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    初中英语新人教版七年级上册Unit 1 You and Me Section A How do we get to know each other知识点(2024秋).doc

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    初中英语新人教版七年级上册Unit 1 You and Me Section A How do we get to know each other知识点(2024秋).doc

    1、七年级英语上册Unit1 SA知识点1.How do we make new friends ? 我们如何交新朋友?【用法详解】Make friends译为“交朋友”,如果要表达“和某人交朋友”则用“make friends with sB.”的结构。Eg: She wants to make friends with Lucy.她想要和露西交朋友。【即学即用】1.让我们和他交朋友吧! (汉译英)Lets _make_ _friends_ _with_ him.2.Introduce yourself.自我介绍。【用法详解】 Introduce (动词) “介绍”常见搭配:Introduce

    2、A to B 把A介绍给BIntroduce oneself 自我介绍Eg: Please introduce me to Mary.请把我介绍给玛丽。Please introduce yourself.请你做一个自我介绍。【知识拓展】(1)yourself为反身代词,译为“你自己”,其复数形式常为yourselves“你们自己”其它反身代词有:myself (我自己); himself (他自己); herself (她自己); itself (它自己); yourselves (你们自己); themselves (他们自己);ourselves (我们自己) 常见搭配:enjoy mys

    3、elf 玩得高兴;过得愉快Eg: I enjoyed myself last night at the party.昨晚在派对上我玩得很高兴。(2)用法及位置* 作宾语时可位于动词、介词之后Eg: Tom enjoyed himself at the dancing party.汤姆在舞会上玩得很开心。(himself位于动词enjoy之后)He can take care of himself.他可以照顾他自己。 (himself位于介词of之后)* 作表语时可位于系动词之后Eg: Mary hasnt quite been herself recently.玛丽最近不在状态。 (herse

    4、lf位于系动词Be之后)* 作同位语时可位于名词或代词之后或句末Eg: You had better ask the driver himself.你最好问一下司机本人。(himself位于句末作driver的同位语)【即学即用】( D )1.Can you introduce _, please?A.you B.your C.yours D.yourself( A )2.I hope you will _ at the party.A.enjoy yourself B.enjoy your C.enjoy yours D.enjoy you3.Talk about personal info

    5、rmation.谈论个人信息。【用法详解】(1)Personal 为形容词,译为“个人的;私人的”,其名词形式为person (人)。Eg: personal information 个人信息;私人信息This is a personal computer.这是一台私人电脑。The person under the tree is my sister.树下的那个人是我妹妹。(2)Information 为不可数名词,可以用a little, little, much等词修饰,作主语时谓语动词用单数。Eg: You can search these information on the Inte

    6、rnet.你可以在网上搜索这些信息。The information is very important.这条信息非常重要。【知识拓展】Message、information与news的区别:Information (不可数名词) “信息;消息”常指通过观察、学习、调查或交谈所获得的消息、情报及资料等。在表示信息数量时,可以用“数词 + 量词 + of + 不可数名词”的结构,也可用some/much/a little等修饰。Message (可数名词)“消息;电报”;常指口头、书面、无线电等多种渠道传送的信息等。News (不可数名词) “新闻”;常指通过电视、报纸、广播等新闻媒体向大众发布的

    7、各种最新消息。Eg: You can search for the information on the Internet.你可以在网上搜寻信息。I can leave a message for you.我可以为你捎个口信。I have got good news for you.我有好消息告诉你。【即学即用】1.You can search some _information_ (information) on the Internet.( B )2.Can I take a _ for you?A.information B.message C.news D.idea4.Where ar

    8、e you from? 你来自哪里?【用法详解】 Where + be动词 + 主语 + from ? 译为: “来自哪里?”回答这一句型要用“主语 + be动词 + from + 地点。”Eg: - Where is Daming from ? 大明来自哪里?-He is from China.他来自中国。【知识拓展】(1)where “(在)哪里” 是询问地点的疑问副词,放在句首就地点提问。Eg: - Where do you live? 你住在哪里?- I live in Beijing.我住在北京。(2) be from = come from “从来;来自” 常用来询问某人来自哪个地

    9、方或国籍。be动词是系动词,come是实义动词,两者否定形式疑问形式不同。Eg: -Where are you from? = Where do you come from? 你来自哪里?-I am from China.= I come from China.我来自中国。-Where is he from? = Where does he come from? 他来自哪里?-He is from China.= He comes from China.他来自中国。(3) from为介词,译为“(表示时间)从.开始”或“(表示两地距离)离”固定搭配:from .to.“从.到.”Eg: It

    10、is two kilometers from my home to my school.从我的家到学校两公里。We go to school from Monday to Friday.我们从周一到周五上学。【即学即用】( A )1.Sophy is a new student here, she is _ EnglanD.A.from B.in C.in D.at( D )2.- Where _ you from?- Lucy _ from the USA, I _ from China.A.are; come; am B.are; come; is C.are; comes; is D.a

    11、re; comes; am5.(1)How old are you? 你几岁了? (2)Emma is 12 years olD.艾玛12岁。【用法详解】询问年纪: How old + be动词 + 主语? 其答语为: 主语 + be动词 + 基数词(+ years olD.)Eg:- How old is Daming? 大明多大了?- He is ten (years old).他十岁。【知识拓展】“.years old”译为“.岁”,常用来表示某人的年岁。Eg: My brother is ten years olD.我弟弟十岁了。注意:“基数词 + years old”结构用来表示“几

    12、岁”常作表语;而“基数词-year-old”译为“几岁的”,时复合形容词,常作定语。注意要用连字符“-”连接各个单词且中间的year需用单数形式。Eg: She is an eight-year-old girl.她是一个八岁的女孩。She is eight years olD.她八岁了。【即学即用】( C )1.Tony is an _ boy and he is from America.A.eight - years - old B.eight years old C.eight - year -old D.eight year old2.Miss Wang is 30 _years_

    13、(year) old this year.6.What class are you in? 你在几班?【用法详解】句式“What class + be动词 + 主语 + in?”常常用来询问“某人在哪个班”。其答语为“主语 + be动词 + in + Class + 基数词”,需要注意的是class及其后的基数词首字母必须大写。Eg: - What class are they in? 他们在几班?- They are in Class Five.他们在五班。【知识拓展】(1)疑问词what也可和grade、group、row等连用,用来询问年级、组、排等。同样需要注意的是答语中的grade、

    14、group、row及其后基数词同样需要大写。Eg: - What grade are you in? 你在几年级?- Im in Grade One.我在一年级。(2)英文中大小单位的排列顺序是小单位在前,大单位在后Eg: Class One Grade Eight; 八年一班Shandong, China.中国山东【即学即用】( B )1.Im _ Class Four Grade Seven.A.on B.in C.at D.for( D )2.Im in _.A.Class two B.class two C.class Two D.Class Two3.Betty is in Clas

    15、s Seven.(对划线部分提问)_What_ _class_ is Betty _in_?7.(1) Peters full name is Peter Brown.彼得的全名是彼得.布朗。(2) Ellas last name is Miller.艾拉的姓是米勒。(3) Hui is her first name.慧是她的名字。【用法详解】(1)全名 _full name_; 姓氏 _last name_; 名字 _first name_英美人的姓名通常分三部分:即first name(given name), middle name 和 family name(last name)三部分

    16、放在一起即称full name(全名)。first name 放在最前面, middle name又称second name(第二个名字),这部分不包括姓,一般不常用,family name代表家庭称谓,即“姓”。(2)last用法小结: Last (副词) “最后;最近”(介词) “最后一次;最后的人”(名词) “末尾;最后一天;上一次”(动词) “持续”(形容词) “最后的;最近一次的” (限定词) “最后的;上一个的”Eg: He arrived last of all.(副词) 他是最后到的。Sorry, Im late - am I the last? (名词) 对不起,我来晚了,我

    17、是最后到的吗?The meeting lasted for one hour.(动词) 会议持续一个小时。I want to catch the last bus home.(形容词) 我想赶末班车回家。(3)first为形容词,译为“第一(的)”,常作定语修饰名词;同时first也可以是one的序数词形式,表示顺序,通常前面有定冠词the.Eg: January is the first month of the year.一月是一年中的第一个月。【知识拓展】* 英美人名字的顺序与中国人的相反。Mary Brown 其中Mary 是名字: 称为(first name 或 given name

    18、)Brown是姓氏: 称为(last name 或 family name)* 中文姓名的写法一般用汉语拼音表示;姓和名分开写,姓在前,名在后,姓和名的首字母都要大写。如果是复姓,两个字要写在一起。Eg: Li Bai 李白; Bai Juyi 白居易; Zhuge Kongming 诸葛孔明【即学即用】1.Tony Smith is England boy, Tony is his _first_ (one) name.( A )2.This is Betty King.Betty is her _ name, and King is her _ name.A.first name; las

    19、t name B.last name; first nameC.first name; first name D.last name; last name( C )3.My name is Jim JJ Green.Green is my _ name?A.first B.middle C.last D.given8.音标知识:四个前元音【用法详解】/ i: / 发音要领:嘴唇微微张开,舌尖抵下齿,舌前部尽力向上抬起,嘴角向两边张开,流露出微笑的表情,与字母e发音相同。 字母组合:e - he; ee - week; ea - teach; ei - seize; ey - key;/ / 发

    20、音要领:嘴唇微微张开,舌尖抵下齿,舌前部抬高,最扁平,发音短而清脆。 字母组合:a - village; e - begin; i - bit;/ / 发音要领:嘴张大,舌尖抵下齿,嘴角尽量拉向两边,成扁平形。 字母组合:a - ant/ apple/ flag/ e / 发音要领: 嘴型扁平,舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍抬起字母组合: e - egg/ bell/; ea - bread【知识拓展】1.字母i在闭音节中读音为/,如big; which; wind等2./i/是/I/的异读,主要用于非重读音节中,多见于词尾,如hobby; tidy; family等【即学即用】选出划线部分读音与其他三

    21、个不同的选项( D )1.A.meet B.meal C.sheep D.head( A )2.A.he B.fit C.ship D.bit( B )3.A.bed B.bad C.men D.let( C )4.A.man B.hat C.lend D.tap( B )5.A.am B.lip C.apple D.flag9.We are in the same class.我们在相同的班级。【用法详解】in the same class 在相同的班级Same为形容词,译为“相同的”,其反义词为different“不同的”。注意same前常常有定冠词the.常见搭配为:the same a

    22、s.和.一样Eg: Tonys ruler is the same as mine.托尼的尺和我的一样。【即学即用】( A )1.Lily and Lucy are in _ class, they are both in Class Two.A.the same B.same C.the different D.different10.Im sorry! My mistake.对不起!我的错。【用法详解】Sorry可为形容词,译为“抱歉;对不起”,常用来表示愧疚之意。常见搭配为:Im sorry! 对不起!; be sorry about.对.感到抱歉Eg: Im sorry about w

    23、hat happeneD.对发生的事感到抱歉。【知识拓展】mistake作名词时,译为“错误”,常见搭配为make a mistake/make some mistakes “犯错误”;Mistake作动词时,译为“误会;误解”,常指对某物理解出错或将某物和另一物混淆。Eg: I made a mistake in English grammar.我在英语语法上犯了个错误。I mistook her for my sister because they look alike.我把她错认成了我的妹妹,因为她们长得像。【即学即用】( C )1.- Oh, this isnt my coat.- I

    24、m _.Here is your coat.A.OK B.fine C.sorry D.good2.请不要再犯同样的错误了。Please _make_ _the_ _same_ _mistake_ again.11.Emma and Ella are twins.艾玛和艾拉两个是双胞胎。【用法详解】Twin为名词,译为“双胞胎之一”,也可作形容词“双胞胎之一的”,常常以复数形式twins出现,故作主语时,谓语动词常用复数形式。Eg: The twins are from Beijing.这对双胞胎来自北京。【即学即用】( C )1.The twins under the tree _ my f

    25、riends.A.am B.is C.are D.be12.Peter is 12 years old, too.彼得也12岁。【用法详解】Too, as well, also与either区别:Too “也”常位于肯定句句尾,前面有逗号。As well “也”常位于肯定句句尾,无逗号。Also “也”位于句中,be动词、助动词、情态动词后Either “也”位于否定句句尾。Eg: She is a student, too.= She is a student as well.= She is also a student.她也是一名学生。She isnt a student, either

    26、.她也不是一名学生。【即学即用】( D )1.I like this book, _.A.as well B.also C.either D.too( C )2.I dont like this book and he doesnt like it, _.A.too B.also C.either D.as well13.Tom and I are both in the school banD.我和托尼都是学校乐队的成员。【用法详解】both用法小结:(1)both可作形容词,译为“两个”,常用在名词前修饰名词,此时所修饰的名词需要用复数形式。Eg: There are lots of tr

    27、ees on both sides of the street.街道两旁有许多的树。(2)Both也可作代词,译为“两者都”,可单独使用,也可和and/of构成“both.anD.”及“both of.”的结构,译为“两者都.”,作主语时谓语动词常用复数。Eg: The two books are both about history.这两本书都是关于历史的。Both Lily and Lucy are from America.丽丽和露西都来自美国。Both of us like watching this movie.我们两个都喜欢看这部电影。【知识拓展】both与all区别:Both强调

    28、两者之间,可与of/and连用,而all强调三者或三者以上,只可以与of连用;二者作主语时,谓语动词都需用复数形式。Eg: Both of them are friendly.他们两个都很友好。All of them are friendly.他们所有人都很友好。【即学即用】(C)1.Her father and mother _ drinking black tea.A.are both like B.are all like C.both like D.all like(B)2.There ll be a _ meeting next week, and my parents will _

    29、 come for it.A.parent; all B.parents; both C.parents; all D.parents; all(B)3.Mr.Black lives happily with his three dogs._ of them are part(部分) of his family.A.Both B.All C.One D.None14.Now she lives in Chengdu with her parents.现在她和父母一起住在成都。【用法详解】“live in + 地点 + with sB.”表示和某人一起住在某地。Eg: She lives in

    30、Beijing with her family.她和家人住在北京。注意: 如果表示地点的词为here, there, home等副词,则要将in省略。Eg: She lives there with her grandmother.她和奶奶住在那。【知识拓展】With为介词,译为“和.一起”,其常常表示伴随,故作主语时,谓语动词与前一个主语一致,而and表示并列,作主语时谓语动词需用复数。Eg: Lucy with her parents is in Beijing now.丽丽和她的父母现在在北京。Lucy and her parents are in Beijing now.丽丽和她的父母

    31、现在在北京。【即学即用】( B )1.- Where does Mr.Wang live?- He _ Shanghai.A.live in B.lives in C.live D.lives at( C )2.Mr._ Mrs White often go shopping _ their daughter.A.and; and B.with; with C.and; with D.with; and15.She likes Chinese food a lot.她非常喜欢中餐。【易混辨析】a lot与a lot ofA lot为副词,译为“非常;很”,可修饰动词,位于动词之后,相当于ver

    32、y much;也可作代词,译为“大量;许多”,常作主语或宾语 。A lot译为“许多”,常常用来修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词,其同义词为a lot of.Eg: She likes reading a lot, she has a lot of books at home and she reads a lot.她非常喜欢阅读,她家里有许多书,她读了许多。【即学即用】( B )1.There are _ books in her room, so she likes reading _.A.a lot; a lot of B.a lot of; a lot C.a lot of; a lot of D.a lot; a lot( B )2.There are _ flowers in my grandmas garden.A.a lots of B.a lot of C.a lot D.lot of8


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