闽教版四年级下册下Unit 3 School Subjects-Part B-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)(编号:e04e9).zip


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Unit3 School Subjects Part B 一、我的课表我做主一、我的课表我做主 二、请用以下句型和同桌进行对话二、请用以下句型和同桌进行对话 A:A: DoDo youyou havehave a/ana/an ______________ classclass onon FridayFriday ? ? B:B: Yes,Yes, I I do.do. / / No,No, I I dont.dont. A:A: DoDo youyou likelike ______________ classclass ? ? B:B: Yes,Yes, I I do.do. / / No,No, I I dont.dont. Because__________________________.Because__________________________. A.ItsA.Its veryvery interestinginteresting B.My.teacherB.My.teacher isis veryvery interestinginteresting C.ImC.Im goodgood atat . A.ItsA.Its notnot interestinginteresting B.My.B.My. teacherteacher isis notnot interestinginteresting C.ImC.Im notnot goodgood atat . 3 3、我会写我会写 1.1.ItsIts . 2.we2.we havehave class,class, class,class, andand classclass thisthis morning.morning. 3.I3.I likelike class.class. BecauseBecause.闽教版三年级起点闽教版三年级起点四年级四年级下册下册 Unit3 School Subjects Part B Warm-up Enjoy a rhyme We learn math, one, two, three. We learn English, Aa, Bb, Cc. We learn music , Do, re, mi. We learn art, draw you and me. Lets review. English Chinese math PE music artcomputer 根据首字根据首字母母猜猜学学科科单单词词 u s i c hinese a t h nglish rt C m_ _ _ m_ _ _ _a E We have a/ an _______class on _______. Lets review: Chinese English math art PEEnglish Chinese math Chinese Chinese music Chinese art math music I like English class. Do you like English class? Yes, I do. No, I dont. Do you like _______ class? Yes, I do. No, I dont. art science 课文学习 Lily likes science class,too.She has a science class this morning. But she left her science book at home. 丽丽也喜欢科学课,早上有节科学课 ,但她把科学书落在家里了。 1. Guess and choose 猜测并选择他们可能的对话 A. Do you like science class ? B. Do you have a science class this morning? C. May I use your science book? B.Do you have a science class this morning? C May I use your science book? Tuesday math Chinese English Do you have a/an___class this morning? Yes, I do. No, I dont 2.Why does Lily like science? 丽丽为什么喜欢科学?丽丽为什么喜欢科学? A. Its very interesting. B. Her teacher is very interesting. C. A & B interesting _ _teresting interes_ _ _ _ in t i n g Miss Ms. Mr . Like or dislikeReason If you like If you dont like Its very interesting. Im good at _____. Its not interesting. Im not good at ______. My ____ teacher is very interesting. My ____ teacher is not interesting Listen and follow. 两人一组,练习对话,随后 表演出来吧! A: Do you have a/an ____class on Friday ? B: Yes, I do. / No, I dont. A: Do you like _______ class ? B: Yes, I do. / No, I dont. Because__________________________. 请用以下句型和同桌进行对话: English music art Chinese PE music 我会写 Its _______. we have __ _______ class, __ _____ class and __ _____class this morning I like _____ class. Because______________________. Friday English art it is very interesting an Friday 1 English 2 music 3 art aanmusicart 我会写 Its . we have class, class, class and class this morning I like class. Because Friday 1 2 3 我们学过的科目类单词有哪些? 怎样谈论学校的课程? Do you have ? Yes, I do. / No, I dont. 如 : Do you have a science class this morning? Yes, I do. All courses are interesting and useful. 任何学科都是有趣且有用的。 Todays homework: 1. Read the text 3 times 2. Finish activity book of 3B. 3. Make a class schedule in English.1 / 7 Unit3 School Subjects Part B 教学设计 一、教学目标 语言知识目标 1.学习 science,Ms.和 interesting 等词汇,并懂得运用。 2.学习句子:Do you have a math class today? Yes,I do./No,I dont. 3.学说韵律诗:We learn many subjects 4.功能:谈论学校的课程。 语言技能目标 1.能认读和正确书写词汇 science 和 interesting。 2.能准确使用句型 Do you have a math class today? Yes,I do./No,I dont.来谈论 学校的课程。 情感态度 喜欢所有学科课程,做到德、智、体全面发展。 二、教具准备 1.学科课程的单词卡片和教科书。 2.录音机或教学光盘。 三、教学过程 Step 1 Warming up 1. 师生互致问候 T: Good morning, boys and girls. Nice to see you again. Ss: Good morning, Ms. Yang. Nice to see you, too. T: Lets enjoy a rhyme together and do actions. 2. 齐唱小诗 2 / 7 We learn math, one, two, three. We learn English, Aa, Bb, Cc. We learn music , Do, re, mi. We learn art, draw you and me. 教师说:“We can learn so many things at school,such as English,math and music. They are all about school subjects.”揭示并板书课题:Unit 3 School Subjects Part B 3.分组竞争 T: Boys and girls, today, Ill divide you into 4 groups. If you did a good job, youll get one point for your group. Step 2 Review 1.复习七个有关学科课程的单词。 (1)课件快速呈现学科图片,学生快速说单词 T: Lets see what other subjects we have learned. (2)根据首字母猜单词 T: Well done,boys and girls. Now please guess the subject according to the first letter. Please put up your hands. (请学生举手抢答,答对可以为所在小组加分) 2.复习 We have a/an ______ class on_____.句型。 (1)出示当天的课程表,请学生用 We have. .说一说课程表。 T: Look,we have an English class on Friday. What about Tuesday? Who can talk about it? (说对句子,所在小组加分) Step 3 Presentation and practice (一)教师以自己喜欢的学科导入新课 1.T: I like English class. Do you like English class? (引导学生用 Yes,I do. / No, I dont 回答,多提问几 个学生) 3 / 7 S1: Yes, I do. T: May be you are good at English. What about you, S2? Do you like art class? S2: Yes, I do. T: I like art class too. Its very interesting. 以 Do you like science class?顺势教学新单词 science,并板书。 T: Do you like science class? You know “science”? Whats science? Ss: 科学 T: You are right. It means 科学, Now please read after me “science” 采用大小声读,小组读,个人读等形式,板书 science,在四线三格上书写。 (2)课文学习和操练 T: Lily likes science class, too. She has a science class this morning. But she left her science book at home. What can Lily do? S1: May be she can borrow books from other students in other class. S2: May be she can ask her parents for help. 1. Guess and choose 猜测并选择他们可能的对话 T: Look, Lily is talking to a boy. What may Lily say?A. Do you have a science class this morning? B. Do you like science class? C. May I use your science book? Lets watch the video and check your answer. 2. 同桌对话操练句型 Do you have a/ an _________ class this morning? Yes, I do. / No, I dont. 先呈现周五早上的课表,师问学生回答,之后生生自问自答。 (1)T: Here is your timetable this morning, do you have a Chinese class this moring? (先黏贴笑脸,再黏贴 Yes, I do. 引导学生回答。同理教否定回答) T:“Do you have a math class this morning?” S1: No, I dont. T: Do you have a Chinese class this morning?(课件呈现学生今天早上的课表) 4 / 7 Ss: Yes, I do. T: Do you have a science class this morning? S1: No, I dont. T: Now who can ask?(生生自问自答) And who can answer? T: Please work in pairs , ask and answer about the two subjects. 学生练习之后请学生展示对话 T:Now who want to show your dialogue. Good pronunciation. And do you like science class? S1: Yes, I do. 3. Why does Lily like science? T: Lily likes science, but why does Lily like science? Lets watch the video again and find the reasons. T:Yes, We choose C. Its interesting and her teacher is interesting.( 教学 interesting) T: Whats “interesting” Ss: 有趣的 T;Very good!Read after me “interesting”(分节奏朗读) Can you spell “interesting” 板书,拼写练习 T: What subjects do you think is interesting? S1: Music is interesting. S2: PE is interesting. T: Lily thinks science is interesting,and her science teacher is interesting,too. Who is her science teacher? Ss: Ms. Lin. T: You have a good memory! Lets see “Ms”,read after me “Ms.” 常用来称 呼未知婚否的女性,What about “Miss”. Ss: 用来称呼未婚女性 T:Yes, and Mr means 先生,Mrs 常用来指代已婚的女性。 Now match the pictures with the words. 5 / 7 Ss: Ms Lin, Miss Gao, Mr Chen and Mrs. Liu. T: Great, you are right. 4. 归纳总结喜欢与不喜欢某个课程的原因的句型 Its (not) very interesting. My ______ teacher is (not) very interesting. Im ( not) good at _______. T: Lily likes science, because science is interesting and Ms. Lin is interesting, too. When we talk about the subjects you like, what reasons can we use. Maybe the subjects is interesting. I like music, because its very interesting. What about you? S1: I like PE, because its very interesting. T: What other reasons? S2: I like Chinese, because my Chinese teacher is very interesting. T: Good boy! Its a good reason. And may be you are good at ______. For example, I like English, because Im good at English. S3: I like PE, because Im good at PE. T: If you dont like the subjects. What reasons can we use? I dont like math, because its not interesting. And you? S4: I dont like English, because its not interesting. 5.教师通过多种形式指导学生朗读课文 Listen and follow。 有听录音跟读,师生角色扮演,生生角色扮演 T: Lily likes science, because its very interesting and her teacher Ms. Lin is very interesting too. Lets listen and follow again. (学生全体跟读录音) T: Now,boys,you are the boy. And girls you are Lily, lets listen and follow one more time. T: This time,Please role-play the dialogue with your partner. One is Lily, the other is the boy. One minute for you. Time is up. Who want to share? 6 / 7 Step 4 Extension 综合活动:设计自己喜欢的课程表 1. 学生先在一份不完整的课程表上,填上自己喜欢的课程。 T: After the text learning, here is an incomplete timetable. First, please write down the subjects you like, but one subject should not use twice. 情感教育 T:“We should love all courses. They are very interesting and useful.” 2.用以下句型进行小组采访对话: S1: Do you have a/an _______ class on Friday? S2: Yes, I do. / No, I dont. S1: Do you like _________ class? S2: Yes, I do. Because _______________________. / No, I dont. Because ________________________. T: The next step, please use the sentence structures to interview your friend. Who want to interview “Miss Yang” S3: You please! 3.写一写 T: You know more about your friend, now lets write about yourself. For example: Its Friday. We have a math class, an English class and a music class. I like music class, because my music teacher is very interesting. T: Now who want to share your writing with us? (邀请两个学生将自己的小作文读 出) Step5 Summary 7 / 7 1. 总结所学科目类的单词及谈论是否有某个课程的句型 T: Its time to summarize. What subjects we have learned.? What about the sentence? 2. 总结小组竞赛的冠军组 . Step 6 Homework 1.听录音 3 遍,熟读本课内容。 2.完成活动手册中本课的练习。 3.用所学句型询问邻居朋友的课程。
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