闽教版四年级下册下Unit 3 School Subjects-Part A-ppt课件-(含教案+微课+素材)(编号:c0bd8).zip


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闽教版四年级下册闽教版四年级下册 Unit 3 School Subjects Part A 教学设计教学设计 教学目标: 1、语言知识目标: 学习单词:math、English、music、Chinese、art 学习句子:What day is today?以及答句 Its. We have a/an.class this morning. I am(not)good at. Dont worry, I can help you. 2、语言技能目标: 能认读与正确书写词汇: math、English、music、Chinese、art 能听懂会说:What day is today? We have a/an.class this morning.等句型,并能在实际情境中运用。 3、情感目标: 培养学生合理安排各学科学习时间的意识。 教具准备:单词卡片、日历、语文书、数学书、英语书、 PPT、小红旗 教学过程: Step 1: Lead in 一、 Greetings T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Miss Cai. T: How are you today? Ss: Im fine. Thank you. And you? T: Im fine, too. Thank you. Look, whats this? Yes, its a calender. Do you know how many days in a week? Ss: Seven days. T: Great. There are seven days in a week. Now, look at the screen. Lets sing the songtogether. 二、全班齐唱歌曲There are seven days 三、揭示课题 T:There are seven days in a week. From Monday to Friday, we learn a lot of things in the school. Look, this is a class schedule. Today we are going to talk about our school subjects.(板书课 题,教学 subjects,带读,并强调/ts/的发音) 设计意图:利用歌曲导入,让学生很快地融入到本节课的 氛围中,既复习了学习过的知识,又活跃了课堂气氛,层 层递进,揭示了本节课的课题。 Step 2:Presentation T:Before the class, I will divide you into four groups. If you can answer my questions, I will give your group a flag. In the end, the winner will get a present. Do you understand? Ss: Yes. (设计意图:利用分组,奖励的方式,激发学生回 答问题的积极性,踊跃举手回答问题,活跃了课堂气氛, 乐在其中。 ) 一、语境呈现 T:Now, watch the video and answer the question. Question: What day is today? 引出 What day is today?及其回答 Its. (把词条贴在黑板上进行教学,带读) 操练:Guessing Game T: Lets play a Guessing Game. Look at the screen. This is Game Rule. 游戏规则:PPT 呈现标有星期的转盘问学生:“What day is today?”每组请一位学生来猜一猜指针可能停在的位置上的 日期,转动转针,当指针停下时,学生根据指针停下的位 置用“Its.”回答,回答对的获一根小彩旗。 (设计意图: 让学生带着语境和问题听,提前熟悉课文。 ) 二、Teach: English、math、music、art、Chinese T:As you know, we have many school subjects from Monday to Friday. This is an English book(出示手中的英语书,再出示 English 的单词卡片)Read after me “English”(分音节读,大 小声,开火车) 用同样的方法教学 math、Chinese T:Look the picture, what is she doing?(PPT 呈现一个女生画 画的图片) Ss:She is drawing. T:Yes, and we can draw in art class.(引出 art 的单词并进行教 学) 用同样的方法教学单词 music 操练:1、在 PPT 上呈现五门科目的教科书,请学生依次读 出来; 2、Game:屏幕上出现标有这五个单词的气球,当气 球往上飞时,学生快速读出对应的单词。 三、教学句子:We have a/an.class this morning. T:We have an English class this morning.(PPT 呈现这句话及 中文意思并讲解,板书)What about Wang Tao and Sally? What classes do they have this morning? Lets watch the video again(播放音频) T:Can you find the answer? S1:Math. S2:English. T:Excellent(引导学生用 They have.class this morning 来表 达) 指出今天早上的表达是“this morning”而不是“today morning”一节英语课和一节美术课是用 an 而不是 a 操练:PPT 展示本班的课程表,请学生用句型“We have a/an.class this morning/afternoon”来表达 Tuesday 这天的 课程。 四、教学句子:Im (not)good at it. Its very nice of you. Dont worry, I can help you. T:Im an English teacher. I like English. Im good at it(PPT 展示 此句)Im good at it, it means.(指导学生读出此句话的中 文意思)What about you? What subjects are you good at? S1:Im good at. S2:Im good at. T:Wonderful. Im good at English, but Im not good at math.(PPT 展示这句话的意思)Who can help me?(出示 help 的单词卡片教学) S1:I can help you. T:Thank you very much. Its very nice of you.(PPT 展示,教学 带读) T:What about Wang Tao? Turn to page 16. Wang Tao is not good at.(引导学生说出答案) S:English T:Good. And who can hep him? S:Sally. T:Very good. Dont worry, Sally can help him.(教学 Dont worry) 操练:1、跟录音读 2、分角色扮演 Step 4 Extension 一、请学生根据课文内容填空。 (1)We have a class this morning. (2)Yang Ming is not good at . (3) can help Yang Ming. (4)Its very of you. 二、设计课程表 四个学生为一小组讨论各自喜欢什么课程,为什么喜欢这 门课,分别擅长和不擅长什么科目,讨论完后请代表上台 说一说。 Step 5 Summary 总结本节课学的单词和句子 Step 6 Homework 1、完成快乐英语本课的练习 2、根据课程表,说一说明天的课程,并通过查找资料,自 学还没学过的科目的英文名称。 教学反思:本节课,我先用歌曲导入,带动学生气氛 的同时,复习了上单元学过的单词,加深了学生的记忆, 带动学生的情绪,活跃了课堂的气氛。听完歌曲后用提问 的方式层层递进,揭示课题。首先创设情境,让学生带着 问题听本节课的音频,打破传统单词-句子-课文的教学,使 学生身临其境,如见其人,如闻其声。其次,利用卡片、 课本、ppt 的图片来进行单词的教学,运用了直观教学法。 在单词的操练中我利用游戏来进行操练,让学生乐在其中, 充分调动了学生的积极性,让学生在玩中学。再者进行句 子的教学,利用学习中的实际来促进学生对知识的理解。 在课文的教学中,先用听,来引导学生对课文的初步认知, 教完单词句子后,再用“找”来加深学生对课文的感官理 解,最后用跟读,分角色朗读的方法,训练了学生的听说 能力。我认为本节课的不足之处在于拓展部分内容较单一, 讨论部分没有给予学生充分的时间,学生准备较仓促。在 单词的操练上,注重整体的操练,单个学生的操练比较少。 板书设计: Unit3 School Subjects PartA What day is today? Its. English We have an English class this morning. Chinese I am good at. math I am not good at. art Music Group 1Group 2Group 3Group 4UnitUnit 3 3 SchoolSchool SubjectsSubjects PartPart A A 评课意见评课意见 整体上,蔡老师这节课能够根据学生的年龄特征与本课 School Subjects 特点,结合本班实际课程情况,将所学的运用起来。能够 注意衔接,新旧结合,依靠多媒体技术,整合教学资源。 教学上,蔡老师教学基本功扎实,能够正确使用英语进行教学, 语言清晰,表达准确,教学态度真诚。通过 Sing a song 来热身, 通过转盘猜一猜游戏来复习 What day is today? Its。又通过 复习 She is drawing. We can draw in art class,从而引出新课程 School Subjects。整堂课进行得很顺畅自然。 课堂上存在些小问题,如 1、整个课堂的激励性语言单一。 2、个体操练偏少,可适当增加。 3、操练方式可再丰富些,如多采取一些游戏方式进行操练,从 而让学生在乐趣中学到知识。 虽然如此,蔡老师的这节英语课上得还是比较成功的,师生关系 融洽,课堂气氛良好,尝试以学生为主体,寓教于乐,达到了预期的 教学效果。GreetingGreeting Sing a songSing a song Warming up Unit 3 School Subjects Part A /ts/ 学校课程 Watch the video and answer the question 5 What day is today? 今天星期几? Guessing GameGuessing Game 游戏规则:每组请一位 学生来猜一猜猜一猜指针可能 停在的位置上的日期, 转动转针,当指针停下 时,学生根据指针停下 的位置用“Its.”回答, 回答对的获一根小彩 旗。 Monday Tuesday Wednesday ThursdayFriday Saturday Sunday 开始 | 暂停 She is drawing.She is drawing. We can draw in art We can draw in art class.class. They are singing.They are singing. We can sing in music We can sing in music class.class. Engli sh math Chines e music art 12 English Math Art Chinese Music 当气球往上飞时,快速读出气球上的单词 English Math Art Chinese Music English Math Art Chinese Music English Math Art Chinese Music We have an English class this morning 我们今天早上上一节英语课 13 have anan class have a a class 今天早上今天早上 this morning this morning today morning today morning English art Chinese math music Watch the video and answer the questionWatch the video and answer the question 14 2、What about Wang Tao and Sally? What classes do they have this morning? 请用“They have.class this morning”表达出来 Our ScheduleOur ScheduleOur ScheduleOur Schedule 16 点 请用请用“We have a/an . class this morning/afternoon”“We have a/an . class this morning/afternoon”表达表达 TuesdayTuesday的课程。任选一门即可的课程。任选一门即可 Monda y TuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday morning ChinesemathChinesemathChinese morningmathEnglish math ChineseEnglish morningmusicsciencePEmoralityscience afternoonwritingmusicinformation artpractic e afternoonartChineseHaixi science music afternoonPEmoralitylaboractivityPE 17 I am good at English。 我擅长英语。 What about you? What subjects are you good at? 你呢? 你擅长什么科目? 18 张艺兴 He is good at swimming.He is good at swimming.He is good at dancing.He is good at dancing. 孙杨 19 I am good at English. I am notnot good at math. Who can help me?谁能帮帮我? Its very nice of you.Its very nice of you.你人真你人真 好。好。 She is not good at skating. Who can help her? He is not good at singing. Who can help him? 22 Wang Tao is not good at English. Dont worry. Sally can help him. Turn to Page 16 ExtensionExtensionExtensionExtension 24 根据课文内容填根据课文内容填 空。空。 (1)We have an class and a class this morning. (2)Yang Ming is not good at . (3) can help Yang Ming. (4)Its very of you. (1)English math (2)English(3)Sally (4)nice Discussion 25 四个学生为一小组讨论各自喜欢 什么课程,为什么喜欢这个课程, 分别擅长和不擅长什么科目。然后 上台说一说。 SummarySummary 26 Words: English、math、Chinese、art、music、help Sentences: What day is today? We have a/an . class this morning. I am(not) good at. I can help you. HomeworkHomeworkHomeworkHomework 27 1、完成快乐英语本课的练习。 2、根据课程表,说一说明天的课程, 并通过查找资料,自学还没学过的科 目的英文名称。 Class is over. Thank you!
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