北京版五下UNIT THREE HOW DO SEEDS TRAVEL -Lesson 10-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:b00ef).zip


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Lesson 10 We get most of fruits from trees. But some fruits are not from trees. For example: We get most of our food from ? We get most of our food from plants . These foods come from different parts of plants. For example: stems leaves seeds fruits roots We get food from and . But we get most of our food from . For example: .These foods come from different parts of plants. For example: plants We get most of our food from plants. We get most of our food from plants. Why? We also get our food from animals. How can we get our food from animals? Can you give me an example of the food? We get food from animals. For example: is the meat from . pork muttonbeef Lingling: Where do we get food, Uncle? Uncle: We get food from and . Lingling: Can you give me an example of food from animals? Uncle: For example: is the meat from . Lingling : Where do we get food , Uncle? Uncle: We get food from and . Lingling : I know the food from plants. For example: Can you make me an example of animals? Uncle: For example: Lingling: I see. Plants and animals are important for us. Thank you, Uncle. Lingling : Where do we get food , Uncle? Uncle: We get food from and . Lingling : I know the food from . For example: Can you give me an example of ? Uncle: For example: Lingling: I see. and are important for us.Thank you, Uncle. fast food sweet food round food food from plants food from animals Chinese food Dice Game Two pupils in a group, one is A, another is B. Play it: A -B-A-B Use the sentences: Can you give me an example of ? For example: Play it on the desk. A: Whats your favorite food? B: I like _________. A: Can you give me an example? B: Sure. For example:_________ sweet food fast food Chinese food the food from plants the food from animals Some food is good for our health. For example: __________ Some food is______for our health. We should eat _______ (more/ less) . For example: __________ Food is magic. Some food can make us happy. We can eat them when were sad. For example:_________ Some food is bad for our teeth. We should eat or drink (more/ less).For example:_________ What can we do for mother? Can you give me an example1. ___________ likes _________________. For example: ______________________ fast food: hamburgers、pizzas、hot dogs Chinese food:dumplings、zongzi、moon cakes、roast duck sweet food: cakes、pies、biscuits、candies、apples round food: watermelons、cakes、oranges、sweet dumplings the food from plants: tomatoes、potatoes、bananas the food from animals: eggs、beef、pork、milk 2. Food is very important for us. Some food is good for us. We can eat them every day. For example : ________________________________. Some food is bad for us. We should eat less. For example: ________________________________________. 1. ___________ likes _________________. For example: __________________________ fast food: hamburgers、pizzas、hot dogs Chinese food:dumplings、zongzi、moon cakes、roast duck sweet food: cakes、pies、biscuits、candies、apples round food: watermelons、cakes、oranges、sweet dumplings the food from plants: tomatoes、potatoes、bananas the food from animals: eggs、beef、pork、milk 2. Food is very important for us. Some food is good for us. We can eat them every day. For example : ________________________________. Some food is bad for us. We should eat less. For example: ________________________________________. 1. ___________ likes _________________. For example: ____________________________ fast food: hamburgers、pizzas、hot dogs Chinese food:dumplings、zongzi、moon cakes、roast duck sweet food: cakes、pies、biscuits、candies、apples round food: watermelons、cakes、oranges、sweet dumplings the food from plants: tomatoes、potatoes、bananas the food from animals: eggs、beef、pork、milk 2. Food is very important for us. Some food is good for us. We can eat them every day. For example : ________________________________. Some food is bad for us. We should eat less. For example: ________________________________________.五年级下第十册五年级下第十册 Unit 3 Lesson 10 教学内容:教学内容: 词汇: cabbage、peanut、example 句子: Can you give me an example of ? For example: 对话: Lingling : Where do we get food, Uncle? Linglings Uncle: We get most of food from plants. Lingling : Can you give me an example of the food? Linglings uncle: For example: Peanuts、tomatoes、potatoes、cabbages and carrots. These food come from different parts of plants. Lingling: Can you give me an example? Lingling uncle: Peanuts are seeds. And potatoes are stems. Lingling: Oh, I see. Tomatoes are fruits. 教学目标:教学目标: 1、 能够理解并朗读课文对话内容 。 2、能够了解我们的食物来自动物和植物,并能进行举例。 3、能够正确运用“Can you give me an example of the ? For example, ”就某个 话题进行了解以及举例。 教学重点:教学重点: 1、 对我们生活中食物的来源以及不同食物对我们的影响有所了解。 2、能够运用“Can you give me an example of the ? For example, ”提出问题, 并进行举例。 教学难点:教学难点: We get most of our food from plants.的朗读。 教学过程:教学过程: 一、一、Warming up 活动 1: Free Talk: Do know fruits? Can you give me an example of fruits? For Example apples、bananas Can you give me an example of the fruits? 活动目的活动目的:激活学生已有的知识储备,通过教师示范、学生模仿的方式快速进 入到本课新句子的学习。 设计意图:设计意图:虽然 Can you give me an example of ? For example : 是本课新知识, 但是在平时的英语课堂上,老师经常会用到, “For example” ,所以学生都能够 理解,也能够模仿老师的示范进行举例。这样的设计能够从上课的第一分钟开 始就带学生进入本课教学内容的学习中来。 活动 2: Where do we get fruits? 活动目的活动目的:激活学生知识储备,为下一个环节“Where do we get food?”做铺垫。 实施方法和师生预设语言: T: Where do we get fruits? S: We can get fruits from trees. T: Can you give me an example of the fruit? You can say: For example: S: For example: T: All the fruits come from trees? S: No. T: Can you give me an example of the fruits? S: For example: T: We get most of our fruits from trees. But some fruits are not from plants. For example: So we should say: We get fruits from plants. 设计意图设计意图:这里谈论 We get fruits from plants. We get most of food from trees. 是 为了引出后面的 We get food from plants and animals. We get most of food from plants. 二、二、Presentation and practice 活动活动 1:Free talk : Where do we get our food? 活动目的:活动目的:激发学生参与、讨论、思考。 实施方法与教师预设语言:实施方法与教师预设语言: T: We get fruits from plants. Where do we get our food? S: We get our food from plants and animals. T: We get most of our food from plants or animals? S: plants/ animals. 设计意图设计意图:Where do we get our food?使学生能够谈论的话题,引导学生讨论, 有助于学生对这个话题的思考。学生在 We get most of our food from plants or animals.这个问题的分歧,能够使学生能够带着质疑更好地进入下一个环节的学 习。 活动活动 2: We get most of our food from plants. 1. Watch the video T: Linglings uncle is a farmer, he will tell us “We get most of our food from plants or animals.” Lets watch the video. 2. Read the sentence 活动活动 3:Learn the foods come from different parts of plants. 活动目的:活动目的:对于食物来自植物的不同部位进行学习及了解。 实施方法和实施预设语言实施方法和实施预设语言 1. Say the food and learn the new words: peanut、cabbage 2. Different plants come from different parts of the plants. Read together- pair work 活动活动 4:Read the dialogue 1. Listen and repeat 2. Listen and follow 3. Pair work and show 4. Retell the dialogue 设计意图设计意图:Retell the dialogue 这个活动不仅仅是对课文内容的一个复述,还增 加了 Cabbages are leaves. Carrots are stems.也考察了学生对这些食物的了解。 活动活动 5:Why do we get most of food from plants? 活动目的:活动目的:理解“We get most of food from plants” ,对我们的食物来源有比较 深入的认识。 实施方法与师生语言预设:实施方法与师生语言预设: 1. Why do we get most of our food from plants? (1)Pupils guess the reasons (2)Teacher explain the reasons T: Our staple food、cakes、bread、biscuits are made from wheat、rice and corn, they are plants. We get vegetables from plants. We get fruits from plants. We get all the food from plants. So we say: We get most of food from plants. 设计意图:设计意图:通过列图:主食(面包、饼干)+蔬菜+水果都是来自水果,使学 生清晰的认识到:We get most of food from plants. 活动活动 6:How can we get our food from animals? 活动目的:活动目的:理解我们从动物上获得什么食物。 实施方法与教师预设语言:实施方法与教师预设语言: (1)Pupils say: How can we get our food from animals? (2) Show the PPT and learn “How can we get our food from animals?” T: We get our food from animals. How can we get the food from animals? S: We get eggs and milk. T: We get food from animals. For example: Pork is the meat from pig. mutton is the meat from sheep, beef is the meat from ox. Chicken、fish and milk. Can you talk “ How can we get our food from animals?” 3. Make dialogues: Dialogue 1: Dialogue 2: Dialogue 3: 设计意图:设计意图:对我们如何从动物什么获取食物有深入、具体的了解,同时补充、 拓展了课文的内容,使“Where do we get food?”这个话题更加完整。 活动活动 7: Practice “ Can you give me an example of ? For example ” 活动目的:活动目的:操练句型 Can you give me an example of ? For example: 同时为下 一个环节的活动做准备。 1. Say the foods 2. Can you give me an example of ? 实施方法与教师预设语言: T: Can you give me an example of fast food? S: For example : hamburgers、pizzas and hot dogs. 3. Dice game a. Give the rules b. Play the game and show. 设计意图:设计意图:通过游戏的方式操练句型,能够使学生在自由、宽松、愉悦的环境 中自然而然的进行句型的操练,关注学生的需求,学生更喜欢,效果也更好。 游戏规则的强调,也是培养学生在做事情之前要清楚事物的规则、程序,同时 也培养了学生的规则意识。另一方面,也帮助学生了解 What is fast food? What is Chinese food?. 三、Production 活动活动 1:朋友采访:你最喜欢哪类食物:朋友采访:你最喜欢哪类食物 活动目的:活动目的:应用语言;培养学生养成关心同学的意识; 实施方法与预设语言:实施方法与预设语言: 1. Make an example T: I like sweet food. They are yummy. For example: apples、chocolate. Do you know your friends favorite food? Fast food? Sweet food ? or other food? Do you want to know your friends favorite food? ask your two friends , and write it on this paper. Ill make an example for you. 2. Make an example 3. Pair work 设计意图:设计意图:谈到食物的话题,学生经常会说到的就是:是不是喜欢快餐、是不 是喜欢甜食因而这个对话比较真实,可操作性强,学生喜欢去操练、去了解。 活动活动 2: Know something about food 活动目标:活动目标:对我们经常食用的食物对我们健康的影响有所了解,引导学生健康 饮食。 实施方法与预设语言:实施方法与预设语言: T: Food is important for us. But some food is good for our health. We should eat more. Some food is bad for our health. We should eat less. What is good? What is bad? Can you guess? 1. Pupils guess the food 2. Read PPT 3. Read the PPT themselves. PPT 1: PPT 2: PPT3: PPT: 4 设计意图:设计意图:三幅 PPT 是涉及到学生健康,一副 PPT 是能让人开心,这四幅 PPT 都能够引起学生了解、参与的兴趣。同时也培养了学生健康饮食、健康生活的 理念。 四、四、Summary Today, we learned “How do we get good from plants and animals”. And we learned how to make an example. 五、五、Homework Finish “Task 2”,and tell your family “Which food is good for health、Which food is bad for health.” 六、六、Blackboard Lesson 10 potato tomato Can you give me an example of ? carrot For example: peanut cabbage 附件:学生材料附件:学生材料 1. ___________ likes _________________. For example: ______________________ fast food: hamburgers、pizzas、hot dogs Chinese food:dumplings、zongzi、moon cakes、roast duck sweet food: cakes、pies、biscuits、candies、apples round food: watermelons、cakes、oranges、sweet dumplings the food from plants: tomatoes、potatoes、bananas the food from animals: eggs、beef、pork、milk 2. Food is very important for us. Some food is good for us. We can eat them every day. For example : ________________________________. Some food is bad for us. We should eat less. For example: ________________________________________. 其中:task 1 是课堂使用,task 2 是家庭作业,课后使用。
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