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八年级英语测试题八年级英语测试题(满分:满分:100 分分) 学校学校_____________姓名姓名 __________ 班级班级 __________ 得分得分 __________ 一、完形填空一、完形填空 (15 小题,每小题小题,每小题 1 分,共分,共 15 分分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项 A、B、C、D 中,选出可以填入空白处的最 佳选项。 Sometimes you may feel that it is impossible to get along with your parents. However, they are probably your best teachers in1. If you find that you and your parents cant get on well, try to understand2better. Spend time with your parents. Your parents wont always be around,3spend time with them while you are able to. This doesnt mean just4in front of the TV together. Instead, find activities to do together. By doing this, you can5 more about each other. 6your parents. To understand your parents better, you have to spend time having a conversation with them. Use this time to learn about their7hobbies and opinions. For example, you can8them to tell you about their own childhood, or about their jobs. Listen to them carefully. This may seem easy, but it is often9than you think. When you are communicating with your10, make sure you are listening. This means looking at their eyes when they are talking, and speaking11when responding (回应). If youre not sure 12they meant, try to ask them to repeat. Make your parents feel proud. There are many, many13that you can move your parents such as getting good marks in exams and sharing the housework. Try your best, and you will show them that you are becoming more14, and that they can begin to discuss everything15you. Follow these ways, and youll get on with each other better. () 1. A. surpriseB. timeC. lifeD. danger () 2. A. himB. herC. themD. us () 3. A. andB. althoughC. orD. so () 4. A. workingB. sleepingC. sittingD. studying () 5. A. worryB. learnC. believeD. forget () 6.A. Look afterB. Talk withC. Depend onD. Shout to () 7.A. terribleB. seriousC. difficultD. different () 8.A. askB. planC. warnD. follow () 9.A. harderB. biggerC. easierD. smaller () 10. A. teachersB. friendsC. studentsD. parents () 11. A. cheaplyB. angrilyC. politelyD. heavily () 12. A. whereB. whatC. whyD. when () 13. A. signsB. difficultiesC. jokesD. ways () 14. A. carelessB. understandingC. creativeD. talented () 15. A. withB. to C. forD. against 二、阅读理解。二、阅读理解。(20小题,每小题小题,每小题 3分,共分,共 60 分分) 阅读下面四篇语言材料,然后按文后要求做题。 A Help clean up the city park Im Mr. Green. To make our city cleaner and more beautiful, I come up with a plan for the City Park Clean-Up Day with students in my class. There is some information about it. Time: March 14th. Activities: * We need to meet in front of our school at 9:00 am, and then we take the school bus there. * All students prepare a black bag or besom (扫帚). If you want to join us, please come to the first room on the second floor of the teaching building to sign up (报名). Please sign up before March 10th. Visit old people in an old peoples home Our school plans to organize an activity to visit old people in an old peoples home. We need twenty students to join us, and these twenty students will be divided into (被分成) two groups. Time: 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm on Thursday, March 19th. Activities: * Students in Group 1 sweep the floor and students in Group 2 make the bed for old people from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm. * Tell stories to them from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm. * See a movie with them from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. Attention: Everyone brings 10 yuan to buy flowers and fruit for the old people. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。 () 16. What does Mr. Green do? A. A parent.B. A teacher.C. A cook.D. A student. () 17.What can we know about the City Park Clean-Up Day from the table? A. Students can arrive at the city park at 9:00 am. B. Students must prepare a blue bag for it. C. Students can sign up on the Internet. D. Students must sign up before March 10th. () 18.How many students will visit old peoples home? A. 10.B. 20.C. 30.D. 40. () 19.What will students do in the old peoples home? Sweep the floor See a movie Dance Tell stories A. B. C. D. () 20.What can we infer from the two tables? A. It wont take students much time to get to the city park by bus. B. If you dont have volunteering experience, you cant go to the city park. C. Students in Group 1 are all girls while students in Group 2 are all boys. D. Old people in the old peoples home can get some flowers and fruit on March 19th. B Several years ago, Eds teacher asked him to take part in a volunteer activity. It brought normal children and disabled children together. Each week Ed spent an hour in the special school helping the disabled children with their schoolwork, games and eating. Eds mother was a teacher, so he often met a lot of children. At first, Ed thought it would be scary to be with children who were so different, but later he found there was something special with those children. Every Wednesday, Tom, Susan and Anna couldnt wait to see Ed. Tom had to sit on the wheelchair. He was only able to say some simple words like yes or no. Susan, a deaf girl, always welcomed Ed with a big smile. As for Anna, she was born with an illness, and it made her really small for her age. In a normal classroom, it would be common to stop children playing with something, speaking loudly or making noises (噪音). However, in that school, the teachers didn t mind noises. They were signs of the childrens feelings. Working with those children made Ed learn to notice others needs. One of Eds teachers said, “We should be part of something bigger than ourselves.”Ed never understood that until he worked with those children. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。 () 21.What did NOT Ed help the disabled children do? A. Have meals.B. Do their homework.C. Play games.D. Repair broken things. () 22.What was the matter with Tom? A. He was deaf.B. He was blind.C. He couldnt walk. D. He couldnt say anything. () 23.Why did NOT the teachers mind the children making noises in that school? A. Because the teachers tried to make their classes interesting. B. Because it was a special way for the teachers to give classes. C. Because the children showed their feelings in that way. D. Because the teachers didnt want to be angry with those disabled children. () 24. Which of the following is TRUE? A. Anna, Tom and Susan didnt like Ed. B. Eds mother was a teacher in that special school. C. Ed was excited to go to that special school at first. D. Ed understood his teachers words through the activity. () 25. Whats the best title for this passage? A. Try to be kind in life. B. Volunteer in a special school. C. Learn to work with other people. D. Give disabled children more care. C I come from the Philippines and I do volunteer work in my city, Manila. Over 100 million children in the world live on streets because they dont have homes. There is an organization ( 组织) helping street children to get off streets and to live a normal life, and I am one of the volunteers. There is a big difference between street children and street- working children. Street-working children make money by selling things, such as candies and newspapers. After they finish their work, they go home. However, street children have no homes. They live and work on streets. Sometimes they sleep at train stations or in parks. They make a living by asking other people for money or stealing (偷) things. Here in Manila, our organization found a place and there were lots of street children. We talked to sixty of them and gave them food and other help. Day by day, they began to trust us and we provided places for them to eat and sleep. Most of the kids didnt want to tell us much information. But when they decided to talk to us about their families and where they came from, we listened carefully. We also have an education program. If the street children learn skills (技能), it will be easy for them to find jobs. We want them to do something for their lives. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。 () 26. What does the writer do as a volunteer? A. Helps the street children build houses. B. Makes friends with the street children. C. Helps the street children find their families. D. Helps the street children live a normal life. ( ) 27. Whats the main idea of the second paragraph? A. Where to find street children and street working children. B. How to help street children and street working children. C. What street children and street-working children are like. D. Why there are many street children and street-working children. () 28. What does the underlined word“them”refer to? A. The street children in the place. B. All the street children in Manila. C. All the street children in the world. D. The street-working children in Manila. () 29. Why does the organization have an education program? A. To teach the street children not to steal things. B. To help the street children live by their skills. C. To allow the street children to show their skills. D. To ask the street children to help each other. () 30. What does the passage mainly tell us? A. Its difficult for street children to live in Manila. B. An organization helps the street children in Manila. C. Why the writer chose to volunteer for the organization. D. There ll be more and more street children in the world. D Did you wonder where Lego toys come from? A box? A toy store? A factory? Yes. But where did they first come from? Who invented them? 31. _________ How did he do it? When you learn about the story of Lego, you will be surprised! The story started in Denmark. Ole Kirk Christiansen was a carpenter (木工). 32. _________ What was worse, his wife died after his fourth son was born. This was very hard for everyone. He had to look for new ways to make money and to make his kids happy, so he started making wood toys. His sons helped him with his business and, soon, big orders started coming in. 33. _________ He chose the name“Lego”. It means“play well” in Danish. However, a few years later, his workshop burned to the ground. Everything was destroyed (被毁坏). 34. ________________ He decided to stop making wood toys and make more plastic (塑料的) toys. 35. ______ Each one had to be good. Thanks to the hard work of Ole and his sons, kids around the world can enjoy Lego toys. 根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使短文意思 通顺、内容完整。 A. What was that persons story? B. Ole was very upset, but he didnt lose hope. C. Then he started to build more and more kinds of models. D. He had great difficulty dealing with his business. E. Ole thought that his toys needed a name. 31._____________32.________________33._______________34._______________35._______ ________ 三、语篇填空。三、语篇填空。 (共(共 30 分)分) 第一节第一节 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用 其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。 每空限填一词,每词限用一次。(每空限填一词,每词限用一次。(10 小题,每小题小题,每小题 2 分,共分,共 20 分)分) probable, experience, your, difficulty, understand, with, family, though, help, excited Lilly Bice is an eight-year-old American girl. When she heard (36) ___________ in Texas lost everything because of Hurricane (飓风) Harvey, she made a decision. Her parents (37) _________ another hurricane twelve years ago, so they knew people in Texas had (38) ____________ rebuilding (重建) their homes after Hurricane Harvey. They discussed how to help the people and Lilly heard the discussion. She wanted to play a part in (39) ________those people. She decided to give away some toys to a child.“If the child has toys to play with, she will(40) ________ feel less lonely,”Lilly thought. Then she started putting her toys in a bag. All of them provided Lilly (41) ________ lots of fun. Lilly wrote something on a piece of paper and put it into the bag: “Dear little girl, are you (42) ________ about getting these toys? I hope they can be (43) _____ close friends. Have fun with them and take good care of them.” Lillys mom, Melissa Bice, was very proud (自豪的) of her daughter. She said Lilly could feel what the people in Texas were experiencing (44) ________ the little girl didnt experience a hurricane.“She (45) ___________ more than an eight-year-old child really does,”said the mom. “Shes always a kind child. She likes making things for people to make them happy,”she added. 第二节第二节 阅读短文,根据语篇要求填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词。(阅读短文,根据语篇要求填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词。(5 小题,小题, 每小题每小题 1 分,共分,共 5 分)分) Clara Daly was sitting on the plane from Boston to Los Angeles when she heard someone ask,“Can anyone communicate (交流) with blind and deaf people?” Clara learned (46) ________ to help blind and deaf people in a special school, so she walked to the seat of Tim Cook. Taking his hand, she wrote on it carefully,“How (47) _______ you, sir? Are you OK?”Then Cook told her (48) _____ wanted some water. When the water arrived, Clara went back to her seat. However, she got back again soon because Cook wanted to know the time. Later, on her third visit, she stopped and stayed (49) ________ some time because Cook was lonely and just wanted to talk. “Clara was fantastic,”(50) ______ air hostess said. “Cook was very excited to have someone he could speak to, and Clara was such an angel (天使).”八年级英语八年级英语测试题测试题(满分:满分:100 分分) 学校学校_____________姓名姓名 __________ 班级班级 __________ 得分得分 __________ 一、一、完形填空完形填空 (15 小题,每小题小题,每小题 1 分,共分,共 15 分分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项 A、B、C、D 中,选出可以填入空白处的最 佳选项。 Sometimes you may feel that it is impossible to get along with your parents. However, they are probably your best teachers in1. If you find that you and your parents cant get on well, try to understand2better. Spend time with your parents. Your parents wont always be around,3spend time with them while you are able to. This doesnt mean just4in front of the TV together. Instead, find activities to do together. By doing this, you can5 more about each other. 6your parents. To understand your parents better, you have to spend time having a conversation with them. Use this time to learn about their7hobbies and opinions. For example, you can8them to tell you about their own childhood, or about their jobs. Listen to them carefully. This may seem easy, but it is often9than you think. When you are communicating with your10, make sure you are listening. This means looking at their eyes when they are talking, and speaking11when responding (回应). If youre not sure 12they meant, try to ask them to repeat. Make your parents feel proud. There are many, many13that you can move your parents such as getting good marks in exams and sharing the housework. Try your best, and you will show them that you are becoming more14, and that they can begin to discuss everything15you. Follow these ways, and youll get on with each other better. () 1. A. surpriseB. timeC. lifeD. danger () 2. A. himB. herC. themD. us () 3. A. andB. althoughC. orD. so () 4. A. workingB. sleepingC. sittingD. studying () 5. A. worryB. learnC. believeD. forget () 6. A. Look afterB. Talk withC. Depend onD. Shout to () 7. A. terribleB. seriousC. difficultD. different () 8. A. askB. planC. warnD. follow () 9. A. harderB. biggerC. easierD. smaller () 10. A. teachersB. friendsC. studentsD. parents () 11. A. cheaplyB. angrilyC. politelyD. heavily () 12. A. whereB. whatC. whyD. when () 13. A. signsB. difficultiesC. jokesD. ways () 14. A. carelessB. understandingC. creativeD. talented () 15. A. withB. toC. forD. against 二、阅读理解。二、阅读理解。
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