闽教版五年级下册-Unit 1 Winter Vacation-Part B-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:223f4).zip


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Part B 教学目标 语言知识目标 1.学习词汇:parents,hometown,took,tour,Sun Moon Lake 等。 2.学习句型:How was your winter vacation? I went toTaiwan with my parents. I took a boat tour of Sun Moon Lake. 3.学唱歌曲:The Taiwan Island。 4.功能:谈论寒假生活。 语言技能目标 1.能准确使用动词的过去式描述过去发生的事情。 2.能用英语说一说、写一写自己的家乡。 3.能用英语介绍自己与家人或朋友的寒假生活。 情感态度 宝岛台湾自古以来就是中国领土不可分割的一部分。 文化意识 了解台湾的一些著名的风景名胜。 教具准备 1.有关本课的新单词和词组卡片。 2.动词及其过去式的单词卡片。 3.Peter、Lily、Wang Tao 和 Yang Ming 的图片和头饰。 4.台湾一些著名风景区的图片。 5.录音机或教学光盘。 教学过程 Step 1 Warming up 1.师生互致问候。 2.教师播放录音,全班学生齐说韵律诗:How Was Your Vacation? 3.揭示课题并板书:Unit 1 Winter VacationPart B。 Step 2 Review 1.教师出示 Lily 和 Peter 的图片问:“How was Lilys winter vacation? How was Peters winter vacation? Do you remember?” 2.学生回答后,教师板书如下: visited the Great Wall went to Australia 3.教师说:“上节课,我们学习了如何讲述过去发生的事情。 讲述过去发生的事情,需要用到动词的过去式,现在让我 们来复习一些动词及其过去式。 ” (1)教师出示单词卡片 am,is,are,visit,go,do 等,请 学生在作业本上写出它们的过去式。 (2)教师简要介绍动词过去式的构成规则。 教师出示 amwas,arewere,gowent,dodid 等单 词,告诉学生这些动词的过去式的变化是没有规律的,需要记 忆。而很多规则动词的过去式,直接在动词词尾加ed 即 可,如:visited,played,watched,wanted 等。 4.游戏唱反调。 游戏规则:教师说动词原形,学生说出其过去式,教师说 动词的过去式,学生说出其原形。如: T:Go. S:Went. T:Were. S:Are. T:Watched. S:Watch. 5.教师提出问题并板书:How was your winter vacation?请学 生根据实际回答问题。 Step 3 Presentation (一)整体感知课文,学习本课新词与新句型 1.教师出示 Wang Tao 的图片,贴在句子 How was your winter vacation?的 your 下面,提出问题:“How was Wang Taos winter vacation? Please listen and watch.” 2.教师播放课文录音或 CD-ROM,学生认真听。 3.教学单词 parents 和句子 I went to Taiwan with my parents. (1)教学单词 parents,告诉学生 mother and father 称为 parents,而 grandmother and grandfather 可以称为 grandparents。 (2)学习句子 I went to Taiwan with my parents.并在 Wang Tao 的图片下板书 went to Taiwan with his parents。请学生 根据实际说出几个类似的句子,如: I went to the park with my grandfather. I went to Beijing with my parents. I went to the museum with my classmates. 4.教学单词 hometown 和句子 Is it your hometown? (1)教学单词 hometown,告诉学生 hometown 是合成词, 由单词 home(家)与 town(城镇)组成。请学生说一说还 有学过哪些合成词,如: homework,blackboard,basketball 等。 (2)教学句子 Is it your hometown?Yes,it is. 教师问:“句子中的 it 指的是哪儿?”根据学生的回答, 教师说:“Yes,Taiwan is Wang Taos hometown.”边说边 在黑板上的单词 Taiwan 下画条线,板书 Wang Taos hometown。 教师接着提问:“Where is your hometown?”请学生根据实 际回答。 5.教学句子 I took a boat tour of Sun Moon Lake.及句子中的生 词。 (1)教师出示词组 took some photos,took a train 和 took off my sweater,请学生判断一下 took 是哪个动词的过去式。 (2)教学 taketook 及词组。 (3)出示单词 tour,学习其发音,然后再出示单词 our,hour 和 tour,区别这三个单词的音、义和形。 (4)学习词组 take/took a boat tour,并请学生模仿说词组, 如: take/took a bus tour take/took a bike tour take/took a ship tour (5)出示词组 Sun Moon Lake,再出示台湾的几处风景名胜 的图片,如:阿里山,日月潭,101 大楼等,请学生说一说 Sun Moon Lake 是哪一处风景名胜的英文名称。告诉学生 Sun Moon Lake 是专有名词,所以每个单词的第一个字母要大 写。 (6)带领学生熟读句子 I took a boat tour of Sun Moon Lake. 并在 Wang Tao 的图片下板书该句子。 (二)再读课文,学习有关描述 Yang Ming 寒假生活的句子 1. 教师指着黑板上 Lily 的图片问:“How was Lilys winter vacation?”学生根据黑板上的提示,说一说 Lily 的寒假生 活。 2. 同样提出问题:“How was Peters winter vacation?How was Wang Taos winter vacation?”学生根据黑板上的提示 回答。 3. 教师出示 Yang Ming 的图片问:“How was Yang Mings winter vacation?Please read the dialogue by yourselves.Then make a dialogue with your partner.” (1)学生自读课文对话,找出答案。 (2)同桌练习对话。 (3)请几位同学表演对话,教师在 Yang Ming 的图片下板 书句子:He played chess with his father.Very often his dad was the winner.并教学。 (三)熟读对话,表演对话 1.教师播放课文录音或 CD-ROM 二至三次,学生模仿跟读。 2.学生自读对话二至三次,记住对话中每个人物的寒假活动。 3.教师出示 Lily,Peter,Wang Tao 和 Yang Ming 的头饰,请四 位学生上台,其他学生随机提出问题,如: How was your winter vacation,Wang Tao/Peter/? How about you,Peter/Lily/? 被点到名字的学生要根据课文对话内容回答问题。 4.以同样的方式,完成课本第 5 页的 Lets talk.部分。 (四)巩固练习 1.完成课文第 7 页的 Listen.Tick or cross.部分。 (1)教师播放录音,学生独立完成练习。 (2)校对答案。 (3)出示录音材料,大家一起读一读。 听力材料: A:How was your winter vacation? B:It was wonderful.I went to Taiwan. A:Did you visit Sun Moon Lake? B:Yes,I did. A:How was your winter vacation? B:Great!I went to Beijing. A:Did you visit the Great Wall? B:No,I didnt.It was snowing. A:Did you go to Shanghai in winter vacation? B:No,I didnt.I was in Fuzhou. A:Did you go to the fair at the Spring Festival? B:Yes,I did.It was very interesting. A:Did you go to Hangzhou in the vacation? B:No,I didnt.I went to Xian. A:Did you visit the museum? B:Sure.It was very interesting. 2.完成课文第 6 页的 Learn to write.部分。 (1)学生独立完成练习,教师巡视,帮助学习有困难的学生。 (2)请三位学生在黑板上写出答案,教师带领全班学生一起 校对答案,注意书写规范。 Step 4 Extension 综合活动:小练笔我的家乡 1.完成课本第 5 页的 Read.Tick or cross.部分。 (1)请学生自读小短文,独立完成练习。 (2)校对答案。 (3)教师播放短文录音,学生模仿跟读。 2.小练笔我的家乡。 (1)请学生模仿小短文,以 My Hometown 为题,写一段小 短文。 (2)请个别学生读一读自己写的文章,教师可根据学生的 短文内容提出一些问题,考查一下其余学生是否听懂了。 Step 5 Homework 1.听课文录音,并模仿跟读。 2.完成活动手册中本课的练习。 3.完成课本第 8 页的自我评价部分。 Unit 2 A Visit to the Zoo 文化和语言注释 1.本单元的话题是动物,主要内容是复习问路的主要句型, 学习 there be 句型的肯定形式及有关方位的介词和词组 next to、beside、behind、under、near 等,语音部分总结元 音字母 o 在单词中的三种读音。 2.Look,there is a map over there.(瞧,那边有一幅地图。 ) 这是本套教材第一次出现 there be 句型,是本课的重点。同 时要讲解 there be 和 have 表示“有”的不同之处。 (1)there be 句型表示的是 “某处有(存在)某人或某物” ,其结构为 There be+名词+地点状语(地点状语也可以放在 句首) 。主语是单数名词或不可数名词时用 there is,主语是 名词的复数形式时用 there are。如: There is a baby elephant in the zoo.(动物园里有一只小象。 )这句子的主语为可数名词单数形式,地点状语也可以放 在句首:In the zoo there is a baby elephant. There is some bread on the table.(桌子上有一些面包。 ) 这个句子的主语为不可数名词。 There are some bears under the tree.(树下有几只熊。 )这 个句子的主语是可数名词的复数形式。 (2)there be 表示某个时间或地方“存在”某人或某物, 而 have 表示主语“拥有”某人或某物,如: There are three children in the garden.(花园里有三个孩子。 ) 这三个孩子在花园里,但他们并不属于花园。 She has three children.(她有三个孩子。 )这三个孩子属于她。 3. There are some elephants behind the hill.(小山后面有几只 大象。 ) (1)这句话也可以表达为:Behind the hill there are some elephants. (2)hill 的意思是“小山,丘陵” ,通常指比 mountain 小 的山。 (3)在五年级上册的第一、二单元曾经学习过 behind,beside,near 等表示方位的介词,教师应结合学过 的内容复习。 4. Let me take a photo of it.(让我来给它拍一张照片。 ) it 指前面出现过的 ababy elephant。take a photo of 的意思 是“给拍照。 ” 5. There are some tigers next to the lions.(紧挨着狮子园有几 只老虎。 ) next to 是“邻近,紧靠,紧挨着”的意思。如: Sally sits next to Julia.(萨莉紧挨着朱莉娅坐着。 ) 6. Mom,we are home.(妈妈,我们回来了。 ) 7. What animals did you see,children?(你们看到了什么 动物?) We saw pandas,tigers,monkeys.(我们看到了熊猫、 老虎、猴子) saw 是 see 的过去式,在疑问句中用 did 作为助动词提问, 谓语动词用原形动词。 8. I took a photo of a baby elephant.(我给一只小象拍了一张 照片。 ) took 是 take 的过去式。 9.Did you give bananas to the monkeys?(你们喂猴子吃香 蕉了吗?) No,we didnt.(不,我们没有。 ) 这是用助动词 did 提问的一般疑问句及其否定回答。 10. We are hungry.We ate the bananas.(我们很饿,我们吃 了香蕉。 ) ate 是 eat 的过去式。 11. There was a baby elephant.(动物园里有一只小象。 ) 这是 there be 句型的过去式。 12.课本第 14 页的韵律诗及其译文: Where Are They? 它们在哪里? Where are the elephants? 大象在哪里? Behind the hill. 在小山后, They are behind the hill. 它们在小山后。 Where are thepandas? 熊猫在哪里? Under the tree. 在树下, Theyre under the tree.它们在树下。Part B Unit2 A Visit to the Zoo 闽教闽教版(版(三起点三起点 ) 五五年级年级下册下册 Warm-upWarm-up Lets chant. Warm-upWarm-up Free talk. There is/are Lead-in animal Presentation What animals did you see, children? I/We saw pandas, tigers, monkeys Presentation Did you see any monkeys? Yes, I did./No, I didnt. Practise Did you ? Yes, I did./No, I didnt. What animals did you see? I/We saw Presentation Listen and follow. (单击图片,播放动画) Presentation Listen and follow. Did Sally take a photo of the baby elephant? Did the children give bananas to the monkeys? Why not? Yes, she did. No, they didnt. They were hungry. They ate the bananas. Presentation Listen and follow. hungry He was very hungry. He ate lots of food. ateeat Practise 录音录音课文句子课文句子 S: Mom. We are home. M: What animals did you see, children? K: We saw pandas, tigers, monkeys . B: And bears, lions and elephants, too. (注意模仿语音、语调哦 ) Listen and follow. Practise 录音录音课文句子课文句子 S: I took a photo of a baby elephant. Look, here it is. M: Its very lovely! M: Did you give bananas to the monkeys? B: No, we didnt. We were hungry. We ate the bananas. M: Aha, three hungry monkeys! (注意模仿语音、语调哦 ) Listen and follow. Practise 四人一组,练习对话,随后 表演出来吧! Practise Ask and answer.any Practise Read. Tick or cross. Practise Listen and circle the right picture. Practise Learn to write. there is a map I saw two pandas Practise 活动A Visit to the Zoo 时间 动物园名字 同行的人 交通工具 看到的动物 最喜欢的动物及特征 其他活动 Practise Sing a song. Summary 本节课学习的单词为: saw animal hungry eat any eat Summary 本节课学习的重点句型为: Did you ? Yes, I did./No, I didnt. What animals did you see? I/We saw
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