闽教版六年级下册-Unit 4 Mother's Day-Part A-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:a005c).zip


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For Mother Mommy Mommy I love you. Ill give you _________________. Ill ________________________. ___________________________. Mommy Mommy I love you so. 参考词汇:(some candy, some flowers, a book, a dress, a card, a big kiss, sing, dance, take a photo, cook, wash clothes, clean the room.)一、教材内容一、教材内容 本节课所教授的内容是闽教版小学英语第八册 Unit 4 Mothers Day Part A,讲述的是母亲 节要到了,三个孩子计划在母亲节为妈妈做一些事的对话。继而了解母亲节的知识,内容等。这 不仅有利于加强学生对西方文化的掌握,还能激励学生心怀感恩,懂得回报母爱,达到新课程的 教学目的。 二、教学目标二、教学目标 语言知识目标 1.学习单词:kiss,love,surprise, kind. 2.学习句子:What will you do for your mother? Ill. 3.功能:谈论母亲节要做的事,表达感恩。 语言技能目标 1.能准确使用 will 来表达将要做的事。 2.能用英语表达对母亲的爱和要为母亲做的事。 3.能模仿范例为母亲写一首诗歌并朗诵。 情感态度 培养学生热爱母亲的情感并学会感恩,懂得尽孝道。 文化渗透 母亲节的由来。 3、学情分析学情分析 六年级学生有一定的思想,在一定程度上有竞争意识,知道学习是自己的主要任务。经过 3 年的英语学习,也有一定的基础。大部分学生养成了良好的英语学习习惯,但是也有一部分学生学 习兴趣不是很高,存在懒惰思想,不愿意背诵积累单词,不愿意主动思考问题,不敢开口说英语。 另一方面,学生有一定的分化。所以我们要充分认识学生,确定教学思路及方案,促进学生有效学 习。 四、教学重难点分析四、教学重难点分析 1. 教学重点:听说认读单词:kiss、love、surprise、kind,并能在具体的句型和语境中领会词意 和 用法。 2. 教学难点:理解对话:What will you do ? Ill,并能在实际情境中灵活运用与表达。 五、教具准备五、教具准备 1.本课有关的新单词卡片和句型条。 2. 4 束康乃馨。 3.课文中的三个人物头像。 4.教学光盘、课件。 六、教学过程六、教学过程 Step1 Warming up 1、Greeting 2、Watch a video. 3、教学 love 1) T: The maternal love is a greatest power of worldMaier. I love my mother. Do you love your mother? Ss: Yes. Love, love, l-o-v-e, 做动作并说 2) We also call mother, Mom or Mommy. Now, speak out your love. I love you, Mommy /Mom/mother. 【设计意图】课伊始,通过母亲节视频导入,渲染浓厚的母爱氛围,激发学生的求知欲和情感共 鸣了,自然引入 love, I love you 的教学。鼓励学生在母亲节大胆对妈妈表达爱,说出爱。 4、揭示课题;Unit4 Mothers Day Part A. Step 2 Presentation 1、介绍母亲节来历 1) Q1:When is Mothers Day? 出示日历,Whats the date today?引入时间 The Second Sunday of May. 2) Q2: Flowers? T : Yes, Its carnation. Different colors of carnations have different meaning. 出示四种康乃馨颜色及 代表含义。 2、揭示评价 G1: Red carnations G2: Yellow carnations G3: Pink carnations G4: White carnations 【设计意图】通过文化背景介绍,让学生更加深入了解母亲节的由来,用康乃馨的 4 种颜色作为 4 组评价,既促进学生积极参与,也承载学生对母亲的种种祝福,做到评价为教学服务,又切合情 感教育。 3、出示句子: What will you do for your mother? T: Mothers Day is coming. I love my mother. Ill buy some carnations for her. What will you do for your mother? Ss: Ill ______ for her. (have a party, make a card, sing, take a photo.) 引导 Ss: Good idea! 【设计意图】学生四年级已学过 Ill____句型,通过本课重点句型导入,激发学生思维,引导学生 充分运用旧知,初步谈谈对母亲节的想法。 4、出示三人头像,听课文,选择相应图的序号。 操练问答句 What will they do for their mother? Ill _______________. 1)出示 Ben 头像,听音回答。 a. 教学 Ill give her a card, and say, Happy Mothers Day! (引导学生用祝福的语气读, 注意说的话的符号说明) b.操练扩展句子 Ill give her ____,and say, Happy __________!(出示不同节日和礼物操练句子, 最后出示生日图,引导学生自由说) 【设计意图】让学生带着问题初步感知课文,再针对 3 个人进行逐一分析。引导学生模仿 Ben 的 语气说句子,体会孩子对母亲不一样的情感。利用不同节日扩展句型,让学生在用中学,学中用, 最后引入同班同学生日图,发散学生思维,培养学生在真实情境中运用语言的能力。 2)出示 Kate 头像,听音回答。 a. 教学 Ill give her a big kiss, and say, I love you ! (教学 kiss,kiss, a big kiss 引导学生说做动作 引导学生用 Kate 对妈妈爱的语气读) b.操练扩展句子 Ill give_____ a big kiss, and say, I love you !(出示不同人物引导学生说) 3)出示 Sally 头像,听课文并划出答案。 a. 教学 Lets give her a surprise= Ill give her a surprise. (教学 surprise,引导学生说做动作,,拼背单词 引导学生用神秘的语气读) b.教学 What kind of surprise? (教学 kind,find kind 操练扩展 What kind of____? ) 【设计意图】让学生运用已知的语言拼读能力自主拼读 kiss, surprise 等单词,发挥学生的自主学习 能力,利用说做教学单词,让学生在轻松的氛围中掌握单词,既培养了学生的学习兴趣,又融入 情感,加深对单词的理解。 5、Ask and answer. Role play 6、Listen and imitate. 【设计意图】通过角色扮演,听音跟读,基于课文情境,引导学生模仿不同的语气操练对话,不 仅培养学生的小组合作能力,巩固课文句型,也能让学生在表演中体会孩子们对妈妈的爱和对母 亲节的期待。 7、情感教育: Mothers do a lot for us. Mothers Day is coming. What should we do for her? (播放图片) (从今天开始,每天多做一点点,让母亲在爱与惊喜中迎接属于她的节日) 【设计意图】通过情感教育,激发学生感恩的心,告诉学生要学会回报母爱,通过母亲对孩子做 的无私的事和孩子能为母亲做的力所能及的事进行对比,激发学生的情感,教育学生要懂得孝顺, 懂得感恩,实现本课的教育性目标。 Step 3 Extension 1、Story Time: On Mothers Day . 【设计意图】绘本能更好地提升高年级学生的阅读面,图文并茂,配合适合的情境,让内容生动有趣,人物主 题形象鲜明,对培养孩子的认知能力、观察能力、和情感教育等都有重要作用。 2、Ask and answer:问答接龙。 What will you do for your mother? Ill . 3、What will you do for you mother? Please write a poem for your mother on the paper. Mummy, Mummy, I love you. Ill give you __________. Ill__________________. ____________________ . Mummy, Mummy, I love you so. 【设计意图】挖掘学生创造活用语言的能力,并能富有感情地朗诵诗歌,表达孩子对母亲浓浓的 爱。用特别的方式给妈妈一份特别的爱,从教师的语言输入转为学生的语言输出,既培养学生的 综合语言运用能力,又能有效地巩固语言知识,同时将本课母亲节的情感再次升华加温。 Step 4 Summary Step 5 Homework 1、Listen and imitate the text 3 times. 2、Read the poem to your mother. 3、Help your mother complete a wish on Mothers Day. Blackboard Design: Unit4 Mothers Day Part A What will you do for your mother? Ben 图 a card. .Happy Mothers Day!” Kate 图 Ill give her a big kiss. I love you!” Sally 图 a surprise.Unit4 Mothers DayUnit4 Mothers Day PartA PartA Do you love your mother? 你爱你的母亲吗? The maternal love is a greatest power of world.Maier 母爱是世间最伟大的力量。 米尔 l-o-v-el-o-v-e I love you, Mom/ Mommy/ mother ! 母亲节大声说出你的爱 : Y 母亲节(Mothers Day)是一个感 谢母亲的节日。 Y它的发起人是美国安娜贾维斯。 Y1913年,美国国会确定将每年5月 的第二个星期日作为法定的母亲节 ,并规定这一天家家户户都要悬挂 国旗,表达对母亲的尊敬。而安娜 贾维斯的母亲生前最爱的康乃馨也 就成了美国母亲节的象征。 Y WhenWhen? Its on the second Sunday of May. 五月的第二个星期日。 The second Sunday of May. Mothers DayMothers Day Y 母亲节(Mothers Day)是一个 感谢母亲的节日。 Y它的发起人是美国安娜贾维斯。 Y1913年,美国国会确定将每年5月 的第二个星期日作为法定的母亲节 ,并规定这一天家家户户都要悬挂 国旗,表达对母亲的尊敬。而安娜 贾维斯的母亲生前最爱的康乃馨也 就成了美国母亲节的象征。 WhenWhen? Its on the second Sunday of May. 五月的第二个星期日。 FlowersFlowers? Carnations. 康乃馨 G1G1 G2G2 G3G3 G4G4 Different colors of carnations have different meanings. What will you do for your mother? 你将要为妈妈做什么? Ill ____________for her. take a photo have a partymake a card cooksing make a cake What will they do for their mother? What will they do for their mother? A. I ll give her a card,and say,“Happy Mothers Day!” B. I ll give her big kiss, and say,“I love you!” C. Lets give her a surprise. Listen and match(听课文选择对应图的序号) What will they do for their mother? A. I ll give her a card,and say,“Happy Mothers Day!” B. I ll give her big kiss, and say,“I love you!” C. Lets give her a surprise. Listen and match Can you fill in the form ? Ill ____________________, and say,“Happy Mothers Day!” give her a card Tips1:(要读出Ben祝福的语气哦! ) Tips2: (英语中要表示某人说的话时, 用逗号和引号哦!) What will you do What will you do ? ? Ill _____________________,and say, “ Happy__________________!” give her some flowers Teachers Day What will you do What will you do ? ? Ill __________________,and say, “ Happy________________!” give him a card New Year What will you do What will you do ? ? Ill ___________________,and say, “ Happy__________________!” give them some candy Childrens Day What will you do What will you do ? ? Ill ________________,and say, “ Happy_________________!” give her ? Birthday Can you fill in the form ? Ill______________________, and say,“I love you !” give her a big kiss Miss Gao kiss a big 给她一个吻 give her Ill give her a big kiss ,and say, “I love you!” Tips:(要读出Kate对妈妈的爱的语气哦! ) fatherfather brotherbrother mothermother sistersister teacherteacher grandpagrandpa grandmagrandma Ill give ________ a big kiss, Ill give ________ a big kiss, and say, “I love you!”and say, “I love you!” my sister What will you do for your mother?What will you do for your mother? 自读课文第三段,并画出答 案。 表“惊喜、惊奇、 吃惊、意外”的意思 Lets give her asurprise. surprise 惊奇的 109 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 s_ _priseu r s_ _pr_s_u rie _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _s u r p r i s e Lets give her a surprise. = Ill give her a surprise. Tips:(要读出Sally神秘的语气哦! ) . What kind of surprise? 哪种类型的 kind “ 亲切的 ” She is very kind. find kind “ 种,类” What kind of ______? foodfood What kind of ______? flowersflowers What kind of ______? animalsanimals What will you do for your mother? I ll _________________, I ll _________________, and say, and say,“ “___________!___________!” ” Ill _________________. Ill _________________. Ill ______________, and say, “___________________!” give her a card Happy Mothers Day give her a big kiss give her a big kiss I love youI love you give her a surprise give her a surprise Listen and imitateListen and imitate (跟读课文,注意语音语调哦!)(跟读课文,注意语音语调哦!) Learn to thank!Learn to thank! Learn to love!Learn to love! learn to give!learn to give! What should we do for her? 我们能为妈妈做些什么? We can cook for her. We can clean the room . We can wash her feet . We can study hard . We can . 从今天开始从今天开始, , 每天为母亲多做一点点每天为母亲多做一点点, , 让母亲在爱与惊喜中让母亲在爱与惊喜中 迎接属于她的节日迎接属于她的节日 Write a poem for your mother. 2017年5月14日是母亲节,用诗朗诵的 方式表达你对母亲的爱吧! 特别的爱给特别的您特别的爱给特别的您 ! Mommy, Mommy, I love you. Ill give you a card . Ill give you a big kiss . Ill cook for you. Mummy, Mummy, I love you so. For Mother For Mother 两人一组,为母亲写一首诗歌 ,用上今天的句型 Ill ________.先两人对话朗诵诗 歌,再请1人上台,注意朗诵 时要表达出你对妈妈深深地爱 哦! Write a poem Mommy, Mommy, I love you. Ill give you _______ . Ill ______________ . ________________ . Mummy, Mummy, I love you so. For Mother For Mother Mommy, Mommy, I love you. Ill give you _______ . Ill ______________ . ________________ . Mummy, Mummy, I love you so. For Mother For Mother Summary Words: kiss love surprise kind Sentences: What will you do for your mother? Ill ________________. A mother is she who can A mother is she who can take the place of all others take the place of all others but whose place no one but whose place no one else can take.else can take. 母亲可以取代一切,母亲的地 位却无人能够替代。 Happy Mothers Day! I love you! Listen and imitate the text three times. Finish Activity Book P29-30. Help your mother complete a wish . Read the poem to your mother.
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