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    初中英语新外研版七年级上册Unit 1 A new start课文讲解(2024秋).doc

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    初中英语新外研版七年级上册Unit 1 A new start课文讲解(2024秋).doc

    1、七年级英语上册Unit 1课文讲解1.Start (名词) “开始” (动词) “开始” - (同义词) begin常见搭配:the start of .的开始Start to do/ doing sth.开始做某事Eg: A new start 一个新的开始I started to learn English at the age of six.我六岁开始学英语。2.Feel excited about doing sth.对做某事感到兴奋Excited (形容词) “感到兴奋的”;常常用来修饰人Exciting (形容词) “令人兴奋的”;常常用来修饰物Eg: Im excited abo

    2、ut this exciting news.我对这个令人兴奋的消息感到兴奋。3.Plan (名词) “计划” (动词) “计划”常见搭配:make a plan 制定计划Plan to do sth.计划做某事Eg: You should make a plan before you go there.在你去那之前应该制定一个计划。They plan to have a holiday in Beijing.他们计划在北京度假。4.By the end of .“到.为止”At the end of.“到.为止” (可以是时间也可以是地点)In the end “最后;最终“Eg: We wi

    3、ll learn 5000 words by the end of this month.这个月末我们将学习5000词。Our work will finish at the end of this month.我们的工作这个月末结束。There is a bookstore at the end of this street. 街道末尾有一个书店。In the end, we finished our work on time.最后,我们按时完成了工作。5.Make a poster 制作海报6.After doing sth.在做完某事后After (介词) “在.之后” (时间/地点)E

    4、g: I want to have a good rest after working.在工作后,我想要好好休息一下。7.Be able to do sth. = can do sth.有能力做某事注意:be动词要随着主语和时态而变化Able (形容词) “能够的;有能力的” - ability (名词) “能力”Eg: She is able to look after herself.她可以照顾自己。8.Use (动词) “使用”其派生词为:reuse (动词) “重新使用”useful (形容词) “有用的”,useless( 形容词) “无用的”常用短语: use sth. to do

    5、 sth. “用某物做某事”Make good use of .充分利用.Eg: I use a pen to write this letter.“我用钢笔写这封信。”We must make good use of our free time.我们必须好好利用我们的空闲时间。9.Talk (动词) “谈论”知识拓展:Say、speak、talk、tell区别:Say“讲;说”,指用语言表达思想,侧重于所说的具体内容Speak“讲;说;发言”,侧重讲话的动作,后面常接某种语言Talk“谈话”,指双方之间的相互交谈,后面常接介词to/with/about常见结构:talk with/ to s

    6、b.“和某人交谈”Talk about sth.“谈论某事”Tell“告诉”,既注重说话的内容,又有告诉的对象。常见结构:tell sb. sth. = tell sth. to sb. “告诉某人某事”;Tell sb. (not) to do sth.“告诉某人(不)做某事”Tell stories “讲故事”; tell a lie “说谎”Eg: Can you say it in English? “你能用英语说它吗?”Can you speak English? “你会书英语吗?”The teacher is talking with my mother.“老师正在和我妈妈谈话。”

    7、Lets talk about your school life.让我谈论你学校的生活。My mother tells me to clean my room.“我妈妈告诉我打扫房间。”10.Understanding (名词) “理解” - understand (动词) “理解”11.How are they feeling? 他们感觉怎么样?Feel (动词) “感觉” - feeling (名词) “感觉”Eg: strong feeling 强烈的感觉12.Russia (名词) “俄罗斯” - Russian (形容词/名词) “俄罗斯的/俄罗斯人”France (名词) “法国”

    8、 - French (形容词) “法国的”13.Do team activities 做团队活动14.Give (动词) “给;送给”常见搭配:give sb. sth. = give sth. to sb.给某人某物注意:当sth.为代词时,只能用give sth. to sb. 的形式Eg: Give me that book. = Give that book to me.把那本书给我。Give it to me.把它给我。15.Get timetable 获取时间表16.What + be动词 + 主语 + like? 询问.是怎样的?注意:当主语是人时,用来询问品格What + do

    9、/ does + 主语 + look like? 询问某人外貌?Eg: What is the weather like? 天气怎么样?- What is the girl like? - She is kind.- 那个女孩怎么样? - 她很善良。- What does Lily look like? - She has big eyes. - 丽丽长什么样? - 她长着大眼睛。17.Find out 查清楚;弄明白Find “找到” (强调结果)Look for “寻找” (强调动作)Eg: How did you find out about it? 你怎么弄明白它?18.How man

    10、y + 可数名词复数 “多少.”How much + 不可数名词 “多少.”Eg: How many books are there in the bag? 书包里有多少书?How much water is there in the cup? 杯里有多少水?19.Learning without thinking is useless.学而不思则罔知识拓展:Thinking without learning is perilous.思而不学则殆。20.Ms Chen 陈老师知识拓展:Mr./Mrs./Miss./Ms 区别:Mr. “先生” 后面常常接男士的姓Mrs. “夫人” 后面接已婚女

    11、士的姓Miss. “小姐” 后面接未婚女士的姓Ms. “女士” 后面接不知婚否的女士姓Eg: Mr. Wang 王先生;王老师Miss Li 李小姐;李老师21.Write (动词) “写;写作” - writer (名词) “作家”常见搭配:write . on/in .把.写在.上/里Write . down 把.写下来Eg: Please write it on the blackboard.请把它写到黑板上。Please write this sentence down.请把这句话记下来。22.Stop (名词) “停止;车站” (动词) “停止”常用搭配:stop to do sth

    12、.停下来去做另一件事Stop doing sth.停止正在作的事Stop sb. from doing sth.阻止某人做某事Bus stop 公共汽车站Eg: Im tired, lets stop to have a rest.我累了,让我们停下来休息一会。Im tired, lets stop working. 我累了,让我们停止工作。The weather stopped me from taking a walk.天气阻止我去散步。23.Thats not right. 那不对。24.Jump (动词) “跳;跳跃”常见搭配:jump into (mind) . 跳进(脑海) .Ju

    13、mp out of .跳出.Long jump 跳远High jump 跳高Eg: The boy jumped into the river.这位男孩跳进了河里。25.Mind (动词) 介意 (名词) 思想常见搭配: mind (ones) doing sth.介意某人做某事Change ones mind 改变某人的想法Eg: Would you mind my opening the door? 你介意我开门吗?Please dont change your mind.请不要改变你的主意。26.Why dont you do sth. = Why not do sth.“为什么不做.”

    14、该句式用来提出建议,其它提建议的句式:What/ How about doing sth.? 做某事怎么样?Lets do sth. 让我们做某事。Eg: Why dont you go there by plane? 你为什么不坐飞机去那呢?How about going there by plane? 坐飞机去那怎么样?Lets go there by plane. 让我们坐飞机去那吧。27.Look up at .仰望;抬头看.look相关短语搭配:Look at 看.Look for 寻找Look out.小心Look up 查询Look like 看起来像Look over 检查;复

    15、习Look through 浏览Eg: I looked up at Ms. Chen.我抬头看陈老师。28.meet (动词) 迎接;遇见;相逢;结识 - meeting (名词) 会议Eg: Will you meet me at the station? 你会在车站接我吗?I met him in the street. 我在街上遇见他。Come and meet my family.来认识一下我的家人吧!Their hands met. 他们的手碰在一起了。29.Think about 深思;考虑Think of 想起;记得Eg: I am thinking about where t

    16、o go.我正在想去哪里。30.Put up ones hand 举手put常见搭配:Put up 搭建;张贴Put out 扑灭;发表Put on 穿上;戴上Put up with 容忍Put down 镇压;写下Put off 推迟Put away 放好;收拾好Eg: Put up your hand.举起你的手。31.Be from . = come from .来自Eg: She is from Beijing. = She comes from Beijing.她来自北京。32.Well done. 做得好;熟透的33.It is + 形容词 ( + for/ of sb. ) +

    17、to do sth.“(对某人来说)做某事是.注意:当形容词为人品格的形容词时用of,其它形容词用forEg: Its kind of you to help me.你帮我太善良了。Its important for us to learn English.对我们来说学英语很重要。34.Learn from . 向.学习learn (动词) “学习”常用搭配:learn to do sth. 学习做某事learn by oneself 自学Eg: We should learn from them.我们应该向他们学习。She must learn to look after herself.

    18、她必须学习照顾自己。She learns English by herself. 她自学英语。35.Great thinkers 伟大的思想家Thinker (名词) “思想家” - think (动词) “想;想出”Eg: Confucius is a great thinker.孔子是一名伟大的思想家。36.Sometime, some time, sometimes与some times的区别:歌谣:分开“一段时间(some time)”;相聚“某个时刻(sometime)”;“有时(sometimes)”相聚加s;分开“几次(some times)”加s。Eg: I will stay

    19、 here for some time.我将在这儿待一段时间。I will go to Beijing sometime next month. 下个月某个时间我要去北京。I sometimes get up at 8:00.我有时八点起床。I have seen the film some times.我已经看着这部电影几次了。37.What to do 做什么疑问词how, what, who等后接动词不定式(短语),在句中做know, teach, understand, decide等动词或about等介词的宾语。 Eg: Do you know how to use the came

    20、ra? 你直到怎么用照相机吗?38.Saying (名词) “谚语;格言;警句” (动词) “说”的现在进行时形式Eg: There is a Chinese saying going like this: bad news gets about quicker than good news. 中国有句谚语:好事不出门,坏事传千里。39.Share with sb.和某人分享40.A new friend of mine 我的一个新朋友 (该句式为双重所有格)41.Come into the classroom 进入教室42.Ask (动词) “问;要求”常见搭配:ask for .索要.As

    21、k sb. (not) to do sth.要求某人(不)做某事Eg: Please ask for help when you are in danger.当你处于危险中时请寻求帮助。My mum asked me to finish my homework before dinner.我妈妈要求我晚饭前完成作业。43.My face turned red.我的脸变红了。Turn (动词) “转动;变成”常见搭配:turn off 关闭Turn on 打开Turn down 把声音调低;拒绝Turn up 把声音调高;出现Turn . into 变成.Turn left/right 左转/右

    22、转Eg: Finally, he turned failure into success.最后,他反败为胜。44.Make me feel better 让我感觉更好Make (动词) “使,让,叫”常见搭配:Make sb. do sth. 让某人做某事Make sb. + 形容词 使某人处于某种状态Eg: Dont make him sleep late.不要让他睡过头。The story makes me happy.这个故事让我快乐。45.Have a teacher like him 有一个像他一样的老师46.Next time 下次Time (可数名词) 次数 (不可数名词) 时间

    23、Eg: three times 三次Whats the time? 几点了?47.Develop (动词) “发展;培养”- development (名词) “发展”- developing (形容词) “发展中的”- developed (形容词) “发达的”Eg: Develop their independence 培养他们的独立With the development of IT, we can get information easily.随着IT的发展,我们可以很容易的得到信息。China is a developing country.中国是一个发展中国家。America is

    24、 a developed country. 美国是一个发展中国家。48.Such as .“例如.”知识拓展:for example与such as区别:For example“例如”一般用于列举一类人或事中的一个例子Such as “例如”一般列举同一类人/事中的几个例子,但必须少于前面所提总数,只能在所列举词前Eg: I know several languages, such as English and Chinese. 我知道几种语言,例如英语和汉语。I like fruit, for example, I often eat bananas in the evening. 我喜欢水

    25、果,例如,我经常晚上吃香蕉。49.Face problems 面临问题知识拓展:face (名词) “脸” (动词) “面对”常见搭配:face to face 面对面Eg: You should face some problems alone.我们应该独自面对一些问题。50.Practise (动词) “练习” 也可写作Practice常见搭配:practice doing sth.练习做某事Eg: She practices playing the piano every day.她每天练习弹钢琴。51.Beginning (名词) “开端;开始” - begin (动词) “开始”常见

    26、搭配:at the beginning of .在.的开端Begin to do sth.开始做某事Eg: We will hold a party at the beginning of this term.本学期开始我们将举办一个派对。52.Take (动词) “花费”常见搭配:It takes sb. 时间 to do sth.“某人花费时间做某事”Eg: It may take weeks.它可能会花几周时间。It takes me two hours to finish my homework.我花了两个小时完成作业。53.Day by day 每天;逐日;日复一日54.So man

    27、y + 可数名词复数 “如此多的.”So much + 不可数名词 “如此多的.”Eg: There are so many books in the library.图书馆里有如此多的书。55.Decide (动词) “决定” - decision (名词) “决定”常见搭配:decide to do sth.决定做某事Make a decision 做决定Eg: We decide to go there by plane.我们决定坐飞机去那。56.Finish (动词) “结束”常见搭配:finish doing sth.结束做某事Eg: We will finish working i

    28、n two hours.两小时后我们结束工作。57.On time 按时; in time 及时58.By oneself = on ones own 独自;某人自己Eg: You should finish the work by yourself.你应该独自完成这项工作。59.Try ones best to do sth.尽全力做某事Eg: Please try your best to finish the work.请尽全力完成这项工作。60.Work hard 努力工作/学习61.Ones + 序数词 + birthday 某人.岁生日Eg: my tenth birthday 我

    29、十岁生日62.Make a paper boat 叠纸船63.Letter (名词) “信;字母”常见搭配:write a letter 写信Capital/ small letter 大/小写字母Eg: Its a letter from Mum.一封来自妈妈的信。64.Time flies! 时光飞逝!Fly (动词) “飞;放飞” (名词) “苍蝇” flies为fly的第三人称单数常见搭配:fly a kite 放风筝Fly to + 地点 坐飞机去某地Eg: We will fly to Beijing.我们将坐飞机去北京。65.Protect sb. from doing sth.

    30、保护某人不受伤害Eg: Hair can protect our heads from being hurt.头发可以保护我们的头不受伤害。66.Have to do sth.不得不做某事Eg: I had to go to school alone.我不得不独自上学。67.Sail ones boat 划船68.No pain, no gain.一分耕耘一分收获。69.In the coming years 在接下来的几年里70.Reach ones goal 达到目标知识拓展:reach, get to与arrive in/at 区别:Reach + 地点 = get to + 地点 =

    31、arrive in 大地点 = arrive at 小地点Eg: We will reach Beijing tomorrow. = We will get to Beijing tomorrow.= We will arrive in Beijing tomorrow.我们明天到北京。71.In the future 在未来72.Stand for .代表.Eg: What does this word stand for? 这个词代表什么意思?73.Agree with sb. 同意某人Eg: I agree with you.我同意你的观点。74.Show thanks to sb.向某

    32、人表达感谢知识拓展:Show (动词) “展示” (名词) “展览”常见搭配:show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb.给某人看某物Eg: Please show me that photo.= Please show that photo to me.请给我看看那张照片。Magic show.魔术表演。75.With the help of .在.的帮助下Eg: My English improves with the help of my teacher.在老师的帮助下,我的英语提高了。76.Work in groups 分组练习77.Add. to .把.添加到.Eg: Add the sugar to the coffee.把糖加到咖啡里。7


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