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    Unit 8 Let's celebrate!(ppt课件)-2024新牛津译林版七年级上册《英语》.zip

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    Unit 8 Let's celebrate!(ppt课件)-2024新牛津译林版七年级上册《英语》.zip

    1、七上英语七上英语 YLNJ YLNJUnit 8 Lets celebrate!Welcome to the unitLanguage points 该句型用于询问某人最喜欢的人或事物,相当于“What.do/does+sb.+like best?”。回答时可以用“Ones favourite.+be+.”“.+be+ones favourite.”或“主语+like/love.(best).”,也可以直接说出最喜欢的人或事物。1 Whats your favourite festival,Millie?米莉,你最喜欢米莉,你最喜欢什么节日?(教材什么节日?(教材P93)Whats ones

    2、favourite.?某人最喜欢的?某人最喜欢的是什么?是什么?Language pointsWhats her favourite fruit?(=What fruit does she like best?)她最喜欢的水果是什么?Her favourite fruit is strawberries.她最喜欢的水果是草莓。Whats your favourite season?你最喜欢的季节是什么?Winter.I can make a snowman.冬季。我可以堆雪人。(黄冈中考)Language points (1)及物动词纪念;缅怀 We remember our dead rel

    3、atives during the Qingming Festival.我们在清明节缅怀死去的亲人。(2)及物动词记住 Remember that you may feel sleepy after taking the medicine.记住,吃了这药之后,你可能会犯困。remember/rmemb(r)/v.纪念;记住纪念;记住 2 Many people think its a festival to remember a great poet,Qu Yuan.许多人认为这是一个纪念伟大诗人屈原的节日。许多人认为这是一个纪念伟大诗人屈原的节日。(教材(教材P93)Language poi

    4、nts remember还可意为“记着;记起,记得”,后可接名词、代词、动词不定式或动词-ing作宾语。remember to do sth.“记着要做某事”,强调事情还未做。Remember to turn off the light next time.记着下次要关灯。remember doing sth.“记得做过某事”,强调事情已经做过了。I remembered turning off the light.我记得我关灯了。Language points In my opinion,its very important for us to celebrate our tradition

    5、al festival the Spring Festival.在我看来,庆祝 我们的传统节日春节对我们来说是非常重要的。(齐齐哈尔中考)(作及物动词)celebrate/selbret/v.庆祝庆祝3 Its a Scottish festival to celebrate the life and work of a great poet,Robert Burns.这是苏格兰的一个节日,庆祝这是苏格兰的一个节日,庆祝伟大诗人罗伯特伟大诗人罗伯特彭斯的生平和作品。(教材彭斯的生平和作品。(教材P93)Language points celebration名词庆典;庆祝活动;庆祝in cele

    6、bration of.为庆祝 They invite me to join in their New Year celebrations.他们 邀请我参加他们的新年庆祝活动。In celebration of their success,well have a party.为了庆祝 他们的胜利,我们将举行一场聚会。Today is Toms 14th birthday.Lets celebrate together.今天是汤姆的14岁生日。我们一起庆祝吧。(作不及物动词)Language points4 We get together with friends and eat haggis,a

    7、 special dish.我们和朋友聚在一起吃哈吉斯,一道特别的菜。我们和朋友聚在一起吃哈吉斯,一道特别的菜。(教材教材P93)get together(with sb.)举行社交聚会;开会举行社交聚会;开会 We must get together for a drink sometime.我们什么时候 得聚在一起喝一杯。Teachers should get together with parents.老师们应该与家 长们开个会。get sb./sth.together召集;聚集 Im trying to get my friends together for Saturday.我正设法

    8、 召集我的朋友们过周六呢。Language points an article/a poem by意为“由写的文章/诗”,也可表达为 an article/a poem written by。by在此作介词,意为“由所作”。Yesterday I heard a very beautiful piece of music by Beethoven.昨天我听了一首由贝多芬创作的非常美妙的曲子。by prep.由由所作所作5 We also read poems by Robert Burns.我们也读罗伯特我们也读罗伯特彭斯的诗。(教材彭斯的诗。(教材P93)Language points by

    9、作介词的其他常见用法:by在旁边;靠近经过(表示方式、手段等)靠,用,通过由,被(用来引出动作的执行者)(表示时间)不迟于,在之前【语境串记语境串记】He was drawing by the lake then.He wanted to finish this picture by 12 oclock.He didnt notice me when I walked by him.I told him I came here by bus.他那时正在湖边画画,他想在12点前画完这幅画。我从他身边走过时他没有注意到我,我告诉他我是坐公共汽车到这儿的。THANKS谢谢聆听!七上英语七上英语 YL

    10、NJ YLNJUnit 8 Lets celebrate!Reading语篇研读语篇研读【难点解读】【难点解读】本句是一个let型祈使句,句中包含特殊疑问词how引导的宾语从句,宾语从句使用了现在进行时。语篇研读语篇研读语篇研读注意首尾段的中心句注意首尾段的中心句 本文首段中最后一句“Lets see how people all over the world are celebrating it.”引出了下文要谈论的话题不同的新年庆祝形式;尾段的第一句“The world is full of wonderful and interesting New Year traditions.”与首

    11、段呼应,再次点明了文章的主旨。在阅读时,应特别注意文章首段和尾段的中心句,因为它们往往会点明文章大意或作者的写作意图。语篇研读巧用巧用“总总分分总总”结构来谋篇布局结构来谋篇布局 本文的结构为“总分总”,第一段引出文章主旨(让我们看看世界各地的人是如何庆祝新年的),第二段至第五段分别介绍了四个国家的新年庆祝习俗,最后一段照应开头,并对全文进行总结。我们在写作时也可采用“总分总”的结构来谋篇布局,使得文章主旨突出,框架一目了然。语篇研读阅读上面文章并完成下题。What is the structure(结构)of the passage?()AA.B.C.D.Language points1 L

    12、ets see how people all over the world are celebrating it.让我们看看世界各地的人是如何庆祝新年的。(教材让我们看看世界各地的人是如何庆祝新年的。(教材P94)特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句 宾语从句指在复合句中充当宾语的句子。特殊疑问词who、what、how、why等可以引导宾语从句,宾语从句要用陈述语序。I dont know what I should do.我不知道我应该做什么。(作know的宾语)Could you tell me how I can get to the museum?你能告诉 我怎么去博物馆

    13、吗?(作tell的直接宾语)Language points 介词短语,相当于around the world;常在句中作后置定语,修饰前面的名词。When people all over the world/around the world talk about ping-pong,they must think of China.当世界各地的人谈论 乒乓球时,他们一定会想到中国。all over the world 世界各地世界各地Language points spread/spred/v.(使)分散;传播(使)分散;传播 n.传播,散布,扩展,蔓延传播,散布,扩展,蔓延 2 Look a

    14、t the man spreading salt on his doorstep.看那个在看那个在他家门阶上撒盐的人。(教材他家门阶上撒盐的人。(教材P94)(1)及物动词&不及物动词(使)分散;传播 其过去式仍为spread。The news spread quickly.消息很快传开了。We shouldnt spread any rumors about others.我们不应该 散布有关别人的任何谣言。Language points(2)名词传播,散布,扩展,蔓延the spread of.的传播/蔓延 We should do what we can to prevent the s

    15、pread of the virus.我们应该尽我们所能去阻止病毒的传播。With the spread of Chinese culture,Chinese is widely used in the world.随着中国文化的传播,汉语在世界上被广泛 使用。阻止的传播Language points You should keep children from the medicines.你应该让孩子 们远离这些药品。Jack told me to keep the truth from Mary.杰克让我不要把 真相告诉玛丽。3 People in Trkiye think salt wil

    16、l keep them from bad things in the coming year.土耳其的人认为盐会让他们在来年远离不好土耳其的人认为盐会让他们在来年远离不好的东西。(教材的东西。(教材P94)keep.from.使使远离远离;不让;不让知道知道Language points keep sb.from doing sth.阻止某人做某事 The heavy rain kept us from getting to the airport on time.大雨使我们没能准时到达机场。Language points hang/h/v.悬挂悬挂 hang sth.up把某物挂起来 Han

    17、g your bag on the wall.把你的包挂在墙上。Shall I hang your coat up?需要我把你的大衣挂起来吗?4 Here in Greece,an old woman is hanging onions on her door.在希腊,一位老妇人正在往门上挂洋葱。(教材在希腊,一位老妇人正在往门上挂洋葱。(教材P94)Language points My parents ask me not to hang out after school.我父母叫我 放学后不要在外面闲逛。You can hang up the phone,John.你可以挂电话了,约翰。H

    18、ang on Im not quite ready.等一等,我还没准备好呢。与hang相关的其他短语:hang out闲逛hang up挂断电话hang on等一下Language points The tradition of tea drinking began in China thousands of years ago.饮茶的传统几千年前始于中国。(湖州中考)Its a tradition to eat zongzi at the Dragon Boat Festival.在 端午节吃粽子是一种传统。5 Its a Greek tradition to welcome the new

    19、 year.这是希腊这是希腊人迎接新年的一种传统。(教材人迎接新年的一种传统。(教材P94)tradition/trdn/n.传统传统the tradition of.的传统It is a tradition to do sth.做某事是一种传统。Language pointsLanguage points She told them that hanfu a symbol of Chinese culture,is getting more and more popular.她告诉他们,汉服中国 文化的一个象征,正变得越来越受欢迎。(陕西中考)6 Onions are a symbol of

    20、 good luck and health.洋葱是好运洋葱是好运和健康的象征。(教材和健康的象征。(教材P94)a symbol of.的象征的象征 In China,the noodles on the birthday are a symbol of long life.在中国,过生日时,面条是长寿的象征。(宜昌中考)Language points7 When the clock strikes 12,they jump off their chairs into the new year,in the hope of getting over any problemin the year

    21、 ahead!当时钟敲响当时钟敲响12点时,他们会从椅子上一点时,他们会从椅子上一跃而下,进入新的一年,希望在未来的一年里能够克服跃而下,进入新的一年,希望在未来的一年里能够克服任何困难!(教材任何困难!(教材P94)in the hope of.抱着抱着的希望的希望 hope在此作名词,意为“希望”;of后可接名词、代词或动词-ing形式。They got up very early in the hope of catching the first train.他们起得很早,希望能赶上第一班火车。Language points get over 解决;克服解决;克服 同义词为overcom

    22、e。She cant get over her shyness.她无法克服羞怯心理。I have a big problem.I dont know how to get over it.我有 个大问题。我不知道该如何解决。与get相关的其他短语:get up起床 get back返回;重新获得get on上车 get off下车get lost迷路 get out出去;泄露get along with与和睦相处Language points 副词可指时间或空间在前面/向前。The road ahead is very narrow.前面的路很窄。Weve got a lot of hard

    23、work ahead.我们往后还有很多艰 苦工作要做。ahead/hed/adv.在前面,向前在前面,向前Language points (1)ahead作副词的其他用法:提前,提早We have to plan ahead.我们必须提早计划。占优势,领先You need to work hard to keep ahead.你要努力才能保持领先优势。(2)go ahead可以,开始吧 Mom,can I talk to you about my job offer,please?妈妈,请问我可以和你谈谈我工作机会的事情吗?Go ahead.可以,说吧。(武汉中考)Language point

    24、s8 But wherever you are,Happy New Year!但是无论你在但是无论你在哪儿,祝你新年快乐!(教材哪儿,祝你新年快乐!(教材P94)wherever/werev(r)/conj.在任何地方在任何地方 连词相当于no matter where,引导让步状语从句。Sit wherever you like.你爱坐在哪儿就坐在哪儿。Wherever you go,you can see volunteers in red vests.无论 你走到哪里,你都能看到穿着红色马甲的志愿者。Language points 类似的词还有:whatever=no matter wh

    25、at无论什么whichever=no matter which无论哪个whoever=no matter who无论谁however=no matter how无论如何Language points 动词其第三人称单数形式为catches,过去式为caught。Mr Hunter often gets up early to catch the first bus.亨特先 生经常早起赶第一班公共汽车。(宜宾中考)9 In Colombia,people carry suitcases around the block to catch the train home.在哥伦比亚,为了赶回家的火车

    26、在哥伦比亚,为了赶回家的火车人们都带着行李箱绕着街区行走。(教材人们都带着行李箱绕着街区行走。(教材P95)catch v.赶上赶上Language points catch作动词的其他用法:接住,接住,抓住抓住 Can you catch the ball with one hand?你能用一只手接住这个球吗?感染上感染上Tom was absent from classes yesterday because he caught a cold.汤姆昨天没来上学是因为他感冒了。(日照中考)听清楚听清楚Mr Wang,I didnt catch what you said.王老师,我没听清楚你

    27、说的话。(咸宁中考)Language points 同义短语为hope for。wish for good luck and health祈求好运和健康 The little girl wishes for/hopes for a toy for her birthday.小 女孩希望得到一件玩具作为生日礼物。10 Shes hanging onions on her door to wish for good luck and health.她在往门上挂洋葱,来祈求好运和健康。(教材她在往门上挂洋葱,来祈求好运和健康。(教材P96)wish for 盼望;祈求;想要盼望;祈求;想要THANK

    28、S谢谢聆听!七上英语七上英语 YLNJ YLNJUnit 8 Lets celebrate!IntegrationLanguage points (1)形容词双的;成双的 Through the double doors,turn right.穿过双开门,右转。(2)形容词两倍的 My workmate is off today,so I have to do double work.我 的同事今天不上班,所以我得做两倍的工作。1 The Double Ninth Festival 重阳节(教材重阳节(教材P100)double/dbl/adj.双的;两倍的双的;两倍的Language poi

    29、nts double的其他用法:形容词供形容词供两者使用两者使用的;双人的的;双人的Can I book a double room for next week?我能订一间下周的双人房吗?(宜宾中考)动词加倍动词加倍The price of rice doubled this year.今年米的价格翻了一倍。Language points2 On this day,people often go mountain climbing to enjoy the natural beauty of autumn.在这一天,人们常常会去在这一天,人们常常会去登山,欣赏秋天的自然美景。(教材登山,欣赏秋

    30、天的自然美景。(教材P100)climb/klam/v.攀登,爬攀登,爬 及物动词&不及物动词climb around爬来爬去climb up/down爬上/下climb a mountain/tree爬山/树 Dont climb a tree to look for fish.不要缘木求鱼。Can you climb up/down?你能爬上/下去吗?Language points (1)climber可数名词登山者;攀登者(2)climbing不可数名词登山运动;攀岩活动go mountain climbing去爬山【语境串记语境串记】This man is a climber.He l

    31、ikes climbing mountains very muchand he often goes mountain climbing on weekends.这个人是个登山者。他非常喜欢爬山,经常在周末去爬山。Language points 形容词通常在句中作定语。natural resources/beauty/environment自然资源/美景/环境 We should protect the natural resources.我们应该保护自 然资源。We can enjoy the natural beauty in the mountains.我们可以 欣赏群山中的自然美景。n

    32、atural/ntrl/adj.自然的自然的Language points (1)natural形容词正常的;天生的 Its natural for people to wonder and worry about opinions of others.好奇和担心别人的看法是很正常的。(威海 中考)(2)nature不可数名词大自然 Sometimes,he would stop to enjoy the beauty of nature.有时他会停下来欣赏大自然的美景。(营口中考)Language points 不可数名词常与介词for连用。show respect to/for.向表示尊敬

    33、 He has great respect for teachers.他对教师非常尊敬。We teenagers should show respect to/for our elders.我们青 少年应该尊敬长辈。3 The Double Ninth Festival is also a time to show respect and love to our elders.重阳节也是向长辈表达敬意和爱意重阳节也是向长辈表达敬意和爱意的日子。(教材的日子。(教材P100)respect/rspekt/n.尊敬尊敬 Language points 动词尊敬;敬重 She respected h

    34、im for his kindness.她敬佩他的善良。We respect him as a great leader.我们尊敬他是一位伟大的 领袖。Language points elder/eld(r)/n.长者,长辈长者,长辈 adj.年纪较长的年纪较长的 elder与 olderelder只可指人名词长者,长辈常用复数形式elders。形容词年纪较长的尤指同一家庭里两个成员中年纪较长的,只用在名词前作定语。older既可指人,也可指物形容词是old的比较级形式可作表语或定语。指人时,表示年龄的大小关系;指物时,意为“较旧的”。Language points【语境串记语境串记】My e

    35、lder brother is 4 years older than me.Our parents often tell us to respect the elders.我哥哥比我大4岁。我们的父母经常告诉我们要尊敬长辈。Language points This(也可换成That)is because.这是因为这是因为 该句型中,because后的句子表示原因或理由。Amy usually gets good grades in the exam.This is because she studies very hard.埃米通常会在考试中取得好成绩。这是因为她学习很努力。4 This is

    36、 because“double ninth”sounds like the word“forever”in Chinese.这是因为这是因为“九九九九”在汉语中与在汉语中与“久久久久”谐音。(教材谐音。(教材P100)Language points This/That is why.“这/那就是为什么”,why后的句子表示结果。Amy studies very hard.This is why she usually gets good grades in the exam.埃米学习很努力。这就是为什么她经 常能在考试中取得好成绩。Language points put up 张贴,挂起,举起

    37、,搭建张贴,挂起,举起,搭建 5 Put up the Spring Festival couplets 贴春联(教材贴春联(教材P101)是“动词+副词”型短语。其宾语为名词时,名词放在up之前或之后均可;宾语为人称代词时,人称代词要放在put与up之间。(1)张贴 They put up a notice(=put a notice up)on the wall.他们 在墙上贴了一张布告。At the Spring Festival,people put up“Fu”on doors or windows.春节时,人们把“福”字贴在门上或窗户上。Language points(2)挂起,举

    38、起 He puts up his hand to ask a question.他举起手来问问题。(3)搭建 Its going to rain.Lets put up the tent.要下雨了。咱们把 帐篷搭起来吧。Here is the tent.Lets put it up.帐篷在这儿。咱们把它搭 起来吧。Language points6 We prepare some dishes with special meanings,like jiaozi and niangao.我们会准备一些有特殊寓意的菜肴,比如饺我们会准备一些有特殊寓意的菜肴,比如饺子和年糕。(教材子和年糕。(教材P1

    39、02)prepare/prpe(r)/v.预备(饭菜);把预备(饭菜);把预备好;(为预备好;(为)做准备)做准备 (1)及物动词预备(饭菜)He is in the kitchen preparing lunch.他在厨房做午饭。(2)及物动词把预备好prepare sth.for sb./sth.为某人/某事准备好某物Language points(3)及物动词&不及物动词(为)做准备prepare for.为做准备prepare to do sth.准备做某事 The students are preparing for the coming exams.学生们正 在为即将到来的考试做准

    40、备。Her parents are busy preparing to go on holiday.她的父母 正忙着准备度假。She often prepares many books for the kids.她经常给孩子们准备许多书。(邵阳中考)Language points meaning/mi:n/n.意义,意思意义,意思 (1)可数名词&不可数名词the meaning of.的意思/意义 Do you know the meaning of this word?你知道这个单词 的意思吗?(2)Whats the meaning of.?=What do/does.mean?的意思是

    41、什么?Whats the meaning of this word?=What does this word mean?这个单词是什么意思?Language points meaning的相关词:【语境串记语境串记】I know your meaning.You mean that staying athome all day long is meaningless and that looking for a job ismeaningful.我懂你的意思。你的意思是整天待在家里毫无意义,找一份工作才是有意义的。Language points 动词不用于进行时。“last+(for)时间段”

    42、表示“持续多长时间”。The meeting lasts(for)30 minutes.会议持续30分钟。7 The Spring Festival lasts till the Lantern Festival.春节春节一直持续到元宵节为止。(教材一直持续到元宵节为止。(教材P102)last/lst/v.持续持续Language points last的其他用法:形形容容词词最后的;末尾的Jack is the last one to leave the classroom.杰克是最后一个离开教室的。上一个的;最近的last night/Sunday/month昨晚/上周日/上个月副副词词

    43、最后Who is speaking last?谁最后发言?Language points Im right here watching till/until you come back.我就在这里看着,直到你回来。(丽水中考)(2)till/until连词 可引导时间状语从句。till/tl/prep.&conj.到到时,直到时,直到为止为止 (1)介词与until意思相近,后跟表示时间的名词(短语),常与延续性动词连用。Were open till 6 oclock.我们营业到6点。I will stay in China till next month.我将一直留在中国,直到下个月。Lan

    44、guage points(3)not.till/until.直到才 I cannot enter the library until it opens.直到图书馆开门我 才能进去。典例 根据语境在空格处填入一个适当的单词。宁波中考 The electricity(电)didnt come on again _ late at night.till/until解析解析 句意:电直到深夜才来。此处是not.till/until.结构,表示“直到才”,故填till/until。Language points8.,but people feel warm in their hearts.,但人们心,但

    45、人们心里会很温暖。(教材里会很温暖。(教材P102)heart/ht/n.内心;心脏内心;心脏 常用短语:lose heart 丧失信心;泄气break ones heart使某人很难过;使心碎heart problems/disease心脏病by heart单凭记忆;能背诵Language points Dont lose heart.If you keep working hard,you will succeed some day.不要灰心。你如果继续努力,总有一天会成功 的。(北京中考改编)Im sorry to break your heart.很抱歉让你伤心了。How do you

    46、 learn these words by heart?你是怎么把这些 单词背下来的?By using them in different ways.通过用不同的方式 运用它们。THANKS谢谢聆听!七上英语七上英语 YLNJ YLNJUnit 8 Lets celebrate!写作帮 方法指导Writing如何写与传统节日相关的文章如何写与传统节日相关的文章 本单元的话题是“传统节日”,要求学生能介绍自己最喜欢的节日,并能正确描述与该节日有关的传统文化与习俗。与此相关的写作通常有:向外国朋友介绍中国的某个传统节日;介绍自己最喜欢的节日并说明原因。在具体介绍某一节日时,通常 包含以下要点:介绍

    47、节日名称以及节日时间;介绍该节日的相关习俗或传统;表明自己对这个节日的感受或喜欢它的原因。Writing要求:(1)文章应包含以上所有要点,可适当发挥;(2)词数100左右。WritingWriting词词汇汇时间时间come in May在五月份到来last from.to.从持续到fall on the fifteenth day of the eighth month in the Chinese lunar calendar在农历八月十五活动活动visit their relatives and friends走亲访友get together聚在一起have a big dinner吃

    48、一顿大餐enjoy the full moon欣赏满月a family reunion家庭团聚enjoy delicious moon cakes 享用美味的月饼Writing词词汇汇感受感受/意义意义important重要的 meaningful有意义的traditional传统的 the most important最重要的have a good time/enjoy oneself玩得开心bring a lot of pleasure to us给我们带来很多欢乐make us feel warm in our hearts让我们感到心里很温暖句句子子开头句开头句My favourite

    49、 festival is.我最喜欢的节日是I like.best.我最喜欢Its one of the most important festivals in China.它是中国最重要的节日之一。It has a long history.它有很悠久的历史。Writing句句子子中间句中间句On that day,people usually eat delicious moon cakes and enjoy the full moon at night.在那天,人们通常吃美味的月饼并在夜晚欣赏满月。Families all get together and have a big dinn

    50、er.家人团聚在一起吃一顿大餐。Chinese people love the Mid-Autumn Festival very much and always have fun on that day.中国人喜欢过中秋节,并且总是在那天玩得很愉快。Writing句句子子中间句中间句The best part about this festival is that.这个节日最棒的部分是During this festival,we have a big dinner/spend time with family/.在这个节日里,我们吃大餐/与家人共度时光/结尾句结尾句In my opinion


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