北京版(四下)UNIT ONE DO YOU LIKE MUSIC -Lesson 4-Now I can understand Now I know the sound-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)--(编号:6018b).zip


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    • 北京2011课标版一年级起点_四年级下册_小学英语_UNIT ONE DO YOU LIKE MUSIC _Lesson 4_Now I can understand Now I know the sound_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)__(编号:6018b)
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Now I can read Hello! I have three good friends. They are Sara、 Yangyang and Maomao. Sara and Yangyang both like music very much. Saras favourite is jazz. She likes to play the drums after school. Yangyang likes pop songs best. He likes to watch TV in the evening. Sara and Maomao both like animals. Sara likes cats. Because cats are quiet and cute. She likes to go fishing for her cat on weekends. Maomao likes dogs. Because dogs are our friends but sometimes they are noisy. He likes to go roller- skating in the afternoon with his dog. Tick () or cross ( x ) ( )1.Yangyang likes pop songs best. He likes to play the drums after school. ( )2. Sara likes Jazz best and she likes to go fishing on weekends. ( )3. Maomao likes cats best. He likes to go roller-skating in the afternoon.仿写 dog duckling bird turtle goldfish parrot rabbit . quiet noisy clever cool cute . go roller-skating go fishing play football play basketball go swimming run do high jump ride a bike . dog duckling bird turtle goldfish rabbit parrot . quiet noisy clever cool cute . go roller-skating go fishing play football play basketball go swimming run do high jump ride a bike .小学英语(北京版)四年级下册小学英语(北京版)四年级下册 Ask and answer What do you play? I play_______. Lets play a game: Magic eyes jazz country music classical music folk music pop songs Ask and answer Do you like ___? Yes, I do./ No, I dont. I like ___ best. What do you play? I play_______. 1. What does Sara like best? 2. How about Yangyang? Answer the questions She likes jazz best. He likes pop songs best. Now I can understand Now I can read Hello! I have three good friends. They are Sara、 Yangyang and Maomao. Sara and Yangyang both like music very much. Saras favourite is jazz. She likes to play the drums after school. Yangyang likes pop songs best. He likes to watch TV in the evening. Sara and Maomao both like animals. Sara likes cats. Because cats are quiet and cute. She likes to go fishing for her cat on weekends. Maomao likes dogs. Because dogs are our friends but sometimes they are noisy. He likes to go roller-skating in the afternoon with his dog. What animals does Sara like? She likes cats. Look and answer Why? Because cats are quiet and cute. Are dogs quiet too? No, they arent. Sometimes they are noisy. cats dogs ducklings turtles hamstersbirds Round robin Make a dialogue Do you keep a cat? No, I dont. because my mum doesnt want me to. Sing a song Pairs work play football ride a bike go swimming play basketball Hello! Im Bob. I like all kinds of music, but I like jazz best. I like birds, because they can sing songs. I dont like bears, because the bear broke my blue bike one day. I also like to play basketball and blow bubbles. But my mum tells me “ Dont blow bubbles, Bob”. Its not healthy. Listen and repeat Try to read Bob best Can you read the words? butbear becausebikebroke blueblow bubbles Bb Ben bad bus buy big boy borrow bought barbecue Bob lab job cab crab rib Try to read the sentences I can introduce me Hello! Im Bob. I like all kinds of music, but I like jazz best. I like birds, because they can sing songs. I also like to play basketball after school. Because its healthy. Try to introduce you Hello! Im____. I like all kinds of music, but I like ____best. I like_____, because they are___________. I also like to _______after school. Because its healthy. jazz pop songs folk music classical music country music dog duckling bird turtle goldfish parrot rabbit . quiet noisy clever cool cute . go roller-skating go fishing play football play basketball go swimming run do high jump ride a bike . Thanks! 谢谢!谢谢!对话一 Do you like ___? What do you play? Yes, I do. / No, I dont. I like ___ best. I play_______.对话二 dog duckling bird turtle goldfish parrot rabbit . quiet noisy clever cool cute . dad sister brother grandma grandpa . dog duckling bird turtle goldfish rabbit parrot . quiet noisy clever cool cute . dad sister brother grandma grandpa .1 小学英语(北京版)四年级下教学设计小学英语(北京版)四年级下教学设计 Unit 1 Do you like music? 第四课时第四课时 教学目的:教学目的: 1. 能运用“Do you like ?” 和 “ What do you like to do ?” 与他人围绕兴趣爱好的话题 进行简单交流。并能利用 “ I like because .”句型对自己的兴趣爱好及原因进行说明。 2. 能结合语境辨别、认读有关音乐类型、乐器、宠物、日常活动类的词汇、短语。 3. 能了解字母 b 和字母组合 bb 在单词中的发音及规律,尝试拼读单词,有节奏地朗读相 关的语音短句。 4. 能读懂转述主课文的语段,读懂 Now I can write 中的语段,并能完成填空练习。 教学重难点教学重难点 1. 教学重点:教学重点: (1)句型“Do you like ?” 和 “ What do you like to do ?”及其答语的初步应用。 (2)有关音乐类型、乐器、宠物、日常活动的词汇、短语的认读。 2. 教学难点:教学难点: (1)基于情景图片创编、表演对话,和有关自己兴趣爱好及其原因的综合表述。 (2)辅音字母 b 和字母综合 bb 的发音,韵文的朗读。 (3)语篇内容的理解,及完型填空。 教学课时:教学课时:1 课时课时 教学过程:教学过程: 1. Review 1 (1) Sing a song about the music instruments. 让学生跟着视频说唱有关乐器的歌谣,可以活跃课堂气氛,还可以帮助学生复习乐器词 (2) Play a game. Magic eyes. Review the phrases: pop music/ folk music/ classical music/ country music/ jazz 用快速闪现的方式让学生认读各种音乐的词组,可以激发学生兴趣,提高学生的注意力, 为下面的对话表演做好知识铺垫 (3) Ask and answer. Have the students make a dialogue in pairs with the sentences: “Do you like ? Yes, I do. No, I 2 dont. What do you play? I play .” Ask and answer Do you like ___? Yes, I do./ No, I dont.I like ___ best. What do you play? I play_______. 让学生用 Do you like? What do you play? 句型进行问答练习,目的是帮助学生建立知识 体系,让学生学会整理知识的策略,把音乐词汇和乐器图片呈现在这里不但可以帮助学生 在情景中学习记忆词汇,还给学生提供了表演对话的语言支持,使学生初步学会运用语言 (4) Answer the questions Show them a picture about Lesson 1. and have them answer some questions. What does Sara like best? How about Yangyang? 针对第一课中的主题课文提问,既可以帮助学生复习主题课文,又可以向学生渗透第三人 称询问兴趣爱好的句型,为下面的听力做好准备 (5) Now I can understand Talk about the pictures T: Look. Who is coming? Ss: Baobao/ Maomao T: What music do they like? Ss: Pop songs/ classical music/ folk music Listen and match Now lets listen to the tape and find out who likes pop? Then match it. Check the answers T: What does Baobao like? Ss: He likes classical music. 让学生谈论图片帮助学生认识人物和音乐类别,为听力连线扫清障碍,检查答案时教师用 3 第三人称询问,启发学生用 he/ she likes .回答,可以帮助学生学习询问他人兴趣爱好的 句型。 (6) Now I can read Show the two paragraphs and have them read, then finish the questions in two minutes. Check the answers and have two students to read the first paragraph. Ask some questions about the second paragraph T: What animals does Sara like? Why? Ss: She likes cats because cats are quiet and cute. T: Are dogs quiet too? Ss: No, they are noisy. 两段阅读内容都是教材主题课文的第三人称转述,学生理解上不难,完成两个阅读理 解题也很容易,而第一段又比较简单,教师就要求学生能朗读第一段,第二段内容教师没 有给学生复习,因此就对第二段增添了两个阅读理解的问题,让学生在找问题答案时复习 第二课时中出现的重点词汇 quiet/cute/ noisy,为下面谈论自己喜欢某种动物时,在原因的表 述上有话可说,也为下面的选词填空题做好知识上的铺垫。 2. Review 2: (1) Have them say the animals and do pair works. catsdogsducklings turtleshamsters birds Answer the questions 让学生认读宠物词汇,并两人一组互相询问对方喜欢什么宠物及其原因,目的是帮助 学生复习第二课时所学的重点句型和词汇,也让学生初步练习了如何表达喜欢的原因。 (2)Make a dialogue 4 Make a dialogue Do you like dogs? No, I dont. because they are noisy. 利用课本第五页上 Lets do 中 listen and repeat 的图片给学生创设一个宠物店的情景, 让学生将两个句型同时编演到一个情景中,目的是培养学生的综合语言运用能力。 3. Review 3: (1) Sing a song 学生一起唱歌曲既可以活跃课堂气氛,稍事休息,更可以复习第三课时的重点词组和 句型,为下面的句型操练做好铺垫。 (2) Round robin Have them read the phrases and practice the sentences in groups. Give them two minutes, then find out which group turn many circles. (3) Now I can write Have them read the words in groups and have them say the Chinese meanings Have them try to write by themselves Have the first student read the text and have other students listen and write. Read and check the answers 让完成的快的学生读出自己填好的那段文字,既可以检查该生是否完成正确,又可以 给那些慢的学生一个帮助,通过听快的学生的朗读,可知道自己是否填对,或者帮助不会 的填的学生选择应该填写的词汇。 4. Now I know the sound (1) Listen and repeat 5 Show them a boy and ask: Look! Who is the boy? Do you want to know? Now lets listen and repeat. Hello! Im Bob. I like all kinds of music, but I like jazz best. I like birds, because they can sing songs. I dont like bears, because the bear broke my blue bike one day. I also like to play basketball and blow bubbles. But my mum tells me “ Dont blow bubbles, Bob. Its not healthy. Listen and repeat 将一部分语音词汇编写成一段自我介绍的文字,使干巴巴的语音词汇有意义;让学生 通过听一听,发现图片中的男孩是谁?以及听跟着重复,目的是让学生在语段中感知字母 b 的发音,并且给学生一个更为综合的语段,让学生读一读,帮助学生建立综合运用语言 的意识。 (2)Try to read Have them read the words and find the rules, then have them try to read some new words. Try to read Bobbest Can you read the words? butbear becausebikebroke blueblow bubbles Bb Ben bad bus buy big boy borrow bought barbecue Bob lab job cab crab rib 6 让学生快速认读出语段中出现的语音词汇,是对上一个环节的检查,也是为了启发学 生找出字母 b 在单词中的发音规律,再给学生一些新的词汇让学生利用规律认读词汇,可 以让学生尝到成功的喜悦,更可以帮助学生掌握学习词汇的方法。 (3)Try to read the sentences Have them try to read the sentences in pairs, then have them listen and repeat. 5. I can introduce me I can introduce me Hello! Im Bob. I like all kinds of music, but I like jazz best. I like birds, because they can sing songs. I also like to play basketball after school. Because its healthy. 让学生自己读一读自我介绍,感悟如何利用第一单元所学做自我兴趣爱好的表述,帮 助学生学会用一段文字表达自己的想法。 Try to introduce you Hello! Im____. I like all kinds of music, but I like ____best. I like_____, because they____________. I also like to _______after school. Because its healthy. 仿写活动训练了学生的写作能力,也培养了学生的综合语言运用能力。 Homework: 1.登录优作业 或者下载听说宝 APP 完成作业。 2.使用点读宝 APP 学习 Unit 1/Lesson 1/2/3Listen and say 课文和 Unit 1/Lesson 1/2/3Let s learn 词汇。 3.使用优学酷学习“Unit 1/Lesson 1/2/3Listen and say/ Listen, look, and learn” ,还有更多 的精彩内容帮助你巩固今天的学习。 7 板书设计:板书设计: Unit 1 Do you like music? Lesson 4 Bb Ben bad bus buy big boy borrow bought barbecue Bob lab job cab crab rib
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北京版(四下)UNIT ONE DO YOU LIKE MUSIC _Lesson 4_Now can understand Now know the sound_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)__(编号:6018b 北京
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