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高考英语词汇 3500 第二周(第二部分) 1:边听录音边看词 A 第二周 第二部分 arrive rav vi. 到达;达到 arrow r n. 箭;箭头 art t n. 艺术,美术;技艺 article tk()l n.文章;东西,物品;冠词 artificial tf()la. 人工的,人造的 artist tst n.艺术家 as z ,z ad. (US) sum v. 假定,假设 assumption smp()n n. 假定,假设 astonish stn vt. 使惊讶 astronaut strnt n. 宇航员 astronomer strnm(r) n. 天文学家 astronomy strnm n. 天文学 at t prep.在(几点钟) ;在(某处) athlete lit n. 运动员 athletic letk a. 健壮的,体育运动的 athletics letks n. 田径 Atlantic tlntk a. 大西洋的 the Atlantic Ocean tlntk ()n 大西洋 atmosphere tmsf(r) n. 大气;气氛 atom tm n. 原子,微粒 attach tt v. 把固定,重视 attack tk vt. / n. 攻击,袭击 attain ten v.(经过努力)获得 ,得到 attempt tempt vt. 试图,尝试 attend tend v. 看护,照料,服侍;出席,参加 attention ten()n n. 注意,关心 attentively tentivli ad. 注意地 attitude ttjud; (US) ttud n. 态度,看法 attract trkt v. 吸引,引起 attraction trk()n n. 吸引,爱慕 attractive trktv a. 迷人的,有吸引力的 audience dns n. 观众,听众 authentic entk a. 真正的,真品的 author (r) n. 作者,作家 authority rt n.权力,权威,威信,官方 automatic tmtk a. 自动的,机械的 autonomous tnms a. 自治的,自主的 August st n. 8 月 aunt nt; (US) nt n. 伯母;舅母;婶;姑;姨 Australia strelj * n. 澳洲;澳大利亚 Australian streln a. 澳洲的,澳大利亚人的 n. 澳大利亚人 autumn tm n. 秋天,秋季 available tm a. 可获得的,有空的 avenue vnjuvnu n. 大道 average vrd a.平均的;普通的 n.平均数 avoid vd v. 避免,躲开,逃避 awake (awoke, awoken) wek v. 唤醒 a. 醒着的 award wd n. 奖品,奖励 aware we(r) a. 知道,意识到,发觉 2. 根据汉语意思写出下列英语短语及词组 1) 除之外;除之外(还有) 2) 因(做了)某事向某人道歉 3) 合某人的口味 (心意) 4) 请求;申请 5) 赞成;赞同;满意 6) 为某事和某人争论 7) 说服/劝说某人 8) 保持距离;不亲近某人 9) 几乎;差不多 10) (对某人来说)是常有的事 3. 单项选择 1) The job promises high wages, so there are many __________ for it.A. appointments B. assistants C. applicants D. acquaintances 2) A new __________ to learning languages is being adopted here, and it will be very helpful to the students. A. arrangement B. approach C. way D. angle 3) He got into an ________ with Jeff in the pub last night and they still didnt reach any conclusion. A. argument B. acquaintance C. arrangement D. agreement 4) Despite the fact that their children spend long hours at school, many parents make __________ for them to take extra-curricular studies. A. assessments B. associations C. assumptions D. arrangements 5) Her unexpected _________ threw us into total confusion and we had to rearrange our schedule. A. arrival B. approval C. arrangement D. argument 6) Once you have decided to buy an expensive _________, you had better consult an expert on it. A. apron B. art C. apartment D. article 7) His ___________ that human beings can clone animals was proved at last. A. assessment B. association C. assumption D. arrangement 8) Completely lost in the exciting ________ of the football match, Tom didnt feel his pocket picked. A. scene B. atmosphere C. attention D. attempt 9) It may rain, but ________ I shall go out. I have something urgent to do. A. somehow B. anyhow C. somewhat D. anything 10) In order to tell the bees _______, he painted some bees with little spots of colour. A. apart B. away C. from D. around 11) It was _________ that he was seriously ill, because he was looking pale all day. A. anxious B. arbitrary C. approximate D. apparent 12) It is not _________ for parents to break their promise especially when their children are young. A. admirable B. arbitrary C. appropriate D. available 13) The questionnaire takes __________ ten to fifteen minutes to complete and can be used along with the assessment interview. A. anyhow B. punctually C. almost D. approximately 14) I knew nothing about the book before I bought it, so my choice was quite _________. A. ambiguous B. apparent C. arbitrary D. appropriate 15) Carter was saying all the right things, but his smile was _________, so I couldnt trust him. A. artificial B. appropriate C. authenticD. arbitrary 16) Dont think it any more. Everyone cries - its nothing to __________. A. be proud of B. be ashamed of C. be cautious of D. be aware of 17) We were ________ by the news that the prisoner should escape from the prison. A. astonished B. assumed C. ashamed D. approved 18) Cookies shaped like different kinds of animals __________ small children very much. A. lead to B. adapt to C. appeal to D. apply to 19) As soon as the hero appeared, everybody stood up and warmly _________ to honour his coming. A. appreciated B. appointed C. applied D. applauded 20) Unlike other officials, the mayors of the country are __________ by the government. A. pointed B. appointed C. appreciated D. arranged 21) It was only when I reread his poems recently that I began to __________ their beauty. A. appreciate B. appeal C. approve D. applaud 22) Many schools in the USA dont ________ of students wearing jeans to school and they forbid them. A. agree B. support C. approve D. assess 23) I dont want to waste time arguing ______ you ______ this matter. Do what you are told. A. with; for B. with; about C. about; over D. over; with 24) The problem has _________ simply because you didnt follow the instructions in the handbook. A. risen B. arrived C. raised D. arisen 25) Those who want to be an editor must be __________ with carefulness, patience and much knowledge. A. agreed B. appointed C. armed D. arranged 26) It was ________ that they should leave by the 9:00 train. A. appreciatedB. assessed C. associated D. arranged 27) The animals that are having winter sleep look ________ dead. You cant wake them up by touching. A. as well as B. as good as C. as far as D. as soon as 28) Testing students by examinations has long been regarded as a reliable way to _________ students competence. A. assess B. approve C. assume D. associate 29) When talking about Spain, people tend to ________ it ______ bull- fighting - a sport, which is exciting as well as cruel. A. associate; with B. arm; with C. arrange; with D. think; with 30) A man should be _________ to be innocent of a crime until he is proved guilty. A. attached B. attempted C. assumed D. assessed 2. 答案:根据汉语写出下列短语及词组 : 1) apart from 2) apologize to sb. for (doing) sth. 3) to sb.s appetite 4) apply for 5) approve of 6) argue with sb. about / over sth. 7) argue sb. into doing sth. 8) keep at arms length 9) as good as 10) as is often the case with sb. 3. 答案:单项选择: 1) C 这份工作薪水很高, 所以有很多申请者。 2) B 这里正采用一种学习语言的新方法,它对学生非常有用。 3) A 他昨天晚上与杰夫在酒馆开始了一场争论,现在他们还没有得出结论。 4) D 尽管孩子们在学校花费这么长时间,但许多父母仍然为他们安排课外补习。 5) A 她不期而至使我们全乱了套,我们不得不重新安排我们的计划。 6) D 一旦决定买一件贵的物品, 你最好向专家咨询一下这件事。 7) C 他的关于人类可以克隆动物的假设最终得到了证实。 8) B 由于完全沉醉在足球赛的令人兴奋的氛围中,汤 姆全然不知有人掏他的口 袋。 9) B 天可能要下雨,但无论如何我要出门。我有紧急的事情要做。 10) A 为了能把这些蜜蜂区别开来,他在有些蜜蜂身上涂了一些有颜色的点。 11) D 很明显他病得很严重,因为一 整天他的脸看起来很苍白。 12)C 对家长来说食言是不合适的,尤其是当他们的孩子还是幼年时。 13)D 问卷调查表大约需要 10 至 15 分钟可以完成,并且可以与评估面谈一起 进行。 14)C 我在买这本书之前对它一无所知,因此我的选择十分随意。 15) A 卡特说得都很对,但他的微笑不自然,因此,我不能相信他说的话。 16) B 别再想那事了。人人都有哭泣的时候,因此这没什么可丢人的。 17) A 这个囚犯竟然从监狱里逃脱,我们对这个消息感到很吃惊。 18) C 做成各种动物形状的甜饼对儿童有很大吸引力。 19) D 这位英雄一露面, 大家都站起来热烈鼓掌 ,对他的到来表示敬意。 20) B 与其他的官员不同,这个国家的市长是由政府任命的。 21) A 只有当我最近重读他的诗歌的时候,我才开始欣赏这些诗歌的美。 22)C 美国许多学校不同意并禁止学生在学校穿牛仔裤。 23) B 我不想浪费时间和你争论这件事。让你做什么,你就做什么。 24) D 只是因为你没有遵守手册的说明才出现了这个问题。 25) C 想当编辑的人必须具备细致耐心和丰富的知识。 26) D 已经安排好了,让 他们坐九点钟 的火车走。 27) B 冬眠的动物看上去和死的差不多,动一动它们不可能使它们苏醒。 28) A 通过考试来测试学生长期以来被认为是评估学生能力的可靠方法。 29) A 说到西班牙,人们往往把它和斗牛联系在一起,一项既令人兴奋又残忍 的运动。 30) C 尚未证实他有罪 ,就得假定他是清白的 。 选词填空、书面表达:提纲类应用文 4. 根据汉语意思,用方框内所给词或词组的正确形式完成下列句子(每空一词) appearance, sign, appointment, practice, appreciation, honour, approval, aspect, anxiety, appetite, assistance alike arrange, attend, approach, afford, abandon, differ, appoint, assist anything but, do sb wrong, have advantage over, make an apology to sb for sth. appeal to, rather than, apply for, in advance, go ahead with, argue sb. into doing sth, keep sb at arms length, as is often the case with sb. assist sb. in doing sth. 1) 安排山中度假我用了整整一下午,这活一点也不容易干。 I spent the whole afternoon ___________ holidays in the mountains. The work was _______ _______ easy. 2) 你太冤枉他了,因为这件事,你该向他道歉。 The _________ youve ________ him is terrible, ______ which you should _______ ______ ___________ ______ him. 3) 现在更多的农民是求助政府而不是靠天帮忙。 Now more and more farmers have _________ _______ the government _______ _________ nature for help. 4) 你认为她在申请这个职位上比其他女孩具有什么优势? What __________ do you think she _______ _______ other girls in ________ ________ the position? 5) 野山羊在辽阔的草原上出现是环境改善的好迹象。 Wild goats __________ on the vast grasslands was a good ________ of the better environment. 6) 如果你想看医生,你必须提前约定,这是在美国的通常做法。 You have to make an ____________ _______ __________ if you want to see a doctor. This is a common _________ in America. 7) 我写此信是想对 您邀请我,给我如此殊荣让我参加你们的会议表示我的感谢。 Im writing to express my ____________ for the invitation you sent me, giving me the ________ of ____________ your conference. 8) 随着实验接近最后成功。大家都明白谁都承担 不起因一个小差错而带来的 后果。 With the experiment ______________ the final success, everyone knows that they can not _________ a single small mistake. 9) 只用三个月我们就得到了正式批准进行这个工程。 It is just three months since we received official ___________ to _____ _______ ______ the project. 10) 他劝说老板放弃那个不切实际的计划。 He _______ his boss ________ ____________ the unpractical plan. 11) 和陌生人说话的时,我会自然地和他(她)保持一定的距离。 When talking with a stranger, I will naturally ________ him or her ______ ________ ________. 12) 尽管这对双胞胎看起来很像,他们在很多方面都不同,特别是爱好和个性 上。 Though the twins look _______, they ________ in many _________, especially in hobbies and personalities. 13) 他的痊愈消除了她的忧虑, 她曾愁得吃不下饭。 His recovery removed her _________, which had taken away her _________. 14) 他因超速而被罚款,这对他而言是常有的事。 _____ _____ ________ ______ _____ ________ him, he was fined for speeding. 15) 他们派了一个人来帮助这位图书管理员把书架的书排列整齐。 They _________ someone to _________ this library ____________ in _____________ the books on the shelf in order. 4答案:根据汉语意思,用方框内所给词或词组的正确形式完成下列句子 (每空一词) 1) arranging; anything but 2) wrong; done; for; make an apology to 3) appealed to; rather than 4) advantages; has over; applying for 5)appearance; sign 6) appointment in advance; practice 7) appreciation; honor; attending 8) approaching; afford 9) approval; go ahead with 10) argued; into abandoning 11) keep; at arms length 12) alike; differ; aspects 13) anxiety; appetite 14) As is often the case with 15) appointed; assist; assistant; arranging 5. 书面表达:提纲类应用文 假定你是李华,你的英国朋友 Jack 来信询问中国新农村建设的发展状况。请 你根据下列要点并结合美丽乡村建设,写一封回信介绍中国农村的一些新变化。内 容包括: 1. 居住环境方面的改善; 2. 文化生活水平的提高; 3. 邀请他来参观体验。 注意: 1.词数不少于 100 词; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 参考词汇:新农村建设 Rural Reconstruction 【参考范文】(要求朗读背诵) Dear Jack, I am delighted that you are interested in our countryside. With the promotion of the policy of Rural Reconstruction, amazing changes have taken place everywhere in Chinas long-stretching rural areas. Decorated with fancy patterns and updated with comprehensive facilities, old cottages have taken on an entirely new look. Roads and trails broadened with plentiful trees and various flowers on both sides, you would find it hard to distinguish illusion and reality if you paid it a visit in person. Moreover, the local government has made every effort to put environmental pollution under control for fresher air, clearer sky and cleaner water. What is more impressive is that modern conveniences like private cars and internet access have made it possible for the villagers to enjoy their physical and spiritual life with authentic feelings of abundance. If you do find all of those sound incredible, I sincerely wish you would come to check it out. Yours, Li Hua 【分析】 本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求考生给英国朋友Jack 写封信,向他介绍中国 新农村建设的发展状况。 【详解】第一步:审题 体裁:应用文 时态:根据提示,时态主要为一般现 在时和现在完成时。 结构:总分法 总分法指把主题句作为总说,把支持句作为 分说,并以这种方式安排所写内容。 要求: 1. 居住环境方面的改善; 2. 文化生活水平的提高; 3. 邀请他来参 观体验。 第二步:列提纲 (重点词组) delighted; be interested in; promotion; Rural Reconstruction; take place; decorated with; comprehensive; take on; broaden; distinguish; make every effort to; putunder control; private cars; physical and spiritual;incredible 第三步:连词成句 1. I am delighted that you are interested in our countryside. 2. With the promotion of the policy of Rural Reconstruction, amazing changes have taken place everywhere in Chinas long-stretching rural areas. 3. Decorated with fancy patterns and updated with comprehensive facilities, old cottages have taken on an entirely new look. 4. Roads and trails broadened with plentiful trees and various flowers on both sides, you would find it hard to distinguish illusion and reality if you paid it a visit in person. 5. Moreover, the local government has made every effort to put environmental pollution under control for fresher air, clearer sky and cleaner water. 6. What is more impressive is that modern conveniences like private cars and internet access have made it possible for the villagers to enjoy their physical and spiritual life with authentic feelings of abundance. 7. If you do find all of those sound incredible, I sincerely wish you would come to check it out. 根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。 第四步:连句成篇(衔接词) 1.表文章结构顺序: First of all, Firstly/First, Secondly/Second(供参考) 2.表并列补充关系: Moreover 3.表转折对比关系: However, On the contrary, but(供参考) 连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范 清晰。 【点睛】 高分句型 1 What is more impressive is that modern conveniences like private cars and internet access have made it possible for the villagers to enjoy their physical and spiritual life with authentic feelings of abundance. (运用了 what 引导主语从句, that 引导的表语从句, it 作形式宾语,不定式作真 正的主语) 高分句型 2 If you do find all of those sound incredible, I sincerely wish you would come to check it out. (运用了 if 引导条件状语从句和虚拟语气 )
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高中英语高三二轮复习:高考英语词汇3500第二周(第二部分) (含听力 附朗读、练习有答案 高中英语 高三 二轮 复习 温习 高考 英语词汇 第二 部分 部份 听力 朗读 诵读 朗诵 练习 答案 谜底
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