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Unit1Unit1 WhattWhatt thethe mattermatter 重点短语重点短语 1.发烧 2 咳嗽 3 牙疼 4.说得太多 5 受凉;感冒 6.躺下来休息 7.看牙医 8.拍 X 光片 9. 量体温 10. 以同样的方式 11. 看医生 12. 大声呼救 13.下车 14 使. 惊讶的 15.多亏了 ;由于 16 及时 17.立刻;马上 18.由于 19.受伤 20.摔倒 21.习惯做某事 22 用完;用尽 23.以便 24 如此 以至于 25的重要性 26 切除 27.继续坚持做某事 28.做出决定 29.冒险 30.放弃 词型转换词型转换 1.stomach (复数) 2. foot(复数) 3.tooth 复数) 4. lie(过去式) (现在分词) 5. hurt (过去式) 6. breath (动词) 7. climb (名词) 8. knife (复数) 9.mean(过去式) 10. important ( 名词) 11.decide(名词) 12. die (形容词) (名词) 13.she(反身代词) 14.we (反身代词) 重点句型重点句型 1. What s the matter? What s the matter with you? = Whats the trouble with you? = What s wrong with you? 你怎么了?你怎么了? 2. What should she do? 她该怎么办呢? Should I take my temperature? 我应该量一下体温吗? 主语主语+ should/shouldnt + 动词原形动词原形. . You should lie down and rest. 你应该躺下休息一会儿。 You shouldn t go out at night. 你晚上不应该出去。 所给词所给词 1 You should __________ (drink) enough water every day. 2 .He ________ (have) a headache last week. But now he is ______ (feel) better. 3.Its important for us _________ (study) hard . 4.My grandpa exercises for 3 hours to stay _____________ (health) every day. 5.Its easy _____________(say), but difficult ______________(do). 6.He only thought about ___________ (save ) a life. 7.Tom didnt give up ____________ (smoke). ( )1. My son has friends in shanghai, so he doesnt feel lonely (孤独的) at all. A. few B. little C. a few D. a little ( )2. Mary a very bad cold, so she had to see a doctor. A. made B. took C. had D. did ( )3. You should eat more fruit and vegetables healthy. A. stay B. to stay C. staying D. stays ( )4. Eating healthy food is for all of us. A. boring B. hardly C. important D weak ( )5. You look tired. I think you go to work today. A. arent B. may C. shouldnt D. should ( )6. We should not eat junk food. A. too many B. too much C. much too D. many too ( )7. When did your stomachache start? . A. About two days. B. Two days later I C. About two days ago D. For two days ( )8. The boy needs more English conversations. A. practice B. practices C. to practice D. practicing ( )9. I am sorry ________ that youre not feeling well. A. and hear B. to hear C. heard ( )10. _______ a good idea. A. That sounds like B. Thats sounds like C. Thats like D. That like ( )11. Whats the matter ____ you? My back hurts. A. with B. for C. at D. on ( ) 12. You should ________ more water when you have a fever. A. drinks B. drinking C. drank D. have ( ) 13. Hes ill. He must go to ____ a doctor in the hospital. A. look B. watch C. see D. visited ( ) 14. -How are you? -Im feeling ______. A. good B. well C. better D. fun ( )15. There is a pen _____ on the floor, whose is it? A. lie B. putting C. lying D. lieing ( ) 16.- _____ did the headache start? - About two hours ago. A. When B. What C. where D. How ( ) 7. I cant sleep, so I _____ listen to quiet music, and I ______ listen to exciting music. A. should; should B. shouldnt; shouldnt C. should; shouldnt D. can; dont ( ) 18. _____ her husband,she has now become a famous film star. A. Because B. Thanks to C. Thanks for D. With the help ( ) 19. David ____ a stomachache. So he ____ eat anything 24 hours. A. has, should B. had, should C. have, shouldnt D. has, shouldnt ( ) 20. There must be _________ wrong with the clock. It doesnt work. A. nothing B. something C. everything D. anythingUnit2 重点短语重点短语 1 帮助解决困难 2 曾经 过去_ 3 关心;照顾 4 快乐的表情 5 在10岁时 6 打扫(或清除)干净 7 (使)变得更高兴;振雀 8 分发;散发 9 想出;提出 10 制订计划 11 做些公告牌 12与相似 13 建立;设立 14残疾人 15 影响;有作用 16 能够 17 课外阅读项目 18 试用;试行 19 为工作;为. 效力 20 搭建;张贴 21 分发;散发;发给 22 打电话;召集 23 推迟;延迟 24 比如;例如 25 筹钱;募捐 26 与.相像;像 27 赠送;捐赠 28 修理;修补;解决 所给词所给词 1.We should try to help those _________(able) people who have difficulties in their daily life. 2.It makes a big ______________(different)to my life. 3.Its a wonderful _________(feel) to be back home again . 4.We finished doing our homework by _________(we). 5.The man has trouble ______ _ (answer) the telephone. 6. I often hear the girl _______________(play) the violin in the next room. 7 Please tell the boys to stop _______________(make) noise. Were having a meeting. 8. Could you tell where _______(go )tomorrow? 单选单选 1 .You should smoking. Its bad for your health. A.get up B.put up C.give up D.look up 2. I _____like to help kids with their schoolwork. A. could B. would C. should D. will 3. I _______ some clothes to charity because they are too small for me. A. take after B. hang out C. give away D. put off 4 Now I spend time _____ what I love to do. A. to do B. doing C. do D. did 5. After my teacher gave me a lesson, I didnt do that _______. A. any B. more C. any more D. no more 6. ____ of them like to play basketball. A. Each B. Everyone C. Every D. Both 7. I first met Joe three years ago. He ____ at a CD shop at the time. A. will work B. is working C. has worked D. was working 8. Amy ____the windows already, so the room looks much bright. A. cleans B. has cleaned C. is cleaning D. will clean 9.I often saw the boys ________ in the river. A.swamB.swimmingC.to swimD.swims 10.It takes me two hours my homework every day. A.doingB.to doC.didD.does 11.The glass of water is too hot. Would you please give me some cold water ? A.drinkB.drinkingC.to drinkD.drunk .Its easy the problem. A.for him solve B.for him to solve C.of him solvingD.of him to solve 12.Uncle Ted was very rich. But now he has no place to . A.liveB. live onC.live inD.live with 13.Could you please pass me the book? A.Yes, I could.B.No, I couldnt. C.Sure, here you are.D.No, thats no problem. 14.What are you doing, Uncle Wang? Im sorting out old books and Ill to kids in West China. A.give them upB.give them awayC.give them offD.give them in 15.Thank you for your ,otherwise I couldnt finish my study. A.kindB.kindlyC.kindnessD.kinds 16 Lets go to see the sick kids and ____. Acheer them up Bcheer up them Cclean up them Dfix them up 17. He didnt use to ________ soccer, but now he is used to ________ it. Aplaying, playingBplay, playing Cplaying, to playDplays, to play 18. Hes always ___ at home, but he doesnt feel___ .Aalone, alone Calone, lonelyDlonely, alone 19 . We were all ___ to hear the ____ news. Aexcited, excited Cexcited, excitingDexciting, excited 20. The little girl can cook dinner by ________. AhimselfBherselfCitself Dmyself 21.Peter and Tim got there ________ the same time.Aof BinCwithDatUnit3 重点短语重点短语 1 在外面待到很晚 2 去看电影 3 搭便车 4 从事 5 完成做某事 6 洗餐具 7 叠衣服 8 扫地 9 整理床铺 10 没问题 11 带某人去散步 12 一直;总是 13 整曰/夜 14 走开 15 惊讶地 16 拿点喝的东西 17 闲逛 18 把某物借给某人 19 讨厌做某事 20 做杂务 21 帮助某人干某事 22 使某人做某事 23 浪费时间 24 为了 25 取得好成绩 26 介意做某事 27 依赖;依靠 28 照顾;照看 1.Do you like to_______ your bed? No,I hate to_______ chores Ado;do Bdo;make Cmake;do Dmake;make 2._______ you tell me how I_______ get to the No168 Middle School? ADo;can BCan;could CCould;can DCould;could 3. Miss White, Im going out, could you _______ my child for a while? A. look for B. look over C. look at D. look after 4 Meimei is _____the difficult math problem. Im sure shell _____. A. working on; work it on B. working out; work it out C. working out; work it onD. working on; work it out 5. Could you _____the window? I feel a little cold. A. please not open B. please not to open C. not please to closeD. please not to close 6. Many kids like ________ very much, but they are not good for their health. A. singers B. chores C. snacks D. watching TV 7. _____ do you do the dishes? Every day. A. How soon B. How long C. How often D. When 8 Could you buy us _________ drinks?Sorry, I dont have _____ money. A. any; any B. any; some C. some; some D. some; any 9 Excuse me, Peter. Theres something wrong with my car. Could I _______? A. go for a driveB. get a ride C.give me a ride D. go for a walk 10. There are still a few hamburgers. Would you like to have _______one, Julia? A. the other B. other C. othersD. another 11 My dad tells me not to ________ too late in the evening. He says it is dangerous. A. stay out B. grow up C. come out D. get up 12 Could I borrow your camera? ___________,but please give it back by Saturday. A. I am sorry B. Of course C. Certainly not D. No, thanks 13 I have two sisters, but ________of them is a teacher. A. all B. neither C. both D. none 14 Liu Ying is good at singing. She sings ______the famous singer, CoCo. A. as well as B. as good as C. as better as D. as the best as 15 Which magazine do you like better, Crazy Reading or Teens space? I like ___of them. They are useful for English lessons. A. none B. neither C. all D. both 16 Although you like the book, you may only ______ it for two weeks. Unit3 A. borrow B. keep C. lend D. stay. 17 May I ____ your dictionary? Sorry. Li Lei ____ it for five days. A. lend; borrowed B. borrow; has kept C. borrow ; has borrowed D. lend; has lent 18 The great writer has written many stories for children. It is said that a new one will ______ at the end of this month. A. go out B. come out C. look out D. run out 19 Tom didnt go to school _____ this morning because he overslept. A. at once B. on time C. by accident D. at present 20 Can you finish ____ these books before 10 oclock? Yes, I can. A. to read B. read C. reads D. Reading 21 I cant play the piano ,and _____. A. neither can my sister B. my sister cant , too C. so cant my sister D. can my sister, either 22 Ann often helps me ___ math after school. A. for B. with C. on D. by 23 I dont like rainy days. ________. Rainy days always make me sad. A. Neither do I B. So do I C. Neither I do D. So I do 24 ___his surprise, she succeeded in climbing up the high mountain. A. At B. To C. In D. On 25 His teeth hurt badly. The dentist ______. A .take out it B. take out them C. take it out D .take them out 26 We all know that the earth moves around the sun _____. A. on time B. at times C. all the time D. in time 27 Colors can change our moods and make us ___ happy or sad, energetic or sleep. A. to feel B. feeling C. felt D. feel 28 Could you please provide us ____ some information about the students health? Of course, its my pleasure. A. to B. of C. from D. with 29 Shall we go for a picnic tomorrow? Well, it all _______ the weather. A. belongs to B. happens to C .depends on D. concentrate on 30 The more you smile, the _______ you will feel. A. happy B. happier C. happily D. more happily 31 A lot of doctors gathered in Harbin ____ save “Chinas most beautiful teacher” Ms. Zhang Lili. A. So that B.in order to C.in order that D.as a result 32 Hurry up,or you ____catch the train Acant Bneednt Cmustnt D. shouldnt 33 Whos the man over there? Is it Mr. Black? It ______ be him. Hes much taller. A. may not B. cant C. will not D. mustnt .34 Im very tired these days because of the senior high school entrance examination(中考). Why not ______ music? It can make you ______. A. listen to; relaxed B. to listen to; relaxed C. listen to; relaxD. to listen to; to relaxUnit4 重点短语 有空闲时间去做某事 允许某人做某事 与某人吵架/打架 直到半夜 与某人交谈 太多 学得过多 有足够的睡眠 给某人写信 令某人惊讶 快速查看,浏览 生某人的气 重要的事 成功地发展;解决 与某人和睦相处 拒绝做某事 主动提出做某事 使某人生气 担心某事 给某人施压 与某人吵架 与某人竞争 业余活动 学习应试技巧 删除 【拓展拓展】与与 look 相关的短语:相关的短语: look for 寻找 look after=take care of 照看 look like 看起来像 look the same 看起来一样 look over 检查,复习 look through 温习,检查 look out 小心,从里向外看 look up 向上看,查单词 look forward to doing 盼望做某事 【拓展拓展】用于提建议的句型有:用于提建议的句型有: (1) What about doing sth. ?=How about doing sth.? .怎么样? (2) Why dont you do sth.?= Why not do sth.? 为什 么不呢? (3) Lets do sth. 让我们一起做某事吧。 (4) Shall we/I do sth.? 我们做好吗? (5) had better do/not do sth. 最好做/不做某事 (6) Will/Would you please do sth. 请你做好吗? (7) Would you like to do sth.? 你想去做某事吗? (8) Would you mind doing sth.?你介意做某事吗? 【回答】 (1). 同意对方的建议时,一般用: Good idea. / Thats good idea. 好主意 OK/ All right. / Great. 好/ 行/太好了 Yes, please. / Id love to. 是的/ 我愿意 I agree with you. 我同意你的看法 No problem. 没问题 Sure./ Of course./ Certainly. 当然可以 Yes, I think so. 对,我也这样想 (2).对对方的帮助或要求表示委婉谢绝时,一般用: I dont think so. 我认为不是这样 Sorry, I cant. 对不起,我不能 Id love to, but我愿意,但恐怕 Im afraid 恐怕 1.We dont allow _________ (play) cards in out house 2.Why not ________ (help ) your parents? 3.You d better ________ (open )the door. 4.The hotel offers ______ (give)out food and drinks. 5Dave went cycling instead of _______ (skate) 6.Dont refuse ______ ( help ) others when they are in trouble. 7 My teacher gave me some good_____(advice) 1. Why not go to Lao She Teahouse tonight? ______. A. It doesnt matter. B. Thank you. C. Sorry to hear that. D. Sounds great. 2.I feel really tired. ______ A. Lucky you! B. Youd better work harder. C. Congratulations! D. Why not go and have a rest? 3. Please hold on to your dream _____ one day it comes true. A. ifB. until C. unlessD. though 4. If you have trouble pronouncing these words, you can repeat them over and over again ______ you are comfortable with them. A. unless B. if C. untilD. while Unit4 5 I think drinking milk every morning is good ____ our health. Yes, I agree _____ you. A. to; to B. with; to C. at; with D. for; with 6 Do you have time _____ this game with us? A. to play B. play C. playing D. played 7 What ____ animals do you like? Monkeys. I think theyre _____ clever. A. kind of; kind of B . a kind of; a kind of C. kind of; a kind D. a kind of; kind of 8. Im going to take a vacation. Could you please _____me _____some information about interesting places to travel? A. offer, to B. offer, for C. provide, with D. provide, for 9 -Do you mind _____your room? -No, Ill do that after finishing _____this article. A. clean, write B. clean, writing C. cleaning, write D. cleaning, writing 10-.Mr. Black asks the kids ________ in the river, because its too dangerous. A. swimB.to swim C. not to swim D. swims 11.Mr.Li asks us to remember that ____careful we are,_____ mistakes we will make. A. the more, the less B. the more, the more C. the more, the fewer D. the less, the fewer 12.Thank you for your help, Linda. You made ____ possible for us to finish the work in time. A. this B. it C. them D. that 13.My sister ______ go to bed _______ my mother came back last night. A. not until B. doesnt; until C. didnt; until D. arent; until 14. Can you _______ me your bike? -With pleasure. But you mustnt ____ it to others. A. lend, borrow B. borrow, lend C. lend, lend D. borrow, borrow 15.He is very angry with his mother, because his mother always _______ him with the best student. A. comparesB. complainsC. tellsD. makes 16. He should _______ the teacher. A. explainB. explain toC. explained D. explained to 17.Mary will make a plan as soon as she ____________her homework. A. finishes B. finish C. will finish D. Finished 18 .His father doesnt allow him _______ swimming alone. A. goes B. to go C. going D. go 19. _______ give him a watch? A. What about B. Lets C. Why dontD. Why dont you 20.You could save some money _______ you can buy a gift for your mother. A. in order toB. becauseC. soD. so that 21 .I think the result must _______ him very much. A. surpriseB. surprised C. surprisingD. surprises 22. _______ he is very poor, _______ he feels very happy. A. Although;butB. Although;/ C. Because;so D. Because;/ 23 .He has two sons. They are Jim and Tom. Jim is Toms ______ brother. A. old B. olderC. elderD. young 24 .If you get on well _______ your classmates, you
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