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    关 键  词:
    高考英语双文阅读与学习:了不起的盖茨比-Chapter 1-02 高考 英语 阅读 学习 了不起 盖茨 Chapter 02 下载 _二轮专题_高考专区_英语_高中

    1、高考英语双文阅读与学习:了不起的盖茨比高考英语双文阅读与学习:了不起的盖茨比-Chapter 1-02 Chapter 1 第五段:第五段: My family have been prominent, well-to-do people in this Middle Western city for three generations. 笔记:笔记: this Middle Western city:美国中西部的一个城市。美国中西部具体指的是美国纵 贯南北的阿巴拉契亚山脉以西、 密西西比河盆地以北的地区, 那里集聚着许多来自北欧 的移民。这个地区包括美国北达科他州(North Dakota)

    2、、明尼苏达州(Minnesota)、 俄亥俄州(Ohio)、密苏里州(Missouri)、印第安纳州(Indiana)等。 prominent /prmnnt / 重要的; 著名的 well-to-do 富裕的(be better off 经济状况 较以前(或较大多数人)好) 翻译:翻译: 在这座中西部城市,我家连续三代都算是有头有脸的上流人士。 The Carraways are something of a clan, and we have a tradition that were descended from the Dukes of Buccleuch, but the actua

    3、l founder of my line was my grandfathers brother, who came here in fifty-one, sent a substitute to the Civil War, and started the wholesale hardware business that my father carries on today. 笔记: something of a(an)既可与表物的名词连用,亦可与表人的名词连用。它表示不确 定的程度(多少,有点,在某种程度上): Im something of a carpenter.我会点儿木工。 cla

    4、n 宗族,家族 we have a tradition that (Tradition has it that)that 引导的是同位语从句,说明 tradition 的内容 be descended from sb 是某人的后裔 descend dsend下降;走下;降下 the Dukes of Buccleuch:苏格兰贵族 substitute 替身 sent a substitute to the Civil War:美国内战(南北战争)时他花钱 让别人替他去打仗 wholesale 批发;hardware business 五金生意 翻译: 卡拉韦家族也算庞大,相传我们是布克娄奇公

    5、爵的后裔,但我们家的创始人实际 上是我爷爷的哥哥。1851 年,他来到这里,找了个人替他去参加内战,然后自己开始 做批发五金器具的生意,之后父亲继承经营,一直到今天。 第六段:第六段: I never saw this great-uncle, but Im supposed to look like himwith special reference to the rather hard-boiled painting that hangs in fathers office. 笔记:笔记: great-uncle 叔祖父 hard-boiled:无情的, 冷酷的 with referenc

    6、e to 关于 翻译: 据说我长得很像一位叔祖父,我从来没有见过这位叔祖父长什么样,特别有挂在 父亲办公室里的那幅板着面孔的画像为证。 I graduated from New Haven in 1915, just a quarter of a century after my father, and a little later I participated in that delayed Teutonic migration known as the Great War. 笔记: New Haven:纽黑文, 美国康涅狄格州海港城市, 耶鲁大学校址所在地。 a quarter of a

    7、century 四十五年 participate in 参与 Teutonic:条顿人的, 日耳曼 的;migration:迁移, 移居。Teutonic migration:条顿(日耳曼)大迁移, 这是尼克对于 第一次世界大战的诙谐的称法。 翻译: 我于 1915 年毕业于纽黑文大学,刚好比父亲晚毕业整整二十五年。毕业不久我就 参加了被延迟了的条顿民族大迁移,此次迁移被誉为“世界大战”。 I enjoyed the counter raid so thoroughly that I came back restless. Instead of being the warm centre of

    8、 the world, the Middle West now seemed like the ragged edge of the universeso I decided to go East and learn the bond business. Everybody I knew was in the bond business, so I supposed it could support one more single man. All my aunts and uncles talked it over as if they were choosing a prep school

    9、 for me, and finally said, “Whyyees, ” with very grave, hesitant faces. Father agreed to finance me for a year, and after various delays I came East, permanently, I thought, in the spring of twenty-two. 笔记: counter raid:反击;反击;counter 反抗 the police countered with tear gas 警方以 催泪瓦斯反击 counter 构成的词汇有:co

    10、unterterrorism 反恐怖主义 counter-argument 相对立的论 点 counterpart 对方职位相当的人 raid 袭击;thoroughly 彻底地;restless 焦躁的;ragged edge 破烂的边缘; the bond business:证券生意 prep school:preparatory school 是美国为学生升大学做准备的私立学校, 也称私立 高中。多是为富家子弟办的私立寄宿学校。with very grave, hesitant faces 沉重而犹豫 的表情;finance 支持;permanently 永久地 翻译: 我彻彻底底地享受

    11、了一番反击的乐趣,回来之后还是久久无法平静。中西部已不 再是世界上最舒适的地方了,现在它似乎变成了世界上最破旧的边缘于是我决定 去东部学习做债券生意。既然我认识的人都在做债券生意,那么也就不在乎再多一个 我这样的单身汉了。我的叔姨姑舅们对此大加讨论一番,仿佛在帮我挑选大学预科学 校一样,最后他们个个表情沉重,满脸犹豫地说:“干嘛不去,要不就去吧!”父亲同 意帮我支付一年的费用。几经推迟后,我于 1922 年春天来到了东部,那时自己感觉是 要在这里一直定居下去。 第七段:第七段: The practical thing was to find rooms in the city, but it

    12、was a warm season, and I had just left a country of wide lawns and friendly trees, so when a young man at the office suggested that we take a house together in a commuting town, it sounded like a great idea. He found the house, a weather-beaten cardboard bungalow at eighty a month, but at the last m

    13、inute the firm ordered him to Washington, and I went out to the country alone. I had a dogat least I had him for a few days until he ran awayand an old Dodge and a Finnish woman, who made my bed and cooked breakfast and muttered Finnish wisdom to herself over the electric stove. 分析: 第一次来到大城市,首先要解决住,

    14、无论哪个时代都不例外。本段作者选择和一 个人合租,但是最终还是一个人住。 笔记: commuting town 能用长期车票往返于郊外住所与市内办公处的近郊处 weather-beaten 受风雨侵蚀的; 饱经风霜的 face, person bungalow:平房, 单层小屋;Dodge:道奇牌汽车; mutter 咕哝 拓展:相同的意思的说有: whisper /wsp/ intransitive/transitive verb to say something very quietly, using your breath rather than your voice 悄声说;低语; 耳

    15、语 Dont wake the baby, whispered Jemima. “别吵醒孩子。”杰迈玛悄声说道。 mumble /mmbl/ transitive verb to say something quietly without pronouncing the words clearly, so that it is difficult to understand 含糊地说,咕哝 He mumbled something I didnt hear. 他咕哝了一句什么,我没有听见。 murmur /mm/ transitive verb to say something in a so

    16、ft low voice, that is difficult to hear clearly 小声说,咕哝 The child murmured something in its sleep. 那孩子咕咕哝哝地说了句梦话。 say something under your breath /se something nd j bre/ verb phrase to say something extremely quietly, especially a criticism or something rude, so that no one will hear what you are say

    17、ing 压低声音说尤指批评或无礼的话 Stupid idiot, he said under his breath as the old man walked away. “白痴。”老人走 开时他低声骂道。 grunt /grnt/ transitive verb to say a few words in a low rough voice, especially when you are not really interested in what someone is saying to you 咕哝着说尤因对别人说的话不是真的感兴趣 What about a stripy wallpap

    18、er for this room? I dunno, he grunted. “这房间贴条纹 墙纸怎么样?”“我不知道。”他咕哝着说。 She grunted something I didnt catch. 她咕哝了一句什么,可我没有听清。 翻译: 最实际的事就是要在城里找住处,但是当时天气暖和,而且我离开的时候家里也 到处是绿草幽幽,树木宜人,所以当办公室的一个年轻人提议要与我在郊区镇上合租 一套房子时,我觉得这个想法真是太棒了。他租了一座历经风雨剥蚀的木板平房,每 月八十美元,但是就在我们要搬进去的最后一刻,他被公司调到华盛顿去了,我自己 一个人去郊区住了。我养了一条狗,买了一辆道奇车,

    19、还雇了一个芬兰女佣帮我整理 房间并做早饭。狗养了几天后就跑丢了。而那个芬兰女佣每天在电炉旁一边做饭,一 边自己咕哝着芬兰的至理名言。 第八段:第八段: It was lonely for a day or so until one morning some man, more recently arrived than I, stopped me on the road. How do you get to West Egg village? he asked helplessly. I told him. And as I walked on I was lonely no longer.

    20、I was a guide, a pathfinder, an original settler. He had casually conferred on me the freedom of the neighborhood. 分析: 来到一个地方,避免寂寞,但一件小事却改变了我的微妙的心态。我曾经也有这 个经历,陌生的城市,有人向我问路,我熟悉地指引给他看,然后有一种成就感,彷 佛我已经是这个地方地原居民。 笔记: ask helplessly 无助地问道; original 早期地; casually 偶然地 pathfinder 探路者; 开 拓者; casually 随意地 conf

    21、er on: 授予某人 (学位或头衔) (例如: The Queen conferred knighthoods on several distinguished men. 女王将爵士头衔授予几个杰出的人。) the freedom of the city (in Britain) an honour that is given to sb by a city as a reward for work they have done (英国)荣誉市民称号 翻译: 那几天确实感觉有些孤独,直到一天早上,一个在我之后搬来的男人将我在路上 拦住。 他带着些许无助,开口问道:“请问去西卵村怎么走?” 我

    22、就告诉了他应该怎么走。然后我继续往前走,这时我已经不再感觉孤独了。我 是最早搬到这里的,于是就成了向导和开拓者。他无意之中授予了我这一带地方的荣 誉市民权。 第九段:第九段: And so with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves growing on the treesjust as things grow in fast moviesI had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with the summer. 分析: 一切搞定后,我开始神清气爽,感

    23、觉生命真正地开始了,一切欣欣向荣,注意景 色描写。这里可能也是预示我的美国梦开始了。 笔记: a burst of 猛然的 bursts of laughter/applause/rage 阵阵笑声/掌声/怒火 conviction 坚定信念 翻译: 在明媚的阳光里,树木一夜之间就都已经换上了绿色的新装这变化就如电影 里演的那般迅速一个熟悉的信念在我心里出现:随着夏天的到来,生活将重新开 始。 第十段:第十段: There was so much to read, for one thing, and so much fine health to be pulled down out of t

    24、he young breath-giving air. I bought a dozen volumes on banking and credit and investment securities, and they stood on my shelf in red and gold like new money from the mint, promising to unfold the shining secrets that only Midas and Morgan and Maecenas knew. And I had the high intention of reading

    25、 many other books besides. I was rather literary in collegeone year I wrote a series of very solemn and obvious editorials for the Yale News. and now I was going to bring back all such things into my life and become again that most limited of all specialists, the “well-rounded man.” This isnt just a

    26、n epigramlife is much more successfully looked at from a single window, after all. 分析: for one thing 作为插入语了;本段的我看到书就想到了钱,这是因为我的首要问题 是解决生存需求,书中自有黄金屋。high intention of这个本意是很高的意图,意为: 好高骛远。因为我毕竟读书时代还有那么一点文学才华(literary),所以此时要王者回 归。that most limited of all specialists 字面意思:专家里知识最有限的人。我开始要从 各个角度去看生活,看到自己的不

    27、足,要不然就会容易满足于生活。 笔记: volume 册;credit 信贷;investment securities 投资证券 Midas:迈达斯, 希腊神话中的国王, 曾求神赐予点金术。the Midas touch 事事都能 成功的本领:a talented young businessman with the Midas touch 一个事事都能挣钱的年 轻的天才商人 (补充:这个国王无意中把自己的女儿也点成了金子,伤心欲绝) Morgan:摩根, 美国大财阀 Maecenas:米赛纳斯, 古罗马大财主。 solemn adj. /slm/ 冷峻的;表情严肃的 well-rounded 多才多艺的 epigram:警 句 翻译: 首先,有很多的书要读,而且呼吸着这样清新宜人的空气,整个人都觉得神清气 爽。我买了十几本书,是关于银行业务、信贷、以及投资证券的。这些包有红色和金 色封皮的新书直立在书架上,仿佛造币厂刚印刷出来的新币,它们一定会为我揭晓弥 达斯、摩根以及米塞纳斯的制胜秘诀。而且我有雄心要阅读很多其他方面的书。读大 学时,我就很喜欢读书记得有一年我在耶鲁新闻上发表了一系列沉重严肃却 又浅显易懂的社论而现在,我要将昔日的辉煌重写,我要再次成为那种中等水平 的专家,也就是一个“通才”。这并不仅仅是一句隽语毕竟,从单一的角度来看, 人生要显得更加成功。

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