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第 1 版 共同关注 1. In 2016. 2. More than 50. 3. 答案略。 拓展阅读 1D 2A 3B 4C 第 23 版 词语运用 . 1. instead 2. truth 3. rubbish 4. beat 5. nervous 6. unfair 7. arguing 8. borrowed 9. communication 10. elder 11. realized 12. development 13. waste 14. heavily 15. provides 16. members . 1. pass me a bowl 2. work out 3. in silence 4. have / take a look at them 5. fell ill 6. was looking through a magazine 7. pick it up 8. were making our way 9.At first 10. compare yourself with others . 1. began 2. snacks 3. so 4. playing 5. was coming 6. to teach 7. successfully 8. spend 完成句子 . 1. wrong with 2. Why dont you call 3. Perhaps 4. take care of 5. hates to watch / doesnt like watching 6. In my opinion 7. return; to 8. neither do I . 1. he was 2. Yes / Sure; can 3. No / Sorry; cant 4. werent working 5. What were; doing 6. What time was; watching 7. was writing 8. while; was washing; was sweeping . 1. all the time 2. fell asleep 3. to take down 4. depend on him 5. allow her to use 6. didnt go; until 7. died down 8. began / started to rain; was shopping 9. In order to get 10. dont want; anymore 11. cut out 12. went off 完形填空 1-5 DBCDA 6-10 BCDBA 阅读理解 A)1-5 BADBC B)1-5 BCDBB 第 4 版 题型专练 1-4 BDCB 5-9AGCDF 10. was sleeping 11. But 12. to argue 13. eyes 14. kindly 15. singing 16. gave 17. with 18. herself 19. soon 20. . you need some . you I 21. . and helping me? helping help 22. . room and on. 在 on 前面添加 so 23. . needed something . needed need 24. . please you help . 删掉 you3-5 单元阶段复习 词语运用 . 根据句意及首字母或括号里的汉语或单词提示,把所缺单词写 在横线上,并注意其变换形式。 1. Lets play cards i of watching TV. 2. We found out the _____________(true) of the matter at last. 3. Look! Some cleaners are taking out the r there. 4. Sam b Tom and won the math competition. 5. Dont be so _____________(焦虑的)! We have much time to finish it. 6. Its _____________(fair) to let such young kids make money. 7. Susan is upset because her parents are always_____________(争吵). 8. I left my dictionary at home, so I b one from Tina. 9. I hope you can have more time for proper_____________(communicate). 10. Wendy, which is your e brother and which is your younger brother? 11. After he listened to his mother carefully, he_____________(意识 到) he was wrong. 12. Too much pressure is not good for a childs_____________(develop). 13. I think watching TV is useful but my mom thinks its just a w of time. 14. Yesterday morning, it rained _____________(heavy) and it stopped in the afternoon. 15. The hotel _____________( 提 供) breakfast for guests from 7:00 to 9:00 every morning. 16. Mary joined our music club last month. Now she is one of the _____________(成员) of the club. . 根据句意及所给汉语提示,写出所缺短语,每空一词。 1. I asked him to __________ __________ __________ __________(递给我一个碗). 2. Mr. Green hopes everything can __________ __________(成功 地发展). 3. Lily, why are you always sitting there __________ __________(沉 默)? 4. What beautiful pictures! May I __________ __________ __________ __________ __________(看一看它们)? 5. My uncle worked day and night, so he __________ __________(生病) at last. 6. She __________ __________ __________ __________ __________(浏览一本杂志) when I came in. 7. Peter, the telephone is ringing. Could you help me to __________ __________ __________(接电话)? 8. We __________ __________ __________ __________(前往) to Anns birthday party when the accident happened. 9. __________ __________(起初) he was quiet in class, but now he is very active (活跃的). 10. Dont __________ __________ __________ __________(把你自 己和别人比较). You should just be yourself. . 阅读下面的材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号 内单词的正确形式(不超过 3 个单词) 。 Thomas Edison was a world-famous inventor (发明家). He (1) __________(begin) to work on the railway when he was twelve. He sold newspapers and (2)__________(snack) there. He built himself a little laboratory (实验室) in the luggage van (行李车厢) (3)__________ that he could do experiments (实验) there when he wasnt selling things to passengers. When he was free he was also a busy reader. One day, when he was waiting at a station he noticed a small boy (4)__________ (play) by the railway. The child didnt realize that a train (5)__________(come). So Edison ran out and caught him just in time. The childs father was so thankful that he offered (6)__________(teach) Edison to be a telegraph operator ( 电 报 员). Edison agreed and soon started taking lessons. After a year, he got a job in the telegraph office (7)__________(successful), but he continued to read and do experiments as long as he had time. At 21 he left the telegraph office to (8)__________ all his time inventing things. He went on to invent the light bulb, the phonograph (留声机) and the moving camera. 完成句子 . 根据上句完成下句,使两句意思相同或相近,每空一词(含缩略 形式)。 1. Whats the matter with you? Whats __________ __________ you? 2. Why not call him up? __________ __________ __________ __________ him up? 3. Maybe the answer to the question is wrong. __________ the answer to the question is wrong. 4. Could you please help me look after my baby? Could you please help me __________ __________ __________ my baby? 5. My cousin dislikes watching this program. My cousin __________ __________ __________this program. 6. I think we should help the blind man. __________ __________ __________, we should help the blind man. 7. Did you give the book back to the library yesterday? Did you __________ the book __________ the library yesterday? 8. Jeff doesnt like soccer, and I dont like it, either. Jeff doesnt like soccer and __________ __________ __________. . 根据括号内的要求完成下列各题,每空一词(含缩略形式)。 1. Was his uncle having dinner at that time? (补全肯定答语) Yes, __________ __________. 2. Could I use your CD player? (补全肯定答语) __________, you __________. 3. Could you please clean the living room? (补全否定答语) __________, I __________. 4. The farmers were working when I saw them. (改为否定句) The farmers __________ __________ when I saw them. 5. I was walking along the street at the time of the strong wind. (对划线部分提问) __________ __________ you __________ at the time of the strong wind? 6. He was watching a movie at five oclock yesterday afternoon. (对划线部分提问) __________ __________ __________ he__________ a movie yesterday afternoon? 7. Julie wrote an e-mail to her friend last night. (用 at 8:00 last night 替换 last night 改写句子) Julie __________ __________ an e-mail to her friend at 8:00 last night. 8. At 9:00 last night Carla was washing the clothes. Paul was sweeping the floor. (用 while 将两个句子合并成一句) At 9:00 last night __________ Carla __________ __________ the clothes, Paul ____________________ the floor. . 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词(含缩略形式)。 1. 你为什么这么频繁地迟到? Why are you late __________ __________ __________? 2. Matt 一上出租车就睡着了。 Matt __________ __________ as soon as he got into the taxi. 3. 他希望拆除这所老房子。 He hopes __________ __________ __________this old house. 4. 别担心,我们可以依靠他帮忙。 Dont worry. We can __________ __________ __________ for help. 5. 她的父母不允许她使用电脑。 Her parents dont __________ __________ __________ __________ the computer. 6. 昨晚直到她爸爸回家她才上床睡觉。 She __________ __________ to bed __________ her dad came back home last night. 7. 昨天下午四点以后暴风雨逐渐减弱了。 The rainstorm __________ __________ after 4:00 yesterday afternoon. 8. 当开始下雨时,我正在购物。 When it __________ __________ __________, I __________ __________. 9. 为了准时到达机场,Mr. White 只好打的。 __________ __________ __________ __________ to the airport on time, Mr. White had to take a taxi. 10. 妈妈,我不想再学钢琴了,它太难了。 Mom, I __________ __________ to learn the piano __________. Its too difficult. 11. 你不可以删除这篇文章的第一章节,它很重要。 You cant __________ __________ the first passage of the article. Its very important. 12. 当防火警报器响起时,John 和 Charlie 正在酣睡。 When the fire alarm __________ __________, John and Charlie were having a sound sleep. 完形填空 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中 选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 易读度 My name is Cathy. Here is my story. Two years ago I became overweight (超重的) 1 I didnt exercise or get any fresh air. I was often sick so I used to be 2 school. One day I looked at 3 in the mirror.“I look terrible,”I thought. I tried to touch my toes (脚趾) but I 4 do it. I found an old dress. It was too 5 for me to put on. Yes, I was too fat! The next day I 6 to lose weight. I started to run every morning. At first it was painful (令人痛苦的). I mean I just couldnt run, even a short distance (距离). And Ive 7 changed the way I live. Im eating more fresh vegetables than meat. Four months ago I 8 junk food. About three months ago I bought a bike. I go to school by bike 9 by car. And recently Ive started doing yoga exercises. Now Ive found more exercises and healthier eating habits can really 10 me to lose weight. My mother runs with me in the morning and my father rides bikes with me in the evening. Theyve both lost weight and are much healthier than they used to be, too. ( )1.A. while B. unless C. although D. because ( )2.A. at B. off C. with D. for ( )3.A. me B. her C. myself D. herself ( )4.A. should B. shouldnt C. could D. couldnt ( )5.A. small B. large C. common D. strange ( )6.A. refused B. decided C. forgot D. learned ( )7.A. normally B. suddenly C. completely D. cheaply ( )8.A. put out B. gave out C. put up D. gave up ( )9.A. because of B. instead of C. as a result of D. with the help of ( )10.A. help B. ask C. invite D. advise 阅读理解 A 易读度 (J=Jason; S=Sarah) J: Goodmorning!WelcometoHongKongTalkShow. Im your host Jason. Lets welcome Sarah, from Green World. Hi, Sarah. S: Hi, Jason. J: Green World is working to save endangered (濒危的) animals. Why do lots of animals die out? S: Many of them die out because of too much hunting (猎杀) and fishing. J: Why should we protect endangered animals? S: Every animal is important to our world. Take pandas for example: They help spread bamboo seeds (传播竹子的种子) when they are eating bamboo. J: Oh, I see! So, how can we help pandas? S: Its not difficult at all. Just try to use less paper and that can stop people from cutting down too much bamboo in the forest. Then, the pandas can have a safe (安全的) home. J: This is a really good suggestion! By the way, I know youre organizing a competition for children. S: Thats right. It is a drawing competition about saving endangered animals. Children can draw anything they want on the theme (主题). J:Are there any prizes? S: Yes, the winner will get two tickets to Ocean Park to visit the endangered animals there. J: How can children join the competition? S: They can find the information online by visiting www.greenworld.org.hk. J: Im sure our listeners know more about saving endangered animals now. Thanks so much for your sharing today, Sarah. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。 ( )1. Sarah uses the example of pandas to show that _______. A. its easy to help animals B. every animal is important C. many animals are friendly D. many animals are dying out ( )2. What does the underlined word“suggestion” mean in Chinese? A. 建议 B. 设计 C. 解释 D. 评论 ( )3. Green World is organizing a _______competition. A. running B. writing C. singing D. drawing ( )4. The prize for the winner is _______. A. a trip to Green World B. two tickets to Ocean Park C. two tickets to a talk show D. a book on endangered animals ( )5. Children can find more information about the competition _______. A. on the radio B. in a newspaper C. on the Internet D. in a magazine B 易读度 Have you ever saved money to do something special? Cindy Evans and her third-grade class are sure to answer, “Yes!” Cindy Evans works at Big Beaver Elementary School in Big Beaver, Pennsylvania. One day, she and her third-grade class read about the Great American Smokeout in Weekly Reader. The Smokeout is an event to help people give up smoking (吸烟). TheAmerican Cancer Society runs it. “We read that about 1 million (一百万) people give up smoking each year,”said Ms. Evans. Then her students asked her,“What does 1 million look like?”Ms. Evans told her class the best way to see 1 million was to collect (收集) 1 million things. “I was thinking about collecting 1 million small things like erasers,” said the teacher. But her students had a better idea: to collect 1 million pennies (分) and give them away to the American Cancer Society. Soon the class started their big job. Many people in the neighborhood joined the students. According to Ms. Evans, the bank in their neighborhood had to keep more pennies because so many people were collecting them. That June, the class went to the office of the American Cancer Society with 1,177,500 pennies, or $11,775. They hoped that the money could help more people keep healthy. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。 ( )1. What is the GreatAmerican Smokeout? A.Aschool. B.An event. C.Amagazine. D.An organization. ( )2. Who came up with the idea of collecting pennies? A. Cindy Evans. B. Weekly Reader. C. Some third-grade students. D. TheAmerican Cancer Society. ( )3. The bank in the neighborhood needed more pennies because _______. A. the bank wanted to work with Cindy Evans school B. more and more people liked to pay in pennies C. Cindy Evans asked for 1 million pennies D. many people were collecting pennies ( )4. How much money did the students give away to theAmerican Cancer Society? A. $10,000. B. $11,775. C. $17,750. D. $1,177,500. ( )5. Whats the best title of the passage? A.Areading class B. Save for health C. Kind neighbors D. Say no to smoking 题型专练 一、阅读理解 第一节 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。 Three years ago, I got a new job at Victor Harbor. I arrived at my office early on my first day. I took off my ring a gift from my mother, put it in a tissue (纸巾) and placed it near my computer. During the lunch break, I noticed the tissue and thought it wasnt clean, so I threw it into the rubbish bin (垃圾箱). I was busy with my work and my day went well. I drove home at the end of the day. Just half a mile before I reached my house, I noticed my ring was missing. I felt very worried. I spent about an hour making calls, trying to find my ring. The first person I called was my leader ( 领 导). He gave me the cleaner leaders phone number. Finally, I called the woman who cleaned my office that day, but she told me she had taken out the rubbish. I knew I could do nothing. I had lost my ring. But after two or three hours, I got the most surprising phone call. The woman had gone through all the rubbish and found my ring! I was so thankful to her, someone who had taken the trouble to go through the rubbish to find my ring. How kind she is! ( )1. What can we know about the writers ring? A. She got it three years ago. B. She got it from her mother. C. It wasnt clean and needed washing. D. It was more expensive than her computer. ( )2. Who did the writer call first after she found her ring was missing? A. One of the cleaners. B. The cleaner leader. C. Her mother. D. Her leader. ( )3. How might the writer feel after she called the woman? A. Thankful. B. Shocked. C. Upset. D. Interested. ( )4. What can we learn from the writers experience? A. Strangers are often of little help. B.An act of kindness can bring warmth. C. Its hard to give people the help they need. D. Its important to keep on doing things to the end. 第二节 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳 选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Would you like to talk to people of your age in another country? (5)________ Go online an
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