闽教版四年级下册下Unit 7 Seasons-Part B-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:80373).zip


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Unit 2 My favourite season Part B Read and write 天门市第一小学天门市第一小学 曾令曾令 Lets sing. Pre-reading make a snowman pick apples go on a picnic plant flowers go swimming Sharp eyes eat ice cream plant trees play with the snow What season is it? spring summer fall winter A:WhichA:Which seasonseason dodo youyou likelike best?best? B:IlikeB:Ilike .best.best.(spring/summer/autumn/winterspring/summer/autumn/winter ) A:Why?A:Why? B B:Because:Because I I can.can. plant trees play in the snow eat ice cream fly kites pick apples go swimming go on a picnic make a snowman Which season does Robin like? While-reading 1.Which season does Robin like? 2.Why does Robin like spring? 3.Why does Robin like winter? While-reading All the four seasons. Spring. Summer.Autumn. 1.Which season does Robin like? 2.Why does Robin like spring? 3.Why does Robin like winter? Robin likes them all ! 完全完全 粉色粉色 pink flowers/green trees I like summer. But I cant swim. The weather is hot, hot, hot. What lovely colours! 可爱的可爱的 A leaf fall.(树叶)(树叶) Two leaves fall. Leaves fall and fall and fall. 落落 下下 I want to paint a picture, too! 用颜料绘画用颜料绘画 There is lots of snow. It is white everywhere. 许多许多 Tip:注意模仿注意模仿Robin的语音语调哦的语音语调哦! Robin likes them all! Robin likes them all! Read the passage in groups: Role play Tip:注意模仿Robin的语音语调哦! Robin likes them all! Look at the green trees and pink flowers. Robin 1: I like spring because there are beautiful flowers everywhere. The weather is hot, hot, hot! Robin 2: I like summer, but I cant swim. What lovely colours! The leaves fall and fall and fall. I love fall!. Robin 3: Wow! I want to paint a picture, too! There is lots of snow. It is white everywhere. Robin 4: I like winter because I can play in the snow. 1. The last ”fall” means______. autumnprettycutecool 2. Whats the weather like in summer? Its windy. Its cold. Its warm. Its hot. 3. There is______ snow in winter . lots of a lotlot of 1.Robin doesnt like summer. 2.Robin wants to paint a picture. 3.Robin likes winter. Because he can play in the snow. ( ) ( ) ( ) Spring in Tianmen Post-reading Protect the environment and love Tianmen. Finish the mind map about your favourite season. Post-reading Post-reading Write a poem about your favourite season. MyMy favouritefavourite seasonseason I I likelike winterwinter best.best. WinterWinter is is coldcold . . WinterWinter is is snowysnowy . . ThereThere is is lotslots ofof snowsnow. I I cancan makemake a a snowmansnowman. . It It is is soso nicenice toto makemake a a snowmansnowman. . WinterWinter , , winterwinter . . I I lovelove you!you! Post-reading Write a poem about your favourite season. (写一首小诗:最喜欢的季节。写一首小诗:最喜欢的季节。) My favourite season I like best. is . is . There is/are . I can . It is so nice to . , . I love you! MyMy favouritefavourite seasonseason I I likelike winterwinter best.best. WinterWinter is is coldcold . . WinterWinter is is snowysnowy . . ThereThere is is lotslots ofof snowsnow. I I cancan makemake a a snowmansnowman. . It It is is soso nicenice toto makemake a a snowmansnowman. . WinterWinter , , winterwinter . . I I lovelove you!you! Post-reading Homework 下面两个作业,任选其一完成面两个作业,任选其一完成: 有感情地朗读课文。有感情地朗读课文。 : Write a letter to Robin about “Seasons in Tianmen”. (给Robin写封信介绍天门的四季). :Unit 2 My favourite season Part B Read and write 一、课题:一、课题:Unit 2 My favourite season Part B Read and write 二、课型:二、课型:读写课 三、教学目标:三、教学目标: 1.语言能力目标: (1)词汇:能够听、说、认读单词: all、pink、lovely、leaf、fall、paint。 (2)句型:能够听、说、读、写句型:I like because。并能在情景中运用。 (3)能够读懂 Read and write 部分的课文内容并且完成写作练习。 2. 学习能力目标: (1)能够读懂 Read and write 的内容,能够找到问题的答案。 (2)能够掌握良好的阅读策略,用意群朗读法来进行阅读。 (3)能够根据文本内容完成一首小诗,有条理地表达自己所喜爱的季节,并 陈诉理由。 3. 思维品质目标: (1)通过小组合作竞争的方法,培养学生的合作意识。 (2)通过引导学生去发现四季的美好,培养学生的观察力。 4. 文化意识目标: (1)引导学生保护家乡的自然环境。 四、教学重点、难点:四、教学重点、难点: 1. 重点:读懂 Read and write 的内容,掌握四会句型:I like .because. . 并能 在情景中加以运用。 2. 难点:能够在实际情景中使用 I like .because.句型,有条理地表达自己所 喜爱的季节,并陈诉理由。 五、教学方法:五、教学方法: 引导法、跟读法、练习法、小组合作法、TPR 六、教具、学具准备:六、教具、学具准备: 教师准备教学过程中所需要的图片、英文卡片、人物头饰、课件及相关道 具。 七、教学过程:七、教学过程: Step1 Pre-reading (激趣导学)(激趣导学) 1. Greetings 2 .Lets sing 【设计意图:设计意图:通过吟唱与本课相关的歌曲,既活跃了课堂气氛通过吟唱与本课相关的歌曲,既活跃了课堂气氛,又让学生在歌又让学生在歌 曲中初步感知曲中初步感知 fall 的含义。的含义。 】 3.Sharp eyes 【设计意图:设计意图:利用利用 Sharp eyes 复习与季节有关的词组复习与季节有关的词组,使学生回忆起所学的知使学生回忆起所学的知 识识,为后面语言输出作铺垫。为后面语言输出作铺垫。 】 4.Free talk 【设计意图:教师由展示四季的图片引入季节这一话题。然后展示教师本人的设计意图:教师由展示四季的图片引入季节这一话题。然后展示教师本人的 照片让学生猜自己喜欢的季节,然后询问学生喜欢的季节及原因。照片让学生猜自己喜欢的季节,然后询问学生喜欢的季节及原因。为后面语言为后面语言 输出作铺垫输出作铺垫】 5. Pair work A: Which season do you like best? B: I like .best.(spring/summer/autumn/winter) A: Why? B: Because I can. 让学生两人一组讨论最喜欢的季节及原因,然后展示 Robin 的照片,让学生猜 猜 Robin 喜欢的季节。并进入文本内容的学习。 【设计意图:两人一组讨论最喜欢的季节及原因。过渡到问设计意图:两人一组讨论最喜欢的季节及原因。过渡到问 Robin 最喜欢的季最喜欢的季 节,从而引入新课。节,从而引入新课。 】 Step 2 While-reading(自主活学,合作生成)(自主活学,合作生成) 1.Listen and find out 学生听录音第一遍,回答问题:1.Which season does Robin like? 学生听录音第二遍,回答问题:2.Why does Robin like spring? 3.Why does Robin like winter?找到问题的答案。 引出文本的主题:Robin likes them all.帮助学生理解 all 的意思。 【设计意图:通过听录音设计意图:通过听录音找到答案后引出文本的主题:找到答案后引出文本的主题:Robin likes them all.】 2. Learn new words and phrases. a. PPT 展示春季图展示春季图 T:What can you see in the picture? S: I can see 教师带读短语:green trees/pink flowers. b. PPT 展示夏季图展示夏季图 T:What can you see in the picture? S: I can see 教师带读单词:weather/hot. c. PPT 展示秋季图展示秋季图 T:What can you see in the picture? S: I can see 教师带读 lovely,paint 开火车练习。 图片展示 leaf, leaves, 板书 lovely leaves.The leaves fall and fall and fall.通过手势讲解 fall 的意思,并通过 I love fall 引出另一种意思秋天。 教师带读单词 lovely/leaf/leaves/fall/paint. d. PPT 展示冬季图展示冬季图 T:What can you see in the picture? S: I can see 教师带读短语:lots of. 【设计意图:通过精读来讲解文本内容,引导学生学习新词设计意图:通过精读来讲解文本内容,引导学生学习新词 all l、pinkpink、lovelylovely、leafleaf、fallfall、paintpaint。以及本节课的主要句型以及本节课的主要句型:I like.because.】 6. Listen and repeat. 【设计意图:通过跟读模仿,培养学生的语感,形成正确的语音、语调,促进设计意图:通过跟读模仿,培养学生的语感,形成正确的语音、语调,促进 学生更流畅的表达。学生更流畅的表达。 】 7. Read in groups. 【设计意图:通过小组合作朗读课文,培养学生的语感,形成正确的语音、语设计意图:通过小组合作朗读课文,培养学生的语感,形成正确的语音、语 调,促进学生更流畅的表达。培养小组合作精神。调,促进学生更流畅的表达。培养小组合作精神。 】 8. Finish task1 and task2. Task1: Read and tick. Task2: True or false. 【设计意图:完成练习设计意图:完成练习 1 和和 2,加深学生对课文细节的掌握。,加深学生对课文细节的掌握。 】 Step3 Post-reading(实践运用)(实践运用) 1.Lets enjoy the seasons in Tianmen. Robin likes all the four seasons. I like the seasons in Tianmen. Now, lets enjoy. 让学生欣赏天门的四季,引导学生发现天门四季的美景,然后提问学生我们日 常生活中可以做哪些事情来保护家乡的自然环境。 【设计意图:欣赏天门的四季,引导学生学会观察,发现身边自然景物的美。设计意图:欣赏天门的四季,引导学生学会观察,发现身边自然景物的美。 学会保护家乡的自然环境。学会保护家乡的自然环境。 】 2.Finish the mind map about your favourite season. Write down the weather, the things you see, and the things you do. 【设计意图:设计意图:通过让学生设计通过让学生设计 mind map,引导学生学会梳理知识,运用知识。引导学生学会梳理知识,运用知识。 】 3.Finish the poem about your favourite season. Think about your favourite season and finish the poem. You can write down the weather, the reasons, and the things you do.学生完成后挑个别上来展示。 My favourite season I like best. is . is . There is/are . I can . Its so nice to . , I love you! 【设计意图:学生自己设计设计意图:学生自己设计 poem,提高学生的语言综合运用能力,达到学以提高学生的语言综合运用能力,达到学以 致用的目的。致用的目的。 】 Step 4 Summary(总结评价)(总结评价) Step 5 Homework(作业布置)(作业布置) 1.Listen and read P19. (听录音,朗读,请注意语音语调。 ) 2. Try to write a letter to Robin about “Seasons in Tianmen”.(给 Robin 写封信介 绍 天门的四季) . 八、板书设计八、板书设计 Unit 2 My favourite season (Read and write) Robin likes them all pink flowers (There are) spring green trees weather summer (cant) swim seasons lovely colours autumn leaves fall / paint a picture winter lots of snow (There is.) play in the snow I like because 九、教学反思九、教学反思
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