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    初中英语新外研版七年级上册Unit 4 Time to celebrate单词讲解(2024秋).doc

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    初中英语新外研版七年级上册Unit 4 Time to celebrate单词讲解(2024秋).doc

    1、七年级英语上册Unit 4单词讲解1.Unusual (形容词) 不平常的 - usual (形容词) 寻常的;普通的 - usually (副词) 通常;一般地常见搭配an unusual day 不寻常的一天;As usual 像往常一样Usual place 老地方知识拓展un- 为否定前缀类似词:happy (开心的) - unhappy (不开心的); healthy (健康的) - unhealthy (不健康的);Eg:This is an unusual day for me. 对我来说,这是不寻常的一天。2.Treat (动词) 请客;款待;招待常见搭配 treat sb.

    2、as “把看作”Eg: My host family treated me well. 我的房东对我很好。Mum always treats me as a child. 妈妈总是把我当成孩子。Today Ill treat. 今天我请客。3.British (形容词) 英国的;英国人的 - Britain (名词) 英国常见搭配British friend 英国朋友4.However (副词) 然而;不过;但是知识拓展(1)表示让步,意为“无论如何”“不管怎样”,用来修饰形容词或副词,词序为:however + 形容词或副词 + 主语 + 谓语。(2)表示转折,意为“但是”等。可位于句首、句

    3、中或句末,常用逗号与句子其它成分隔开。Eg: However cold it is, he always goes swimming. 不管天气多冷,他总是去游泳。My room is small, however, its comfortable. 我的房间很小,但却很舒服。5.Could (动词) 能,会,可以 (是can的过去式)知识拓展could本身也可以用于非过去时态的句子中,用来表示请求,此时语气比can更委婉。注意:could没有人称的变化,其后动词需用原形。Eg: She said that she couldnt come. 她说她不来了。Could I use your b

    4、ike, please? 我可以用一下你的自行车吗?6.Anything (代词) 任何事物 - (该词为不定代词)知识拓展(1)作主语时,谓语动词常用单数。(2)在否定句或疑问句中,也可意为“某件/些事物”Eg: If she wants anything,she need to only ask. 她想要什么东西,只要开一下口就行了。There isnt anything important in todays newspaper. 今天报纸上没有什么重要的事。7.Myself (代词) 我本人;我自己 - (复数形式) ourselves - (该词为反身代词)知识拓展 其它反身代词有:

    5、yourself (你自己); himself (他自己); herself (她自己); itself (它自己); yourselves (你们自己); themselves (他们自己)常见搭配enjoy myself 玩得高兴;过得愉快Eg: I enjoyed myself last night at the party. 昨晚在派对上我玩得很高兴。8.Whole (形容词) 全部的;整个的 (名词) 整个;全部;整体常见搭配the whole day = all day 一整天My whole family 我的整个家庭;全家知识拓展whole与all区别whole常用于修饰单数可

    6、数名词;位于冠词、指示代词、物主代词及名词所有格之后。all常用于修饰不可数名词或复数可数名词;位于定冠词、指示代词、物主代词及名词所有格之前。Eg: This whole holiday has passed quickly. 整个假期都过的很快。They walked all the way. 他们一路上都是步行。9.Become (动词) 成为,变成知识拓展后接名词时:表示变成某人身份或状态。后接形容词时:表示具有某种属性或状态。后接过去分词时:表示被动或状态的改变。Eg: They became great friends. 他们成了莫逆之交。She became very fond

    7、of reading. 她变得非常喜欢阅读。The room soon became crowded. 房间很快变得拥挤。10.Even (副词) 甚至;即使知识拓展主要用在表示意外的词语前加强语气,可用来修饰动词、名词或形容词比较级。在句中常位于be动词、助动词或情态动词之后,实义动词之前。Eg: He never even opened the letter. 他根本没打开过那封信。Even a child can understand it. 就连小孩子也能理解。Shes even more cleverer than her sister. 她甚至比她姐姐还聪明。11.Hang (动词

    8、) 悬挂 (其过去式为hung;过去分词为hung)知识拓展该词还可意为“绞死” (其过去式为hanged;过去分词为hanged)常见搭配hang out 闲逛Hang on a minute! 稍等一下! Hang up 挂断电话Eg: Welcoming banners hung across the streets. 欢迎的横幅悬挂在街道上。12.Dish (名词) (烹制好的)菜肴,一道菜,盘 (动词) 分发;提供注意:dish为可数名词常见搭配dish out 分发;给予Dish up 上(菜)Eg: a glass dish 玻璃盘A fish dish 一盘鱼Can you d

    9、ish out the potatoes, please? 你给大家分一下土豆好吗?13.Joke (动词) 说笑话;开玩笑 (名词) 玩笑常见搭配funny joke 有趣的笑话Tell a joke 讲笑话Play a joke 开玩笑Eg: Dont take it seriously, hes only joking. 他是在说笑话,别当真。His brother would like him to tell a joke. 他哥哥想要他讲一个笑话。14.Against (介词) 违背;与.相悖常见搭配be against doing sth. 反对做某事Against the law

    10、 违法Fight against 与.作斗争Lean against . 靠在.上Eg: She is against seeing him. 她不想见他。The ladder was leaning against the tree. 梯子靠着树。15.Shocked (形容词) 震惊的 (修饰人)派生词: shocking (形容词) 令人震惊的 (修饰物)shock (动词)(使)震惊 (名词) 震惊常见搭配in shock 震惊;吃惊Be shocked to do sth. 做某事很吃惊Be shocked at . 对.感到震惊Eg: Hes still in a state of

    11、 shock. 他至今还惊魂未定。I was shocked to hear that he had resigned. 听到他辞职的消息我感到很震惊。16.Laugh (动词) 发出笑声;(大)笑 - laughter (名词) 笑;笑声常见搭配laugh at . 嘲笑.知识拓展smile 微笑;beam 笑容满面;simper 傻笑; roar 哄笑;sneer 冷笑Eg: You shouldnt laugh at others. 你不应该嘲笑他人。17.Round (形容词) 原形的;环形的 (副词) 周围;围绕 (介词) 在.周围;环绕派生词:around (副词) 围绕常见搭配r

    12、ound shape 圆形Round off 使圆满结束Round up 抓捕;逮捕Go around . 围着.转Eg: This is a round pool. 这是一个原形的池塘。The earth goes around the sun. 地球围着太阳转。18.Shape (名词) 形状;外形常见搭配in shape 情况;健康In the shape of . 以. 形状Out of shape 变形 Eg: I like to keep in shape. 我喜欢保持健康。The cloud was in the shape of a horse. 那云呈现出马的形状。19.Pi

    13、ece (名词) 片;块;段;张常见搭配a piece of paper 一张纸A piece of bread 一片面包In pieces 碎片Eg: I had a piece of bread and milk this morning. 今天早上我吃了一片面包喝了牛奶。The chair is in pieces. 那把椅子碎了。20.Knife (名词) 刀 - (复数形式) knives常见搭配fork and knife 刀叉Eg: I use the fork and knife. 我用刀子和叉子。21.Smell (名词) 气味; (连系动词) “闻起来”知识拓展 作连系动词

    14、时,其后跟形容词作表语Eg: There is a strange smell in the air. 空气中有一种奇怪的味道。The fish smells bad. 这条鱼闻起来坏了。22.Fill (动词) (使)充满;装满常见搭配 fill out = fill in 填写(表格等)fill with 用把填满be filled with = be full of 装满、充满Eg: The bag is filled with books. = The bag is full of books. 这个包里装满了书。Please fill out the form. 请填写这份表格。23

    15、.Meal (名词) 一餐;饭 - (为可数名词)常见搭配have a meal 进餐;吃饭Family meal 家庭聚餐A large meal 一顿丰富的饭Eg: Try not to eat between meals. 两餐之间尽量别吃东西。Enjoy your meal. 请用餐。24.Hate (动词) 讨厌;不喜欢常见搭配hate to do sth./ hate doing sth. 讨厌做某事Eg: He hated to be away from his family. 他很不愿意离开家。She hates making mistakes. 她讨厌出错。25.Spend

    16、(动词) 读过;消磨;花(时间)常见搭配人 + spend + 时间 + doing sth. 花时间做某事人 + spend + 钱 + on sth. 花钱买某物知识拓展It takes/took sb. (宾格) + 时间 + to do sth. 花时间做某事人 + pay 钱 for sth. = 物 cost 人(宾格) 钱 花钱买某物Eg: I spent two hours finishing my work. = It took me two hours to finish my work.我花了两个小时完成我的工作。I spent forty yuan on this bo

    17、ok. = I paid forty yuan for this book. = This book cost me forty yuan.我花了四十元买这本书。26.Alone (副词) 独自;单独知识拓展alone与lonely区别:Lonely为形容词,译为“孤独的;偏僻的”; alone为副词,译为“独自一人”Eg: The old man lives alone but he doesnt feel lonely. 那位老人独自一人居住但他不感到孤单。27.Miss (动词) 思念;想念;错过常见搭配miss doing sth. 错过做某事Eg: She missed catchi

    18、ng the bus. 她错过赶上这班车了。She missed the first bus. 她错过了头班车。28.Taste (名词) 味道;滋味; (动词) “品尝” 后接宾语知识拓展taste (连系动词) “尝起来” 后接形容词 或介词短语作表语 Eg: Sugar has a sweet taste. 糖有种甜甜的味道。May I taste it? 我可以品尝一下吗?The cakes taste delicious. 蛋糕尝起来很美味。29.Common (形容词) 常见的;普通的常见搭配common language 共同语言In common 共同的;共有的Eg: We h

    19、appened to discover we had a friend in common.我们凑巧发现我们有一个共同的朋友。30.Celebrate (动词) 庆祝 - celebration (名词) 庆祝31.Stay (动词) 保持原状;维持;停留 (名词) 停留;逗留常见搭配stay at home 呆在家里Stay up 熬夜Stay healthy 保持健康Eg: He never stays angry for long. 他生气时间从来不会长。Hes staying with friends this weekend. 这个周末他要和几个朋友一起过。32.Double (形容

    20、词) 成双的 (名词) 两倍;双打常见搭配a double 两倍;两个a double room 双人房Eg:Is that a single or a double you want? 你想要的是单人房还是双人房?33.Part (名词) 部分;区域;参加 (动词) 分别;分开常见搭配the best part of the festival 节日最好的部分part with 放弃;交出A part of . .的一部分Take part in . 参加.Eg: Weve done the difficult part of the job. 我们完成了工作的困难部分。34.Crowded

    21、(形容词) 挤满的;拥挤的 - crowd (名词) 人群;群众常见搭配be crowded with . 挤满了Eg: This is a crowded street. 这是一条拥挤的街道。The place is crowed with skiers. 这个地方满是滑雪的人。35.North (名词) 北;北方 - northern (形容词) 北方的常见搭配in the north (of .) 在(.的) 北方知识拓展其它方位:south 南方;east 东方;west 西方;northwest 西北; northeast 东北;southwest 西南;southeast 东南Eg

    22、: She lives in the north of China. 她住在中国北方。36.Sweet (形容词) 甜的;味甜的 (名词) 糖果;甜点 - (复数形式)sweets注意:sweet作名词时,常以复数形式出现常见搭配have a sweet tooth 对甜食的喜爱Eg: Add more honey if you have a sweet tooth. 如果你喜欢吃甜食就多加点蜂蜜。37.Salty (形容词) 咸的;含盐的 - salt (名词) 盐38.Prefer (动词) 更喜欢常见搭配prefer to do sth. 钟爱做某事prefer 名词、代词、动词ing

    23、+ to + 名词、代词、动词ing; “喜欢胜过”prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. “宁愿做某事也不愿做某事”Eg: She preferred to live with her mum. 她喜欢和她妈妈住在一起。He prefers riding a bike to driving. 他喜欢骑自行车胜过开车。I prefer to read magazines rather than watch TV. 我宁愿读杂志也不愿看电视。39.waste (动词) “浪费;滥用”常见搭配waste time/ money on sth. 在上浪费时间/金钱

    24、waste time/ money (in) doing sth. 浪费时间/金钱做某事Paper/ Food/ Wood waste 纸/食物/木材浪费Eg: We shouldnt waste time playing computer games. 我们不应该浪费时间玩游戏。40.Present (名词) 礼物;赠品 (动词) 呈递;展现;介绍 (形容词) 目前的常见搭配give present 送礼物present the prizes 颁奖present sb. to sb. 把某人介绍给某人Birthday present/ gift 生日礼物At present 现在;目前Eg:

    25、 My father gave a book as my birthday present. 我父亲给我一本书作为生日礼物。41. Pollution (名词) 污染 - pollute (动词) 污染常见搭配air pollution 空气污染Noise pollution 噪音污染Water pollution 水污染Eg: The river is polluted. 这条河被污染了。42.Cause (动词) 导致;引起 (名词) 原因常见搭配cause sb. sth. = cause sth. to sb. 给某人造成.the cause of 的原因Eg: The poor ha

    26、rvest caused prices to rise sharply. 收成不好导致物价急剧上涨。The cause of this accident is careless. 这场车祸的原因是粗心所致。43.Duty (名词) (道德或法律上的)义务;责任常见搭配sense of duty 责任感On duty 值班;当值Eg: Its the first day Im on duty. 这是我第一天上班。It is my duty to report it to the police. 把这事报告给警方是我的责任。44.Shine (动词) 发光;发亮 (名词) 阳光;光亮 - suns

    27、hine (名词) 阳光Eg: The sun is shining. 阳光明媚。45.Mean (动词) 意思是;表示.的意思 - meaning (名词) 意思常见搭配Mean to do sth. “打算做某事”Mean doing sth. “意味着.”The meaning of . “.的意思”Have meaning to sb. 对某人有特殊意义Eg: I didnt mean to hurt your feelings. 我本不打算伤害你的感情。Nonresistance doesnt necessarily mean doing nothing. 不抵抗不一定意味着什么都不

    28、去做。Whats the meaning of the words? 这些词是什么意思?The meeting has meaning to us. 这次会议对我们有特殊意义。46.Break (名词) 短暂的假期;休假 (动词) 打破;损坏常见搭配have a break = have a rest 休息Break down 分解;崩溃Break in 打断;闯入Break into 闯入;破门而入Break out 爆发;发生Break up 打碎Break up with 分手;断交Break off 中断Eg: Lets take a break. 让咱们休息一会儿吧。47.Thirs

    29、ty (形容词) 渴的;口渴的常见搭配be thirsty for . 渴求.Eg: Im thirsty, can I have a drink? 我口渴了,可以喝一杯吗?She is thirsty for success. 她渴望成功。48.Patient (名词) 病人;患者 (形容词) 有耐心的常见搭配be patient with . 对.有耐心Eg: There is one particular patient Id like you to see. 我想让你见一个病人。Our teacher is patient with her. 我们的老师对我很有耐心。 49.Regre

    30、t (动词) 后悔;对.感到遗憾常见搭配regret to do sth. 指因将要做某事而感到遗憾、抱歉regret doing sth. 指因做了某事而后悔Eg: I regret to tell you Im willing but unable. 我遗憾地对你说我心有余而力不足。Kate regretted selling her old house. 凯特后悔卖了她的旧房子。50.Decision (名词) 决定;抉择 - decide (动词) 决定常见搭配decide to do sth. 决定做某事Make a decision 做决定Eg: We decided to go

    31、there by train. 我们决定坐火车去那。51.Most (代词) 大多数;大部分;几乎全部注意:most是many/ much的最高级,其对应的比较级形式是more常见搭配most of . .的大多数Eg: I spent most time on the first question. 我在第一个问题上花的时间最多。52.Support (动词) 支持 - supporter (名词) 拥护者;支持者53.Medical (形容词) 医学的;医疗的 - medicine (名词) 药常见搭配medical advice 遗嘱Medical tool 医疗工具Take some

    32、medicine 吃药Eg: Microscope is a powerful aid in medical research. 显微镜在医学的研究是有力的辅助工具。Do you need to take some medicine? 你需要吃药吗?54.Bright (副词) 光明地;明亮地 (形容词) 明亮的;有希望的Eg: Youre up bright and early today! 你今天起的很早啊!Bright light 强光Bright red 鲜红55.Festive (形容词) 欢乐的;欢庆的 - festival (名词) 节日;喜庆日常见搭配a festive atmosphere 节日的气氛Eg: The whole family is in a festive atmosphere. 全家人都沉浸在节日的气氛中。7


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