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    2020新人教版必修第一册Unit5 Languages around the world单元核心考点专项专练(含答案).doc

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    2020新人教版必修第一册Unit5 Languages around the world单元核心考点专项专练(含答案).doc

    1、Unit5-Languages around the world 单元核心考点专项专练单元核心考点专项专练 【分项练习】【分项练习】 【1- refer】 (1)单句语法填空 In his speech, he referred _ a recent trip to Canada. There are several _ (refer) books which have been compiled to help you make your choice. (2)单句写作 This paragraph _ (指的是) the events of last year. 我们分组讨论了有关阅读的以

    2、下问题。 We discussed the following questions in small groups with _ the reading. 【2- neither.nor.】 (1)单句语法填空 Neither his parents nor he _ (know) anything about it. (2)句型转换 Henry doesnt like watching movies. His girlfriend Helen doesnt, either. _ Henry _ his girlfriend Helen _ watching movies. 【3- base】

    3、 (1)单句语法填空 The report is _ (base) on facts. They have to have a _ (base) understanding of computers in order to use the advanced technology. As far as Im concerned, common hobbies are the _ (base) of making friends. (2)单句写作 我们昨天看的这部电影受到了高度评价,它是以一个真实的爱情 故事为依据的。 _ a true love story, the film we watche

    4、d yesterday is highly thought of. 【4- variety】 单句语法填空 The research team is made up of the pupils, whose ages _ (various) from 10 to 15. There are _ (variety) reasons why cancers appear to be on the increase. This tool can be used in a variety _ ways. 【5- major】 (1)单句语法填空 The student, _ (major) in ec

    5、onomics at college, made a comment on the matter. Generally speaking, if you look at the audience at a classical concert, the _ (major) of them are over the age of fifty. (2)单句写作 _ (主要问题) at present is how to overcome all the difficulties. Although I didnt _ (主修) computer, I have a lot of interest i

    6、n it. 【6- no matter+疑问词】 (1)单句语法填空 One can always manage to do more things, no matter _ full ones schedule is. I am firmly convinced (深信) that no matter _ chances arrive, we are able to seize them as long as we are well prepared. No matter _ you lose in life, dont lose faith and hope. (2)单句写作 无论谁违反法

    7、律,他都将受到惩罚。 _, he will be punished. 无论我发生什么事情,我都会让你知道。 _, I will let you know. 【7- means】 (1)单句语法填空 Some researchers point out that daydreaming is _ means of relaxation. (2)同义句转换 Every possible means _ (try), but none has worked. All possible means _ (try), but none has worked. (3)一句多译 惩罚绝不是一个帮助他们在精神

    8、上和身体上健康成长的明智选 择。(means) Punishment _ a wise choice to help them grow up mentally and physically. _ a wise choice to help them grow up mentally and physically.(倒装) 【8- regard】 (1)单句语法填空 Can I regard what you have just told me _ fact? I wrote a letter _ (regard) my daughters school examinations. (2)单句

    9、写作 至于薪金,请在考验本人的能力之后再作决定。 _ salary, I leave it to you to decide after experience of my capacity. 对于幸福我们通常有什么误解吗? What are the misunderstandings that we usually have _ happiness? 【9- character】 (1)单句语法填空 It was entirely _ character for Rachel to put her baby first. The need to communicate is a key _ (

    10、character) of human society. (2)写出句中 character 的含义 He is the main character in the film Wondering Earth. _ Her husband was a man of good character, wellliked and respected by his colleagues. _ There are more than 80,000 Chinese characters, most of which are seldom used today. _ 【10- a/the number of】

    11、 单句语法填空 The number of the teachers who own cars _ (be) increasing. A great many college students _ (be) sent to the poor area to help the children there last month. Large quantities of oil _ (be) imported from abroad every year. The number of journalists invited to the party yesterday _ 100, but a l

    12、arge number of them _ absent for different reasons. (be) 【11- appreciate】 (1)单句语法填空 On the night of the Midautumn Day, people gather together eating mooncakes and _ (appreciate) the full moon. I appreciate _ (give) the opportunity to work in your company two years ago. Here I sincerely express my _

    13、(appreciate) if you could help find the lost suitcase. (2)单句写作 如果您能就如何解决这些问题给我一些建议,我将不胜感激。 _ you can give me some advice on how to solve these problems. 【12- struggle】 (1)单句语法填空 The soldier was badly wounded but he struggled _ his feet at last. To get an education, he was struggling _ many difficult

    14、ies. The children talked so loudly at dinner table that I had to struggle _ (hear) (2)单句写作 我们必须和来自国内外的各种各样的困难作斗争。 We have to _ all kinds of difficulties from home and abroad. 【13- the+比较级,the+比较级】 单句写作 轮胎里空气越多,里面的压力就越大。 _ there is inside the tyre, the greater the pressure there is in it. 战争持续越久,那里的人

    15、们受难就越多。 The longer the war lasts, _ the people there will suffer. 你越用功,进步就越大。 The harder you work, _ you will make. 【14- equal】 (1)单句语法填空 I dont think he is equal to _ (do) this kind of work. so I cant hire him. Learning to deal with the social world is _ (equal) important. (2)一句多译 尽管他年轻,但是约翰却能胜任这项重

    16、要的工作。 Young as he was, John _ the important task.(equal) Although he was young, John _ the important task.(fit) Young as he was, John _ the important task.(qualified) 【15- demand】 (1)单句语法填空 They think learning English well is one of the _ (demand) of modern society and will do good to our future car

    17、eer. My demand is that the information referred to in my report _ (e- mail) to Mr Brown without delay. My car demands/needs/requires _ (repair), so I have to go to work by bus. (2)单句写作 这个季节,软饮料需求量很大。 Soft drinks are _ in this season. 【16- relate】 (1)单句语法填空 There were officials _ whom he could relate

    18、 the whole story. We seek to improve _ (relate) between our two countries. I think thats why so many people relate _ her. (2)单句写作 你的作品一定要与我们的学校生活有关。 Your works must _ our school life. 你能将童年的经历与现在的心境联系起来吗? Can you _ what happened in your childhood _ your present state of mind? 【综合练习】【综合练习】 【单句填词】 1I

    19、happened to meet an old friend on the _ (地铁). 2One of the biggest expenses in the home is _ (汽油) and electricity. 3He put on a pair of _ (短裤) and an undershirt. 4 She promised to help me move into my new _ (公寓套房) on the weekend. 5Its very rude to stick your _ (舌头) out at people. 6This opera is one o

    20、f the cultural totems of Western _ (文 明). 7The famous university is devoted to developing leaders in many disciplines who make a difference _ (全球地) 8White has always been a _ (象征) of purity in Western cultures. 9Its said the woman is an expert on foreign _ (事务) 10The statue was _ (雕刻) out of a singl

    21、e piece of stone. 11It was _ real struggle to be ready on time. 12Do you understand the reason _ Ive encouraged you not to give up? 13English textbooks and dictionaries are on _ (sell) everywhere. 14I think _ (study) a language is not only for a better job, but also for culture understanding. 15I wa

    22、nt to live in a country _ English is spoken. 16I had to change my _(态度) about their ability and potential. 17 Americans use more than 100 _ (十亿) thin film plastic bags every year. 18When writing papers, we have to _ (查阅) to a lot of references concerned. 19It was his first visit to his _ (出生地的) coun

    23、try since 1948. 20I dont know how to _ (发音) the long word. 21The basic _ (词汇) of a language is those words that must be learnt. 22He pushed through a _ (开口) which the man was repairing. 23In America the _ (需求) for oil has grown by 22 percent since 1990. 24 Women in our country enjoy _ (平等的) rights w

    24、ith men. 25She _ (讲述) how he had run away from home as a boy. 26This report offered the most specific _ (describe) of the problems. 27It is a question of the _ (relate) of ethics to economics. 28Im sorry I forget how to use the word _ (proper) 29 Does the writer use spelling, punctuation and _ (capi

    25、talize) correctly? 30She speaks English with a good _ (pronounce) 31For your safety, never tamper with (胡乱摆弄) these _ (系统) 32Physical activity is an important _ (因素) in maintaining fitness. 33Can you tell the difference between Putonghua and Beijing _ (方言)? 34 He is good at Chinese _ (书法), especiall

    26、y at the running style. 35The last Ming _ (朝代) emperor hanged himself from this tree. 【单句写作】 1巨大的广场是花的海洋。 The immense square was _ flowers. 2慢慢地,我感觉英语就是我的母语。 Slowly, I felt like that English is my _. 3这本书是从父亲的角度写的。 The book is written from the fathers _. 4我还没有发言,你已经完全知道了。 Before a word is _, youve k

    27、nown it completely. 5抱歉,可以麻烦您重复一下刚才的问题吗? Im sorry. _ repeating your questions? 6我们学校的不少同学都擅长写中国书法。 _ my schoolmates are good at writing Chinese calligraphy. 7尽管他申请了数百个工作,但仍然在失业中。 _ hundreds of jobs, he is still out of work. 8然而,庆祝生日有很多种不同的方式。 However, there are _ birthday celebrations. 9如果你帮我这个忙,我将非

    28、常感激。 I really _ you could do me this favor. 10无论你和他们之间有多大的分歧,你都得继续去见他们。 You must continue to see them _ you may disagree with them. 11双方不太可能消除彼此之间的分歧。 It is unlikely that the two sides will be able to _. 12我最大的问题是如何与英语母语者交谈。 My biggest problem _ talk to native English speakers. 13明日能否出发,须视天气而定。 Whet

    29、her or not we can start off tomorrow will _ the weather. 14我加上你等于一个世界吗? Do I and you _ one world? 15我们费了很大劲跟他解释这个过程。 We had _ this process to him. 参考答案: 【分项练习】 1、to reference refers to reference to 2、knows Neither; nor; likes 3、based basic basis Based on 4、vary various of 5、majoring majority The maj

    30、or problem major in 6、how when what Whoever/No matter who breaks the law Whatever/No matter what happens to me 7、a has been tried; have been tried is by no means By no means is punishment 8、as regarding As regards with/in regard to 9、in characteristic 角色 品质 汉字 10、is were are was; were 11、appreciatin

    31、g being given appreciation Id appreciate it if 12、to against/with to be heard struggle against/with 13、The more air the more the greater progress 14、doing equally was equal to was fit for was qualified for 15、demands (should) be e- mailed repairing in great demand 16、to relations to be related to re

    32、late; to 【综合练习】 单句填词: 1 答案:subway2 答案:petrol3 答案:pants 4 答案:apartment5 答案:tongue6 答案:civilization 7 答案:globally8 答案:symbol9 答案:affairs 10 答案:carved11 答案:a12 答案:why13 答案:sale 14 答案:studying15 答案:where16 答案:attitude 17 答案:billion18 答案:refer19 答案:native 20 答案:pronounce21 答案:vocabulary22 答案:gap 23 答案:de

    33、mand24 答案:equal25 答案:related 26 答案:description27 答案:relation28 答案:properly 29 答案:capitalisation30 答案:pronunciation 31 答案:systems 32 答案:factor33 答案:dialect34 答案:calligraphy 35 答案:Dynasty 单句写作: 1 答案:a sea of 2 答案:native tongue 3 答案:point of view 4 答案:on my tongue 5 答案:Would you mind 6 答案:A good number of 7 答案:Despite applying for 8 答案:many varieties of 9 答案:would appreciate it if 10 答案:no matter how much 11 答案:bridge their gaps 12 答案:is how to 13 答案:depend on 14 答案:equal to 15 答案:great/much trouble explaining


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