第一课时以毕业典礼为切入点,引导学生了解毕业典礼的流程,可以准备的活动, 师生共同怀念小学生活。第二课时通过 Sara 和 Yangyang 通过网站上了解的信息谈论理想中学, 涉及到位置、设施、活动等话题。学生在积极的情感体验中对理想学校充满向往。第三课时将通 过 Maomao 和 Baobao 参观新学校引入打电话,问路、指路,学校规则等话题。综合复习和运用已 有知识。通过语言学习,学生能够使用得体的语言与人交流,表达自己的情感,恰当使用礼貌用 语,在遇到困难时积极想办法解决。能够运用所学知识用英语谈论校园中的设施,学科,活动或 规则等。 。 3.3.学情分析学情分析 3 本节课的授课对象是小学六年级的学生。 一:学生已有知识:1.本课功能句型涉及打电话用语的使用。学生在北京版四上 U2 May I speak to Mike?开始就学习了打电话的用语,在北京版六下 U3 Lesso13 中又复习了 打电话的用法。因此绝大部分学生对这个功能句已经非常熟悉了。 2.本课功能句涉及问路、指路用语的使用。学生在北京版四下 U3 Can you tell me the way? 学习了问路、指路的用语。因此绝大部分学生对这个功能句已经 非常熟悉了。 同时学生也在本单元了解了情态动词表示请求、允许的表达方 法。 二:学生已有技能:学生在本单元第二课时已学过关于学校位置、设施和活动的表达方法,能听 懂,理解,并简单表述自己的理想中学的一些情况。 三:学生已有经验:学生马上就要升入初中了,对学校的一切都充满了好奇。这对于本课的顺利 开展非常有利。 四:学生可能会有的困难:1.学生在生活中对理想学校是有一定认知的,但是当他们用英文去表 达学校位置,设施,活动和规则时还是有所欠缺的。 4.4.学习目标学习目标 教学目标: 1. 能理解、认读 inside,here we are,并能运用 behind, between 等词汇。 2. 能在情景中听懂、会说“Can you tell me the way to ? / How can I get to ? / Do you know the way to ?”及其答语,并能在情景中运用。 3. 能够正确理解课文对话,获取课文中的相关信息,能够正确并有感情的朗读、表演对话。 4. 能够使用得体的语言与人交流,表达自己的情感,恰当使用礼貌用语,在遇到困难时积极 想办法解决。 5. 能够运用所学知识用英语谈论校园中的设施,学科,活动或规则等。 5.5.教学重难点教学重难点 4 9.9.教学过程教学过程 教学步骤教师行为学生行为设计意图 教学重点: 1、认读单词或短语 corner, inside,here we are, behind, between 等 2、功能句型。 (1)打电话用语的使用 (2)问路、指路用语的使用 (3)请求、许可用语的使用 教学难点: 1、 对人物情感的正确理解。 2、 对文章主旨大意的正确理解。 2、结合自身生活经验,有逻辑有感情的谈论未来中学。 6.6.教学资源教学资源 合理利用教材、板条、多媒体课件等教学资源丰富教学内容和形式。 7.7.教学环境教学环境 教室 8.8.课前预习课前预习 学生们去网上查找一些理想中学的信息,包括位置,学校设施,社团以及了解学校里的一些规则 5 1.1Greeting 1.2 激活旧知 In lesson 18, Can you tell us sth. about Saras high school? What a nice school! 预设: Her high school is in California. Sara will walk to school. The playground and the gym are both large, but classroom building is small. Because ball games are very popular in America high school, and so are many other sports. Its famous for its science club. 激活旧知. 总结出谈论校园的 关键词为产出做铺 垫。 1.Warming-up 1.3 自由谈论 How exciting! Were going to high sch ool, too. How exciting! Maomao is very exciting too, Do you know why? He received a notice 通过课前调查,发 现有很多孩子已经 知道要去哪个学校 并且参观了新学校。 通过自由谈论,激 发出其他学生对新 学校的向往和想去 新学校看一看的欲 望。 2.Presentation2.1 图 1 打电话引出故事开局 Look! Maomao is very excited! Now he is 教师引入情境,使 得对话更合理更完 7 calling to Baobao! 板书贴图片 My question is : What are they talking about in the phone? Good guessing! What are they talking about? Which one do you choose? Wow! Visiting High School. Sounds exciting! It must be a nice school! (板书) Think about these two questions: 1. What are they talking about? 2. When are they going to meet? Listen to the story and answer the questions. 板书贴第一幅图关键词组 预设: Maybe they are talking about the facilities of the high school. Maybe they are talking about their high school. Visiting High School They will meet at 9:00am at the gate of City Library. 整,学生预测对话 主题图,获取非文 本信息,发散学生 思维,调动他们的 主观能动性。在同 时复习打电话用语 的同时,引出本课 主题 Visiting High School.在主题意义 探究的过程中,发 展学生的思维品质。 8 2.2 整体感知 Then, here they go! Everything goes well? Lets watch! Does everything go well? 贴哭脸 What do you think of their first visiting? OK, well talk about it later. Lets go on. 预设: No, they dont know how to get there. No, they cant go inside the school. 学生第一遍看对话 视频,整体感知对 话。 2.3 图 2 聚焦第一幅图 学习问路、指路 贴板书后两幅图(组成完整故事) Here they are! They cant find the way. Can you give them some good advice? Good idea, but they dont take the smart phone. How can they do? Who can help them? A kind sir is coming. If you were them, how can you ask the way? They can ask someone. See the map Use the mobile . 预设: They can use the GPS on the phone. They can ask someone for help. 预设 grandpa, uncle, policeman. 预设: Excuse me. Can you 在解决问题的过程 中获取知识。复习 问路和指路用语。 同时培养学生礼貌 意识。 9 评价 Good, you are a polite boy/girl. Maybe you can be more polite. For example, 出示两幅地图,让学生听录音,比较两 幅地图哪个是正确的路线? 板书贴第二幅图关键词组 请同学复述路线 Ok, now who can retell the right way? tell me the way to Can you do me a favor? How do we get? Do you know the way to? Where is the No.1 High School? “B” is right! 2.4 图 3 深入理解文本,简单了解学 校规则 Here they come! Now, is everything OK? Can they go inside and have a look ? Why ? And the man cant let them go in. Whos the man, do you know? Actually, he is a guard, just like Mr Geng in our school. Clear? The guard cant let them go inside. Please take the large paper. 3 道题检验学生是否理解文章 Check 板书贴第三幅图关键词组 No, they cant. Because its not the Open Day. Maybe he is a teacher. Maybe he is a principle. No, they know sth about the school. 通过阅读的形式深 入理解文本。 10 3.1 Listen and read Open the book. Listen and repeat. Take the large paper to practice the three dialogue with your partner. show 3 组 每组读一部分 listen to the recording and repeat the dialogue sentence by sentence. read the dialogue by themselves. show 语言技能和语言知 识是综合语言运用 的基础。以小组合 作方式共读课文, 培养合作精神。 3.2 梳理板书,复述故事。 OK, Lets retell the story (根据板书三幅 图的关键词组) Retell the story with your partner. Show. How do you feel now, if you are Maomao? Yes,a little pity, but its not so terrible, right? They cant go inside, but they know something about that school. 学生跟着老师梳理 板书,复述故事。 Sad Pity What a pity! Well come again on Open day. 老师帮助学生梳理 板书,教会孩子做 事要有条理性,遇 到困难要想办法解 决,培养积极的思 维方式。通过语言 学生提升学生的情 感品格。 3.Practice 3.3 小组内选择一个场景自编对话 Ok, now choose one part to make a dialogue with your partner. 在自编对话的过程 中提高学生的综合 语言运用能力。 11 4.production4.1 图 4 续写故事,培养语言的综合运 用 Dont pity for that. Look, now they are in the No.1 High School! Why can they go inside this time? How nice school, isnt it? Now, what are BB and MM talking about in the No.1 High School? If you were them, what would you like to talk about? Please discuss with your partner. 汇报 Now, please make a new dialogue with your partner! There are some sentences It is the Open Day. 预设: Maybe they are talking about the activities. Maybe they are talking about the subjects. Maybe they are talking about the rules. Maybe they are talking about the facilities. 预设: We are going to talk about the rules/. 出口的设计一是课 文内容的延续,二 是作为学生之前面 对困难积极解决问 题的一个回报。 在整个产出过程中, 学生可选话题很多, 培养学生多层次的 思维能力。 12 and words here. Maybe they can help you. show 5.Ending/ Homework At last, they go into the NO.1 High school. Are they happy now? 贴笑脸 Why are they in trouble at the beginning? If you want to go to the open day ,you must go to the website to find some information. Todays homework: 1. Get to know more about your high school by website and talking with others. 2. Draw a picture of your high school. Yes, they are happy. Before their visiting, they are not ready. 10. 板书设计板书设计 11. 教学效果评价设计教学效果评价设计 评价方式 1.师生评价 8 教师通过眼神、肢体语言和激励性言语对学生进行评价。 2.生生互评 在学生汇报展示过后,请全班同学给予评价。 3.学生自评 学生就自己在课堂上的表现进行自我反思与评价。be going to visit high school meet didnt know ask walk on turn right at corner behind are wearing go well with go inside Open Day 9am4pm
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北京版六下UNIT FIVE WERE GOING TO HIGH SCHOOL_Lesson 19_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)(编号:8001a 北京 版六下 unit 19 _ppt 课件 教案
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