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展开 人教版八年级下册英语期中Unit1-Unit5各单元重要短语.zip人教版八年级下册英语期中Unit1-Unit5各单元重要短语.zip
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Unit1 重要短语重要短语 汉译英汉译英 A 部分部分 1.感冒____________ 2.躺下休息_____________ 3.拍 X 光________________ 4.胃痛_______________ 5.太多________ 6.喝足够的水___________ 7.看牙医_______________ 8.量体温____________ 9.发烧______________ 10.切到我自己_____________ 11.在伤口上面敷药_____________ 12.离开电脑休息______________ 13.喝加蜂蜜的热茶_____________ 14.以同样的姿势坐很久___________ 15.没有再三思考____________ 16.令他惊讶的是___________ 17.期望去做某事____________ 18.同意做某事___________ 19.多亏了某人____________ 20.及时____________ 汉译英汉译英 B 部分部分 1.用水冲洗__________ 2.流鼻血_______ 3.冒险_________ 4.晒伤________ 5.在它的上面绑绷带_________ 6.头部受到撞击_________ 7.因为事故_________ 8.用尽________ 9.如此.以至于.__________ 10.离开___________ 11.服药_________ 12.做决定__________ 13.习惯于.______________ 14.放弃_____________ 15.掌管________________ 16.伤到自己_____________ Self Check 汉译英汉译英 1.在上面敷药__________ 2.远离_______ 3.以同样的方式_________ 4.有心脏病________ 5.摔倒_________ 6.躺在路边_________ 7.迅速行动_________ 8.陷入困境________ 9.使.惊讶的__________ 10.低下头___________ 11.坚持做某事_________ 12.做某事有困难__________ 答案: 汉译英 A 部分 1.have a cold 2.lie down and rest 3.get an x-ray 4.have a stomachache 2.too much 6.drink enough water 7.see a dentist 8.take ones temperature 9.have a fever 10.cut myself 11.put some medicine on the cut 12.take breaks away from the computer 13.drink some hot tea with honey 14.sit in the same way for too long 15.without thinking twice 16.to his surprise 17.expect to do sth 18.agree to do sth 19.thanks to sb 20.in time 汉译英 B 部分 1.run it under the water 2.have a nosebleed 3.take a risk 4.get sunburned 5.put a bandage on it 6.get hit on the head 7.because of accidents 8.run out of 9.so .that . 10.get out of 11.take some medicine 12.make a decision 13.be used to doing sth 14.give up Self Check 汉译英 1.put some medicine on it 2.away from 3.in the same way 4.have a heart problem 5.fall down/off 6.lie on the side of the road 7.act quickly 8.get into trouble 9.to ones surprise 10.put head down 11.keep doing sth 12.have problems (in) doing sth .Unit2 重要短语重要短语 汉译英汉译英 A 部分部分 1.打扫市公园____________ 2.在外面工作____________ 3.清洁日____________ 4.想出、提出___________ 5.看望生病的小孩__________ 6.使他们高兴起来___________ 7.制作些公告牌______________ 8.课外学习班______________ 9.养老院_____________ 10.帮助解决问题___________ 11.推迟制定计划___________ 12.关心;照顾_____________ 13.强烈的满足感___________ 14.欢乐的表情____________ 汉译英汉译英 B 部分部分 1.建立、设立_____________ 2.帮助像我一样的残疾人____________ 3.因某人做了某事而感谢_____________ 4.张贴标志______________ 5.一条受过特训的狗________________ 6.长得像他的妈妈_______________ 7.牺牲几个小时的时间_____________ 8.赠送、捐赠_______________ 9.与.相似________________ 10.由于你的善良_____________ 11.我的一个朋友________________ 12.用光、耗尽_______________ 13.改变我的生活_____________ 14.进行一次不同的旅行_______________ 答案: 汉译英 A 部分 1.clean up the city parks 2.work outside 3.Clean-Up Day e up with 5.visit the sick kids 6.cheer them up 7.make some notices 8.after-school study program 9.old peoples home 10.help out with sth 11.put off making a plan 12.care for 13.a strong feeling of satisfaction 14.the look of joy 汉译英 B 部分 1.set up 2.help disabled people like me 3.thank sb for doing sth 4.put up signs 5.a special trained dog 6.take after his mother 7.give up several hours 8.give away 9.be similar to 10.because of your kindness 11.a friend of mine 12.run out of 13.change my life 14.go on a different journeyUnit3 重要短语重要短语 汉译英汉译英 A 部分部分 1.生某人的气_____________ 2.扔下______________ 3.洗盘子______________ 4.整理床铺____________ 5.拖地__________ 6.惊讶地____________ 7.一.就.____________ 8.一直___________ 9.过来___________ 10.至少___________ 11.在外面待到很晚____________ 12.完成做某事_____________ 13.干净整洁____________ 14.分担家务_________ 15.倒垃圾____________ 16.帮助解决___________ 汉译英汉译英 B 部分部分 1.买饮料和小吃___________ 2.邀请我的朋友去派对________________ 3.编对话_________________ 4.用你的 CD 播放机_____________ 5.借些钱___________ 6.请求某人帮助_____________ 7.依靠、依赖_____________ 8.使某人做某事_______________ 9.足够的压力_____________ 10.浪费时间____________ 11.目的是、为了_____________ 12.照顾自己__________________ 汉译英汉译英 Self-Check 部分部分 1.借给我一些钱___________ 2.拿点喝的东西________________ 3.花时间在某事上_________________ 4.介意做某事_____________ 5.为某人提供某物___________ 6.发展孩子们的独立性_____________ 7.做家务_____________ 8.结果是_______________ 9.成绩下降_____________ 10.把它弄湿____________ 11.生病_____________ 12.同意/不同意__________________ 答案: 汉译英 A 部分 1.be angry with 2.throw down 3.do the dishes 4.make the bed 5.sweep the floor 6.in surprise 7.as soon as 8.all the time e over 10.at least 11.stay out late 12.finish doing the 13.clean and tidy 14.share the housework 15,.take out the rubbish 16.help out 汉译英 B 部分 1. buy some drinks and snacks 2.invite my friends to a party 3.make conversations 4.use your CD player 5.borrow some money 6.ask sb for help 7.depend on 8.make sb do sth 9.enough stress 10.a waste of time 11.in order to 12.take care of /look after oneself 汉译英 Self-Check 部分 1.lend me some money 2.get something to drink 3.spend time on sth 4.mind doing sth 5.provide sth for sb. 6.develop children s independence 7.do chores 8.as a result 9.grades drop 10.get it wet 11.fall ill 12.agree /disagree withUnit4 重要短语重要短语 汉译英汉译英 A 部分部分 1.太多作业__________ 2.允许某人做某事___________ 3.给某人写信_____________ 4.感到孤独_________________ 5.和某人沟通_________________ 6.给某人打电话________________ 7.把.和.比较_______________ 8.各种各样的_______________ 9.快速查看、浏览__________________ 10.成功地发展、解决 _________________ 11.和睦相处、关系良好___________________ 12.在电话上_____________ 13.和某人打架_________________ 14.归还.______________ 汉译英汉译英 B 部分部分 1.抄袭别人的家庭作业____________ 2.比.更流行______________ 3.和朋友们一起去闲逛_____________ 4.太多压力_____________ 5.业余活动_______________ 6.家庭成员___________ 7.完全同意____________ 8.取得更好的成绩____________ 9.互相帮助_______________ 10.和.竞争________________ 11.一些安静的东西________________ 12.备考____________ 汉译英汉译英 Self Check 部分部分 1.继续,持续____________ 2.寻找______________ 3.进入大学_____________ 4.就我的观点_____________ 5.关小点_______________ 6.再多几天___________ 7.从我小时候起____________ 8.删除____________ 9.考试技能_______________ 10.典型的美国家庭________________ 11.独自消磨时光________________ 12.生某人的气____________ 13.拒绝做某事________________ 14.主动提出做某事____________ 答案: 汉译英 A 部分 1.too much homework 2.allow sb to do sth 3.write sb a letter 4.feel lonely municate with sb 6.call up sb ./call sb up pare .with . 8.all kinds of 9.look through 10.work out 11.get on /along with 12.on the phone 13.have a fight with sb ./go into a fight with sb 14.give back 汉译英 B 部分 1.copy ones homework 2.more popular than . 3.hang out with friends 4.too much pressure 5.free time activities 6.family members 7.totally agree 8.get better grades 9.help each other pete with . 11.something quiet 12.study for the exams 汉译英 self check 部分 1.go on 2.look for 3.get into a university 4.in my opinion 5.turn down 6.a few more days 7.from my young age 8.cut out 9.exam skills 10.typical American family 11.spend time alone 12.be angry with sth 13.refuse to do sth 14.offer to do sthUnit5 重要短语重要短语 汉译英汉译英 A 部分部分 1.接电话__________ 2.使.更接近____________ 3.一场大暴雨____________ 4.确认___________ 5.一团糟____________ 6.进入梦乡、睡着_____________ 7.对.使劲敲打_____________ 8.倒下的树_____________ 9.使许多东西破碎_____________ 10.逐渐变弱______________ 11.困难时期___________ 12.(闹钟)发出响声_____________ 13.洗热水澡__________ 14.在这个地区 汉译英汉译英 B 部分部分 1.记得做过某事____________ 2.沉默、无声____________ 3.世贸中心_________________ 4.拆除、摧毁_____________ 5.对.有意义________________ 6.通过广播________________ 7.在路边_______________ 8.动物保护热线______________ 9.前往._________________ 10.迟到______________ 11.走路经过________________ 12.历史上的重要事件_______________ 13.在困难的时候_____________ 14.50 多岁____________ 汉译英汉译英 self check 部分部分 1.指出____________ 2.消失____________ 3.在六年级_________________ 4.停止呼吸_____________ 5.没有任何错误________________ 6.说实话________________ 7.首先、最初_______________ 8.在社区里______________ 9.一根木头_________________ 10.错过公交______________ 11.使天空变黑了________________ 12.破了的窗户_______________ 13.事故发生地点_____________ 14.一场严重的风暴____________ 答案: 汉译英 A 部分 1.pick up (the phone ) 2.bring .together 3.a heavy rainstorm 4.make sure 5.in a mess 6.fall asleep 7.beat heavily against 8.fallen trees 9.break many things apart 10.die down 11.times of difficulty 12.go off 13.take a hot shower 14.in this area 汉译英 B 部分 1.remember doing sth 2.in silence 3.The World Trade Center 4.take down 5.have meaning to 6.on the radio 7.by the side of the road 8.the Animal Helpline 9.make ones way to 10.be late for 11.walk by 12.important events in history 13.in times of difficulty 14.over 50 汉译英 self check 部分 1.point out 2.go away 3.in the sixth grade 4.stop breathing 5.without any mistakes 6.tell the truth 7.at first 8.in the neighborhood 9.a piece of wood 10.miss the bus 11.make the sky very dark 12.broken windows 13.the place of the accident 14.a serious storm
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人教版八 年级 下册 英语 期中 unit1 unit5 单元 重要 首要 短语
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