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小学英语(北京版)三年级下册 Lesson 24 What does your mother (she) do? What are they talking? What does say?How does answer? _____ is a________. What does your mother do? She teacher She is a teacher. She teaches English. He is a teacher, too. He teaches art. I also teach English. I am a teacher, too. 2 3 4 1 They are teachers. 大于2个用they they :他/她/它们 Whats he doing? Hes driv(e)ing. He is a driver. Whats she doing? Shes driv(e)ing,too. She is also a driver. he she她 他 Both :两者都. Whats he doing? Hes singing. He is a singer. he 他 she 她 Whats she doing? Shes writ(e)ing. She is a writer. Both he and she are artists(艺术家们). Who is she? She is. Who is he? He is. Where are they? at a hospital What do they do? She is a nurse. He is a doctor/ dentist. Both she and he work at this hospital. 1.What does Guoguo say? 2.How does Mike ask? Listen and say Both_______and_ _____work at this hospital. What______ My_________ and my_____ my aunt my uncle do they do? aunt is a nurse uncle is a doctor. My mother also______in a_______.she is a______. So she can_______. What _____?He is a____. works hospitaldentist take care of your teeth. does your father do? teacher. take care of 照顾,照料. take care of your teeth 照顾照料你的牙齿们 Listen, tick or cross 1. Guoguos aunt is a nurse. 2. Mikes father is a teacher. 3. Mikes mother is a nurse. tooth Listen, look, and learn teeth a teacher Listen, look, and learn What does your father do? Listen, look, and learn He is a teacher. a policeman Listen, look, and learn What does your brother do? Listen, look, and learn He is a policeman. a dentist Listen, look, and learn What does your mother do? Listen, look, and learn She is a dentist. a worker Listen, look, and learn What does your uncle do? Listen, look, and learn He is a worker. They are reporting the news. they 他/她/它们 They are reporters. What do they do? 复数群体 大于等于2 用do和they Are they reporters? No,they arent They are actors and actresses. an actor 一位男演员 an actress 一位女演员 an artist 一位艺术家 元音AEIOU开 头的单词,要 用an. Listen, look, and learn This is my new friend, Amy. And this is her family photos. What do they do? Listen, look, and learn mother father brother uncle What does do?Amys mother She is a .dentist He is a . What does do? Listen, look, and learn mother father brother uncle Amys father teacher He is a . Listen, look, and learn mother father brother uncle Amys brother policeman What does do? What does do? Listen, look, and learn mother father brother uncle Amys uncle worker He is a . dentistnurse driver writeran actressan actor reporter policeman teacher A: Both my grandparents work at this hospital. B: What do they do? A: My grandpa is a dentist and my grandma is a nurse. B: So your grandpa can take care of your teeth. A: What does.do? B: He is a/ an. . Thanks! 谢谢! Read and guess He wears a big white hat. He makes yummy food. What does he do? He is a cook. Read and guess He wears a red uniform with a helmet. He saves people from fire. Hes brave. What does he do? He is a fireman. Homework 1.登录优作业或者听说宝APP完成 作业。 2.使用点读宝APP学习Unit 7/Lesson 24/Listen and say 课文和Unit 7/Lesson 24/Lets learn词汇。 3.使用优学酷学习“Unit 7/Lesson 24/Listen and say、 Lets learn”,还有更多的精彩内容帮助你巩固今天 的学习。 Lets sing What do you want to be? I want to be a . Lets review What do you want to be? I want to be a scientist. Listen review ? Lets review What do you want to be? I want to be a writer. Lets review ? Lets review Both my aunt and my uncle work at this hospital. What do the do? Listen and say My aunt is a nurse, and my uncle is a doctor. So she takes care of your teeth. My mother also works in a hospital. She is a dentist. Listen and say What does your father do? He is a teacher. Listen and say Both____and____ work at this hospital. What.? My.and my. My mother also____in a_____.she is a______. So she can_______. What _____?He is a____. Listen and say1 所教年级三年级所教册次、单元下册 Unit 6 设计主题What does she do ? 1.整体设计思路、指导依据说明 整体设计思路: 利用动画片引出主题句,然后教师走下讲台介绍自己的职业, teach you,Im a teacher.借助幻灯片复习二年级时学的 driver .接着学习新的职业名称的单词,学习单 词时,教师反复运用句型“What does she/he do ? Shes /Hes a .让学生学会找规律操练句型,并 举一反三。再用我的朋友 Amy 家庭成员的名片夹,pair work 就职业一问一答,最后 family tree,让学生创编对话。让学生理解到各个家庭成员的不同职业身份。 指导依据:本节课注重对学生语言运用能力的培养,在内容安排、活动设计和教学方法等方 面都紧密联系学生的生活实际,贯彻了语言的交际功能和语言应用的基本原则,充分体现了交际 教学思想。 2.教学背景分析 教学内容分析: 本节课涉及到本单元的导入和 Part A Lets learn 和 Group work 部分,有对整个单元情况的概 括,又有对职业单词的初步学习,以奠定学生的职业理想。本课时要求学生学会简单的职业名称, 让学生在观察和应用中总结出这些职业词汇变化的一般规律,在实际会话中要求掌握重点句子 “ What does your mother do ?” Shes a teacher.”并能够向同学介绍自己亲戚的职业情况等。 学生情况分析: 本节课教学内容紧密联系六三年级学生的生活和学习实际,根据三年级学生的年龄特点以及根据三年级学生的年龄特点以及 他们对英语知识初步了解的基础上,他们对英语知识初步了解的基础上,让他们在有节奏的歌谣中体验语言节奏的歌谣中体验语言,在活泼优美的旋律活泼优美的旋律中感 受语言,在轻松愉快的语言活动中输入语言。通过对本节课的学习,学生们有了自己的兴趣爱好,通过对本节课的学习,学生们有了自己的兴趣爱好, 并有了对职业的基本认识和了解之后,才能进一步地做出自己的人生职业规划并有了对职业的基本认识和了解之后,才能进一步地做出自己的人生职业规划,才能下定决心, 树立远大的目标和志向,并为之不懈地奋斗。 3.教学目标分析 一、知识目标: 1.能够听、说、读、写单词:singer writer ,TV reporter, actor, actress, artist. 2.掌握重点句子 “What does your mother do ? She is a teacher.”并能用关键词进行替换问答。 2 二、能力目标: 1. 能够熟练吟唱 lets chant 部分。 2.能够在 Group work 里对班上同学的职业意向进行总结,并用 be going to be 的句型表示出来。 三、情感目标: 通过对职业的学习和了解,初步培养自己的职业意向,并在 Lets chant 部分感受父母养育自 己的辛苦,受到心灵的触动。 4.教学重点、难点分析 教学重点: 能够听、说、读、写四会单词:singer , writer, actress, actor, artist, TV reporter, 并能够简单介绍 这几种职业。 教学难点: 能够用 I am going to be 句型表达自己的理想,并能够正确区分 a 和 an 的用法。 5.教学过程设计 Step 1: Warming up 1.Greeting T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you today Ss: I m fine, thank you. How are you ? 2. 活动: Lets watch and listen a cartoon . What does the fox ask ? And how does the sheep answer. 引出本节课的主题句。What does your mother do? She is a . 3. 活动: 出示同学们熟悉的两位老师的照片照片。 (课件) He is a teacher. She is a teacher. I teach English, Im a teacher, too. 教师板书:(teach-teacher) 注意:teach 和 teacher 用不同的颜色的笔标出来。 再出示一位司机的图片出示一位司机的图片。 T: What is he doing ? Hes driving . T: What does he do ? 5 Ss: He is a driver . 教师板书:(drive - driver ) 3.编唱歌谣编唱歌谣:Teach -Teacher Drive-driver 设计意图:让学生先复习单词 teacher 和 driver 这两 种职业,并初步了解由动词变化成名词的基本规律,初步熟悉句型 He a 和 Shes a 。 Step2: New concepts 1.活动一:新课导入 Lets learn. (1)播放幻灯片,出示著名歌唱家的照片出示著名歌唱家的照片。 T: What is she doing ? Ss: She is singing . T: What does she do ? 借机引出主题并板书:(Unit 6 What does she do ? ) Ss: She is a 依据学生们的回答板书:(sing-singer)示范朗读,让学生跟说并做动作跟说并做动作。 (2)再用幻灯片呈现著名作家的照片,询问学生:Do you like writing ? Do you want to be a writer ? 板书单词:( write - writer ) (3) 呈现著名电视主持人的照片和其主持的节目, (小小智慧树-红果果) T: She is a TV reporter. 范读并板书。 (4)按照上面的方法依次引出对 “actor” “actress” “artist”的学习。把这几个单词排写在一起,并出 示卡片 a 和 an ,让学生试着将卡片和单词搭配起来。如老师拿着 a 卡片放在单词 singer 前面, 询问学生 :a singer ? right or wrong ? 让学生来判断是否正确。当问到 “actor” “actress” “artist” 的时候,注意提醒学生,这三个单词前面都是元音,因此与之相搭配的应该是 an 。 即: a singer/writer/TV reporter an actor/ actress/artist 设计意图:用幻灯片及小学生所熟悉的名人来引出对职业的学习,形象明了,让学生更有亲切设计意图:用幻灯片及小学生所熟悉的名人来引出对职业的学习,形象明了,让学生更有亲切 感,乐学,愿学。用小卡片来区分感,乐学,愿学。用小卡片来区分 a 和和 an 的用法,便于学生了解记忆。的用法,便于学生了解记忆。 (5) “快看快说”活动。 三人一组,其中两个同学分别同时快速出示一张职业图片和 she, he ,和 Sarah 中的任意一张卡片, 第三个学生根据卡片上的内容快速说出一个句子,如:She is an actress . 4 (6) 教授 lets learn 部分的句子。 先出示我父亲的照片-幻灯片。 T: This is my father。He is a farmer. What does your father do ? Ss: He is a driver/ farmer/teacher . 教师范读、领读句子。再给予学生自由时间,两人一组进行对话练习,并提醒学生用单词 singer, writer, TV reporter, actor, actress ,artist 进行替换练习。 设计意图:出示真实的情境 my father 便于学生理解,在导入和学习新单词时已经重复利用句型 What does she do ? Shes a 和 What does he do ? Hes a .因此学生掌握此新句型:What does your father do ? 不会很难。 2.活动二:小记者 Group work 用我侄女的一张照片用我侄女的一张照片(幻灯片)及其对自己今后的职业理想的几句表述( Im Han Shu qi .Im going to be an engineer .) ,引出句型 What are you going to be ? Im going to be a .操练句型 之后,让学生拿起话筒担当小记者,采访自己的好朋友和周围的同学,问问他们的理想,并用让学生拿起话筒担当小记者,采访自己的好朋友和周围的同学,问问他们的理想,并用 本子记录下来,总结出来,向全班同学汇报本子记录下来,总结出来,向全班同学汇报 。 设计意图:联系生活实际,让学生通过对职业的学习和了解,初步明确自己的职业意向,并用设计意图:联系生活实际,让学生通过对职业的学习和了解,初步明确自己的职业意向,并用 be going to be 的句型表示出来。的句型表示出来。 Step3: Consolidation and extension 活动:听歌学英文 Lets chant 教师带领学生学习 Lets chant 部分的歌谣,并让学生注意押韵的部分。并播放录音,让学生跟唱。 等学生熟练了以后,教师让学生说说从中感受到了什么?尤其是 They work hard every day for us !这 句话。 最后教师总结:不论我们的父母是农民、工人、还是演员,他们每天都在为我们而努力工作。工 作是不分贵贱的,父母的爱也是不分贵贱的,只要勤勤恳恳地劳动就是光荣的。 设计意图:用 Lets chant 部分感人的歌谣启发学生对父母的关怀和爱。 Step 4: Homework 1.Interview (采访) your partner(伙伴),You can ask him/her three questions. 4 (1)What does your father do ? (2)What does your mother do ? (3)What are you going to be ? 将答案写在作业本中。 2.熟记你最喜欢的三种职业名称。 板书设计: Unit 5 What does she do ? teacher / driver 1. What does she /he do? a singer writer She / He is reporter actor an actress 2. What does your father do ? Hes a teacher.artist 3. What are you going to be ? Im going to be a 6.教学评价设计 评价内容: 本节课主要是围绕 “职业”进行教学的,其主要目的在于让学生能够用所学语言简单描述他 人及自己的职业,而且能够运用上个单元学习的第三人称单数形式。本课时的教学对象是已经学了 三年英语的六年级学生,此段学生天真活泼,好奇心极强,有较强的模仿能力,逻辑思维能力和求 职欲望,而且有一定的词汇积累。故在教学中,我为学生们创设了生动、活泼、和谐的学习氛围, 让学生们积极主动参与学习,敢于展示自己,成为学习的主人。 评价方法: 课堂上以形成性评价为主,以学生参与每部分教学活动所表现出的兴趣、态度和合作能力为 主。评价学生在学习过程中使用所学语言进行活动的情况。及时表扬表现优秀者,鼓励有进步的 学生。简而言之,课堂上主要采用了表扬和鼓励性的语言及小奖品对学生进行积极有效的评价。
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北京版三下_UNIT SEVEN WANT TO BE TEACHER_Lesson 24_ppt课件_(含教案+微课+视频)_公开课_(编号:3006b 北京 版三下 _unit 24 _ppt 课件
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