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    人教版英语七年级下册-Unit 8 Section A (1a-2c)(课件).pptx

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    人教版英语七年级下册-Unit 8 Section A (1a-2c)(课件).pptx

    1、Unit8 Is there a post Unit8 Is there a post office near here?office near here?Section A(1a-2c)Section A(1a-2c)1.1.老师通过教授单词使学生初步掌握和运用有关老师通过教授单词使学生初步掌握和运用有关地点地点的名词的名词,如:如:post office,bank,restaurant并让并让学生学生通过对学校周围地点相对位置的描述能理解和通过对学校周围地点相对位置的描述能理解和掌握有关掌握有关方位的介词和介词短语方位的介词和介词短语,如,如,across from,in front of

    2、2.2.使学生理解并能使学生理解并能用用Is there 句型询问句型询问某一地点周某一地点周围是否有什么;围是否有什么;3.3.根据实际情况或地图提示能用不同的方位词让学生根据实际情况或地图提示能用不同的方位词让学生说出某个地点的相对位置说出某个地点的相对位置。4.4.通过情景剧的表演,是学生更好地掌握本节课所学通过情景剧的表演,是学生更好地掌握本节课所学知识点,并形成乐于助人的良好品质。知识点,并形成乐于助人的良好品质。Lets watch a video Lets watch a video about our Shi about our Shi HeziHeziCreating the

    3、 Civilized City Creating the Civilized City(创城在路上创城在路上)These days,Shi Hezi is creating the civilized city(创城),some people are visiting Shi Hezi,and the inspection team(检查组)will come too.Today,you need to be a guide,and first you have to take them to No.10 middle school.(创城在路上,很多检查组的成员都来到了石河子,检查组也会来到

    4、石河子。今天我们第一个任务就是带检查组来到第十中学)On the way to No.10 middle school,we On the way to No.10 middle school,we will see will see New wordsNew wordsTASK 1:New wordsTASK 1:New words旅馆邮局警察局公园餐厅银行街道医院根据箭头指向的汉根据箭头指向的汉语说出英语单语说出英语单词词,直直接起立,不用举手。接起立,不用举手。Game timeGame timeStand up,say itBei Er STREETZiwu STREETBei Yi

    5、STREETTask 2:Designing Task 2:Designing Can you create a new Can you create a new neighbourhoodneighbourhood?(你能重新规划一下我们十中这一片吗?你能重新规划一下我们十中这一片吗?)No.10 middle schoolNo.10 middle schoolpost officepolice stationhotelrestaurantYes,there is.Its on Bei Er street.(这附近有医院吗?)(这附近有医院吗?)(是的,有。医院在北二路上。)(是的,有。医院

    6、在北二路上。)Task 2:Pair work Task 2:Pair work Lets answer some questions Lets answer some questions according to your mapaccording to your map.Is there a hostipal near here?/No,there isnt.Is there a.near here?Yes,there is./No,there isnt.Preposition(Preposition(介词介词)inonnext to(紧挨着紧挨着)across from(在在对面对面)W

    7、here is the snail?underIm a student in No.10 middle.Do you know where my school is?Its(1)_ Bei Er Street.Its(2)_ the hospital._ the hospital,there is a park,I usually take a walk in it after school.A big supermarket is on Bei Yi Street.Its also(3)_ our school.I can buy everything I need there.Oh,the

    8、 bank is(4)_ the supermarket _ the restaurant.The food in the restaurant is delicious.On the other side of the road(在路的另一边),there is a police station(5)_ Bei Yi Street,its(6)_ the supermarket.And,there is a hotel(7)_ the police station.Im a student in No.10 middle.Do you know where my school is?Its(

    9、1)_ Bei Er Street.Its(2)_ the hospital.(3)_ the hospital,there is a park,I usually take a walk in it after school.A big supermarket is on Bei Yi Street.Its also(4)_ our school.I can buy everything I need there.Oh,the bank is(5)_ the supermarket _ the restaurant.The food in the restaurant is deliciou

    10、s.On the other side of the road(在路的另一边),there is a police station(6)_ Bei Yi Street,its(7)_ the supermarket.And,there is a hotel (8)_ the police station.across fromacross fromnext tobetweenandononacross frombehindBei Er STREETZi Wu STREETBei Yi STREETPost officeparkhotelhospitalPolice stationrestaur

    11、antbanksupermarketNo.10 middle schoolNo.10 middle schoolIts Its betweenbetween the supermarket the supermarket andand the restaurant.the restaurant.Where is the Where is the hotelhotel?Its Its behind behind the police stationthe police station.Where is the Where is the bank?bank?Pair work Pair work

    12、ItsItsWhere is the Where is the?Task 4:Helping othersTask 4:Helping others(Now,they want to go somewhere else,(Now,they want to go somewhere else,can you help them?)can you help them?)go along 沿着沿着turn right 向向右转右转turn left 向左转向左转How can I get to the supermarket?How can I get to the supermarket?You

    13、can go along the You can go along the BeiBei ErEr street and turn right,street and turn right,and go along the and go along the ZiZi Wu street,Wu street,and you can see the supermarketand you can see the supermarket.Inspection team(检查组检查组)You need to perform a scene about asking the way六人一小组,创设一个情景,

    14、合六人一小组,创设一个情景,合作完成一个关于问路的情景剧作完成一个关于问路的情景剧老师会根据参与人数,情景剧的老师会根据参与人数,情景剧的内容,表演形式等给予相应的加内容,表演形式等给予相应的加分分1 point3 points5 pointsYou may use:Excuse me Is there Where How take the bus walk turn right turn left go along Show TimeShow TimeHelping others is a virtue.(美德)(美德)So if you can,please help others.给笔友写一封信,告诉他你周末喜给笔友写一封信,告诉他你周末喜欢去的地方,描述去的路线及建筑欢去的地方,描述去的路线及建筑物的特点。看看谁对路线的指示最物的特点。看看谁对路线的指示最明确。明确。参考词汇参考词汇:There is a restaurant nearIt is next to Its across from


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