北京版六下UNIT FOUR WHAT'S THE WEATHER LIKE -Lesson 13-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)(编号:70cad).zip


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Travelling in China! Beijing - 1 Hainan - 2 Sichuan - 3 Hangzhou - 4 Tiananmen Square the Great Wall the Palace Museum the Water Cube the Birds Nest the Summer Palace Beijing Roast Duck Donuts and Beijing Noodles Bean Juice Beijing is a famous city with a long history. The Palace Museum is also called the Forbidden City. It is the most popular one with visitors. The Summer Palace is famous, too. Tiananmen Square is a good place for people to take a walk. There are many beautiful places in Beijing, such as the Great Wall, the Water Cube, the Birds Nest and so on.There are many traditional foods in Beijing. For example: soybean-flour Cake驴驴 打滚打滚donuts焦圈焦圈Noodles with Bean sauce 炸酱面炸酱面Tanghulu 冰糖葫芦冰糖葫芦and Beijing Duck. The capital city-Beijing 1 Dongtian Park Yalong Bay Wuzhi Island Welcome to Hainan! Hainan has no clear four seasons. It is in the south of China. It rains a lot from May to October. Hainan is warm and sunny. Sanya is in the south of Hainan. Its well known for its beautiful beach, soft sand. We can swim in the sea and eat delicious sea food. If you take the plane to Sanya, you will spend about 4 hours. Sanya is very nice and will surprise you. 2 Du-jiang-yan Jiuzhai Valley Leshan Giant Buddha Sichuan is a very beautiful place. We will get a lot of rain in summer. There are many famous places in Sichuan, such as Jiuzhai Valley(九(九 寨沟)寨沟), Mount Emei(峨眉山峨眉山) and Du-jiang- yan. There are many delicious foods in Sichuan. For example Mapo Tofu, Sichuan Hot pot(四川火锅)(四川火锅), the snack of Chengdu (成(成 都小吃)都小吃)and so on. Do you know what the most famous animal is in Sichuan? Yes, Giant Pandas. They are very lovely. Would you like to go to Sichuan? 3 Welcome to Sichuan! The location of Hangzhou the West Lake green tea silk 4 1 Welcome to Hangzhou. Hangzhou has four clear seasons, but spring is very short. It is warm. Hangzhou is cooler in summer than Beijing. You can visit many places and see green hills, blue water, small bridges, and old houses. Hangzhou is in the southeast of China. You can buy some silk dresses and green tea. I think you can go around the West Lake by bike. The beautiful city-Hangzhou北京版小学英语北京版小学英语 六年级下册六年级下册 Unit 4 Whats the weather like? Lesson 13 weather and travel 课间音乐课间音乐 3月月28日日20时时3月月29日日20时时 Whats the weather like today in Beihai? Whats the weather like today in Guangzhou? What will the weather be like tomorrow? Whats the weather like today in Hong Kong? What will the weather be like tomorrow? What are they talking about? Whats the weather like in Beijing? 北京市北京市降水量降水量统计图统计图 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12(月)(月) It doesnt rain(下雨下雨) much now, but well get a lot of rain(雨水雨水) in July and August. rainfall 1. When will Jim come to Beijing? 2. How long is Jim going to stay in China? 3. What will Jim do during his journey? 1. When will Jim come to Beijing? early next month the end of next month 2. How long is Jim going to stay in China? 3. What will Jim do during his journey? 3. What will Jim do during his journey? Mikes friend Jim is ________ from Canada. He is coming to visit China in ________ .He will _____ in China for six weeks. Mike tells him it is sunny and windy in Beijing _____ of the time now, but it will rain a lot in July and August. calling summer stay some calling Jims travel early next month go swimming and hiking time weather get a lot of rain activities windy sunny doesnt rain much see different places visit Beijing stay in China for about six weeks Jim is in Beijing now. 1 2 5 4 3 Read and design The summer vacation is coming. I will go to Hainan. The weather is clear in Hainan . I will go to the beach and enjoy the sunshine. I will swim in the sea. I am going to eat seafood there. I will have a great time. Read and design The summer vacation is coming. I will go to _____. The weather is ________in _____ . I will visit_______. I will ____________________ ____________________. I will have a great time. 1. Read and retell the story. 2. Design your travel plan.1 教学基本信息 课题Unit 4 Whats the weather like? Lesson 13 Weather and Travel 是否属于 地方课程或校本课程 否 学科英语学段: 小学年级六年级 相关 领域 综合实践类 教材书名:义务教育教科书 英语 出版社:北京出版社 出版日期: 2019 年 1 月 教学设计参与人员 姓名单位联系方式 设计者 实施者 课件制作者 指导者 指导者 指导思想与理论依据 英语课程标准 (2011 年版)指出:现代外语教育注重语言学习的过程,强调 语言的学习实践性,主张学生在语境中接触、体验和理解真实语言,并在此基础上学 习和运用语言。教学建议第五条还提到: 在教学中,教师要善于根据教学的需要,创造 性地使用教材,对教材加以适当的取舍和调整。比如增加属于相同主题且水平相当的 阅读篇目或在阅读的基础上展开活动,从而满足学生的需求。 北师大王蔷教授提出:英语学科的核心素养主要由语言能力、思维品质、文化意识 和学习能力四方面构成。 本节课在处理教学内容时,学生通过对课文的梳理,借助板书思维导图转述课文, 体现了以语篇为载体,发展学生语言能力的英语学科素养;通过把 Lets do 板块放在 warm up 中进行提前处理,体现了创造性使用教材的教学理念;通过阅读旅游手册, 并设计旅行计划的实践展示活动提高了学生语言实践性和英语学习能力素养,从而使 学生由知识的学习转化为一种生活能力。 教学背景分析 1 教材分析教材分析 2 本课选自北京版小学英语六年级下册第四单元 Whats the weather like?中的第 13 课。 本单元以天气话题为主线,采用对话形式呈现了文本内容,并复习了学过的打电话、 天气、旅游、生病等话题,丰富了学生口语交际内容。本单元需要四课时完成教学内 容。第 13 课 Weather and Travel,以天气为切入点,引导学生感知天气与旅行息息相关, 通过创编简单易懂的阅读旅游手册,引导学生选择自己喜欢的旅游目的地,并简单描 述和书写自己的旅游计划;第 14 课 Transportation and Travel,在继续深入学习天气内 容的同时,引出了旅游涉及的交通方式、花费时间等相关内容,引导学生设计旅行路 线,并考虑经济问题等生活中的实际情况,提高学生的思维品质;第 15 课 Baobao had a bad cold,与本单元话题联系不是很密切,但是可以以旅游天气情况为线索,引出关于 生病话题的内容,并拓展旅游时的注意事项与解决办法,提高学生的生活能力;第 16 课 The magical weather,是一篇有关 rainbow 的科学小短文,通过阅读、了解彩虹的形 成和制作方法,同时进行学生综合汇报出游计划的语言实践活动,提高学生的语言综 合运用能力。 本课时共分四个板块:Listen and say(对话教学) ;Listen and number (听力训练) ; Read and write(读写训练);Read and design(语言实践) 。由于教学的需要,我对教学内 容加以适当的调整。因 Read and write 板块与 Listen and say 板块内容衔接紧密,把 Read and write 放在 Listen and say 后面进行处理,这样有利于巩固学生对课文的深入理 解;Listen and number 听力内容是以 be going to 和 will 引导的一般将来时,是本节课 的重点知识,放在 Read and write 后面进行处理;我把 Lets do 板块的内容放在了课 前的 warm up 中进行提前处理,通过播放天气预报进行复习天气情况的功能句型,从而 3 为文本中天气功能句型的深入学习奠定基础。我在 Listen and number 和 Development 之间,加入了北京相关视频的播放,从而延伸文本的学习内容;我把 Lets do 板块创 编成了旅行手册的阅读活动,通过阅读而引导学生进行旅行计划的语言实践活动,提 高了学生的语言综合运用能力。 2. 学情分析学情分析 本节课的授课对象是六年级的学生。高年级的学生已经由具体形象思维向抽象的 逻辑思维过渡。并已具有一定的抽象思维能力。本节课的话题与学生生活密切相关, 不会使学生感到陌生。 知识储备:学生在三级上册五单元学习了如何谈论天气“Whats the weather like?” “Its sunny/warm/rainy/windy/cold/snowy.”等;在四年级下册第二单元学习过电话用语 “May I speak to Mike? Speaking. / Please hold on., its for you.”等.在四年级下册第二单 元学习过如何就医和描述病情的对话用语;六年级上册第二单元再次复现就医话题, 以及用一般过去时描述导致生病的原因。本单元、本节课所涉及的一般将来时态、出 行方式的内容学生在五年级已经学习,对于六年级的学生来说并不陌生。本单元复现 了以上学过的打电话、天气、旅游、生病等话题,丰富了学生的口语交际内容。 情感体验:打电话、天气情况与旅行的话题与学生日常生活密切相关,大部分学 生有生活经历与体验。对于出行计划平时学生有社会大课堂、家庭出游的经历,这些 都给学生学习本课内容奠定了丰富的情感体验。 教学方式:教学方式:讲授式 实践活动式 教学手段:教学手段: 思维导图 小组合作学习 课外阅读材料 技术准备:技术准备:幻灯片 多媒体 实物展台 4 教学目标 教学目标教学目标: 1. 学生能够正确理解、朗读并尝试转述课文内容。 2. 学生能够围绕天气问题进行询问和回答:Whats the weather like? Its sunny and windy. It doesnt rain much. Well get a lot of rain,复习一般现在时。 3. 学生能够正确运用 be going to; will 谈论即将出行的计划,复习一般将来时。 4. 学生能根据本节课的学习,谈论出行目的地的天气情况和出游计划 5. 学生能在积极的学习体验中,产生热爱祖国大好河山的情怀。 教学重点:教学重点: 1. 正确理解、朗读并尝试转述课文内容。 2. 复习天气话题的用语,复习一般现在时与一般将来时。 教学难点:教学难点: 1 学生通过学习制定出适合自己的旅游计划。 教学过程 Step 1: Warm up 1.Listen to a song T: Lets listen to a song and remember “Whats the weather like?” 2.Play the weather forecast Teacher show video of the weather forecast. T:Please watch the weather forecast, and then lets be a weather man. S: Watch the weather forecast. T: Whats the weather like today in Beihai/ ? S: Its in ., and will turn/be . 【设计意图】借助歌曲和播报视频天气预报,激活学生已知,激发学习兴趣;通过把 Lets do 板块放在课前的口语交际中进行练习,为学习新的天气功能句型做铺垫。 Step2: Presentation 1. Lead in 5 T: Show the picture and ask: Whats the weather like? Whos this boy? Where is he? Where do you know from? Whos that boy? What are they doing? Ss: (板书:calling) T: Is Jim in China? S: T: Yes, Jim is calling from Canada.(板书:加拿大国旗) 【设计意图】通过主题图获取文本信息,将学生带入课文故事的学习情景 中。培养了学生的观察能力。 2. Learn the dialogue 6 Part 1: Beijings weather T: Lets watch video and see “What Mike and Jim are talking about?” S: They are talking about (板书: Weather and Travel (课题) , weather, Jims travel) T: Whats the weather like in Beijing? S: Its sunny, and windy sometimes. It doesnt rain much. Well get a lot rain in July and August. ( 板书:sunny, windy, doesnt rain much, get a lot of rain) T: Explain: sometimes means some of the time. (为 read and write 做铺垫。 ) Explain: rain. S: Observe, understand and read sentences 【设计意图】通过对天气功能句型的操练与 rain 解说,提高了学生的理解能 和语言表达能力。落实了教学目标 1、2。体现了教学重点的完成。 Part 2: Jims travel T: Please look at these questions: 1. When will Jim come to Beijing? 2. How long is Jim going to stay in China? 3. What will Jim do during his journey? Lets read the story and underline the time and activities. (板书: time, activities) S: Underline the answers. S: Jim is coming early next month. T: Explain “early next month”(PPT) S: Jim is going to stay in China for about six months. S:He will spend most of his summer in China. He will see different places in China. 7 T: Explain: spend 【设计意图】通过逐层的分析、学习课文和不断的完善板书,增强学生旅行的话题意 识,帮助学生构建旅行思维导图体系。体现了教学目标 1、3 和教学重点的落实。 Step 3: Practice 1. Read the story Repeat the story together and one by one. Read the story in groups. Play the story in roles. 2. Read and write Students read the passage and fill the blanks Share the answers and someone read the passage. 3. Retell the story Teacher and students retells the story 4. Listen and number 8 T: We know Jim will come to Beijing. But Jim is in China now. The weather will be sunny this week, so Jim will look around Beijing. Please look at the picture“ What will Jim do these days?” S: Jim will / is going to T: Lets listen and number. S: Talk about answers. 【设计意图】通过多元化的练习,加深了学生对课文的理解,提高了学生语言的能力。 实现了教学目标 1 和教学重点的完成。 Step 4:Development 1Watch video of Beijing Jims travel in Beijing T: We know: Jim is going to visit Beijing. Lets watch video of Beijing. Lets guess” Where is Jim going? What is he going to do? S: Watch video of Beijing. T: I think Jim is going to the Temple of Heaven and the Forbidden City. Can you guess: Where is Jim going? S: 2Read and design your travel plan T: Jim will not only visit Beijing but also visit many places in China. The summer vacation is coming, I want to visit many places, too. Do you want to visit 9 many places in Beijing or in China? S: T: This is my travel plan. Please design yours. You can read this travel book, Maybe it can help you. S: Students read the guide book and design their travel plan. First talk about your travel in groups Then write your travel plan. 3.Show the travel plan Students read and show their travel plan. 【设计意图】通过观看介绍北京的视频,延伸了文本学习的内容。学生阅读旅游手册 并制定自己的旅行计划,提高了学生的语言实践性和英语学习能力素养,从而使学生 由知识的学习向生活能力的转化。体现了教学难点的突破。 Step 5: Homework 1 Read and retell the story. 2 Design your travel plan with your parents. 板书设计板书设计 Unit 4 Whats the weather like? Lesson 13 Weather and Travel 10 11 学习效果评价设计 评价方式: 1.个体表现评价: 在课堂上,教师根据学生的个体表现给予及时的评价。例如:学生回答完问题教师采取判断性 的语言评价:Great! Very good! Perfect.Good girl/boy . 2.小组展示评价: 在小组语言实践展示活动中,教师都给予客观的评价。使学生在对学习成果的交流、语言实践 展示中获得成就感。使学生在相互合作学习中实现语言运用能力的提高。 评价量规 1.在进行天气情况问答训练和梳理课文学习活动中,学生能够给出正确答案,教师给予了判断 性的评价:Very good! Good girl! Good Boy! 2.在阅读旅行手册,设计旅行攻略活动中,教师给予语言实践活动的学生鼓励性的评价。 Perfect! I want to go there too. 本教学设计与以往或其他教学设计相比的特点(300-500 字数) 本节课以 weather 为主线,对出行目的地的天气 、出行的计划等相关内容进行了知识的整 合,本节课的教学设计特点如下: 1. 利用教学过程的衔接自然,延续学习情景 本课的教学活动之间过渡流畅,自然衔接。在 warm up 阶段,借助天气预报复习了功能句型; 借助课文主题图的天气情况引出文本的学习;借助 Jim 要来北京旅行,引出 Listen and number 中 What will Jim do in Beijing?;由播放北京知名景点的视频引出 Where is Jim going? ; 由 Jim 要参观中国许多地方引出学生的旅游计划。以上各环节的紧密相连、自然过渡,延续了各个语 言学习场景,延续了文本内容,提高了学生的语言综合运用能力。 2.利用多层次思维导图,发展语言运用能力 本课通过课文的梳理、学习,将文本内容分层次的构建在思维导图之中,为文本的理解和转述 提供了语言支撑,提高了学生的语言表达与应用能力。 3.利用创编阅读绘本,使知识学习转化成生活能力 本节课依托文本内容 Jim 要来中国旅游,创编了北京、海南、杭州和四川四个地方的旅游相关 的信息。通过阅读相关的信息,学生设计自己的旅游计划,使学生把本节课的知识进行迁移,促进 了学生们由知识向能力的转化,培养了学生们良好的思维品质。 12 本节课是借班上课,老师关注了全体学生,赋予学生自由发展的空间,让学生真正的感受、 体验、参与和实践,课堂生成内容较多。但是本节课也有值得改进的地方。例如:学生在借助思维 导图复述课文时,应该让学生小组合作练习,再进行个体展示,这样更有利于学生语言更充分的应 用。还有学生在设计完自己的旅行计划,在全班展示一下,使其他学生更直观的欣赏别人的学习成 果就更好了。在课堂教学中,教师应该更充分的借助评价方式、手段,调动学生学习的积极性和热 情。
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北京版六下UNIT FOUR WHATS THE WEATHER LIKE _Lesson 13_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)(编号:70cad 北京 版六下 unit 13 _ppt 课件 教案 素材
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