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    三级词汇检测表 -2025届高三英语上学期一轮复习专项.docx

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    三级词汇检测表 -2025届高三英语上学期一轮复习专项.docx

    1、三级词汇检测表 Round 1Unit 411. Please write down your address on this form.A 名字 B 地址 C 年龄 D 职业2. We reached an agreement on the terms.A 讨论 B 决定 C 分歧 D 协议3. The aim of the project is to improve education.A 过程 B 结果 C 目标 D 方法4. The work is already done.A 已经 B 从未 C 将要 D 不能5. The fireplace produced a lot of as

    2、h.A 烟雾 B 火焰 C 灰烬 D 火花6. We spent the day at the beach.A 海滩 B 山顶 C 湖边 D 森林7. He begged for forgiveness.A 拒绝 B 感谢 C 请求 D 同意Unit 428. Here is your bill for the meal.A 菜单 B 账单 C 纸币 D 收据9. Boil the water before drinking.A 煮沸 B 冷却 C 过滤 D 储存10. The brain is a vital organ.A 心脏 B 大脑 C 肺 D 胃11. Remember to br

    3、eathe deeply.A 呼吸 B 跳跃 C 跑步 D 唱歌12. The light was bright and cheerful.A暗淡的 B 明亮的 C 温暖的 D 寒冷的13. His business is doing very well.A 学习 B 旅行 C 业务 D 娱乐14. Beijing is the capital of China.A 国家 B 城市 C 省份 D 首都15. The ceiling is painted blue.A 地板 B 墙壁 C 天花板 D 窗户Unit 4316. This event happened centuries ago.A

    4、 世纪 B 年 C 月 D 日17. Please check your answers before submitting the test.A 开始 B 放弃 C 检查 D 结束18. She loves eating cheese on her sandwich.A 面包 B 奶酪 C 黄油 D 果酱19. He wrote a cheque to pay for the rent.A 借记卡 B 现金 C 信用卡 D 支票20. Draw a circle on the paper.A 圆形 B 方形 C 三角形 D 线条21. They live near the coast.A 河

    5、边 B 山顶 C 海岸 D 森林22. She started her own company.A 银行 B 学校 C 医院 D 公司23. They are going to a concert tonight.A 会议 B 音乐会 C 演讲 D 比赛24. The content of the book is very interesting.A 内容 B 封面 C 标题 D 作者25. She needs more control over her emotions.A 忽视 B 失去 C 表达 D 控制Unit 4426. She is my cousin.A 同学 B 朋友 C 表亲

    6、 D 老师27. It is our custom to eat mooncakes during Mid-Autumn Festival.A习俗 B习惯 C规则 D法律28. Cycling is a good way to stay healthy.A 跳绳 B 跑步 C 游泳 D 骑自行车29. Driving too fast is dangerous.A 安全的 B 危险的 C 慢的 D 舒服的30. Making a decision can be difficult.A 计划 B 选择 C 决定 D 目标31. The restaurant serves delicious fo

    7、od.A 生的 B 难吃的 C 一般的 D 美味的32. Children depend on their parents for support.A 依靠 B 独立 C 离开 D 拒绝33. Look up the word in the dictionary.A 书籍 B 字典 C 杂志 D 报纸Unit 4534. Math problems can be difficult for some students. A困难的 B容易的 C有趣的 D无聊的35. The instructions were direct and easy to follow.A 复杂的 B 间接的 C 模糊的

    8、 D 直接的36. Scientists discovered a new species of bird.A 想象 B 创造 C 发现 D 设计37. Divide the group into teams of four.A合并 B 分割 C 组织 D 打乱38. You can download the app from the internet.A 下载 B 上传 C 更新 D 删除39. She earns a living by teaching.A 花钱 B 赚钱 C 存钱 D 借钱40. She was employed as a teacher.A 解雇 B 雇佣 C 退休

    9、D 请假Unit 4641. The exam will be held next week.A 会议 B 讨论 C 演讲 D 考试42. Regular exercise is good for health.A 比赛 B 锻炼 C 休息 D 饮食43. The car was too expensive for him to buy.A 新的 B 旧的C 昂贵的 D 便宜的 44. She is an expert in computer science.A 专家 B 学生 C 老师 D 初学者45. Overcoming fear is a challenge for many.A 勇气

    10、 B 恐惧 C 快乐 D 悲伤46. The festival celebrates the harvest.A 感恩 B 庆祝 C 收获 D 节日47. She had a fever and needed rest.A 发烧 B 咳嗽 C 感冒 D 头痛48. She used her finger to point at the map.A手臂 B 手掌 C 手指 D 脚趾49. He has a firm belief in his abilities.A 懒散的 B 坚定的 C 犹豫的 D 虚弱的50. The flash of lightning illuminated the n

    11、ight.A 闪光 B 火焰 C 火光 D 灯光Unit 4751. The road is flat and easy to drive on.A 崎岖的 B 平坦的 C 弯曲的 D 陡峭的52. The flood caused damage to many homes.A 洪水 B 火灾 C 地震 D 风暴53. She followed the instructions carefully.A 修改 B 忽略 C 跟随 D 制定54. It was foolish to believe his lies.A 勇敢的 B 愚蠢的 C 聪明的 D 谨慎的55. Fill out the f

    12、orm with your details.A 信件 B 表格 C 申请 D 通知56. Freedom is a fundamental human right.A 惩罚 B 束缚 C 监禁 D 自由57. Friendship is important in life.A争斗 B 敌意 C 友谊 D 冷漠58. The company gained a lot of profit.A 浪费 B 失去 C 保持 D 获得59. The general gave orders to the soldiers.A 将军 B 士兵 C 民众 D 医生60. His goal is to becom

    13、e a professional athlete.A 方法 B 目标 C 结果 D 原因Unit 4861. We welcomed the guest with a warm smile.A 同事 B 主人 C 朋友 D 客人62. The guard patrols the area regularly.A 游客 B 警卫 C 清洁工 D 园丁63. She hung a picture on the wall.A 悬挂 B 放置 C 拿走 D 拆卸64. Smoking can harm your health.A 增强 B 保护 C 改善 D 伤害65. She hates spicy

    14、 food.A 喜欢 B 讨厌 C 害怕 D 忽视66. The headmaster gave a speech at the ceremony.A 校长 B 教师 C 学生 D 家长67. She is always helpful to others.A 自私的 B 冷漠的 C 乐于助人的 D 懒惰的68. She is hopeful about her future.A 失望的 B 充满希望的 C 悲观的 D 焦虑的Unit 4969. She is the host of the evening news program.A 主持人 B 观众 C 编辑 D 摄影师70. The c

    15、ity has a huge population.A 巨大的 B 微小的 C 中等的 D 空旷的71. She is recovering from an illness.A健康 B 疾病 C 幸福 D 快乐72. The course includes lessons on grammar.A 排除 B 包括 C 代替 D 取消73. The population increase is a concern.A 增加 B 减少 C 稳定 D 波动74. Instead of going out, we stayed home.A 相反 B 除此之外 C 代替 D 以及75. We use

    16、the Internet for research.A 报纸 B 电视 C 广播 D 互联网76. We invite you to join our club.A 通知 B 拒绝 C 邀请 D 警告Unit 5077. We got stuck in a traffic jam.A 火车延误 B 交通堵塞 C 飞机晚点 D 公交错过78. She drank a glass of orange juice.A 水 B 咖啡 C 茶 D 果汁79. He hurt his knee while playing soccer.A 脚踝 B 手肘 C 膝盖 D 腕部80. The lab is e

    17、quipped with modern technology.A 实验室 B 教室 C 图书馆 D 体育馆81. She laid the baby down gently.A 拿起 B 放置 C 搬运 D 捆绑82. Their team is in the top league.A 公司 B 学校 C 联赛 D 社团83. She has dedicated her lifetime to charity work.A 一生 B 一天 C 一年 D 一个月Unit 5184. The lion is the king of the jungle.A 猴子 B 老虎 C 大象 D 狮子85.

    18、 The children played lively games at the party.A 安静的 B 沉闷的 C 活泼的 D 缓慢的86. She felt lonely after moving to a new city.A 快乐的 B 孤独的 C 兴奋的 D 担心的87. She checked her mailbox for letters.A 衣柜 B 书包 C 邮箱 D 抽屉88. She manages the companys finances.A 拒绝 B 丢失 C 忽视 D 管理89. They marched in the parade.A 跳舞 B 行进 C 唱

    19、歌 D 绘画90. They decided to marry next year.A 结婚 B 离婚 C 订婚 D 分手91. The meaning of the word is unclear.A 语法B 拼写 C 意义 D 读音92. By this means, they were able to communicate effectively. A 通过这封信 B 通过这种方法 C 通过这个工具 D 通过这个人Unit 5293. They ordered from the menu at the restaurant.A 菜单 B 书本 C 报纸 D 杂志94. They arr

    20、ived just after midnight.A 清晨 B 黄昏 C 午夜 D 正午95. She mixed the ingredients in a bowl.A 冷却 B 分离 C 加热 D 混合96. They climbed the mountain at dawn.A 森林 B 河流 C 山 D 平原97. The movement of the dancers was graceful.A 运动 B 静止 C 声音 D 颜色98. The museum is closed on Mondays.A 博物馆 B 图书馆 C 电影院 D 剧院99. It is necessary

    21、 to wear a helmet.A 不必要的 B 可选的 C 必要的 D 无关的100. The fisherman cast his net into the sea.A 鱼饵 B 绳索 C 钓竿 D 网101. He gave a nod to greet her.A 点头 B 招手 C 拥抱 D 握手Unit 53102. Take notes during the lecture.A 演讲 B 休息 C 讨论 D 记笔记103. I didnt notice the sign until now.A 忽视 B 注意到 C 忘记 D 记住104. The object is too

    22、small to see clearly.A 物体 B 目标 C 人物 D 地点105. They offered her a job at the company.A 拒绝 B 提供 C 忽视 D 接受106. The official language of France is French.A 地方的 B 普通的 C 官方的 D 古老的107. She gave an oral presentation.A 书面的 B 口头的 C 视觉的 D 听觉的108. She will organize the event.A 推迟 B 参加 C 取消 D 组织109. You ought to

    23、review your notes before the exam.A 应当 B 不必 C 可以 D 不能Unit 54110. She wore a warm overcoat in winter.A 衬衫 B 外套 C 裙子 D 短裤111. The owner of the shop greeted us warmly.A 员工 B 顾客 C 店主 D 供应商112. He is a talented painter.A 画家 B 木匠 C 石匠 D 电工113. She looked pale and unwell.A 红润的 B 苍白的 C 黑暗的 D 明亮的114. She is

    24、very patient with her students.A快速的 B 粗心的 C 耐心的 D 慢慢的115. They live in peace with their neighbors.A 竞争 B 战争 C 冲突 D 和平116. Perhaps we should reconsider our decision.A 绝不 B 一定 C 或许 D 从不117. She baked an apple pie for dessert.A 饼干 B 面包 C 派 D 蛋糕118. The pipe burst in the freezing weather.A 管道 B 灯泡 C 玻璃

    25、D 瓶子Unit 55119. Reading books brings me pleasure.A. 快乐 B. 痛苦 C. 疲劳 D. 烦恼120. She keeps her money in a pocket.A. 保险箱 B. 钱包 C. 口袋 D. 银行121. What is the point of this discussion?A. 分数 B. 目的 C. 地点 D. 时间122. It is possible to learn a new language.A. 可能的 B. 不可能的 C. 困难的 D. 容易的123. Practice makes perfect.A.

    26、 演讲 B. 表演 C. 练习 D. 比赛124. She prepares meals every day.A. 拒绝 B. 放弃 C. 忽视 D. 准备125. The present situation is challenging.A. 当前的 B. 过去的 C. 将来的 D. 历史的126. Prevent the spread of the virus.A. 忽视 B. 促进 C. 防止 D. 放任Unit 56127. He printed the document on the printer.A 打印 B 删除 C 保存 D 复制128. We are making prog

    27、ress in our studies.A 退步 B 停滞不前 C 取得进步 D 放弃129. She is proud of her childrens achievements.A 为.担忧 B 为.自豪 C 为.生气 D 为.羞愧130. The water is pure and clean.A 纯净的 B 污浊的 C 温暖的 D 寒冷的131. They won the race by a narrow margin.A 会议 B 休息 C 表演 D 比赛132. The rate of inflation is increasing.A 价格 B 速率 C 价值 D 质量133.

    28、What is the reason for your visit?A 原因 B 结果 C 过程 D 方法134. We need to reduce our carbon footprint.A 减少 B 增加 C 保持 D 忽视135. We regard him as a role model.A 忽视 B 把.看作 C 忘记 D 拒绝136. Do you remember the first day of school?A 猜测 B 忘记 C 想象 D 记得Unit 57137. She replied to the email promptly.A. 忽视 B. 回复 C. 删除

    29、D. 转发138. The result of the test was excellent.A. 结果 B. 原因 C. 过程 D. 方法139. She had to rush to catch the bus.A. 等待 B. 赶忙 C. 放弃 D. 停止140. The sale starts tomorrow.A. 生产 B. 购买 C. 销售 D. 分配141. The beach is covered with sand.A. 草 B. 石头 C. 沙子 D. 树木142. The accident scene was shocking.A.房间 B. 场景 C. 舞台 D. 剧

    30、院143. She is a renowned scientist.A.医生 B. 艺术家 C. 工程师 D. 科学家144. She seldom eats sweets.A. 很少 B. 经常 C. 总是 D. 从不Unit 58145. They agreed to share the cost of the project.A 选择 B 花费 C 赚钱 D 分享146. The sun shines brightly on a clear day.A 刮风 B 下雨 C 照耀 D 闪电147. She shut the window to keep out the cold.A 关闭

    31、B 打开 C 修理 D 清洁148. He sighed deeply, feeling tired.A 哭泣 B 笑声 C 咳嗽 D 叹气149. The instructions were simple to follow.A 复杂的 B 简单的 C 详细的 D 模糊的150. She has excellent skills in photography.A 技能 B 兴趣 C 爱好 D 知识151. She looks smart in her new outfit.A 聪明的 B 愚蠢的 C 漂亮的 D 丑陋的152. The plants grow well in this ric

    32、h soil.A 水 B 土壤 C 空气 D 阳光153. She helped him sort his clothes.A 丢弃 B 清洗 C 折叠 D 分类Unit 59154. The southern part of the country has a different climate.A 南方的 B 北方的 C 东方的 D 西方的155. He gave a speech at the graduation ceremony.A 诗歌 B 演讲 C 歌曲 D 舞蹈156. Spring is a time of renewal and growth.A 春天 B 夏天 C 秋天

    33、D 冬天157. She collected stamps from around the world.A 纸币 B 纪念币 C 邮票 D 硬币158. It is wrong to steal from others.A借用 B 偷窃 C 购买 D 归还159. The teacher is very strict with her students.A 友好的 B 宽容的 C 温柔的 D 严格的160. Add a spoonful of sugar to the coffee.A 糖 B 盐 C 蜂蜜 D 醋161. She recorded her voice on the tape.

    34、A 线 B. 绳子 C. 磁带 D. 夹子162. Therefore, we must act quickly.A 然而 B 因此 C 否则 D 另外163. She had a thought and wrote it down.A小说 B 书信 C 诗歌 D 想法Unit 60164. He used a tool to fix the broken chair.A 书本 B 工具 C 食物 D 衣服165. They took a tour of the historical city.A 表演 B 会议 C 演讲 D 旅行166. She went upstairs to her b

    35、edroom.A 上楼 B 下楼 C 出门 D 进屋167. The view from the top of the hill was breathtaking.A 想法 B 意见 C 视野 D 感想168. Today is Wednesday.A 星期日 B 星期一 C 星期五 D 星期三169. She is well-known for her paintings.A 未知的 B 著名的 C 普通的 D 陌生的170. The wild animals roam freely in the park.A 野生动物 B 宠物 C 家禽 D 家畜171. The concert was

    36、wonderful.A 精彩的 B 无聊的 C 恐怖的 D 悲伤的三级词汇检测表 Round 2172. She finally accepted the job offer.A 接受 B 拒绝 C 提供 D 申请173. He gave me some good advice.A 请求 B 命令 C 建议 D 警告174. She planned ahead for the trip.A 忘记 B 延迟 C 放弃 D 提前175. She read the poem aloud to the class.A 悄悄地 B 大声地 C 缓慢地 D 快速地176. The area is know

    37、n for its natural beauty.A 城市 B 地区 C 国家 D 街道177. They met at the bar for drinks.A 咖啡馆 B 书店 C 餐厅 D 酒吧178. The beauty of the sunset was breathtaking.A 美丽 B 丑陋 C 普通 D 简单179. This book belongs to the library.A 卖掉 B 借给 C 买下 D 属于180. A billion stars shine in the sky.A 十亿 B 一百万 C 一千 D 一万181. She broke her

    38、leg bone in the accident.A 骨头 B 肌肉 C 皮肤 D 血液182. He was brave enough to face his fears.A 聪明的 B 愚蠢的C 勇敢的 D 懦弱的 183. The bridge connects two parts of the city.A 桥梁 B 道路 C 隧道 D 高架184. She brushed her teeth before bed.A 洗澡 B 刷牙 C 梳头 D 洗脸185. Try to keep calm in stressful situations.A 兴奋 B 焦虑 C 平静 D 激动18

    39、6. The captain steered the ship safely.A 游客 B 水手 C 乘客 D 船长187. The central park is a popular spot for tourists.A 中央的 B 边缘的 C 高的 D 低的188. She took a chance and applied for the job.A 风险 B 挑战 C 机会 D 考试189. We cheered for our team at the game.A 为.哭泣 B 为.欢呼 C 为.担忧 D 为.祈祷190. She studies chemistry at univ

    40、ersity.A 生物 B 物理 C 数学 D 化学191. You have a choice of two options.A 命令 B 决定 C 选择 D 建议192. She joined a book club last month.A 社团 B 俱乐部 C 组织 D 团队193. The coin is made of silver.A 硬币 B 纸币 C 钞票 D 货币194. The project is now complete.A开始的 B 完成的 C 中间的 D 结束的195. She is content with the results.A 失望的 B 满意的 C 担

    41、心的 D 惊讶的196. We will continue the discussion tomorrow.A 放弃 B 停止 C 开始 D 继续197. Your answer is correct.A 错误的 B 正确的 C 一般的 D 不确定198. There is no cure for the common cold.A 诊断 B 预防 C 检查 D 治疗199. The customer was satisfied with the service.A老板 B 员工 C 顾客 D 供应商200. Be careful, there is danger ahead.A 平静 B 安

    42、全 C 快乐 D 危险201. She decided to go to college.A 决定 B 犹豫 C 放弃 D 询问202. The team suffered a defeat in the final match.A 比赛 B 胜利 C 平局 D 失败203. There is a high demand for skilled workers.A价格 B 供应 C 需求 D 质量204. The depth of the ocean is incredible.A宽度 B 长度 C 深度 D 高度205. Volunteering can really make a diff

    43、erence in someones life.A 产生影响 B 制造麻烦 C 保持距离 D 寻找机会206. They dug a hole to plant the tree.A 移除 B 填充 C 种植 D 挖掘207. Follow the directions to reach the destination.A 指示 B 方向 C 路线 D 信号208. They discussed the project in detail.A 讨论 B 忽略 C 完成 D 延迟209. There is no doubt that hard work pays off.A 疑问 B 信心 C

    44、信任 D 怀疑210. She dreams of traveling the world.A 回忆 B 计划 C 梦想 D 担心211. The edge of the cliff is dangerous.A 顶部 B 中间 C 底部 D 边缘212. The entrance to the museum is on the left.A 入口 B 出口 C 窗户 D 门213. All citizens are equal under the law.A 更差的 B 不同的 C 更好的 D 平等的214. Here is an example of a well-written essa

    45、y.A结果 B 示例 C 方法 D 过程215. We expect the delivery to arrive soon.A 期待 B 忘记 C 拒绝 D 放弃216. Can you explain the concept to me?A 承认 B 忽略 C 解释 D 否认217. This dress is in fashion this season.A 过时 B 时尚 C 传统 D 古老218. She feeds her dog twice a day.A 喂食 B 洗澡 C 散步 D 训练219. Could you fetch the mail for me?A 读取 B 扔掉 C 拆开 D 取回220. This is the final chapter of the book.A 开始的 B 中间的 C 最终的 D 继续的221. She works for a large firm.A 医院 B 家庭 C 学校 D 公司222. The national flag is a symbol of the country.A 旗帜 B 花 B 树 D 河223. They rented


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