闽教版四年级下册下Unit 7 Seasons-Part C-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:501f1).zip
1 闽教版英语义务教育教科书四年级下册 Unit 7 Seasons Part C Revision and Writing 1、教学内容分析教学内容分析 (一)教学内容(一)教学内容 本课时为闽教版英语四年级下册 Unit 7 Seasons Part C 部分,主题为 “Revision and Writing” 。本课是一节单元综合写作课,围绕“我最喜爱的 季节”这一话题展开教学,帮助学生整理与归纳单元所涉及的语言知识点, 引导学生将单元话题与自身生活经历相结合,开展初步的写作训练。 (二)整体设计思路(二)整体设计思路 语言知识是语言运用能力的重要组成部分,是发展语言技能的重要基 础。课程标准在第三部分分级标准的语言知识中,确立了对本节话题的定 位。“季节”这一话题集属于二级语言知识,在标准描述中,建议教师帮 助学生理解和运用有关“季节”话题的语言表达形式。基于对课程标准的 研读、对教材的把握和对学生的认知,本课的重要概念定为“让学生四季 特点有所了解”。这一概念的建构涉及以下一些知识: (1)不同季节的天气。 (2)不同季节的景色。 (3)不同季节中人们所开展的活动。 针对这些需要学生了解的概念,与以前所学的关于天气、景色、活动 等知识相互整合起来,通过提炼四季多姿多彩的原因: weather,scenery, activities,使学生对不同季节的特点和内涵有较为整体的认识,并构建较 为完整的知识体系。通过特定的情境和多种形式为学生搭建写作梯度,引 导学生激活写作素材,帮助学生在形式多样的写作活动中循序渐进,逐步 提升。 二、学情分析二、学情分析 本单元的主题为 Seasons,是学生在学习及生活中所津津乐道的关于 季节的内容。基于四年级学生的认知特点、生活经历,教师根据学生的现 有认知水平和生活实际,创设以老师最喜爱的季节为整节课的主线,让学 生有话可说、有感可发,进而介绍自己最喜爱的季节,表达喜欢这一季节 的原因以及它的别具一格,以此来开展语言交流活动,并达成本课时现场 写作的目标。 2 三、教学目标三、教学目标 (一)知识目标 1. 熟练掌握本单元所学的词汇和句型; 2. 能借助语言框架,综合运用所学语言知识,写一篇英语作文。 (二)能力目标 1. 培养学生的语言表达能力; 2. 初步了解和熟悉有关写作的方法和技巧,课堂完成写作活动,形成 写作策略。 (三)情感目标 1. 在完成任务的过程中培养合作学习的能力; 2. 体会四季的多姿多彩,懂得热爱大自然,热爱我们的生活。 四、教学重难点四、教学重难点 (一)教学重点:用英语介绍自己最喜爱的季节,并进行写作。 (二)教学难点:了解和掌握写作的步骤与思路。 五、教学过程设计五、教学过程设计 教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图 Step 1 Warming up 1.Free talk. T: Today well learn English writing. I divide you into two teams. Try to be the writing star. 2.Lead-in. Know more about Ms Tang. Talk with T. Guess something about T. 通过师生交谈,自然地引 出今天学习的话题: English writing, 进而介绍 评价机制,激发学生学习 积极性。 通过 word puzzle, 揭示今天写作的主题:My Favourite Season 1.Ask and answer. 3 Step 2 Pre-writing T: How many seasons are there in a year? What are they? Which season do you like best? 2.Guess: Enjoy the poem in Chinese. T: Why does Miss Tang like autumn best? 3.Ask and answer. T:Whats the weather like in each season? Lets sing. Seasons and weather 4.Guess: Look at the picture of autumn. T: Why does Ms Tang like autumn best? 5.Try to say T: What can you see in autumn? Task 1 Read and match 6.Enjoy four seasons 7.Recall Ts Favourite season on weather and scenery. Tells Ss how to fill in the mind map. How to make a report. 8.Try to say. T: What can you do in each season? Game: Super turntable 9.Pair work 10.Read and underline. What can Ms Tang do in autumn? 11.Look and say. Tells Ss to write the feelings about the seasons. Answer the questions. Find out the first reason. Talk about the weather in each season. Sing a song. Find out the second reason. Finish Task 1. Watch a video. Fill in the mind map. Make a report Answer the questions. Play a game Ask and answer in pairs Read a passage and underline the key words. Look and say 激活学生的知识储备,让 他们进入写作话题的情景。 解决写作首个要素:Which 通过读古诗猜测的方式引 出写作要素:Weather 操练叙述天气的句型。 引入写作的要素: Scenery, 通过看图说话,引导学生 进行景色描写,渗透写作 技巧。 运用思维导图梳理知识点 引入写作要素“activities” 口头操练,突破难点,为 下一步的写作做铺垫。 引导学生进行细节描写, 渗透写作技巧。 Step 31. Make an outline.Write down the 帮助学生梳理写作提纲, 4 While- writing Helps Ss analysis the outline. 2.Lets write. 3. Do a self-assessment. composition and share it with the desk mate. Check the composition by themselves. 进行篇章结构的指导。 学生自由写作,教师巡视 指导。完成后同伴分享。 运用细化评价要素表进行 自评,让学生当堂自我反 馈。 Step 4 Post-writing 1. Check the compositions that are made by Ss. Asks several Ss come to the front and share their compositions in class. T and other Ss check the compositions. 2. Moral Education. T: Every season brings its joy. Love four seasons. Love the nature. Love our life. Listen and check the compositions. Listen and read. 展示部分学生作品,教师 和其余学生口头评价,使 习作的评价更直观和及时。 结合写作话题渗透思品教 育,让情感融入写作当中。 Homework 1. Check. (对堂上作文进行自评和同伴互评) 2. Revise. (修改你的作文) 让习作的评价更多元化, 养成修正作文的习惯,从 而提高写作能力。 六、板书设计六、板书设计 My Favourite Season Which Weather Scenery Activities Feeling 七、教学反思七、教学反思 本课时是根据闽教版四年级下册第 7 单元内容设计的一节复习写作课。 课堂上通过口语交际、思维导图、阅读等活动,帮助学生梳理和复习整个 单元的知识要点,最终让他们现场完成单元话题作文“My Favourite season ” 。在整节课中学生思维活跃,发言积极,写作到位,取得了预期 的教学效果。在本节课的教学中,我做得较好的有以下几点: Beginning Body Ending Why 5 (一)创设语境,主线分明 本节课是一节围绕“最喜爱的季节”这一话题的写作专题课,教师从 上课伊始就通过 word puzzle 直观地导入话题,在之后的梳理知识、操练 巩固、阅读和写作环节都紧紧围绕 My favourite season 这一主线来展开 活动,从谈论老师最喜爱的季节过渡到学生叙述自己最喜爱的季节,一条 主线贯穿始终,使学生在真实语境中认知语言和运用语言。 (二)搭建支架,梯度写作 对于小学生而言,在短短的 40 分钟里完成一篇高质量的英语作文并 不是易事。在本课中,教师非常注重为学生搭建写作的支架,先从 weather,scenery, activities 来阐述 why,引导学生从多方面描述自己 最爱的季节,循序渐进,先易后难,化难为易,以听、说和读来促写。采 取了听 Read and match、同桌对话、思维导图、自由复述、阅读回答等活 动,在进行大量的听说读的训练后,学生已经为自己搭建起了写作的框架, 到最后的写作环节则水到渠成,学生们有话可写,有章可循,并可以适当 创造发挥。 (三)写法指导,渗透策略 在“写前”环节,教师在搭建写作支架的同时,有意识地渗透写作策 略,如提供相关词汇、如何多方式表达原因、如何描写感受、如何写开头、 主体和结尾等等,这样的策略渗透给了学生直接有效的写作方法指导,培 养了学生遣词造句的能力。 (四)有效评价,激励动机 评价是教师教学和学生学习过程中的重要一环。本节课教师把 “Lets pick more apples and try to be the writing star”贯穿整 课,极大地激发了学生的课堂参与热情和学习积极性,很好地活跃了课堂 气氛,提高课堂效率。 另一方面,在“写作后”环节,对学生习作采用多元评价:自评、师 评、互评、集体共同评议等,并根据小学生特点采用了“量化写作评价表” ,细化写作评价标准,让学生更具体清晰地评价习作,从而培养了学生的 评价意识和反思能力。 (五)板书精炼,突示范性 本节课的板书体现了该写作话题的关键词,为学生进行语言归纳做了 很好的示范。整个板书的设计就是学生写作的提纲,帮助学生理清文章脉 6 络,进行篇章布局的指导,为写作打下了很好的基础。 这节课也存在着不足之处: (一)本节课教师的“说”仍然占比较大的比重,如果能给学生更多 “说”的空间,让他们发挥个性,就更能锻炼学生的创造性思维能力。 (二)本节课提问的面仍不够广,如果对中下生更多关注,给予更多 鼓励和指导,就更能体现教学的全面性。Lets sing. Unit 7 Seasons Part C Revision & WritingPart C Revision & Writing 清师附小 汤洁仪 Know more about Ms Tang 找出隐藏的单词,得出Ms Tang的相关信息 ? Ms TangMs Tang 1. Favourite colour 2.Favourite food 3. Favourite fruit 4.Favourite animal 5.Favourite season Ms TangMs Tang Try to say. How many seasons are there in a year? What are they? springsummerautumn winter My Favourite season My Favourite season is_.is_. Enjoy an ancient poem(古诗) Why does Ms Tang like autumn best? 早秋曲江感怀(节选) 唐 白居易 离离暑云散,袅袅凉风 起。 池上秋又来,荷花半成 子。 Because I like the weather . Its Its windy windy and and coolcool. . In_, its_and_. springsummerautumn rainy warm sunny hot windy cool windy cold snowy winter Try to say. spring, spring, rainy and warm summer, summer, sunny and hot autumn, autumn, windy and cool winter, winter, snowy and cold Lets sing. Because I like the .sceneryscenery Guess(猜一猜). 景色 Why does Ms Tang like autumn best? Try to say In_, _ _ (景色) autumn What can you see in autumn? Try to say In_, _ _ (景色) autumn the colours are beautiful. What can you see in autumn? Try to say In_, _ _ (景色) autumn the colours are beautiful. What can you see in autumn? Try to say In_, _ _ (景色) autumn The leaves fall and fall and fall. the colours are beautiful. What can you see in autumn? In_, _. Task 1 Read and match. 读一读,然后连线读一读,然后连线 A.The colours are beautiful! The leaves fall and fall and fall. B. There are beautiful flowers everywhere. C. There is lots of snow. Its white everywhere. D. The sky is blue. The cloud is white. The weather is hot, hot, hot. 1.spring 2.summer 3.autumn 4.winter Enjoy four seasons 1. Fill in the mind map. 完成思维导图。 2. Make a report to your partner.与同桌互相口头作报告。 Hi, my name is . My favourite season is. Its .(天气) .(景色) Task 2 Make a report. Try to say In _, I can_. . . . . spring summer autumn eat lots of fruits go on a trip winter eat hot pot spring summer winter autumn A: Whats your favourite season? B: My favourite season is_ . A: What can you do in_? B: I can_. Game: Super Turntable(超级大转盘) Ask and answer. A:Whats your favourite season? B:My favourite season is _ . A:What can you do in_? B:I can_ . 同桌问答同桌问答 Activitie活动: plant trees, plant flowers, go on a picnic, go swimming, go fishing, go boating, eat ice cream, fly kites, make a snowman, play in the snow, pick apples. My Favourite Season Hi, Im Ms Tang. My favourite season is autumn. Its windy and cool in autumn. The weather is good.The colours are beautiful! The leaves fall and fall and fall. I can fly kites with my daughter. I can pick apples. Apples are my favourite fruit. On the weekend,I often go on a picnic with my family. That is so fun. Its a wonderful season. Task 3 Read and underline What can Ms Tang do in autumn? Its a wonderful season! Feelings( (感受感受) ) What a wonderful season! What a beautiful season! How beautiful it is! I really like autumn! Its a beautiful season! Its a wonderful season. Writing outline 写作提纲 My Favourite Season Hi, Im Ms Tang. My favourite season is autumn. Its windy and cool in autumn. The weather is good. The colours are beautiful! The leaves fall and fall and fall. I can fly kites with my daughter.I can pick apples. Apples are my favourite fruit. On the weekend, I often go on a picnic with my family. That is so fun. Beginning(开头) Body(主体) Ending(结尾) 1. Write a composition about your favourite season (Choose A or B), and do a self-assessment. 2. Share it with your partner. B My Favourite Season Hi, my name is _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A My Favourite Season Hello! My name is _. My favourite season is_. The weather is _._ _(景色).I can_. I can_. Its a beautiful season! Task 4 Writing Items 评价项目 Basic Requirements 评价基本要求 Assessment 评价 Standard Scores 标标准分值值 Scores 得分 Punctuation&Letter case 标点和字母大小写 Use punctuation and case letters correctly 能正确使用标点及字母大小写(错4个以上 不得分 ) 1 Spelling & Handwriting 拼写和书写 Spell words correctly and have beautiful handwriting 能正确拼写单词 (错4个以 上扣一分)及书写漂亮 2 Words &Sentences 词句 Use nice words and sentences (such as linking words, etc)wisely 能巧用词句如连接词等 2 Grammar 语法 Use grammar properly 能正确使用语法(语法错误 4个以上扣一 分,整篇时态错误 不得分) 2 Content 内容 Have a topic,a complete main part and good ending 有主题句,完整的内容和精彩的结 束语(主题句和结束语占一分,正文占2 分,若正文不完整的酌情扣分。) 3 Total 总分 Peer-assessment of Writing(Scores:10) 写作互评表(总分:10分) Check your composition (春有百花秋有月,夏有凉风冬有雪。)(春有百花秋有月,夏有凉风冬有雪。) Love four seasons! Love the nature! Love our life! (热爱四季!)(热爱四季!) (热爱自然!)(热爱自然!) (热爱生活!)(热爱生活!) Homework 1. Check. (对堂上作文进行同伴互评) 2. Revise. (修改你的作文) Which team is the winner? 哪一组获胜? Thank you! Good bye!1 Class_ Name _ Topic: My Favourite Season Task 1 Read and match (读一读,然后连线。读一读,然后连线。) Task 2 Make a report (做报告做报告) 1. Fill in the mind map. 填写思维导图。填写思维导图。 2. Make a report to your partner. 与同桌互相口头汇报。与同桌互相口头汇报。 Hi, my name is . My favourite season is. Its.(天气)(天气). .(景色)景色) Weather 天气:rainy, warm, sunny, hot, windy, cool, snowy, cold Scenery 景色:春 There are beautiful flowers everywhere. Spring is green with flowers and songs. 夏 The sky is blue. The cloud is white. There are green trees. The birds dance with flowers. 秋 The colours are beautiful. The leaves fall and fall and fall. Autumn is golden and farmers are busy. 冬 There is lots of snow. Its white everywhere. Winter is white and the year is gone. 1. spring 2. summer 3. autumn 4. winter A.The colours are beautiful! The leaves fall and fall and fall. B.There are beautiful flowers everywhere. C.There is lots of snow. Its white everywhere. D.The sky is blue. The cloud is white. The weather is hot, hot, hot. 参考词句 2 Task 3 Read and underline (速读,用横线划出关键词速读,用横线划出关键词) Q: What can Ms Tang do in autumn? My Favourite Season Hi, Im Ms Tang. My favourite season is autumn. Its windy and cool in autumn. The weather is good. The colours are beautiful! The leaves fall and fall and fall. I can fly kites with my daughter. I can pick apples. Apples are my favourite fruit. On the weekend, I often go on a picnic with my family. That is so fun. Its a wonderful season! Writing outline(写作提纲写作提纲) Beginning Body Ending My Favourite Season weather Feeling Which scenery activities 开头 主体 结尾 天气 景色 活动 感受 Why 3 Task 4 Writing (写作写作) 1. 写一篇介绍自己最喜爱的季节的作文(写一篇介绍自己最喜爱的季节的作文(选选 A 或或 B),然后填写写作自评表。),然后填写写作自评表。 2. 与同桌分享你的作文。(给同桌朗读你的作文)与同桌分享你的作文。(给同桌朗读你的作文) Self-assessment of Writing 写作自评表写作自评表 ( Tip: 有完成的项目打。 书写质量用 ABC 表示。) 活动活动天天 气气 景景 色色 12 感感 受受 书写书写 (ABC) 自评自评 A. My Favourite Season Hello! My name is _. My favourite season is_ . The weather is _ ._ _ . I can_. I can_. Its a beautiful season! B. My Favourite Season Hi, My name is _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (景色) 4 Peer-assessment of Writing(Scores:10) 写作互评表(总分:写作互评表(总分:10 分)分) Word Bank (参考词句参考词句) Weather 天气天气 Scenery 景色景色 Activities 活动活动 rainy warm sunny hot windy cool snowy cold . 春春: There are beautiful flowers everywhere. Spring is green with flowers and songs. 夏夏: The sky is blue. The cloud is white. There are green trees. The birds dance with flowers. 秋秋: The colours are beautiful. The leaves fall and fall and fall. Autumn is golden and farmers are busy. 冬冬: There is lots of snow. Its white everywhere. Winter is white and the year is gone. plant trees plant flowers go on a picnic go swimming go fishing go boating eat ice cream fly kites make a snowman play in the snow pick apples eat hot pot eat lots of fruits go on a trip. Feelings 感受感受 It is a wonderful season! It is a pretty season! What a wonderful season! What a beautiful season! How beautiful it is! I really like(spring/summer/autumn/winter)!
- 资源描述:
1 闽教版英语义务教育教科书四年级下册 Unit 7 Seasons Part C Revision and Writing 1、教学内容分析教学内容分析 (一)教学内容(一)教学内容 本课时为闽教版英语四年级下册 Unit 7 Seasons Part C 部分,主题为 “Revision and Writing” 。本课是一节单元综合写作课,围绕“我最喜爱的 季节”这一话题展开教学,帮助学生整理与归纳单元所涉及的语言知识点, 引导学生将单元话题与自身生活经历相结合,开展初步的写作训练。 (二)整体设计思路(二)整体设计思路 语言知识是语言运用能力的重要组成部分,是发展语言技能的重要基 础。课程标准在第三部分分级标准的语言知识中,确立了对本节话题的定 位。“季节”这一话题集属于二级语言知识,在标准描述中,建议教师帮 助学生理解和运用有关“季节”话题的语言表达形式。基于对课程标准的 研读、对教材的把握和对学生的认知,本课的重要概念定为“让学生四季 特点有所了解”。这一概念的建构涉及以下一些知识: (1)不同季节的天气。 (2)不同季节的景色。 (3)不同季节中人们所开展的活动。 针对这些需要学生了解的概念,与以前所学的关于天气、景色、活动 等知识相互整合起来,通过提炼四季多姿多彩的原因: weather,scenery, activities,使学生对不同季节的特点和内涵有较为整体的认识,并构建较 为完整的知识体系。通过特定的情境和多种形式为学生搭建写作梯度,引 导学生激活写作素材,帮助学生在形式多样的写作活动中循序渐进,逐步 提升。 二、学情分析二、学情分析 本单元的主题为 Seasons,是学生在学习及生活中所津津乐道的关于 季节的内容。基于四年级学生的认知特点、生活经历,教师根据学生的现 有认知水平和生活实际,创设以老师最喜爱的季节为整节课的主线,让学 生有话可说、有感可发,进而介绍自己最喜爱的季节,表达喜欢这一季节 的原因以及它的别具一格,以此来开展语言交流活动,并达成本课时现场 写作的目标。 2 三、教学目标三、教学目标 (一)知识目标 1. 熟练掌握本单元所学的词汇和句型; 2. 能借助语言框架,综合运用所学语言知识,写一篇英语作文。 (二)能力目标 1. 培养学生的语言表达能力; 2. 初步了解和熟悉有关写作的方法和技巧,课堂完成写作活动,形成 写作策略。 (三)情感目标 1. 在完成任务的过程中培养合作学习的能力; 2. 体会四季的多姿多彩,懂得热爱大自然,热爱我们的生活。 四、教学重难点四、教学重难点 (一)教学重点:用英语介绍自己最喜爱的季节,并进行写作。 (二)教学难点:了解和掌握写作的步骤与思路。 五、教学过程设计五、教学过程设计 教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图 Step 1 Warming up 1.Free talk. T: Today well learn English writing. I divide you into two teams. Try to be the writing star. 2.Lead-in. Know more about Ms Tang. Talk with T. Guess something about T. 通过师生交谈,自然地引 出今天学习的话题: English writing, 进而介绍 评价机制,激发学生学习 积极性。 通过 word puzzle, 揭示今天写作的主题:My Favourite Season 1.Ask and answer. 3 Step 2 Pre-writing T: How many seasons are there in a year? What are they? Which season do you like best? 2.Guess: Enjoy the poem in Chinese. T: Why does Miss Tang like autumn best? 3.Ask and answer. T:Whats the weather like in each season? Lets sing. Seasons and weather 4.Guess: Look at the picture of autumn. T: Why does Ms Tang like autumn best? 5.Try to say T: What can you see in autumn? Task 1 Read and match 6.Enjoy four seasons 7.Recall Ts Favourite season on weather and scenery. Tells Ss how to fill in the mind map. How to make a report. 8.Try to say. T: What can you do in each season? Game: Super turntable 9.Pair work 10.Read and underline. What can Ms Tang do in autumn? 11.Look and say. Tells Ss to write the feelings about the seasons. Answer the questions. Find out the first reason. Talk about the weather in each season. Sing a song. Find out the second reason. Finish Task 1. Watch a video. Fill in the mind map. Make a report Answer the questions. Play a game Ask and answer in pairs Read a passage and underline the key words. Look and say 激活学生的知识储备,让 他们进入写作话题的情景。 解决写作首个要素:Which 通过读古诗猜测的方式引 出写作要素:Weather 操练叙述天气的句型。 引入写作的要素: Scenery, 通过看图说话,引导学生 进行景色描写,渗透写作 技巧。 运用思维导图梳理知识点 引入写作要素“activities” 口头操练,突破难点,为 下一步的写作做铺垫。 引导学生进行细节描写, 渗透写作技巧。 Step 31. Make an outline.Write down the 帮助学生梳理写作提纲, 4 While- writing Helps Ss analysis the outline. 2.Lets write. 3. Do a self-assessment. composition and share it with the desk mate. Check the composition by themselves. 进行篇章结构的指导。 学生自由写作,教师巡视 指导。完成后同伴分享。 运用细化评价要素表进行 自评,让学生当堂自我反 馈。 Step 4 Post-writing 1. Check the compositions that are made by Ss. Asks several Ss come to the front and share their compositions in class. T and other Ss check the compositions. 2. Moral Education. T: Every season brings its joy. Love four seasons. Love the nature. Love our life. Listen and check the compositions. Listen and read. 展示部分学生作品,教师 和其余学生口头评价,使 习作的评价更直观和及时。 结合写作话题渗透思品教 育,让情感融入写作当中。 Homework 1. Check. (对堂上作文进行自评和同伴互评) 2. Revise. (修改你的作文) 让习作的评价更多元化, 养成修正作文的习惯,从 而提高写作能力。 六、板书设计六、板书设计 My Favourite Season Which Weather Scenery Activities Feeling 七、教学反思七、教学反思 本课时是根据闽教版四年级下册第 7 单元内容设计的一节复习写作课。 课堂上通过口语交际、思维导图、阅读等活动,帮助学生梳理和复习整个 单元的知识要点,最终让他们现场完成单元话题作文“My Favourite season ” 。在整节课中学生思维活跃,发言积极,写作到位,取得了预期 的教学效果。在本节课的教学中,我做得较好的有以下几点: Beginning Body Ending Why 5 (一)创设语境,主线分明 本节课是一节围绕“最喜爱的季节”这一话题的写作专题课,教师从 上课伊始就通过 word puzzle 直观地导入话题,在之后的梳理知识、操练 巩固、阅读和写作环节都紧紧围绕 My favourite season 这一主线来展开 活动,从谈论老师最喜爱的季节过渡到学生叙述自己最喜爱的季节,一条 主线贯穿始终,使学生在真实语境中认知语言和运用语言。 (二)搭建支架,梯度写作 对于小学生而言,在短短的 40 分钟里完成一篇高质量的英语作文并 不是易事。在本课中,教师非常注重为学生搭建写作的支架,先从 weather,scenery, activities 来阐述 why,引导学生从多方面描述自己 最爱的季节,循序渐进,先易后难,化难为易,以听、说和读来促写。采 取了听 Read and match、同桌对话、思维导图、自由复述、阅读回答等活 动,在进行大量的听说读的训练后,学生已经为自己搭建起了写作的框架, 到最后的写作环节则水到渠成,学生们有话可写,有章可循,并可以适当 创造发挥。 (三)写法指导,渗透策略 在“写前”环节,教师在搭建写作支架的同时,有意识地渗透写作策 略,如提供相关词汇、如何多方式表达原因、如何描写感受、如何写开头、 主体和结尾等等,这样的策略渗透给了学生直接有效的写作方法指导,培 养了学生遣词造句的能力。 (四)有效评价,激励动机 评价是教师教学和学生学习过程中的重要一环。本节课教师把 “Lets pick more apples and try to be the writing star”贯穿整 课,极大地激发了学生的课堂参与热情和学习积极性,很好地活跃了课堂 气氛,提高课堂效率。 另一方面,在“写作后”环节,对学生习作采用多元评价:自评、师 评、互评、集体共同评议等,并根据小学生特点采用了“量化写作评价表” ,细化写作评价标准,让学生更具体清晰地评价习作,从而培养了学生的 评价意识和反思能力。 (五)板书精炼,突示范性 本节课的板书体现了该写作话题的关键词,为学生进行语言归纳做了 很好的示范。整个板书的设计就是学生写作的提纲,帮助学生理清文章脉 6 络,进行篇章布局的指导,为写作打下了很好的基础。 这节课也存在着不足之处: (一)本节课教师的“说”仍然占比较大的比重,如果能给学生更多 “说”的空间,让他们发挥个性,就更能锻炼学生的创造性思维能力。 (二)本节课提问的面仍不够广,如果对中下生更多关注,给予更多 鼓励和指导,就更能体现教学的全面性。Lets sing. Unit 7 Seasons Part C Revision & WritingPart C Revision & Writing 清师附小 汤洁仪 Know more about Ms Tang 找出隐藏的单词,得出Ms Tang的相关信息 ? Ms TangMs Tang 1. Favourite colour 2.Favourite food 3. Favourite fruit 4.Favourite animal 5.Favourite season Ms TangMs Tang Try to say. How many seasons are there in a year? What are they? springsummerautumn winter My Favourite season My Favourite season is_____.is_____. Enjoy an ancient poem(古诗) Why does Ms Tang like autumn best? 早秋曲江感怀(节选) 唐 白居易 离离暑云散,袅袅凉风 起。 池上秋又来,荷花半成 子。 Because I like the weather . Its Its windy windy and and coolcool. . In_____, its____and_____. springsummerautumn rainy warm sunny hot windy cool windy cold snowy winter Try to say. spring, spring, rainy and warm summer, summer, sunny and hot autumn, autumn, windy and cool winter, winter, snowy and cold Lets sing. Because I like the .sceneryscenery Guess(猜一猜). 景色 Why does Ms Tang like autumn best? Try to say In_______, ________________ _________________ (景色) autumn What can you see in autumn? Try to say In_______, ________________ _________________ (景色) autumn the colours are beautiful. What can you see in autumn? Try to say In_______, ________________ _________________ (景色) autumn the colours are beautiful. What can you see in autumn? Try to say In_______, ________________ _________________ (景色) autumn The leaves fall and fall and fall. the colours are beautiful. What can you see in autumn? In_______, ____________________. Task 1 Read and match. 读一读,然后连线读一读,然后连线 A.The colours are beautiful! The leaves fall and fall and fall. B. There are beautiful flowers everywhere. C. There is lots of snow. Its white everywhere. D. The sky is blue. The cloud is white. The weather is hot, hot, hot. 1.spring 2.summer 3.autumn 4.winter Enjoy four seasons 1. Fill in the mind map. 完成思维导图。 2. Make a report to your partner.与同桌互相口头作报告。 Hi, my name is . My favourite season is. Its .(天气) .(景色) Task 2 Make a report. Try to say In _____, I can__________. . . . . spring summer autumn eat lots of fruits go on a trip winter eat hot pot spring summer winter autumn A: Whats your favourite season? B: My favourite season is____ . A: What can you do in______? B: I can____. Game: Super Turntable(超级大转盘) Ask and answer. A:Whats your favourite season? B:My favourite season is ______ . A:What can you do in______? B:I can______ . 同桌问答同桌问答 Activitie活动: plant trees, plant flowers, go on a picnic, go swimming, go fishing, go boating, eat ice cream, fly kites, make a snowman, play in the snow, pick apples. My Favourite Season Hi, Im Ms Tang. My favourite season is autumn. Its windy and cool in autumn. The weather is good.The colours are beautiful! The leaves fall and fall and fall. I can fly kites with my daughter. I can pick apples. Apples are my favourite fruit. On the weekend,I often go on a picnic with my family. That is so fun. Its a wonderful season. Task 3 Read and underline What can Ms Tang do in autumn? Its a wonderful season! Feelings( (感受感受) ) What a wonderful season! What a beautiful season! How beautiful it is! I really like autumn! Its a beautiful season! Its a wonderful season. Writing outline 写作提纲 My Favourite Season Hi, Im Ms Tang. My favourite season is autumn. Its windy and cool in autumn. The weather is good. The colours are beautiful! The leaves fall and fall and fall. I can fly kites with my daughter.I can pick apples. Apples are my favourite fruit. On the weekend, I often go on a picnic with my family. That is so fun. Beginning(开头) Body(主体) Ending(结尾) 1. Write a composition about your favourite season (Choose A or B), and do a self-assessment. 2. Share it with your partner. B My Favourite Season Hi, my name is _____. ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ A My Favourite Season Hello! My name is ____. My favourite season is_____. The weather is _____._______________ ________________(景色).I can__________. I can_______________________. Its a beautiful season! Task 4 Writing Items 评价项目 Basic Requirements 评价基本要求 Assessment 评价 Standard Scores 标标准分值值 Scores 得分 Punctuation&Letter case 标点和字母大小写 Use punctuation and case letters correctly 能正确使用标点及字母大小写(错4个以上 不得分 ) 1 Spelling & Handwriting 拼写和书写 Spell words correctly and have beautiful handwriting 能正确拼写单词 (错4个以 上扣一分)及书写漂亮 2 Words &Sentences 词句 Use nice words and sentences (such as linking words, etc)wisely 能巧用词句如连接词等 2 Grammar 语法 Use grammar properly 能正确使用语法(语法错误 4个以上扣一 分,整篇时态错误 不得分) 2 Content 内容 Have a topic,a complete main part and good ending 有主题句,完整的内容和精彩的结 束语(主题句和结束语占一分,正文占2 分,若正文不完整的酌情扣分。) 3 Total 总分 Peer-assessment of Writing(Scores:10) 写作互评表(总分:10分) Check your composition (春有百花秋有月,夏有凉风冬有雪。)(春有百花秋有月,夏有凉风冬有雪。) Love four seasons! Love the nature! Love our life! (热爱四季!)(热爱四季!) (热爱自然!)(热爱自然!) (热爱生活!)(热爱生活!) Homework 1. Check. (对堂上作文进行同伴互评) 2. Revise. (修改你的作文) Which team is the winner? 哪一组获胜? Thank you! Good bye!1 Class________________ Name __________________ Topic: My Favourite Season Task 1 Read and match (读一读,然后连线。读一读,然后连线。) Task 2 Make a report (做报告做报告) 1. Fill in the mind map. 填写思维导图。填写思维导图。 2. Make a report to your partner. 与同桌互相口头汇报。与同桌互相口头汇报。 Hi, my name is . My favourite season is. Its.(天气)(天气). .(景色)景色) Weather 天气:rainy, warm, sunny, hot, windy, cool, snowy, cold Scenery 景色:春 There are beautiful flowers everywhere. Spring is green with flowers and songs. 夏 The sky is blue. The cloud is white. There are green trees. The birds dance with flowers. 秋 The colours are beautiful. The leaves fall and fall and fall. Autumn is golden and farmers are busy. 冬 There is lots of snow. Its white everywhere. Winter is white and the year is gone. 1. spring 2. summer 3. autumn 4. winter A.The colours are beautiful! The leaves fall and fall and fall. B.There are beautiful flowers everywhere. C.There is lots of snow. Its white everywhere. D.The sky is blue. The cloud is white. The weather is hot, hot, hot. 参考词句 2 Task 3 Read and underline (速读,用横线划出关键词速读,用横线划出关键词) Q: What can Ms Tang do in autumn? My Favourite Season Hi, Im Ms Tang. My favourite season is autumn. Its windy and cool in autumn. The weather is good. The colours are beautiful! The leaves fall and fall and fall. I can fly kites with my daughter. I can pick apples. Apples are my favourite fruit. On the weekend, I often go on a picnic with my family. That is so fun. Its a wonderful season! Writing outline(写作提纲写作提纲) Beginning Body Ending My Favourite Season weather Feeling Which scenery activities 开头 主体 结尾 天气 景色 活动 感受 Why 3 Task 4 Writing (写作写作) 1. 写一篇介绍自己最喜爱的季节的作文(写一篇介绍自己最喜爱的季节的作文(选选 A 或或 B),然后填写写作自评表。),然后填写写作自评表。 2. 与同桌分享你的作文。(给同桌朗读你的作文)与同桌分享你的作文。(给同桌朗读你的作文) Self-assessment of Writing 写作自评表写作自评表 ( Tip: 有完成的项目打。 书写质量用 ABC 表示。) 活动活动天天 气气 景景 色色 12 感感 受受 书写书写 (ABC) 自评自评 A. My Favourite Season Hello! My name is ________. My favourite season is_________ . The weather is ______________ .______________________________ _____________________________________________________________ . I can________________________. I can___________________________. Its a beautiful season! B. My Favourite Season Hi, My name is ____________. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ (景色) 4 Peer-assessment of Writing(Scores:10) 写作互评表(总分:写作互评表(总分:10 分)分) Word Bank (参考词句参考词句) Weather 天气天气 Scenery 景色景色 Activities 活动活动 rainy warm sunny hot windy cool snowy cold . 春春: There are beautiful flowers everywhere. Spring is green with flowers and songs. 夏夏: The sky is blue. The cloud is white. There are green trees. The birds dance with flowers. 秋秋: The colours are beautiful. The leaves fall and fall and fall. Autumn is golden and farmers are busy. 冬冬: There is lots of snow. Its white everywhere. Winter is white and the year is gone. plant trees plant flowers go on a picnic go swimming go fishing go boating eat ice cream fly kites make a snowman play in the snow pick apples eat hot pot eat lots of fruits go on a trip. Feelings 感受感受 It is a wonderful season! It is a pretty season! What a wonderful season! What a beautiful season! How beautiful it is! I really like(spring/summer/autumn/winter)!