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    读后续写各类情绪 清单 -2025届高三英语上学期一轮复习专项.docx

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    读后续写各类情绪 清单 -2025届高三英语上学期一轮复习专项.docx

    1、读后续写各类情绪 清单-2025届高三英语上学期一轮复习专项一、词汇1. 高兴: - joyful / delighted / happy / cheerful / elated / thrilled / overjoyed - in high spirits / on cloud nine / full of joy2. 悲伤: - sad / sorrowful / depressed / heartbroken / gloomy / miserable - in low spirits / down in the dumps / filled with sadness3. 愤怒: - a

    2、ngry / furious / outraged / enraged / mad / irritated - boiling with anger / seething with rage / losing ones temper4. 害怕: - afraid / fearful / scared / terrified / frightened / petrified - trembling with fear / filled with fear / in fear and trembling5. 焦虑: - anxious / worried / nervous / uneasy /

    3、apprehensive - on pins and needles / filled with anxiety / in a state of anxiety6. 惊讶: - surprised / astonished / amazed / shocked / stunned - taken aback / in surprise / with surprise7. 感动: - moved / touched / emotional / affected - with tears in ones eyes / deeply moved / touched to the core8. 自信:

    4、 - confident / self-assured / sure of oneself / bold - with confidence / full of confidence / having faith in oneself9. 失望: - disappointed / discouraged / let down / frustrated - in disappointment / feeling disappointed / downhearted10. 希望: - hopeful / optimistic / hopeful / looking forward to - wit

    5、h hope / full of hope / in the hope of11. 爱: - love / affection / fondness / caring - deeply in love / filled with love / having affection for12. 感激: - grateful / thankful / appreciative - with gratitude / full of thanks / thankful for13. 内疚: - guilty / remorseful / ashamed - filled with guilt / fee

    6、ling guilty / with a sense of guilt14. 孤独: - lonely / alone / isolated / solitary - feeling lonely / in solitude / all alone15. 疲劳: - tired / exhausted / weary / fatigued - worn out / feeling tired / in a state of fatigue二、句子积累和段落实例高兴:- 句子积累: - Her face lit up with joy when she saw the surprise. - H

    7、e couldnt contain his happiness and jumped for joy. - A smile spread across her face, showing her delight. - They were filled with joy and laughter. - His heart was overflowing with happiness.- 段落实例: When she received the gift, her eyes sparkled with excitement. She opened it eagerly and let out a s

    8、queal of delight. It was exactly what she had always wanted. Her face lit up like a Christmas tree, and she couldnt stop smiling. She hugged the gift tightly to her chest, feeling a warmth spread through her body. At that moment, she was the happiest person in the world.悲伤:- 句子积累: - Tears welled up

    9、in her eyes and spilled down her cheeks. - He felt a deep sadness wash over him. - Her heart ached with grief. - The pain was so intense that she could hardly breathe. - A sense of loss filled her heart.- 段落实例: She sat alone in the corner, her head in her hands. Tears streamed down her face, as she

    10、thought about the loss. The memories flooded back, making her heart ache even more. She felt like a part of her was missing, and she didnt know how to fill the void. The sadness was overwhelming, and she couldnt stop crying. She wished things could be different, but she knew it was too late.愤怒:- 句子积

    11、累: - His face flushed with anger as he shouted at them. - She was furious and couldnt control her temper. - He clenched his fists, his eyes blazing with rage. - The anger boiled up inside him, ready to explode. - She was so angry that she could feel her blood boiling.- 段落实例: His face turned red with

    12、 anger as he saw what had happened. He couldnt believe their stupidity and recklessness. He clenched his fists tightly, his knuckles turning white. How could you do this? he shouted, his voice trembling with rage. You have no idea what youve done! He stormed around the room, kicking things over in h

    13、is fury. Everyone backed away, afraid of his anger.害怕:- 句子积累: - Her heart pounded in her chest as she felt the fear creeping up on her. - He was so scared that his legs turned to jelly. - A shiver ran down her spine at the thought of it. - The fear gripped her, making it hard to move. - She was terr

    14、ified and couldnt stop shaking.- 段落实例: She stood in the dark alley, her heart pounding wildly. Every sound seemed amplified, and she could feel the fear creeping up on her. She wanted to run, but her legs felt like they were stuck in quicksand. A shiver ran down her spine as she heard a strange nois

    15、e. She looked around, her eyes wide with terror. She was sure something was going to jump out at her any moment.焦虑:- 句子积累: - She was worried sick about the exam. - He paced back and forth, his mind filled with anxiety. - The uncertainty was driving her crazy. - She felt a knot in her stomach, a sign

    16、 of her anxiety. - His hands were sweaty, a result of his nervousness.- 段落实例: She sat at her desk, staring at the books in front of her. Her mind was racing, thinking about all the things that could go wrong in the exam. She had studied hard, but she still felt anxious. What if she forgot everything

    17、? What if she couldnt answer the questions? The more she thought about it, the more anxious she became. She started to bite her nails, a habit she had when she was nervous.惊讶:- 句子积累: - Her eyes widened in surprise when she saw the scene. - He was shocked at what he had just heard. - She couldnt beli

    18、eve her eyes. - The surprise was written all over his face. - She was taken aback by the news.- 段落实例: When she walked into the room, she was met with a surprising sight. There were balloons and streamers everywhere, and a big cake on the table. She couldnt believe her eyes. Whats going on? she asked

    19、, her voice filled with confusion. Her friends and family jumped out from behind the furniture, shouting Surprise! She was so shocked that she stood there for a moment, not knowing what to say. Then, a smile spread across her face as she realized what was happening.感动:- 句子积累: - Her eyes filled with

    20、tears as she felt the warmth of their kindness. - He was deeply moved by their gesture. - The act of love and generosity touched her heart. - She was overwhelmed with emotion. - A tear rolled down her cheek as she felt the sincerity of their words.- 段落实例: As she listened to their words, her eyes fil

    21、led with tears. She had never felt so loved and appreciated before. The kindness and support they showed her touched her heart deeply. She couldnt help but cry, but these were tears of happiness and gratitude. She felt lucky to have such wonderful people in her life. At that moment, she knew that sh

    22、e would never forget this feeling.自信:- 句子积累: - She walked into the room with confidence, her head held high. - He believed in himself and his abilities. - She had a self-assured smile on her face. - He was confident that he could handle the situation. - Her confidence shone through in everything she

    23、 did.- 段落实例: She stood in front of the audience, feeling confident and ready. She had prepared for this moment for a long time, and she knew she had what it took. She took a deep breath and began to speak. Her voice was clear and strong, and she could feel the confidence flowing through her. She mad

    24、e eye contact with the people in the room, and she could see that they were listening intently. She knew that she was making a good impression, and that filled her with pride.失望:- 句子积累: - Her hopes were dashed when she heard the news. - He felt disappointed and let down. - The look on her face showe

    25、d her disappointment. - She had expected more, but it didnt turn out as she had hoped. - His heart sank at the thought of it.- 段落实例: She opened the envelope, hoping to find the letter she had been waiting for. But when she saw the contents, her face fell. It wasnt what she had expected at all. She f

    26、elt a sense of disappointment wash over her. She had put so much hope into this, and now it had all come to nothing. She sat down on the bed, feeling defeated. She didnt know what to do next.希望:- 句子积累: - She looked forward to the future with hope in her eyes. - He held onto hope, even in the darkest

    27、 of times. - The hope for a better tomorrow kept her going. - She could feel the hope rising within her. - Hope was like a beacon, guiding her through the difficult times.- 段落实例: Despite the challenges she faced, she never lost hope. She knew that there was always a chance for things to get better.

    28、She kept working hard, believing that one day her dreams would come true. Every morning, she woke up with a sense of hope in her heart. She looked forward to the new day, knowing that it could bring new opportunities. And even when things seemed bleak, she held onto that hope, like a lifeline.爱:- 句子

    29、积累: - His love for her was unconditional. - She felt loved and cherished. - The look in his eyes showed his deep love. - Love filled the room, making it feel warm and cozy. - She knew that his love would last forever.- 段落实例: He looked at her with so much love in his eyes. It was a love that was beyo

    30、nd words, a love that could only be felt. He reached out and took her hand, holding it tightly. She could feel the warmth of his love flowing through her. They didnt need to say anything, because their love spoke volumes. In that moment, they were connected in a way that was indescribable.感激:- 句子积累:

    31、 - She was grateful for their help and support. - He expressed his gratitude with a heartfelt thank you. - The gratitude she felt was overwhelming. - She couldnt thank them enough for what they had done. - His words were filled with gratitude.- 段落实例: She looked at them with tears of gratitude in her

    32、 eyes. I dont know how to thank you enough for what youve done, she said. You have saved my life. They smiled at her and said, It was our pleasure to help you. She felt a sense of warmth and love in her heart. She knew that she would never forget their kindness and generosity. From that day on, she

    33、made a promise to herself to pay it forward and help others whenever she could.内疚:- 句子积累: - He felt guilty for what he had done. - The guilt ate away at him. - She couldnt look them in the eye, feeling ashamed of her actions. - He knew that he had to make things right to ease his guilt. - The sense

    34、of guilt was overwhelming.- 段落实例: He sat alone, his head in his hands. The guilt was overwhelming him, and he couldnt shake the feeling. He knew that he had made a mistake, and he couldnt forgive himself for it. He thought about all the people he had hurt, and the pain he had caused. He wished he co

    35、uld go back and change things, but he knew it was too late. He decided that he had to do something to make amends, even if it took him a lifetime.孤独:- 句子积累: - She felt alone in the world, with no one to turn to. - The loneliness was like a heavy weight on her shoulders. - He sat in the corner, alone

    36、 and isolated. - She longed for someone to share her feelings with. - The emptiness inside her was unbearable.- 段落实例: She walked through the empty streets, feeling alone and lost. The world around her seemed so big and cold, and she felt like a tiny speck in the universe. She had no one to talk to,

    37、no one to share her joys and sorrows with. She felt like she was invisible, like no one cared about her. The loneliness was crushing her, and she didnt know how to escape it.疲劳:- 句子积累: - She was so tired that she could hardly keep her eyes open. - He felt exhausted after a long days work. - The fati

    38、gue made her limbs feel heavy. - She was completely worn out. - His body ached with tiredness.- 段落实例: She dragged herself into the house, her body aching with fatigue. She had been working hard all day, and she was completely exhausted. She collapsed onto the sofa, not even bothering to take off her shoes. Her eyes closed, and she drifted off to sleep almost immediately. She knew that she needed to rest, but she also knew that there was still so much to do.


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