北师大版(三起)五下Unit 9 Day and Night-Lesson 1 About the Astronaut.-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课(编号:e006f).zip


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北师大版小学英语五年级北师大版小学英语五年级下册下册(三年级起点)(三年级起点) If you see a phrase, please read it out as quickly as possible. 如果你看到了词组,请把它说出来。如果你看到了词组,请把它说出来。 If you see a , please say yeah. 如果你看到了一个笑脸,请说如果你看到了一个笑脸,请说yeah。 have music class go shopping go swimming watch TV go to school go to the park have dinner Enjoy the video astronaut What do you know about the astronaut? 关于宇航员,你知道哪些知识呢? Jack is in space. Lets ask him some questions. Jack What questions does the reporter ask? 记者提问了什么问题呢? What questions does the reporter ask? 记者提问了什么问题? Listen and Answer(听课文,回答问题) What questions does the reporter ask? Listen and Answer(听课文,回答问题 ) What questions does the reporter ask? Listen and Answer(听课文,回答问题) What questions does the reporter ask? Listen and Answer(听课文,回答问题) I always get up at five in the morning. When do you get up every day? What time get up Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. I always get up at five in the morning. always get up at five When do you go to bed? I often go to bed at ten. go to bed I often go to bed at ten. Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. go to bed at ten often You have breakfast at seven, right? What do you eat? For breakfast, I often have eggs,bread and milk. have breakfast Sometimes I eat meat and fruit! Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. have eggs, bread and milk eat meat and fruit I often have eggs,bread and milk. Sometimes I eat meat and fruit! Sometimes Frequency 频率词频率词 Sun. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. always 总是总是 sometimes 有时有时 often 经常经常 What does Jack do every day? What does he do every day? He has many things to do. He may . in space. What does Jack do every day? Read and Circle(阅读图7-9,并圈出正确答案) He reads books. He exercises. He takes a walk. often alsways sometimes sometimes No,he doesnt,but sometimes,he reads books. Does he read newspapers? read newspapers He exercises every day. Sometimes he takes a walk in space. What are you doing, Mocky? No, you cant take a spacewalk in a house. Im walking in space. Listen and Imitate(Tips: 注意模仿语音、语调) Role play Activities Frequency Write and Talk I always/often/sometimes ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ I always I often Sometimes I When do you ? often always sometimes read books get up at 6:30 exercise in the afternoon often go to the park on Saturday Chinas aerospace industry(中国的航天发展) Homework Search more information about the astronaut. Read and try to act out the story in groups. Use always, often, sometimes to share your daily activities with your friends.1 北师大版小学英语五年级下册 Unit 9 Day and Night Lesson 1 About the astronaut 一、教学内容与学情分析一、教学内容与学情分析 1教学内容分析教学内容分析 本课是选自北师大版小学英语(三年级起点)五年级下册 Unit 9 Lesson 1 About the astronaut,是一节故事教学课。故事的前半部分通 过记者采访宇航员,介绍了宇航员 Jack 在太空的生活作息,后半部 分围绕 Ann 和 Mocky 通过阅读报纸进一步了解宇航员的太空生活, 为呈现询问和说明日常作息与活动频率 When do you? I always/often/ sometimes 提供了很好的语境。 2学生情况分析学生情况分析 五年级下学期的学生有了一定的语言积累,具备了较好的英语 听、说、读、写能力。学生在此之前已经学过了一些关于时间的表 达和一些动作 go to bed, go shopping, go to school, watch TV 等短语的 表达。本节课中,教师将引导学生用句型“When do you.?” “I always/often/sometimes.”来询问和回答日常活动或者动作发生的 时间和频率。 2 二、教学目标二、教学目标 1知识与技能目标知识与技能目标 能正确认读并运用短语:get up, go to bed, have breakfast, exercise,take a walk 等。 能掌握并初步运用句型“When do you? I always/often/sometimes”来询问或说明日常活动的时间和频率。 能读懂故事的主要内容,借助插图理清故事的主要情节。 2过程与方法目标过程与方法目标 能够提炼文章的关键信息,在问题的引导下理解语篇的主要内容。 3情感态度与价值观目标情感态度与价值观目标 激发学生关注我国航天事业发展与成就的兴趣,培养学生了解自然、 探索宇宙的远大理想。 三、教学重难点三、教学重难点 重点:在插图的帮助下能够理解并正确朗读故事。 难点:在故事情境中初步理解频率副词的意义和使用。 4、教学准备教学准备 多媒体课件,词卡,人物头饰 3 五、教学过程五、教学过程 Step 1 Warming-up 1. Greeting T: Hello, boys and girls. Are you ready for the class? 2. Play a game: sharp eyes T: Before our class, lets play a game. Sharp eyes. If you see a phrase, please read it out as quickly as possible. If you see a smiling face, please say yeah. OK? Here we go. 【设计意图】通过词汇快闪的游戏,帮助学生快速进入学习英语的 氛围。同时游戏中的日常活动单词能唤起学生的知识储备,为下面 的语言输出做准备。 Step2 Get ready 1. 呈现杨利伟的图片、视频 (1)出示我国太空第一人杨利伟的照片 T: Who is he? What does he do? Lets watch a video and then answer the question. (2)播放宇航员杨利伟乘神舟五号飞入太空的视频 T:What does he do? He is an astronaut. 揭题 Today were going to learn U9 Day and night L1 About the astronaut 4 2.评价 T: Look, I have some pictures of astronaut. Do you like them? Try your best, and you can get them. OK? 3. Free talk T: Boys and girls, can you tell us something about the astronaut? What do you know about the astronaut? 【设计意图】通过呈现我国太空第一人杨利伟的照片和视频,自然 导入本课课题。同时提问 What do you know about the astronaut?引导 学生结合平日所积累的航天知识,发散思维,充分调动了学生的学 习热情。 Step 3 Presentation 1.呈现图 1,出示故事主人公 Jack T: Who are they? What are they doing? What TV program are they watching? T: Jack is in the spaceship. Lets say hello to Jack. 2.出示记者图片,预测问题 T: Who is this man? He is a reporter. What question does the reporter ask? Can you guess? 【设计意图】通过让学生猜测记者可能会提问宇航员 Jack 什么问题, 5 激发学生的思维,为故事的学习做铺垫。 3. Listen and answer 初步感知,了解大意 T: Lets listen to the story and then answer what questions does the reporter ask? Lets check 出示记者提出的问题 When do you get up? When do you go to bed? What do you eat? 【设计意图】通过第一次观看故事,整体感知故事,培养学生在语 境中获取关键信息的能力。 4.学习图 2,3,4,5 梳理故事 (1) Reporter: When do you get up? Jack: I always get up at five in the morning. Learn the words: always, get up T: Look. This is a timetable. There are 7 days in a week. They are SundayAnd Jack gets up at five every day. So he says I always get up at five in the morning. T:Is it early or late? Yeah, thats early. What about you? When do you get up? (2) Reporter: When do you go to bed? 6 Jack: I often go to bed at ten. Learn the words: often, go to bed T: We should go to bed early in the evening and get up early in the morning. Thats good for our health. Clear? (3) Reporter: You have breakfast at seven, right? Learn the word: have breakfast (4) Reporter: What do you eat? Jack: For breakfast, I often have eggs, bread and milk. Sometimes I eat meat and fruit. Learn the word: sometimes (5)频率词汇总 T:Look. If we do the same thing every day, we use always. If we do it 4 or 5 times a week, we use often. If we do it just 1 or 2 times a week, we use sometimes. Understand? 【设计意图】由故事中记者提出的问题,展开语言知识点的学习, 并通过询问学生 When do you? I always/often/sometimes让学生联 系实际生活,在真实情境中理解语言、体验语言、应用语言。 5.学习图 6,猜想 Jack 可以在太空做什么事情 7 T:Jack has many things to do. What things may he do in space? Can you guess? 【设计意图】让学生猜测记宇航员 Jack 在太空会做什么事情呢,鼓 励学生积极思考,拓展他们的思维。 6.学习图 7,8,9 What does he do every day? (1) Read and Circle T: Boys and girls, please open your books. Turn to page 33. Read picture 789, and then circle the things Jack do every day. Learn the phrases: read books, exercise, take a walk (2) How often does he do these things? (sometimes) He reads books. (always)He exercises. (sometimes) He takes a walk in space. 【设计意图】提出“What does he do every day?”,引导学生带着问题 阅读文本,找出关键信息。在强化语言知识点的同时,提高学生的 阅读能力。 8 7. 学习图 10,11 T:What is Mocky doing? Can Mocky take a spacewalk in the house? Why can Jack take a spacewalk? T: Because the force of earths gravity is very low in space. Clear? Step 4 Practice 1. Listen and imitate T: Now lets listen and imitate. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. 2. Role play T: Boys and girls, now lets act out the story. 【设计意图】以跟读故事、角色扮演的方式让学生重新回归文本, 培养学生良好的语音语调,并在情境中进一步理解、体验、巩固和 内化语言知识。 Step 5. Production 1.Retell the story T: Today we talk about the astronaut. Jack is in space. He always gets up at 5:00. 2.Write and Talk 9 T: These are Jacks activities in space. What about yours? Firstly, write down the activities and the frequencies. For example, I. After that, you can make a dialogue with your partners. You can also make a short passage by yourselves. Understand? 3. Show time T: Boys and girls, time is up. Who wants to share your activities with us? 4. 播放我国航天事业发展史的视频 T: Today, we talk about the astronaut. And our country has made great progress in aerospace industry. Lets enjoy a video. 【设计意图】引导学生结合板书复述课文,锻炼学生的语言表达能 力。并让学生联系生活实际,交流自己的日常活动,培养学生的语 言运用能力。同时,关注我国航天事业的发展,激发学生的爱国之 情,培养学生了解自然、探索宇宙的远大理想。 Step 6. Homework Read and try to act out the story in groups. Use always, often, sometimes to share your daily activities with your friends. 10 【设计意图】通过分层次的作业延展课堂,帮助学生形成良好的语 音,并用所学语言知识进行交流,提高学生的语言运用能力。
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