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    2020新人教版必修第一册-unit 5 Languages Around the World 知识点+练习(含答案).docx

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    2020新人教版必修第一册-unit 5 Languages Around the World 知识点+练习(含答案).docx

    1、 Unit 5 Languages Around the World Period I Listening and Speaking _) vi. 提到;参考;查阅提到;参考;查阅 vt. 查询;叫查询;叫.求助于求助于 _ n. 参考;涉及;提及 动词短语:动词短语: refer _ 指的是;描述;提到;查阅 refer to. _. 将.称为. 名词短语:名词短语: _/_ reference _ (所述内容)关于 reference book 参考书;工具书 答案:答案:referred; referred; referring; to; as; in; with; to 练习:练习:

    2、1)When I said some people were stupid, I wasnt _ (refer) to you. 2)He gave the speech without _(refer) to his hotel. 3)Youd better write down the phone number of that restaurant for future _(refer). 4)He likes to be referred to _ “Doctor Wu”. 答案:答案:referring; referring; reference; as 2. based adj. 以

    3、(某事)为基础的;以以(某事)为基础的;以.为重要部分(或特征)的为重要部分(或特征)的 _ vt. 以.为据点;把(总部等)设在(常用于被动语态) ;以.为基础 n. 底部;基地;底座;基础;基础成分 _ adj. 基础的;基本的;根本的 be based _. 总部位于. base._/_=be based _/_ 以.为基础;以.为根据 答案:答案:base; basic; in; on; upon; on; upon 练习:练习: 1)Where is your company _(base) in? 2)Their marketing strategy _(base) on a st

    4、udy of consumer spending. 3)I attended a course in _(base) computer skills. 4)The film is based _ a famous novel. 答案:答案:based; is based; basic; on/upon 3. date back (to.) 追溯于;始于追溯于;始于 1)date back to 相当于 date from,只能用于主动语态,不能用于被动语态和进行时,但可用 其 v-ing 形式作定语、补语或状语等;谈论现存的某物或建筑时,虽然其可能出现或建造于 过去某一时期,但仍用一般现在时。

    5、 2)date back to 后面接一个具体的时间,而 date back 后面接时间段。 注意:注意: date from和和date back to在高考中常考查非谓语动词形式在高考中常考查非谓语动词形式dating from/dating back to, 在剧中多作状语或定语。在剧中多作状语或定语。 Dating from 1980s, our friendship gave both of us pleasure. date n. 日期;约会日期;约会 vt. 确定年代;写上日期;与(某人)谈恋爱确定年代;写上日期;与(某人)谈恋爱 vi. 过时过时 _/_ a date for

    6、确定.日期 _ _ date 过时 _ _ date 最新的;时髦的 答案:答案:fix; set; out; of; up to 练习:练习: 1)In China, the compass _(date) back thousands of years. 2)Every year, a great many visitors come to visit the temple _(date) from the 12th century, which has brought a large income. 3)This family tradition _ hundreds of years.

    7、 4)The church _ the 18th century. 答案:答案:dates; dating; dates back; dates back to 4. symbol n.C 符号;象征符号;象征 _ adj. 象征性的 _ vt. 象征;代表;用符号表示 答案:答案:symbolic; symbolise 易混辨析:易混辨析:symbol, signal, sign 与与 mark 易混词易混词 含义含义 例句例句 symbol n.象征;符号 The whale, like the dolphin, has become a symbol of the marvels of

    8、creation. signal n.信号;暗号 At an agreed signal they left the room. sign n.标牌;迹象 The gloomy weather shows no sign of improving. mark n.(显示质量、制造者或所有者等的)标记 Any piece of silver bearing his mark is extremely. 5. variety n. C (植物、语言等的)变体;异体;种类(植物、语言等的)变体;异体;种类;品种;品种;U 多样化;变化多样化;变化 _ v. 相异;不同;变化;改变 _ adj.各种各

    9、样 各种各样的(后接可数名词复数或不可数名词,谓语动词的数根据所修饰的名词判定) _ the variety _. .的种类(后接名词复数,做主语时谓语用单数) a variety of/varieties of后接可数名词复数或不可数名词时, 名词前不加冠词。 variety可用wide, great,large 等词修饰。 答案:答案:vary; various; a variety of/varieties of; of 6. major 1)adj. 主要的;重要的;大的主要的;重要的;大的 a major road _ the major portion _ a major oper

    10、ation _ 2)n. 主修课程;主修科目;主修学生主修课程;主修科目;主修学生 Her major is French. Shes a French major. 3)vi. 主修;专门研究主修;专门研究 major _ sth. 主修 _ n. 大部分;大多数 be in the _ 占(大)多数 答案:干道;主要的部分;大手术;答案:干道;主要的部分;大手术;in; majority; majority 练习:练习: 1)Among the members of the committee those who favoured the proposed changes are in _

    11、 majority, so the scheme was passed. 2)The student, _(major) in economics at college, made a comment on this matter. 3)She _(major) in management. That is, her major is management. 答案:答案:the; majoring; majors 7. means n. 方式;方法;途径;手段;工具方式;方法;途径;手段;工具 注意:means 单复数同形,注意其作主语时谓语动词数的变化。 常用搭配:常用搭配: _ 通过.手段

    12、/方法 _ 当然可以;一定,务必,无论如何 _ 想方设法 _=_ 决不(放在句首时句子部分倒装) _=_ 用这种方法 答案:答案:by means of; by all means; by any means; by no means; not by any means; by this means;in this way 练习:练习: 用用 means 的相关短语填空的相关短语填空 1)_ he gained some time, and also the favour of chief. 2)He made lots of money _ working hard. 3)Ill forgi

    13、ve you this time, but you shall _ make the mistake again. 4)_ ought we to ignore our mistakes. 答案:答案:By this means; by means of; by no means; By no means 在空白处填入在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式 1)My friend Jack succeeded in his teaching career _ means of determination and confidence. 2)Eve

    14、ry possible means _(have) been tried, but we find only _ this way can we do it well. 答案:答案:by; has; in 用用 approach, means, way 或或 manner 填空填空 1)To scare a bird is not the _ to catch it. 2)A new _ to the treatment of cancer was discovered recently. 3)Several _ of transportation are available to you.

    15、4)Why are you talking in such a strange _? 5)Three different _ to the study of maths were discussed by our group after the final class of yesterday. 答案:答案:way; approach; means; manner; approaches 8. appreciate vt. 欣赏;重视;感激;领会欣赏;重视;感激;领会 vi. 增值(不用于进行时)增值(不用于进行时) _ n. 欣赏;感激 appreciate _ sth. 对做某事感激 ap

    16、preciate sb/ones _ sth. 感激某人做某事 I would appreciate it if . 如果.,我将不胜感激 注意:appreciate 与 thank 都表示“感激” 。appreciate 后接事物或动作行为;thank 后接人。 答案:答案:appreciation;doing; doing 练习:练习: 1)None of us appreciate _(make) fun of in our daily life. 2)Id like to show my _(appreciate) for everything youve done. 3)Id app

    17、reciate _ if you could help me with my English. 4)I really appreciate your _(call) back this afternoon. 答案:答案:being made; appreciation; it; calling 长难句长难句 1. Over the years, the system developed into different forms, as it was a time when people were divided geographically, leading to many varieties

    18、 of dialects and characters. 现在分词(短语)作结果状语现在分词(短语)作结果状语 现在分词(短语)作结果状语时,放在句末,常用逗号和前面隔开,与句子主语是逻辑上的 主动关系,表示自然而然的结果。现在分词(短语)前可加副词 thus。 注意: 动词不定式 (短语) 作结果状语时常常表示出乎意料的结果, 且经常在不定式 (短语) 前加 only 或 never,用来强调惊讶或失望。从结构上来看,不定式(短语)前通常用逗号与 前面隔开。常见的有 only to find.(结果发现.)和 only to be told.(结果被告知.) 。 练习:练习: 1)He hu

    19、rried back, only _(find) that his mother had left. 2)Peter hurried to the station, only _(tell) that the train had left. 3)It rained heavily, _(cause) severe flooding in that country. 4)The song is sung all over the country, _(make) it the most popular song. 5)He got up late and hurried to his offic

    20、e, _ (leave) the breakfast untouched. 答案:答案:to find; to be told; causing; making; leaving 2. Even today, no matter where Chinese people live or what dialect they speak, they can still communicate in writing. “no matter+疑问词”引导让步状语从句,意为“不管/无论.” ,可与“疑问词+-ever”互 换。 no matter who=whoever no matter which=

    21、whichever no matter what=whatever no matter when=whenever no matter where=wherever no matter how=however 注意:注意: “no matter+疑问词”引导让步状语从句; “疑问词+-ever”既可以引导状语从句,又可 以引导名词性从句。 引导名词性从句的 whoever 相当于 anyone who,anybody who;whatever 相当于 anything that。在这种情况下,whoever,whatever 相当于定语从句中的“先行词+关 系代词” 。 练习:练习: 1)On

    22、e can always manage to do more things, no matter _ full ones schedule is in life. 2)Readers will benefit from this book, no matter _ they come from and what they believe in. 3)_ we do, we must be careful. 4)_ you go, I will be right here waiting for you. 答案:答案:how; where; Whatever; Wherever Period I

    23、I Discovering Useful Structures to do; against; for; with; 挣扎着站起来挣扎着站起来; through 练习:用练习:用 struggle 相关短语的正确形式填空。相关短语的正确形式填空。 Unluckily, the famous have suffered a heavy drought this year. They have to _ a living. They are _ the bad weather for a better harvest. Anyway, they are _ increase their incom

    24、e. However, the financial crisis adds to their difficulties. As a result, they have to face the _ existence. 答案:答案:struggle for; struggling with; struggling to; struggle for 长难句长难句 1. .the more I learnt of a language, the more my brain would grow. “the+比较级比较级.,the+比较级比较级.”意为“越”意为“越.,越,越.” The more y

    25、ou learn, the more you know. 练习:练习: 1. The more fat you take in before bedtime, the _(great) burden you will put on your body at night. 2. The _(positive) an article was, the more likely it was to be shared, as Dr Berger explains in his new book. 3. _ more learned a man is, _ more modest he usually

    26、becomes. 答案:答案:greater; more positive; The; the 2. Dont you like to have somebody tell you if the pants look good or not? 使役动词 have 的常见用法 1)have+宾语+do “让.做某事” 2)have+宾语+doing “让.一直做某事;容忍.做某事(多用在否定句中) ” 3)“have+宾语+done” “使.被.;遭遇了.” 练习:练习: 1)Claire had her luggage _(check) an hour before her plane lef

    27、t. 2)While brushing your teeth, please do not have the water _(run) all the time. 3)Youd better have your bad tooth _(pull) out. 答案:答案:checked; running; pulled 3. Thats what I mean by plants! what 引导的表语从句引导的表语从句 what 可以引导表语从句,在从句中可以作主语、表语、宾语等。 Period III Reading for Writing 1. equal _ n. U 平等 _ adv.

    28、 相同地;平均地 _ adj. 不平等的;不相等的 1)n. 同等的人;相等物同等的人;相等物 without equal 最杰出;首屈一指 2)adj. 相同的;同样的;平等的;能胜任的相同的;同样的;平等的;能胜任的 be equal _ sth. 相当于某事物 be equal to (doing) sth. 能胜任(做)某事 3)v. 等于;与等于;与.相等;比得上相等;比得上 常用搭配:常用搭配: equal sb./sth. (_.) (在.方面)比得上某人/某物 答案:答案:equality; equally; unequal; to; in 练习:练习: 1)Though he

    29、 is equal to them in height, no one can equal him _ playing basketball. 2)Anyone, whether he is an official or a bus driver, should be _(equal) respected. 3)He is very angry, because he feels that he received _(equal) treatment. 4)We Chinese people have persistently urged the _(equal) of nations, bi

    30、g or small. 答案:答案:in; equally; unequal; equality 2. demand _ adj. 要求高的;苛求的;费力的 1)n. 要求;需求要求;需求 常用搭配:常用搭配: a demand _ 对.的需求 _/_ ones demands 满足某人的需求 _ demand 需求大的;受欢迎的 2)vt. 强烈要求;需要强烈要求;需要 vi. 查问查问 常见用法:常见用法: demand _sth. 要求做某事 demand that. 要求.(从句谓语用 should+动词原形,should 可以省略) 答案:答案:demanding; for; sat

    31、isfy; meet; in; to do 练习:练习: 1)She burst into the managers office and demanded _(speak) to him. 2)The workers demanded that their salaries _(raise). 3)She demanded _(tell) everything about it. 4)There have been demands _the prime minister to resign. 答案:答案:to speak; (should) be raised; to be hold; fo

    32、r 3. relate v. 把把.联系起来;使有联系;讲述;叙述联系起来;使有联系;讲述;叙述 _ adj. (不)相关的 _ n. 亲戚; (事物之间的)关系; (常用复数) (国家、公司、组织等之间的) (正式)关系;联系,交往 _ n. (人与团体之间的)关系;关联 动词短语:动词短语: relate sth. _ sth. 将某一事物与另一事物联系起来 relate _ sb/sth 谈到/涉及某人/某事;理解;体恤 relate sth. _ sb 和某人讲述/叙述某事 形容词短语:形容词短语: be (un)related _ 与.(不)相关 名词短语:名词短语: a _/_/_

    33、 relation 近亲/远亲 _ _ (all) relations with ones family 与某人的家庭断绝(一切)联系 in relation _ 关于;涉及 答案:答案:(un)related; relation; relationship; to; to; close; near; distant; break off; to 练习:练习: 1)People usually _ happiness to money, which is quite wrong. 2)An experienced journalist will not come up with _ quest

    34、ions when covering reports. 3)The mother-daughter _ is always a closer bond among all human links. 4)Latest development in _ to the disease will be discussed in detail in next chapter. 5)We want to shock people into realizing that many smokers die all too soon from illness and diseases _ to smoking.

    35、 答案:答案:relate; unrelated; relationship; relation; related 长难句长难句 1. When I listen to native English speakers talking in a video, I can catch only a few words. “感官动词(短语)“感官动词(短语)+宾语宾语+宾补”宾补” 常见的感官动词(短语)有:feel, listen to/hear, look at/see/watch/notice 等。用法如下: 1)后面接不带 to 的不定式作宾补时,强调动作的整个过程或动作经常发生。 2)后面

    36、接现在分词作宾补时,强调动作正在进行。 3)后面接过去分词作宾补时,表示跟宾语之间是逻辑上的被动关系。 4)需要注意的是, 当感官动词 (短语) 接不带 to 的宾语补足语用于被动语态时, to 要还原。 练习:练习: 1)当我们看到路被大雪封住后,我们决定在家度过这个假期。 When we saw the road _(block) with snow, we decided to spend the holiday at home. 2)我喜欢看猴子爬树。 I love to watch the monkeys _(climb) the tree. 3)有人注意到那个黑发男子离开了房子。

    37、The dark-haired man was noticed _ (leave) the house. 4)我听到有人敲了三次门。 I heard someone _ (knock) at the door three times. 5)无论何时我遇到麻烦,我都能听到脑海中有一个声音在说“你能行” 。 Whenever Im in trouble, I hear a voice _(ring) in my head “You can do it”. 6)经理想看到他的计划被可能快地执行。 The manager would like to see his plan _(carry) out

    38、as soon as possible. 答案:答案:blocked; climb; to leave; knock; ringing; carried 2. My biggest headache is how to be polite in English. “特殊疑问词“特殊疑问词+不定式”结构的用法不定式”结构的用法 “who/which/what/how/when/where+不定式”结构有名词的性质, 在句子中作主语、表语、不定式”结构有名词的性质, 在句子中作主语、表语、 宾语等。宾语等。 注意:注意: 1)此结构作主语时常后置,用此结构作主语时常后置,用 it 作形式主语。作形式主语。 It hasnt been decided when to hold the meeting. 2)当宾语从句的主语和主句的主语一致时, 宾语从句可以转换成 “疑问词当宾语从句的主语和主句的主语一致时, 宾语从句可以转换成 “疑问词+不定式” 结构。不定式” 结构。 The young man didnt know how he can solve the problem. =The young man didnt know how to solve the problem.


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