北京版五下UNIT SIX WHAT WILL YOU DO IN THE FUTURE -Lesson 22-Now I can understand Now I can say Now I know the sound-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)(编号:d05b7).zip


压缩包目录 预览区
  • 全部
    • ask bee.mp3
    • be patient day.mp3
    • be patient.mp3
    • bee depressed.mp3
    • beetle laughs at her.mp3
    • caterpillar's dream.mp3
    • depressed see doctor snail.mp3
    • depressed.mp3
    • Do you have a dream.mp4
    • doctor snail strong.mp3
    • don't be silly sad.mp3
    • don't be silly.mp3
    • don't have wings can't fly.mp3
    • dream to tell beetle.mp3
    • eats change.mp3
    • finally butterfly.mp3
    • fly.mp3
    • have wings now.mp3
    • how can I have wings.mp3
    • i want to fly.mp3
    • sad ask bee.mp3
    • sad.mp3
    • show me how to fly.mp3
    • story.swf
    • What will you do绘本教学.pptx--点击预览
    • 单词beetle.mp3
    • 单词caterpillar.mp3
    • 单词change.mp3
    • 单词laugh at.mp3
    • 教案d05b7.docx--点击预览
    • 绘本语音.wma
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Caterpillars Dream 六六年级下册年级下册 What will you do in the future? 绘本教学 Enjoy a video Enjoy a video Whats the video about? 梦 dream: 梦 梦想 Lets guess. What is the caterpillars dream? She wants to fly. 1 Read Picture 1-2 Who does the caterpillar tell her dream to? 2 beetle 甲虫 3 Read Picture 3-4 How does the caterpillar feel? Guess: What does the beetle say? 4 laugh at 嘲笑 Please dont laugh at me. silly 愚蠢的 Dont be silly. 反义词:clever smart 5 6 Read Picture 5-6 Who does the caterpillar ask next? What are they talking about? bee 沮丧的 wings depressed Read Picture 7-8 7 8 蜗牛博士 What advice(建议) does the doctor snail give? 耐心点 尽可能多 9 10 Lets guess. What will happen next? 12 11 silly change patient depressed bigger Read quickly(快速、正确地读出单词) wing laugh at butterfly sad Listen and repeat 要求:仔细听读,模仿语音语调。 旁白 The little green caterpillar has a big dream. She goes to tell Beetle. I want to fly! 旁白 Beetle laughs at her. No caterpillar can fly! Dont be silly! 旁白 The little green caterpillar is sad. She goes to ask Bee. Can you show me how to fly? You dont have wings. You cant fly. Listen and repeat 要求:仔细听读,模仿语音语调。 旁白 The little green caterpillar feels so depressed. She goes to see Doctor Snail. Doctor Snail, how can I have wings? Be patient, Caterpillar! Eat as much as you can. Stay strong and wait for the day. The little green caterpillar eats and eats. And she grows bigger and bigger. Now, its all about to change 旁白 Look, I have wings now! The little green caterpillar finally becomes a butterfly. How high she is flying! 旁白 Enrich and act 要求:4位同学扮演小动物 ,1位同学 扮演独白。 旁白 The little green caterpillar has a big dream. She goes to tell Beetle. I want to fly! 旁白 Beetle laughs at her. No caterpillar can fly! Dont be silly! 旁白 The little green caterpillar is sad. She goes to ask Bee. Can you show me how to fly? You dont have wings. You cant fly. Tips 1.Talk more, act more. 增加语言、动作 2. Get into the role. 进入角色 What can you learn from the story? 从这个故事中你学到了什么? Dream Have a dream, 拥有一个梦想, your life will be lit up as it comes.生命将被点燃。 Follow your dreams, 追随你的梦想, although its as hard as it seems. 尽管十分艰难。 Be patient. 耐心点。 If you can dream it,you can do it. Write down your dream farmer doctor nurse cook singer taxi driver teacher cleaner businessman police officer I want to be a/an Homework No homework! Study hard every day! Keep learning! Keep optimistic(乐观)!Unit 6 What will you do in the future? &Now I can understand/Now I can say 绘本教学Caterpillars Dream 教学设计教学设计 1、整体设计思路、指导依据说明、整体设计思路、指导依据说明 本节课的设计主要依据教材内容及六年级学生的年龄特点,充分体 现新课标下倡导:让学生在教师指导下,通过感知、体验、参与和 做等方式实现任务型目标,感受“成功”的理念。 2、教学背景分析、教学背景分析 教学内容分析:本节课位于六年级下册第四单元 C 部分,在掌握了 change 和 dream,并初步学会了表达比较级,如 longer and longer 的基础上完成本篇阅读理解,回答相关问题,进一步提升至写作, 谈论自己的梦想,同时,通过本节课教学生学会看图,利用图片中主 人公的表情猜测主人公的心情,再使用关键词和关键句来帮助阅读。 3、学生情况分析、学生情况分析 六年级学生已学习三年多的英语,在听说读写方面具有一定能力, 但让学生将本单元所学的知识联系自己的实际表达出来,对学生来 说有一定难度,需在本课中进一步引导、练习,六年级的学生需要 拥有自己的想法,自己的梦想。 4、教学目标分析、教学目标分析 本单元知识和能力目标:要求学生能够用英文表达自己的梦想;按 正确的意群及语音、语调朗读相应对话及短文,借助关键词和关键 句帮助阅读,并能将所学内容应用于实际生活。 本节课的教学目标 为:学生能够在图片及关键词和关键句的帮助下读懂短文并能完成 短文下面所给题目,能够理解 caterpillar,beetle,silly,laugh at,bee,depressed,doctor snail,patient,butterfly 的意思,能够按照意群 朗读短文;最后用写作的方式来介绍自己的梦想。 情感态度、文化意识目标:要求通过本单元内容的设计,能够拉近 学生与梦想的距离,培养学生树立自己的梦想,不嘲笑他人的梦想, 并为自己的梦想努力的意识。 学习策略目标:学生能够在教师的引导下再次谈论自己的梦想,并 应用于写作,学会巧用关键词和关键句帮助阅读。 5、教学重点、难点分析、教学重点、难点分析 教学重点:能读懂绘本Caterpillars Dream,并完成短文下面所 给题目,复习主要词汇和句型。并学会用关键词和关键句帮助阅读。 教学难点:综合运用本单元的核心词汇和句型进行写作表达。 6、教学方法:任务型教学和教学方法:任务型教学和 PWP 阅读教学模式。阅读教学模式。 7、教学过程设计:、教学过程设计: Before class ,let students enjoy a video ,and then ask a question:Whats the video about? (设计意图:课前准备时间,让学生通过欣赏一个有趣的短片,并与 本节课 dream 有关的动画,放松上课前的紧张情绪,观看的过程中 学生集中精力思考问题,在放松的氛围中学习,为即将开始的课程 做好准备。) Step 1:Warm up(2mins) T: Hello,everybody!Before our class,I will divide you into two groups,group 1 and group 2,lets have a competition,if you do good jobs ,you can get my gifts. Now,are you ready for my English class? Ss: Yes ,I do . T: OK,Lets begin.Lets watch a video,and answer my question:Whats the video about? T:Do you like this video?Whats the video about?Who can try?S1:Dream.S2:Its about a dream. T:Whats the meaning of dream?Who can tell me?(设计意图:通过动 画Zooms Dream了解 dream 的含义:做梦、梦想,导入这节课 的主题 dream,为本节课做铺垫。) Step 2 Pre-reading(2mins) T:Today well learn a story ,Can you guess whats the meaning of the title ?Look ,Lets guess the meaning of caterpillar,Who can try? (通过仔细观察图片,猜测 caterpillar 以及标题 Caterpillars Dream 的 意思,激起学生的好奇心及学习积极性,同时也为本节课的主人公 caterpillar 追梦埋下伏笔。) T:Can you guess whats the caterpillars dream? Ss:. T: Very good.(先让学生猜测毛毛虫的梦想,再播放语音核对梦想, 评价学生的回答.那毛毛虫有梦想接着会发生什么呢?让学生带着疑 问继续展开下面的阅读,吸引学生的阅读兴趣。) Step 3 While-reading (20mins) Task 1: read pictures 1-2 and answer question T: Who does the caterpillar tell her dream to? check the answer,learn the word“beetle”. (通过,让学生初步感知文章大意,找到文章的关键句,并教会学生 学会利用关键词和句子来帮助阅读,并完成课本练习。 ) Task 2: read pictures 3-4 and answer questions T: Guess: What does the beetle say?How does the caterpillar feel?Listen and check their answers,learn the words“silly,laugh at”. (通过快速阅读,仔细观察图片,能够从图片中解读出毛毛虫的表情, 为接下来毛毛虫追梦途中发生困难埋下伏笔。 ) Task 3 read pictures 5-6 and answer questions T: Who does the caterpillar ask next?What are they talking about? (通过仔细观察图片,得出毛毛虫接下来问的是蜂蜜,同样从图片中 解读出毛毛虫的表情,发动学生的大脑想象它们谈论了什么,老师 解读重难点单词 depressed,sad 的同义词 ) Task 4 read pictures 7-12 and answer question T: What advice(建议) does the doctor snail give?What will happen next?(通过观察毛毛虫的表情可以看出它找回了自信,蜗牛博士 给了它很好的建议,老师解读单词 patient,并且让学生想象毛毛虫 eat as much as she can 会发生什么?) Task 5 play a game to review the words T:Now,Let read the words after me,then play a game.(通过板书带读单 词,学生的思路就会更加的清晰,能够整体感知文章的脉络,接着 通过打地鼠的游戏巩固学生的认知。) Task 6 Read it better T: Now you can understand it very well,in this part ,lets read it better,pa y attention to the pause、stress and intonation .Follow the radio,imitate.(设计意图:在理解了全文之后,让学生在理解的基础 上练习朗读,注意停顿、重音及语音语调。) Step 4 Post-reading(15mins) Task 1:Enrich and act T:please read by yourself loudly,pay attention to the pause、stress and i ntonation.Then ,I will invite some students to be Robin. (通过角色扮演, 加深学生对短文的理解及语音语调的联系。) Task 2:free talk about “What can you learn from the story?” T: In this class we have learned a story ,can you show me something you learned?. Enjoy a poem.(设计意图:通过学习 故事,分享自己学到的内容,学以致用。 ) Task 3:Enjoy a video T:Do you have a dream?first,Lets enjoy a video.(设计意图:视频更形 象生动的表达出每个人要有梦想,要勇敢去追,引出后面的询问学 生的梦想。情感教育情感教育) Task 4:Write down your dream and say out T:Lets write down your dream and say out.(设计意图:最后复习我 们学过的与梦想、职业有关的单词,再出示这节课的点睛句子 I want to be a/an,让学生在心愿便利贴纸上写上自己的梦想,再大 胆说出来。) Step 5 Homework(1min) T: I have another gift for you.Look,todays homework is no homework! But please study hard every day!Keep learning!Keep optimistic! 板书设计: Caterpillars Dream Caterpillar beetle bee doctor snail laugh at wing patient silly depressed What will you do in the future? I want to be a/an. butterfly change
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北京版五下UNIT SIX WHAT WILL YOU DO IN THE FUTURE _Lesson 22_Now can understand Now say know sound_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)(编号:d05b7 北京
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