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    1、 1 Was I a good girl back thenWas I a good girl back then 课题课题 Unit 9 Was I a good girl back then?(Lets talk) 教教 学学 目目 标标 知识目标知识目标 Adjectives: long,quiet,polite,good,short,fat,tall,thin Verb phrases: play with toys, read books,eat vegetables,eat candy,watch TV,surf the Internet,cry,smile,watch carto

    2、ons,draw cartoons Time expressions: 能力目标能力目标 To use the Simple Past Tense for describing the past. To use the Simple Present Tense for describing the present. 情感目标情感目标 让学生在成长中发现自己的不足,改正错误。 教材教材 分析分析 教学重点教学重点 Contrasting the past,and the present:Before,but now 教学难点教学难点 To use the Simple Past Tense fo

    3、r describing the past. To use the Simple Present Tense for describing the present. 教学教学 准备准备 PPT,tape,recorder 教教 学学 过过 程程 Step1. Warming up 1. Play a game 2. Free talk : 1) Whats the date today? 2) What was the date yesterday? 3) What did you do yesterday? Step 2. Presentation and practice 1. Show

    4、an old photo of the teacher and ask:Who is that in the picture? Ps:Thats you. 2. Using the photo to compare and learn the new words amd main sentences. (1) Before,_ liked _,but now _. (2) When I was _,I _.But now _. 3. 1.Learn the past form of the verbs:played with toys, ate vegetables,watched TV,wa

    5、s short and fat,often cried,watched cartoons 二次备课二次备课 2 教教 学学 过过 程程 4.Using the PPT to show up the verb phrases and practise the main sentences. Step 3: Learn the dialogue. 1. Listen and present the dialogue. 2. Read after the tape, and underline the past tense phrases in the dialogue. Then read the

    6、 dialogue in four-pupil groups. 3. Play a game: Clap your hands when you hear the past-tense words. 4. Learn how to use the Simple Past Tense for describing the past. Step 4:Development 1. Make a dialogue. 2. Retell the dialogue: When Xiaoling was five years old, her hair was very long. She was very

    7、 quiet and polite. But now ,she has had some Changes. Lets find out about other changes to children when they grow up.(Use some pictures to practice) Step 5: Homework 二次备课二次备课 二次备课二次备课 教学后记:教学后记: 教学后记:教学后记: 教学后记:教学后记: 3 课题课题 Unit 9 Fun with language 教教 学学 目目 标标 知识目标知识目标 1. To listen for the changes

    8、that some people have had. 2. Pupils tell others the changes they have had. eg: When I was years oldBut now 3.The Simple Past and the Simple Present Tense for talking about changes. 能力目标能力目标 Using the Simple Past and the Simple Present Tense for talking about changes. 情感目标情感目标 1. 让学生认识事物的发展、在变化。 2.

    9、学会与别人分享自己成长的快乐。 教材教材 分析分析 教学重点教学重点 3. Pupils tell others the changes they have had. eg: When I was years oldBut now 教学难点教学难点 Using the Simple Past and the Simple Present Tense for talking about changes. 教学教学 准备准备 PPT,tapePPT,tape 教教 Step1. Warming up 二次备课二次备课 4 学学 过过 程程 1、Sing a song: London Bridge

    10、is falling down 2、Free talk : 4) Whats the date today? 5) What was the date yesterday? 6) What did you do yesterday? Step 2. Presentation and practice 1. Read the dialogue, retell the dialogue:When Xiaoling was five years old, her hair was very long.She was very quiet and polite. But now ,she has ha

    11、d some Changes. Have the students Look at Task 1 on Page 52. 2.Ask pupils to study the 5 sets of pictures and guess the changes that those people have had. 3.Explain the listening task.Play the recording,pausing after each question for pupils to put down the correct number. 4.When pupils have finish

    12、ed,check the answer with them. 教教 学学 过过 程程 Step 3 Do the Task 2 in Fun with Language. 2. Guide the pupils to produce sentences like the following: 1)When I was five years old,I lived in the countryside.But now I live in the city. 2) When I was five years old,I was short.But now I am tall. 3) When I

    13、was five years old,my dog was small.But now it is big. 3. Make a survey Name Past Now Step 4: Homework 1) Copy the new words. 2) Read the dialogue. 3) Write down the changes your family has had. 二次备课二次备课 二次备课二次备课 5 教学后记:教学后记: 教学后记:教学后记: 教学后记:教学后记: 课题课题 Unit 9 Fun with language 教教 学学 目目 标标 知识目标知识目标 1

    14、. To read a description of an animal and guess what it is. 2. The Simple Past and the Simple Present Tense for talking about changes. 3. To read a gapped about a boy and complete the blanks with the words given. 4. To sing a song about a fair lady. 能力目标能力目标 The Simple Past and the Simple Present Ten

    15、se for talking about changes. 情感目标情感目标 了解动物也一样有成长的过程,学会珍惜小动物。 教材教材 分析分析 教学重点教学重点 The Simple Past and the Simple Present Tense for talking about changes. 6 教学难点教学难点 To read a gapped about a boy and complete the blanks with the words given. 教学教学 准备准备 PPT,tape,recorder 教教 学学 过过 程程 Step1. Warming up 1.

    16、Sing a song: London Bridge is falling down 2. Free talk : 1) What did you do yesterday? 2) Did you? 3. Revision: tell more changes you know. Step 2 Presentation and practice 1. Do Task 3 read and write in Fun With Language. 1) 1.Using the pictures that have appeared in this unit to highlight the poi

    17、nt that when people grow up, sometimes they may look very different from what they looked like when they were young. 2.Tell pupils that the same is true of animals. 3)Explain the reading task.Then give the pupils time to read the passage and do the guessing. 4.)When pupils have finished ,invited the

    18、m to tell you their guesses. Step 3Look and Write 二次备课二次备课 教教 学学 过过 1.Go back to the passage and use the context to present or clarify the meaning of pond and fit. 2.Explain the task.Give pupils time to complete the task.Remind pupils that for some questions,they may have to change the form of the b

    19、lue word given. 3.Check the answers. Key:happy,was,toys,cartoons ,is ,football.draw Step 4Do Ex.1.2.in this Unit in Activity book. Step 5 Summary Guide the pupils to sum up what theyve learnt in this class. 二次备课二次备课 7 程程 Step 6 Homework 二次备课二次备课 教学后记:教学后记: 教学后记:教学后记: 教学后记:教学后记: 课题课题 Unit 9 Word fami

    20、ly 知识目标知识目标 1. To complete how some words are used differently in different sentences structures. 8 教教 学学 目目 标标 2. To learn the different meanings or usages of words by reading and completing some sentence pairs. 能力目标能力目标 To complete how some words are used differently in different sentences structu

    21、res. 情感目标情感目标 让学生认识事物的发展、在变化。 教材教材 分析分析 教学重点教学重点 To learn the different meanings or usages of words by reading and completing some sentence pairs. 教学难点教学难点 To learn the different meanings or usages of words by reading and completing some sentence pairs. 教学教学 准备准备 PPT 教教 学学 过过 程程 Step1. Warming up 1.

    22、 Sing a song: London Bridge is falling down 2. Free talk : 1) What did you do yesterday? How did you feel it? 2) Did you? 3) What did xxx do ? Step 2 Revision Tell what the children did in Unit 9. What are the changes? Step 3 Presentation and practice 1. Use the pictures that have appeared in this u

    23、nit to rivise the word short. 2. Dtawing a little boy wearing shorts.Tell pupils that little boys often wearing shorts. (1) The boy was short. (2) He liked wearing wearing shorts. 3. Give pupils time to compare the sentences. 二次备课二次备课 4. Guide the pupils to 5. Have pupils look at Part 2 on Pages 55.

    24、Show the Part 2 on the 二次备课二次备课 9 教教 学学 过过 程程 sreen. 6. Explain the task.Give pupils time to complete the task in pairs and then present their answers to the whole class. Answer key:(1)air (2)warm (3)park (4)floor (5)farm (6)hands 7. Guide the pupils to understand the difference in meaning and usage

    25、 between the 2 words. 8. Tell pupils that there are other examples in English.Then,ask them to study the sentences pairs in Part 1 on Page 54. Step 4 Do Ex.4.5in this Unit in Activity book Step 5 Summary Guide the pupils to sum up what theyve learnt in this class. Step 6 Homework 二次备课二次备课 教学后记:教学后记:

    26、 教学后记:教学后记: 教学后记:教学后记: 10 课题课题 Unit 10 Then and now(Lets read) 教教 学学 目目 标标 知识目标知识目标 1. Words:village,office buildings,department stores,miss,modern,nearby. 2. To read, with understanding,a passage about Bens life when he was in England and when he is in China now. 能力目标能力目标 Using the Simple Past Tens

    27、e for describing the past and using the Simple Present Tense,third person singular subject. 情感目标情感目标 通过新旧对比,学会表达自己喜欢的东西。 教材教材 分析分析 教学重点教学重点 1. The Simple Past Tense for describing the past. 2.The Simple Present Tense,third person singular subject. 教学难点教学难点 1. The Simple Past Tense for describing the

    28、 past. 2.The Simple Present Tense,third person singular subject 教学教学 准备准备 PPT 教教 一、Warm up: 二次备课二次备课 11 学学 过过 程程 1. Free talk 2. Act out the dialogue of unit 9. 二、Presentation and Practice 1.Show the pictures on the screen. 2.Ask pupils the difference between the 2 schools.:Which school is in the co

    29、untryside?Which school is in the city? 3.Set a purpose for reading the passage:Three years ago,Ben lived in England,and he went to this school. Today,he lives in China,and he goes to this school.Which place does he like more? Lets find out. 4. Have pupils read the passage silently all the way throug

    30、h. You may invite pupils to have a first attempt at answering the comprehension question. 5. When pupils have finished reading the passage silently (and attempted the comprehension questions) , play the recording , or the e-Resource, for pupils to listen to the passage. Pause the recording at suitab

    31、le points to clarify meaning of and highlight the target language items. 教教 学学 过过 程程 6. Have pupils answer the comprehension question, or look at their answers again if they have had a first attempt already. 7. Check the answer with pupils. 8. If you use the e-Resource, have pupils record their read

    32、ing. aloud, using the Listen and repeat function. 9. Invite pupils to talk about the latest trip they had. Where did they go? Whom did they go with? Did they enjoy the trip? 三、Homework 二次备课二次备课 12 二次备课二次备课 教学后记:教学后记: 教学后记:教学后记: 教学后记:教学后记: 课题课题 Unit 10 Fun with language 知识目标知识目标 1. To listen to,with

    33、understanding,description of a school as it was 80 years ago, and 13 教教 学学 目目 标标 as it is now. 2. To read,with understanding, a passage about changes in a persons hometown. 能力目标能力目标 The Simple Past Tense for describing the past,and the Simple Present Tense for describing the present. 情感目标情感目标 通过新旧对比

    34、,学会与别人分享自己喜欢的东西。 教材教材 分析分析 教学重点教学重点 The Simple Past Tense for describing the past,and the Simple Present Tense for describing the present. 教学难点教学难点 The Simple Past Tense for describing the past,and the Simple Present Tense for describing the present. 教学教学 准备准备 PPT,tape 教教 学学 过过 程程 一、Revision 1. Sing

    35、 a song: Did you ever see a lassie? 2. Read the new words and dialogue. 二、Presentation and Practice Task 1: Listen and tick or cross. 1. Talk with pupils about some changes that taken at pupils school: What was it like before? What is it like now? 2. Have pupils look at Task 1 on Page 58.Explain the

    36、 listening task. 3. Tell pupils to listen carefully and tick or cross each statement. 4. Play the recording all the way through for pupils to get a general idea. 5. Play the recording again,pausing after suitable points for pupils to put down their answers. 6. After that last question, play the reco

    37、rding again for pupils to check their answers. 二次备课二次备课 Task 2 Read and tick or cross 二次备课二次备课 14 教教 学学 过过 程程 1.Talk about the changes in the city or village.Revise the related vocabulury with pupils. 2.Show the task on the screen and explain the passage . 3.When pupils have finished ,check the answ

    38、ers. 4.Go back to the passage and use the context to clarify of the language items. 三、Homework. 1. Recite the new words. 2. To talk about a trip with your friends. 二次备课二次备课 教学后记:教学后记: 教学后记:教学后记: 教学后记:教学后记: 15 课题课题 Unit 10 Fun with language 教教 学学 目目 标标 知识目标知识目标 1.To practice describing a school as it

    39、 was in the past,and as it is today. 2.The vocabulary for describing places. 能力目标能力目标 Using the vocabulary for describing places. 情感目标情感目标 通过新旧对比,学会与别人分享自己喜欢的东西。 教材教材 分析分析 教学重点教学重点 .To practice describing a school as it was in the past,and as it is today. 教学难点教学难点 .To practice describing a school as

    40、 it was in the past,and as it is today. 教学教学 准备准备 PPT,tape,recorder 教教 一、Revision 1. Sing a song: Did you ever see a lassie? 二次备课二次备课 16 学学 过过 程程 2. Read the new words and dialogue. 二、Presentation Task 3: Look and say 1. Invite pupils to talk about some of the changes that their school has gone thro

    41、ugh. 2. Have pupils look at Task 3 on page 59.Show the task on the screen. 3. Explain to pupils that the 2 pictures repeat the same school,but that one was about the school 15 years ago,and the other is the school as it is now. 4. Invite pupils to talk about the changes to the school.You may have to

    42、 give pupils time to prepare their descriptions. 5. Talk about the changes to the class. Task 4:Do the project 1.Have the pupils look at Task 4 on page 59. 教教 学学 过过 程程 2.Explain the task.Tell pupils that the task is similar to Task 3,but instead of talking about changes in a school,they will be talk

    43、ing about changes in a city or town. 3.Give pupils time to find the picture they need for the project. 4.When pupils have finished Step 4 ,display their completed projects on the display board for the class to vote on the best description. 三、Homework: 二次备课二次备课 二次备课二次备课 17 : 课题课题 Module 5 Story time

    44、and Did you know? 教教 学学 目目 标标 知识目标知识目标 1. To read a fun story which incorporates several language items pupils have learnt in the module. 2. To learn about means of transport at different times in human history. 能力目标能力目标 To develop the pupils reading skills. 情感目标情感目标 To enjoy the story,express the f

    45、eelings. 教材教材 分析分析 教学重点教学重点 To develop the pupils reading skills. 教学难点教学难点 To develop the pupils reading skills. 教学教学 准备准备 PPT、tape、recorder 18 教教 学学 过过 程程 一、Warming up: 1.Free talk. 2.Sing a song. 二、Revision To review some verbs of Simple Past Tense. 二、Presentation Step 1:Story time: 1.Show the page on the screen.Have the pupils look at the pictures . 2.In this story,the children ask Aki what he was like when he was young.It turn out that when he lived on Ding Dong when he was young,he wasnt very clever.But now on Earth,he know more than everyone


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