人教版八年级下册英语Unit 1-5复习试题(含答案+听力音频mp3).zip


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    • 人教版八年级下册英语Unit 1-5题(单词,适当形式,选词,阅读2篇,阅读表达1,篇,书面2篇,含答案).doc--点击预览
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U1 单词 1. Therere some ___________(乘客) on the bus. 2. I want to know the ___________(重要性) of the meeting. 3. You can make a __________(决定) whether to go or not. 4. He went to a dentist because he had a t__________. 5. If you have a sore t_______, drink some hot tea with honey. 6. This morning I had a ____________(胃疼). 7. He didnt go to the party because he had to look after his _______(生病的) mother. 8. She helps doctors in a hospital, she is a n________. 9. He felt so sad because his dogs __________(死亡). 适当形式 1. He kept on (work) through his leg hurt. 2. He can stay there for ten hours without ____ (move). 3. He told me _____ (not wait) for him. 4. They agreed ____ (help) each other. 5. Let me tell you the importance of ___________(read) English every day.21*cnjy*com 6. So he used his knife ________(cut) off half his right arm . 7. Its important for us ________ ( keep ) in good health. 8. As a mountain climber, he is used to (take) risks. 9. They have some trouble _______(finish) the work. U2 单词 1. We need ten v________ to help the kids. 2. Look at the s______, it says “No smoking”. 3. They are going on a different j________ with each book. 4. He cant use his legs well, he is a d_______ man. 5. We met many _________(困难) in our last journey. 6. Thanks to your k________. I finished it on time. 7. She speaks so fast, I cant u___________ her. 8. If you study harder, you can c______ your life. 适当形式 1.We cant put off _______(make) a plan. 2. They find it important_______(learn) English. 3. Jim is strong in _______ (play) computer games. 4. The girl could visit the sick kids in the hospital _____ (cheer) them up. 5. Mary decided (try) out for a job at an after-school reading program last year. 6. Thank you for ________ (change) my life. 7. ____________(volunteer) here is a dream come true for me. 8. The book makes it easy for me _______(learn) English. 9. I have difficulty _______(speak) English. U3 单词 1. He cant sleep well because of the s________ from his parents. 2. Our parents always _________(提供) us with food and clothes. 3. He lives next to my house, he is my n__________. 4. Doing chores can help to __________(发展) our independence. 5. Dont ________(浪费 ) so much water. 6. Dont t_________ your shoes anywhere. 7. Could I __________(借) some money? 适当形式 1.I ______(throw) down my bag and watched TV. 2. You should _______(spend) more time _________(study) in order _________(get) into a good university. 3. There is no need ________(sweep) the floor now. 4. Its not enough ________(read) English for an hour each day. 5. ________(do) chores __________(teach) them how ________(look ) after themselves. 6. We should do our part in __________(keep) it clean. U4 单词 1.My mother dont ________(允许) me to watch TV. 2. The ___________(关系) between my parents are getting worse and worse. 3. We should know some ____________(交流) skills. 4. I always feel n___________ before English test. 5. Can you e_________ the meaning of the words to me? 6. Mr. Smith(自愿给予)me a glass of coffee this morning. 7. You should talk about your problems to all the family m____________. 8. In my o_________, I think we should go to Beijing. 9. The final exam is coming. All the students feel worried under(压力). 10. I am(疯狂的)about piano. I want to play it every day. 适当形式 1.My parents dont allow me__________(hang) out. 2. Its like a black cloud_________(hang) over our house 3.I want to play soccer instead of __________(watch) TV. 4.You should offer__________(help) if they are having problems. 5. You shouldnt stop, you must continue _________(read) it. U5 单词 1. Every morning, the a__________ clock goes off on time. 2. When I went across the road, a car stopped in front of me s___________. 3. It was ________(奇怪的) that you failed in the exam. 4. Its so cold. Dont open all the w_________. 5. I ________(意识到) that I was the first to climb up the mountain. 6. After hearing the bad news, we all sat there in s___________. 7. To tell the _______(实话), I dont like the game at all. 8. Lots of tall buildings were built __________(最近). 适当形式 1. I _________ (have) my breakfast at half past six yesterday morning. 2. She didnt go out until the wind was _ (die) down. 3. While my mother (sleep), my father was reading a newspaper. 4. I had trouble (think) clearly after that because I was very afraid. 5. I feel like _________(eat) a hamburger. 阅读 A The best way of learning a language(语言) is using it. The best way of learning English is talking in English as much as possible. Sometimes youll get your words mixed up(混合) and people will not understand you. Sometimes people will say things too quickly and you cant understand them. But if you keep your sense of humor(幽默), you can always have a good laughing at your mistakes you make. Dont be unhappy if people seem to be laughing at your mistakes .Its better for people to laugh at your mistakes than to be angry with you, because they dont understand what you are saying. The most important thing for learning English is: “Dont be afraid of making mistakes because everyone makes mistakes.” ( )1. The writer thinks that the best way for you to learn a language is . A. writing B. using it C. listening D. learning grammar (语法) ( ) 2. What should you do in learning English? A. Be careful not to make any mistakes B. Write as quickly as you can C. Speak English as much as you can D. Laugh more often ( ) 3. When people laugh at your mistakes, you should . A. not care B. be happy C. feel worried D. be unhappy ( ) 4. When you make a mistake, you should . A. keep quiet B. get angry C. be kind D. keep your sense of humor ( )5. The story tells us, “ ”. A. Only foolish(愚蠢) people make mistakes B. Few people make mistakes C. People never make mistakes D. There is no one who doesnt make mistakes 阅读 B Running is becoming popular these days. Many of us run for health. Doctors say many health problems come from these bad habits:eating and drinking too much,smoking and not taking enough exercise. Doctors tell us, “Eat and drink less,dont smoke,and exercise more.” Running is a good form of exercise because it helps build a strong heart. It also helps most people lose weightOne 68yearold woman runs three times a week.“I love to eat, ” she says. She runs to lose weight. Running is good for health in other ways,too. Many runners say running keeps colds and other small health problems away.“Running is my doctor, ” says one man. Running can also help people to relax. So today men and women of all ages enjoy running. ()6.Many people enjoy running because they want to ________. Aeat much Bkeep healthy Crun fast Dwaste time ()7.Doctors tell us ________. A. not to smoke Bnot to exercise C. to drink much D. to eat much ()8.The underlined word means “________” in Chinese. A疾病 B体重 C速度 D健康 ()9.The third paragraph shows ________. Arunning helps people to relax Bpeople who like running have many health problems Crunning helps build a strong heart Dpeople who like running have fewer health problems ()10.The writer mainly tells us ________. Ahow to run Bhow to lose weight C. running is a good way to keep healthy D. running is better than doctors 阅读阅读 C来源来源:学学#科科#网网 Z#X#X#K 1. Many parents think that its very difficult to get their children to do chores. But I dont think so. My daughter is ten years old. At night,I write down her chores for the following day. Then I stick(贴) the paper with chores on her door. Usually she gets three to eight chores a day. It 2. d______ on how she does chores. If she does all of her chores well,she can get fewer chores the next day. The chores are some easy ones,such as 3. s_______ the floor,folding the clothes and cleaning the table after dinner. For my other two children,the chores are different because they are very young. They both know how to put their empty dinner plates in the dishwasher. My 19monthold son helps me put the dirty clothes in the washing machine(洗衣机) when I am doing the laundry. They can also help me when Im working in the yard. They help me pick up the sticks(树枝) and throw them away. 根据短文内容,完成下列任务。 任务一:将文中画线句子译成汉语。1__________________________________________________ 任务二:根据首字母提示补全句子中的单词。 2________ 3________ 任务三:回答下列问题。4How does the writers tenyearold daughter know her chores? _________________________________________ 5.How many children in writers family?___________________________ 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。 excite,volunteer,journey,difficulty,clever,understand,as,different,practice,wonder I volunteered for 4 weeks in a childrens home in Kathmandu,and it was a __1__ experience. After a long _2__,I arrived at the orphanage (孤儿院) and saw the children. It was an excellent way to get to know them and help them _3_ a big brother/sister. All the children were _4_ and kind. The orphanage became my home and the children were so grateful for the help of __5__Though the place was poor and there were __6__,they were happy. They got a lot of help from having a teacher,__7__ their English and doing their homework. When we played games together,they were all __8__When I taught them English,they could __9__ me quickly. A volunteer can bring new information,education and ideas to the childrens home. And all these make a great __10__ to the children. It will also help the country. 1.________2.________3.________4.________5.________6._______7._______8._______9.________ 10________ 书面表达 1. 青少年很容易因为学习和生活上的事情与父母发生争执。上周 Tom 就因为父母不同意他使用手机一 事和父母大吵了一架。那么青少年是否应该使用手机?大家各执一词。请根据下表的信息,写一篇短文,说明大家 的不同看法,并请谈谈你的观点及理由。不要忘了给 Tom 两条建议,缓和他和父母的关系。来源:学科网 要求:文章包含表中所有信息,要有恰当开头,结尾和过渡语,使文章更具可读性。字数:80 左右。保持书面整 洁。 Should use mobile phoneShouldnt use mobile phoneYour opinion and advice来源: 学*科*网来源:学科网 1. call parents if necessary1. not good for health 2. listen to music2. a waste of time 书面表达 2. 黄嘉上周收到了她美国好友 Cathy 的电子邮件,Cathy 说她到一所新学校,没有朋友,感到非常孤单,这种情绪严 重影响了她的学习。假如你是黄嘉,请给 Cathy 写一封回信,给她一些建议。80 词左右,信得开头已经和结尾已 经给出,不计入总词数。 听力 你将听到五个句子。请在每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个你所听到的单词或短语。每个句子读两遍。 ( ) 1.A. run B. ring C. rang ( ) 2. A. park B. part C. pet ( ) 3. A. Thursday B Saturday C. Sunday ( ) 4.A.army B. agree D. angry ( ) 5. A go to school B. middle school C. get to school 来源:学科网 你将听到十段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。每段对话读两遍。 ( ) 6. whats wrong with Lisa? A B C ( ) 7. What do the students always volunteer to do? A B C ( ) 8. What housework does Sandy do every day? A B C ( ) 9. Why does Bill look tired? A B C ( ) 10. What was Grace doing when the rainstorm came? A B C ( ) l1. Whats the matter with David? A. He has a headache. B. He has a cough. C. He has a sore throat. ( )12. What did Cindy do at the old peoples home? A. She sang songs. B. She read the newspaper. C. She cleaned the room. ( )13. What does Jimmy have to do first? A. To fold the clothes. B. To wash the clothes. C. To sweep the floor. ( )14. What is Kims advice for Kelly? A. Giving Helen a call. B. Writing a letter to Helen. C. Sending an e-mail to Helen. ( )15. What was Mary doing at 8: 00 yesterday morning? A. Doing her homework. B Making breakfast. 来源 C. Listening to music. 听下面一段对话,回答第 16 至 17 小题。 ( )16. What was Bill doing at 5 oclock yesterday afternoon? A Doing his homework. B Helping with housework. C. Reading a book. ( )17. Who was writing a report then? A. Bills father. B. Bills brother. C. Bills sister. 听下面一段对话,回答第 18 至 20 小题。 ( )18. whats the matter with Tony? A. He has a headache. B. He has a stomachache. C. He has a toothache. ( )19. What did Tony eat today? A. Ice-cream and apples. B. Ice-cream and bread. C. Bread and apples. ( )20. What does the doctor ask Tony to do? A. To take a rest. B. To have more food. C. To take some medicine. 你将听到一篇短文,短文后有五个小题。请根据短文内容,选出一个最佳选项。短文读两遍。 ( )21. Where does Nancy come from? A Canada. B. England. C. America. ( )22. What does Nancy do when she gets home in the afternoon? A. She helps to wash clothes. B. She helps to clean the house. C. She helps to cook dinner. ( )23. How long does it take Nancy to do her homework? A. Thirty minutes. B. Sixty minutes. C. Ninety minutes. ( )24. When does Nancy go to the old peoples home? A. On Saturday morning. B. On Saturday afternoon. C. On Sunday morning. ( ) 25. How does Nancy feel about her life? A. Busy and tired. B. Busy but happy. C. Crazy but happy. 你将听到一篇短文。请根据短文内容,写出下面表格中所缺的单词,每空仅填一词。短文读两遍。 Information Sheet It suddenly began to rain at (26)_________ oclock yesterday afternoon. Our Chinese teacher was (27)___________ to her office at that time. Some boys were going to the (28)___________ and they got wet in the rain. Many students were talking about the bad (29)____________ in the classroom. The rain stopped about (30)__________ minutes later.听力 1-5 CABCA 6-10 CABAC 11-15 CBCAB 16-20 BABAC 21-25 BCCAB 26 .five 27. Walking 28.library 29. Weather 30. Thirty Unit1 单词 1. passengers 2. importance 3. decision 4. toothache 5. throat 6. stomachache 7. sick 8. nurse 9. death 适当 1. working 2. moving 3. not to wait 4. to help 5. reading 6. to cut 7. to keep 8. taking 9. finishing U2 单词 1. volunteers 2. sign 3. journey 4. disabled 5. difficulties 6. kindness 7. understand 8. change 适当 1. making 2. to learn 3. playing 4. to cheer 5. to try 6. changing 7. Volunteering 8. to learn 9. to speak U3 单词 1. stress 2. provide 3. neighbor 4. develop 5. waste 6. throw 7. borrow 适当 1. threw 2. spend; studying; to get 3. to sweep 4. to read 5. Doing; teaches; to look 6. keeping U4 单词 1. allow 2. relations 3. communication 4. nervous 5. explain 6. offered 7. members 8. opinion 9. pressure 10. crazy 适当 1. to hang 2. hanging 3. watching 4. to help 5. reading U5 单词 1. alarm 2. suddenly 3. strange 4. windows 5. realized 6. silence 7. truth 8. recently 适当 1. was having 2. dying 3. was sleeping 4. thinking 5. eating 阅读 A. B C A D D 阅读 B. B A B D C 阅读 C. 1.很多父母认为让孩子做家务是非常困难的。 2.depends 3. sweeping 4By reading a piece of paper with chores on her door. 5. Three 选词填空 1.wonderful 2. journey 3.as 4.clever 5.vollteeners 6.difficuties 7.practicing 8.excited 9.understand 10.difference 书面 1. The teenagers argue with their parents easily because of learning and living things .Last week ,Tom argued with his parents about the mobile phones. Some people think teenagers should use mobile phones, because they think teenagers can call their parents if necessary. And they can listen to music.Some people dont think teenagers should use mobile phones ,they think mobile phones are not good for their health. And using mobile phones is a waste of time. I think that young people can use a mobile phone because it can help us to learn, and also listen to music to have a relax. 书面 2 Dear Cathy, Im sorry to hear that youre feeling lonely. Everyone will feel lonely when he is at a new school. I hope the following advice will help you. First, try to make some friends. You should say hello to your classmates first. Secondly, try your best to help your classmates. It can make them know about you better. Third, listen to music when you feel lonely. It can make you feel relaxed. Finally, talk with your teachers or parents often. They may help you. I hope you will feel better soon. Yours Huang Jia
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