人教版八年级下册英语期末考试分类复习训练题(Units6-10 语法基础知识篇含答案).zip


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Answers (Units 6-10 语法篇) Unit 6 一、1-5 BCDCA 6-10 CBCAB 二、1.Neither likes 2.unless, finished 3.such, took, to watch, feed 4. What a hard 5. been married to 三、1.cheering heard return 2. So remind written leaving lost 3.leave alone playing at 4. wont out unless 5. hidden stupid Unit 7 一、1-5 BCCAB 6-10 CDDBA 二、1.Whats weight 2. longer any other river No other river longer 3.Whats population 4.How wide 5.weighs or so when was 三、1.population is thousand two thirds are 2.reasons succeeded is challenge 3. including to reach January 4.walked straight into fell over 5.As far as dying of illnesses Unit 8 一、1-5 CBBDA 6-10 CBACA 二、1.belongs to Mike owner of 2. Who belong to 3.Has yet 4. How long have 5.never 三、1.are due to 2.studying must left behind 3.fans have collected records 4.Waiting line is rules 5.actually on land Unit 9 一、1-5 BBCAC 6-10 ABBDB 二、1.has he 2.How many times has 3.havent anywhere 4. (1) Neither has (2) Neither nor has 5.no matter when want 三、1. Whether or cheat 2.one against other protect 3.wonder falls into safety 4.problem/difficulty communicating thousands with 5.India smaller that larger/bigger Unit 10 一、1-5 BDCAB 6-10 CDACB 二、1.had since 2. (1) has been on (2) since started (3) has passed since started 3.How long has 4. didnt stay any longer 5. have been for 三、1. To be honest, volunteering is developing 2.goes according to 3. has made hold/have from hold prepare 4.hasnt seen/met opposite couple 5. memory been since century close to especially人教版新目标英语八年级下学期期末考试分类复习训练题人教版新目标英语八年级下学期期末考试分类复习训练题(Units6-10) 语法基础知识篇 Unit 6: 一、单项选择: 1. .Once uopn time , there was emperor who only wore underwear walking on the street. It made the people feel surprised. A.a, an, an B.a, an, /, C.the, the, the D.a, an, the 2.The stone is so big that the boy cant move it because he is very thin and . A.strong B.heavy C.weak D.silly 3,-Listen !The girl is singing in her room. -Yes. What a sweet she has! It like a bird singing. A.sound, sound B.voice , sound C.sound, sounds D.voice, sounds 4.-Who teaches you to shoot ?- . I learn by myself. A.None B.Someone C.Nobody D.Anybody 5.Julia an excellent young man last January. They have for about half a year. A.married, been married B.married with, got married C.got married to, married D.married to, been married 6.-I found it very hard to understand this English article.Please Chinese, will you ? -No problem. A. turn it on B.turn it up C.turn it into D.turn it down 7.-How nice the silk dress looks on you ! -Thank you .I think it me well.It is neither big nor small for me. A. suits B.fits C.matches D.suitable 8.There is bread and milk left in the fridge. I am hungry. Could you please buy some for me ? A.a bit of, a bit B.a bit, a little bit C.little, a little bit D.a little, little 9-.How the students were when they heard the news that they could return to school ! -You are right . It me ,too. A.excited, exciting, excited B.excited, excited, excited C.exciting,exciting,excites D.excited, exciting, excites 10.Marry was ill in hospital so Anna gave us a report her. A.instead B.instead of C.takes the place of D.rather than 二、句型转换:一空一词 1.Both of them like Journey to the West. (改为否定句) of them Journey to the West. 2.They couldnt stop to rest if they didnt finish their work.(同义句转换) They couldnt stop to rest they their work. 3.The animals were so lovely that I spent a whole day watching and feeding them in the zoo. (同义句转换) They were lovely animals that it me a whole day and them in the zoo. 4.These doctors and nurses had a very hard time in the winter of 2020. (改为感叹句) time these doctors and nurses had in the winter of 2020! 5.Mary married her husband many years ago.(同义句转换) Mary has her husband since many years ago. 三、完成句子:一空一词 1.孩子们听说要复课了,情不自禁地欢呼起来了。 The children couldnt stop up when they that they would to school again. 2.Mike的父亲的忘性很大,为了避免迷路,他不得不提醒他父亲记得出门前带上写有 他名字和电话的卡片。 Mikes father was forgetful that he had to his father to remember to take the card which his name and phone number were on before home to avoid getting . 3.家长在孩子们上网课时一定不能听之任之,要阻止他们同时玩游戏。 Parents mustnt the kids to study online . They should stop them from games the same time. 4.如果我们不这么做,就找不到出去的路。 We find our way we do like this. 5.那个藏在他母亲身后的小男孩智力有点问题。 That little boy behind his mother was a bit . Unit 7: 一、单项选择: 1.The Sahara is worlds biggest desert. Its in North Africa. A.a, / B.the, / C./, the D.the, the 2.The river is about three meters .-So it must be dangerous to swim in it. A.long B.wide C.deep D.high 3. China has high-speed rail network than in America. A.long, any other country B.longer, any other country C.longer, any country D.the longer, any country 4.Henrys new house is about 300 size. A.square meters in B.squares meters in C.square meters at D.square meters at 5.Classroom E is than Classroom F. A.as three times large as B.three times larger C.three times as large as D.larger three times 6.The HZMB is cross-sea bridge among all the bridges. A.longer B.longest C.the longest D.long 7.Li Na has Williams to several games of tennis so far. A.beat B.won C.finished D.challenged 8.Why did Jack Ma set up the project ?-The main reason was the poor kids in Tibet. A.help B.helps C.helped D.to help 9.-Is it hard to fresh air while wearing masks ?Yes, but we have to. A.take up B.take in C.take off D.take down 10.WeChat or Alipay our life convenient, we can buy things we dont take any money. A.makes, even if B.make, even though C.makes, unless D.make, because 二、句型转换:一空一词 1.How heavy is an adult elephant ?(同义句转换) the of an adult elephant ? 2.The Nile is the longest river in the world. (同义句转换) The Nile is than in the world. in the world is than the Nile. 3.How many people are there in Shanghai ?(同义句转换) the of Shanghai ? 4.The Great Wall is about 5.8 meters. wide. (就划线部分提问) is the Great Wall ? 5.At birth, a baby panda is about 0.1 to 0.2 kilos.(同义句转换) A baby panda 0.1 to 0.2 kilos it born. . 三、完成句子:一空一词 1.这个乡村的人口大约是 2000 人,但三分之二的是老人和留守儿童。 The of this village about two ,but of it old people and left-behind children. 2.李娜成功的原因之一就是她永不放弃并且在面临困难时敢于挑战自我。 One of the why Li Na has that she has never given up and she dare herself in the face of difficulties. 3.第一批医生包括护士抵达武汉的时间是 2020 年 1 月 25 日。 The first doctors nurses Wuhan was 25,2020. 4.由于光线不好,他径直撞到一棵树上并绊倒了。 He a tree and because of the dark. 5.就我们所知,在非洲依然有些儿童死于疾病或饥饿。 we know,there are still some children or hunger in Africa. Unit 8: 一、单项选择: 1.There is island in middle of Cihu Lake. Its one of most special islands I have ever seen. A.a, the ,the B.a, a ,a C. an, the ,the D. an, a, the 2.The fiction by the famous writer interested me so much that I couldnt . A. was written, put it down B.written, put it down C.was written, put it up D. written, put it up 3.He runs faster than in his class. A.someone else B.anyone else C.other someone D.other anyone 4.- you your homework yet ? Yes. I it just now. A.Did, finish, finished B. Have, finished, have finished B.Did, finish, have finished D. Have, finished, finished 5. I Alex in the primary school and we close friends . A.met, have been, ever since B.meet, have been, ever since C.met, have become, now D.meet, have become, now 6.Great changes in the past 40 years in China. A, took place B.happened C,have taken place D.have happened 7.- Mike his lost dog.Where he it ?In the park. A.found, did ,find B.has found, did, find C.found, has, found D.has found, has found 8.In class, our physics teacher something wonderful about the great scientist Stephen Hawking us. A.introduced, to B.talked, with C.introduced, with D.talked, to 9.Andy, ,or you will be late again. A.look up B.give up C.hurry up D.make up 10.The bag is heavy enough for me to carry. Whats in it ? -Oh, its your textbooks. A.full of B.fill with C.covered with D.used for 二、句型转换:一空一词 1.The house is Mikes. (同义句转换) (1) The house . (2) Mike is the the house. 2.Whose gun was it ?(同义句转换) did the gun ? 3.Peters already cut off a small piece of bread for his sister. (改为一般疑问句) Peter cut off a small piece of bread for his sister ? 4.Weve been in junior high school since two years ago.(就划线部分提问) you been in junior high school ? 5.I have ever been to Canada .(改为否定句) I have been to Canada. 三、完成句子:一空一词 1.八年级学生九月份就要开学了。 The students of Grade 8 start school in September. 2.上网课时玩游戏的学生一定会落后于那些认真的同学。 The students who played games while online be by those who studied hard. 3.Green一家都是Jackson的粉丝。迄今为止,他们收集了几百张他的唱片。 The Greens are Jacksons . They hundreds of his so far. 4.排队等候是每个人应该遵守的规则之一。 in one of the that everyone should follow. 5.事实上,大象是陆地上最大的动物。 An elephant is the biggest animal . Unit 9: 一、单项选择: 1.The year of 2020 is unusual year for all the people in the world. A. a B.an C.the D./ 2.Hello! Could I speak to Lily ?Sorry, she isnt in. She abroad. -How long she ? -Since yesterday. A.has been to, did, leave B.has gone, has, been away C.has gone to, did, leave D.has been, has ,been away 3.-Bob to China several times, hasnt he ? A.has already gone B.has ever gone C.has ever been D.has never gone 4. Where is Jack ?He to Shanghai.He there for a week. A.has gone, has been B. has been, has gone C.has gone, has gone D.has been, been 5.Hi, Jean! Nice to see you again. Where you ? -Hi, Alice! Nice to see you ,too. I to Japan. I came home last Sunday. A.have, gone, have gone, B.have, been, have gone, C.have, been, have been D.have, gone, have been 6.We just the sad news. Mr.He away just now. A.have, got , passed B.have ,got, has passed C. all, got, passed D.all , got, has passed 7.A number of inventors attended the meeting, including some and some . A.Germen, Japaneses B.Germans, Japanese C.Germans, Japaneses D.German, Japanese 8. of land polluted in this village these years. A.Three quarters, have been B.Three quarters, has been C.Three fourth, was D.Three fourths, were 9.Some students are still worried about they can pass the final-exams or not. A.if B. that C.how D.whether 10.Our English teacher often us to our hands if we have any question in class. A.lets, put up B.encourages, put up C.asks, put away D.tells, put on 二、句型转换:一空一词 1.Shes never been to the water park before.(改为反意疑问句) Johns never been to the Birds Nest before, ? 2.Peters been to Singapore twice.(就划线部分提问) Peter been to Singapore ? 3.They have been somewhere special so far.(改为否定句) They been special so far. 4.Tom hasnt been to Disneyland. Jack hasnt , either.(改为同义句) (1) Tom hasnt been to Disneyland . Jack. (2) Tom Jack been to Disneyland. 5.Please call me whenever you would like to.(改为同义句) Please call me you to. 三、完成句子:一空一词 1.无论是线上还是线下,考试时作弊都是错误的。 you are online offline, its wrong to while taking tests. 2.一方面我们要与新冠肺炎作斗争,另一方面我们也要注意自身的防护。 On the hand, we fight the COVID-19, on the hand, we must ourselves from danger,too. 3.我不知道将来机器人是否会将溺水的人带到安全的地方。 I if robots will be able to carry the person who water to the in the future. 4.在互联网的帮助下,人们可以毫不费力地与几千公里以外的朋友交流。 People cant have any with their friends who live of kilometers away from them the help of the Internet. 5.目前印度人口比中国少点。但是在不久的将来,会超过的。 The population of is a little than of China at present. But in the near future, it will be . Unit 10: 一、单项选择: 1.Tommy used to be honest boy, but now he sometimes tells lie. A. a, a B.an, a C.the, the D.an, the 2.How long you your hometown ?- three years ago. A.did, leave, Since B.have, left, Since C.did, leave, for D.have, been away from, Since 3. movies, boys like action movies, but girls dont. A.Even if B.In fact C.As for D.At first 4.Though it was hard for my brother to his old toys, he still them to homeless kids. A.part with, gave ,away B.throw away, gives, away C.part with, put, out D.put away, gives, out 5.-When the students of Grade 9 to school ? -On May 21.They back to school for two months or so. A.did, return, went B.did, return, have been C.have, returned, have returned D.have, returned, returned 6.A recent research shows that being parents the top five worlds hardest jobs. A.is between B.are between C.is among D.are among 7.Xiao Wei is considering to University of Birmingham for study, but she yet. A.to go, further, hasnt decided B.going, farther, hasnt decided C.to go, further, didnt decide D.going, further, hasnt decided 8.Tower of Yellow Crane Wuhan since over 1700 years ago.It one of the most famous towers in China. A.has been in, is B.was in, is C.has been to, is D.has been in,has been 9.Dr.Zhong Nanshan, as one of the greatest doctors, is now over 84 years old, but he is still active and healthy. A.regards B.regarding C.regarded D.is regarded 10.-Maybe the COVID-19 is getting worse. People have to wear thick masks in public. - ! A. What a surprise B.What a shame C.How surprise D.How shame 二、句型转换:一空一词 1.Tom bought a camera yesterday.(同义句转换) Toms a camers yesterday. 2.The concert We Are Together started three weeks ago.(同义句转换) (1) The concert We Are Together for three weeks. (2)Its three weeks the concert We Are Together . (3) Three weeks the concert We Are Together . 3.Mikes been awake since the alarm clock went off.(就划线部分提问) Mike been awake ? 4.Jack no longer stayed in the countryside.(同义句转换) Jack in the countryside . 5.We are friends. We got to know one another two years ago.(合并句子) We friends two years . 三、完成句子:一空一词 1.坦诚地说,做志愿者工作是帮助他人也是提升自己。 , helping others and also ourselves. 2.一切按照你的计划正常实施。 Everything well your plan. 3.这个学期学校已经计划于2020年7月20日举行期末考试。学生们应该抓住机会为考试 作准备。 This term, the school already a plan to the final-exams July 20 to 22, 2020. The students should catch of the chance to for the exams. 4.李平好几个月没有和住他家对面的张明见面了。 Li Ping Zhang Ming who lives to his home for a of months. 5.在我的记忆里, 我的爷爷奶奶自从二十世纪末离开家乡以来,将近有十年没有回过 家乡。其实他们很想念家乡,尤其是在每年的春节的时候。 In my , my grandparents havent back to their hometown they left there in the late 20th in 10 years. In fact, they miss it a lot, during the Spring Festival.
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人教版八年级下册英语期末考试分类复习训练题(Units6-10 语法基础知识篇 含答案 人教版八 年级 下册 英语 期末考试 分类 复习 温习 训练 units6 10 语法 基础知识 答案 谜底
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