闽教版六年级下册-Unit 7 A Visit to a Middle School-Part B-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:4084b).zip


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A visit to a Middle School Unit 7 Part B Who shows the students around Sunlight Middle School? Where is the school library? Where are the teachers offices? Where are the physics labs? classroom building the first floor. the second floor. the ninth floor. labs teachers offices school library Where are(is) the ? They are(It is) on the . RoomFloor school libraryfirst floor teachers offices second floor labsninth floor subject Youll learn soon. physics This is a lab for chemistry. chemistry lab This is a lab for physics. physics lab bottle a bottle of milk 一瓶牛奶 six bottles of orange juice 六瓶橙汁 Chemistry must be very interesting. 表示肯定的猜测,意为“一定.” eg. Its 7:00 pm. now, you must be hungry. eg. Its late.You must go home now.Your mother must be worried. 已经晚上7点了,你一定饿了吧。 很晚了,你应该回家了,你妈妈一定很担心。 You must drink a lot of water . 必须,应该 Who is the man on the picture? EdisonEdison a a great great inventorinventor will be my favorite subject. Physics role play Summary will be my favorite subject. Youll learn soon. We visited this afternoon. Ms.Brown us around the classroom building.The labs are on the .In the lab we saw a picture of .He is a great .Lily wants to be a like him.What a dream! Summary Sunlight Middle School showed ninth floor Edison inventorscientist wonderful 熟读并背诵课文。 完成活动手册中本课的练习 用英语制作一份中学课程表 Homework Thank you!1 Unit 7 A Visit to a Middle School Part B 教学目标教学目标 语言知识目标 1.学习单词: chemistry,bottle,Edison,inventor,subject,history,geography。 2.学习句型:Youll learn soon. will be my favorite subject. 3.功能:谈论中学学习的学科及学校场所。 语言技能目标 1.能用英语说出中、小学所有学科的名称。 2.能用所学语言描述个人喜爱的学科。 3.能简单介绍学校场所,如物理实验室、化学实验室等。 情感态度 帮助学生初步认识中学的学习科目,树立全面发展、不偏科的理念,激发学生 对新知识学习的渴望。 教具准备教具准备 1.单词卡片。 (1)新单词卡片。 (2)小学所有科目的单词卡片。 (3)中学所有科目的单词卡片。 2.物理、化学、历史、地理等学科教科书各一本。 2 3.本课的课文挂图。 4.录音机或多媒体教学光盘。 教学过程教学过程 Step 1 Warming up 1.师生互致问候。 2.齐唱歌曲:Our School Will Shine。 3.揭示课题:Unit 7 A Visit to a Middle School Part B。 Step 2 Presentation (一)教学单词:subject,chemistry,history,geography 1.师生自由对话,复习上节课的内容。如: Who shows the students around Sunlight Middle School? Where is the school library? Where are the teachers offices? Where are the physics labs? 学生回答后,教师出示词组 middle school,teachers office,physics lab 和单词 study 进行复习巩固活动。 2.教师边读边板书下列句子: Well study physics at middle school. What subject will we learn at middle school? (1)教师出示单词 study 和 learn,请学生说一说它们的区别。 (2)请学生回答问题,不会用英语表达之处可以使用中文。 (3)教师出示化学 、 历史 、 地理三本课本及其单词卡片,教学这三个 单词。 (4)教师出示一本物理课本对全班学生说:“Youll learn physics soon.” 3 请学生模仿范例说一说,如: Well learn chemistry soon. Well learn history soon. Well learn geography soon. (二)整体感知课文 1.教师对全班学生说:“Ms.Brown shows the students around Sunlight Middle School.Now where are they going? Lets go and have a look.” 2.播放课文录音或多媒体教学光盘,学生边看书边听录音,教师在黑板上依次 贴出课本中的第一幅和第二幅图。 3.请学生回答问题,教师在第一幅图下板书 a lab for chemistry 和 chemistry lab,在第二幅图下板书 a lab for physics 和 physics lab,并教学。 (三)学习课文第一段和第二段对话 1.请学生看课本第一幅图旁的对话,教师播放录音,学生小声模仿跟读。 2.教师指着图中的瓶子,教学单词 bottle 和 bottles,然后教学句子 So many bottles!随后进行拓展操练:a lot of bottles,a bottle of milk,two bottles of milk 等。 3.教师扮演王涛的角色,出示一本化学课本说:“Ill learn chemistry soon.Chemistry must be very interesting.”告诉学生 must be 在句子中意思为“一 定” ,表示对有可能发生的事做合理、较肯定的推论。 请学生读熟这两个句子后,再利用不同的学科课本,巩固这两个句型的用法。 如: Ill learn physics soon.Physics must be very interesting. Ill learn history soon.History must be very interesting. Ill learn geography soon.Geography must be very interesting. 4.请学生看第二幅图旁的对话,自读第二段对话,然后回答问题:Whos the man on the picture? 4 5.教学单词 Edison,inventor 和词组 a great inventor。 6.请学生说一说,为什么说爱迪生是一位伟大的发明家,他都发明了些什么。 最后教师做总结:“Edison is a great inventor. Many things in our life were invented by him,such as the electric light,copier,phonograph,telegraph,etc.” (四)学习课文第三段对话 1.教师出示下面两个问题: What will be Lilys favorite subject? What does Lily want to be? (1)先教学 subject,Lilys favorite subject 和 your favorite subject 等。 (2)学生自读课文,然后回答问题。 2.请学生跟着录音读一读第三段对话,然后请个别学生示范朗读。 3.师生对话,巩固 subject 的用法。 (1)教师出示所有的小学学科的单词卡片,请学生读一读,然后提问: T: Whats your favorite subject? S1: is my favorite subject. (2)教师出示所有的初中学科的单词卡片,请学生读一读,然后提问: T: What will be your favorite subject? S1: will be my favorite subject. (五)熟读课文 1.教师播放课文录音或多媒体教学光盘二至三遍,学生模仿跟读。 2.请几个学生分角色读课文。 3.请学生根据课文插图和教师的板书提示复述课文。 (六)巩固练习 5 1.完成课本第 53 页的 Look and say.部分。 (1)出示图中的四本书,请学生用英文说一说,然后拼写出来。 (2)教师与一位学生做示范,完成对话活动。 (3)教师播放录音,学生模仿跟读。 (4)同桌合作,根据图片提示,进行对话活动。 2.完成课本第 55 页的 Listen and number.部分。 (1)请学生用英语读出这四个学校场所。 (2)教师随机出示词组卡片,如 physics lab,学生则要说:“Picture 3.”以此类 推。 (3)教师播放录音,学生独立完成练习。 (4)教师出示正确答案,学生核对。 听力材料: A:This is a wonderful playground. B: We can play football here. A:Where are the labs for chemistry? B: They are on the ninth floor. A: Where are the labs for physics? B: They are on the ninth floor,too. A:Where are the teachers offices? B: They are on the second floor. 参考答案:, 3.完成课本第 53 页的 Read. Tick or cross.部分。 (1)请学生快速阅读短文,理解大意。 6 (2)请学生再次阅读短文,判断句子正误。 (3)请学生说出自己的判断,并指出自己的判断所依据的句子。 (4)请学生根据短文内容,提出问题,其他同学回答,或邀请某位同学回答。 如: Which school did they go to see? Where are the labs? What do you think of Edison? 4.学说韵律诗:Geography。 (1)教师播放录音两遍,学生认真听,熟悉其韵律和节奏。 (2)教师再次播放录音,学生小声跟读。 (3)请学生跟着录音有节奏地说韵律诗。 (4)师生一起边做动作,边说韵律诗。 Step 3 Extension 综合活动:我最喜欢的学科。 1.教师给每组第一桌的两位学生各发放一张下面的表格。 Chineseart Englishscience mathphysics musicchemistry computerhistory PEgeography 7 2.每组第一桌的第一位学生从前往后,向每位组员提出问题:“Whats your favorite subject?”另一位第一桌的学生则从后往前,向每位组员提出问题: “What will be your favorite subject?”并根据组员的回答在相应的学科旁画“” 。 3.请持有表格的学生,根据表格中的内容进行汇报:“ is our favorite subject. will be our favorite subject.” 4.教师提出问题:“Why?” 请小组成员你一言我一语来谈一谈,如: S1:History is very interesting. S2:I want to be a historian. S3:Sima Qian (司马迁) is a great historian. I want to be a historian like him. 5.情感教育:每个学科都有它的特定功能,教师要帮助学生培养全面发展、不 偏科的理念,激发学生对新知识学习的渴望。 Step 4 Homework 1.听课文录音,模仿跟读。 2.完成活动手册中本课的练习。 3.用英语制作一份中学课程表。 4.完成课本第 56 页的自我评价部分。
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