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    1、宁夏回族自治区吴忠市青铜峡市2023-2024学年九年级上学期期末英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Do you know World Water Day? It started in 1993 and it falls 1 March 22nd every year. It makes us think about the 2 of water. It also tells us to save and 3 water. Today, were facing terrible wate

    2、r problems. Among them, waste water problem is especially 4 .What is waste water? It is the used water. This kind of water is sure to have 5 harmful (有害的) in it. 6 is waste water from? Usually, waste water comes from homes, factories, hospitals and so on. It is produced by different kinds of activit

    3、ies. Why must we treat waste water? Because it 7 our lives. It causes both illness for 8 and pollution for the environment. We must pay attention to our environment and our own health. How can we treat waste water? Different kinds of waste water need different ways. Factory waste water has to be 9 b

    4、efore it goes back to nature. Waste water from homes can be reused. In this case there will be 10 waste water. We must remember that we cant live without water.1AinBonCtoDat2AimportanceBbottomCsurfaceDintroduction3AdrinkBmakeCprotectDwaste4AsmallBdifficultCeasyDserious5AnothingBeverythingCsomethingD

    5、anything6AWhereBWhatCWhetherDWhen7AhurtsBinfluencesCpunishesDstops8AhimBherCthemDus9AweighedBpouredCboiledDcleaned10AworseBbetterClessDmore二、阅读理解 Hello, Im Frank. Id like to tell you something about my interest-cooking. Many people said that I was born with ability to cook. Maybe, but I was not sure

    6、. My mother liked cooking and cooked well. When she cooked, I often stood by, helping and learning. Of course I always watched something about cooking on TV and read the cookbooks I could find. Tasting different delicious food was also a good way to learn cooking. Before going to high school, I work

    7、ed many recipes (食谱) and was ready for a bigger challenge. I wanted to create my own dishes and I started cooking for more people than just my family. To my joy, I was allowed to build a test kitchen. I did much cooking to test my dishes in it. Later, my mom helped me set up a dinner club. My skill

    8、improved quickly. How I thanked my mother doing so much for me!Now as a teen chef, I have cooked in top-class restaurants around the country. My customers are my family, my teachers and classmates and other people from all over the country. I also share my cooking experiences on TV and books. I am n

    9、ot cooking for a job or money or being famous, but because I love cooking. I know when we are interested in something and stick to it, our dream will come true.11Paragraph 2 mainly tells us _ the writer learnt cookingAwhyBwhenCwhoDhow12According to the passage, who supported the writer most?AHis mot

    10、her.BHis teachers.CHis customers.DHis classmates.13What is the writer now?AATV star.BA cook.CA teacher.DA writer.14What is important for the writer?AFinding a good job.BMaking lots of money.CDoing what he loves.DBecoming famous. Different countries have different customs in giving presents. How shou

    11、ld we do properly? Always remember : _ In China you must never give a clock to a Chinese person, because the sound of the word for “clock” is similar to the sound for “death” in Chinese. Also, dont wrap (包裹) a present in white, black or blue paper, because these are the colors for funerals (葬礼). Don

    12、t give a knife, because something sharp can cut a friendship. In Russia, if we give flowers as a present, we have to give odd numbers of them (one, three, five, etc. ), because even numbers of flowers (two, four, six, etc. ) are for funerals. In Germany, flowers are a good present to take to your di

    13、nner hostess, but dont take her red roses because it means you are in love with her. Dont take thirteen of anything because its an unlucky number. Dont take an even number of anything, either. Dont wrap your present in white, brown or black paper.15Which is the best sentence that can be put into _ i

    14、n Paragraph 1?AKnowledge is power!BEast or west, home is best!CNever give up easily!DWhen in Rome, do as the Romans do!16What does the underlined word “even” in Paragraph 3 mean in Chinese?A甚至B更加C偶数的D奇数的17You may wrap your gifts in _ paper if you go to a party in Germany.AwhiteBblueCblackDbrown18Whi

    15、ch is the best structure (结构) of this passage?ABCDA newborn baby seems very helpless. It is tiny, with a very large head and small arms and legs. Its head is twice bigger than it is! It has trouble holding it up! At first, babies cannot talk, walk or sit. Babies can tell the differences among _. A b

    16、aby will drink a sweet drink but spit (吐) out a sour (酸的) drink. Babies also dislike “bad” smells. If they smell something bad, they will cry and turn their heads away. A baby will blink (眨眼睛) if the light is too bright. If the baby gets cold, it will shiver (颤抖) and move around to try to get warm.

    17、If a quilt is put over the babys face, the baby will move its head side to side to make the quilt away. If something hurts the babys foot, the baby will pull the foot away from the pain. We know that most babies cry a lot. Its a way for people to know theyre hungry or tired or cold or scared. Babies

    18、 also cry for another reason. You know you can sleep better after a day if you run around a lot. Using up energy helps your body relax and get sleepy. Babies cannot run. One way they use up energy is to cry!19Which of the following words can be put into _ in Paragraph 2?AtastesBsoundsClightsDsmells2

    19、0A baby will _ if it gets cold.AblinkBshiverCrun awayDput a quill21Babies use up energy by _.AsleepingBdrinkingCrunningDcrying22The writer writes this passage to _.Adescribe his own babyBtell a babys funny storyCgive information about babiesDteach kids how to take care of babiesDubai (迪拜) is a good

    20、place to travel to. There, you can find many tall buildings, taste lots of delicious food and experience some interesting things. Have you ever been to this city? If you go there, you may see a special kind of “taxi”. It is a drone (无人机). It flies in the sky by itself! Dubai started to use Chinese-m

    21、ade drones as a self-flying air taxi in July, 2017. The drone taxi is named EHang 184. A Chinese company in Guangzhou made it. And it had been tested in the US in 2016. “It will be the worlds first passenger drone.” according to Yahoo News. The drone taxi can fly up to 3,500 meters high. It can fly

    22、at a top speed of 160 kilometers an hour. It can only take one person. EHang 184s battery (电池) can only keep about 30 minutes. So it cannot take you further than 50 kilometers. How do you call an Ehang 184? You use its app on your phone. When the drone comes, you choose the place you want to go to o

    23、n a touch screen. There is no pilot in the drone. But some people on the ground will be watching it. They will make sure your trip is safe. You dont have to worry about it. “Its fantastic! And its worth trying.” a Japanese tourist said. Would you like to take a trip in this flying drone? Dont wait.

    24、Lets go! 23EHang 184 was made by _.ADubaiBChinaCAmericaDJapan24Which is TRUE about EHang 184?AIts battery can keep about half an hour.BThere is a pilot in it.CIt can fly up to 160 kilometers high.DThe trip in it isnt safe.25You can read _ if you dont know how to call an EHang 184?AParagraph 1BParagr

    25、aph 2CParagraph 3DParagraph 426Whats the best title of the passage?AThe Exciting Vacation.BThe Special Trip.CThe Fantastic Dubai.DThe Introduction of Drone Taxi. The band Sunshine began to sell their third CD “Here again” this week. Tom plays the guitar. He took Simons place because Simon left the b

    26、and last year. Peter plays the piano and David plays the drums. The first song on the CD is a dance tune (曲子). From the song, we can know that the band is no longer only writing slow songs. The second one is also a dance tune and is louder and heavier. The last two songs are in the bands usual slow

    27、style. Singer Rob is really good at singing. Fans should be glad that he has recorded the songs before he had trouble with his throat. Because of this, the band has to cancel their next tour. But do not worry. It is said that all the concerts will be organized as soon as Rob gets well. On this CD, S

    28、unshine show they can produce perfect music in different styles, from the slow ones to the fast ones. I think “Here again” will come as a surprise to many fans because it is excellent.27What did Simon play last year?AThe violin.BThe guitarCThe drum.DThe piano.28Which is TRUE according to Paragraph 2

    29、?AThe first song is a dance tune.BThe second song is quieter and softer.Cthe band only writes slow songs.DThe last two songs arent in the bands usual style.29The band has to cancel their next tour because of _.Afans adviceBbad weatherCRobs throatDmoney30In which part of a magazine can you read this

    30、passage?AHealthBBusinessCSportsDMusic三、短文填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填人适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式(每空一词)。Do you know Alexander Graham Bell? He is known as one of great 31 (person) in the world because he invented telephone. However, he wasnt the 32 (one) person to think of the idea. A man named Antonio Meucci was officially

    31、recognized (官方认定) as the 33 (invent) in 2002. Who is Meucci and why wasnt he known 34 his invention at the time? Meucci was born in Italy in 1808. People 35 (use) to communicate by letters at that time. Meucci discovered that sound could travel through metal (金属) when two places were connected 36 wi

    32、re (导线). People in those places could hear cach other. In 1850, Meucci and his wife moved to New York. Meucci was 37 (worry) about his wife because she had become very ill. He was so busy 38 he had no time to stay with her all time. To solve this problem, he connected metal cables (电缆) between his h

    33、ome and his workshop. This way, they could talk 39 (easy). Unluckily, Meucci never applied for a patent ( 专利) on his invention. At the same time, Alexander Graham Bell was working on the same thing. In 1876 the patent for the telephone was 40 (give) to Bell. This is why when we talk about telephone,

    34、 most people will think of Bell but not Meucci.阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的单词,单词的首字母已给出(每空一词)。Liu liang was from a small village. He often helped his family w 41 on the farm. When he was free, he learnt to draw by h 42 . The family had an empty room and the boy was allowed to draw there. The boy was happy to ha

    35、ve such a quiet and big room that belonged to him. He put his painting materials there and drew. Later, Liu Liang went to college to study art. At first he was afraid of drawing with others. Not only his teachers but a 43 his classmates encouraged him a lot. He became more confident and braver. He w

    36、orked hard and was g 44 at painting and was often praised. Now he is a famous a 45 .四、选词填空阅读短文,从方框中选择恰当的词或短语并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一个词或短语,每个词或短语限填一次。 take pride in, earliest, history, decide, like, be, paper, develop, color, thanEvery school day, we use schoolbags to carry our things to school. Th

    37、ey are a big part of our lives. But have you ever thought about the 46 of the schoolbag? In the Han Dynasty (汉朝) , students used a kind of boxes to school. These boxes 47 bamboo. People consider the bamboo boxes to be the 48 schoolbags. Kids put different things like brushes, ink (墨), 49 and stones

    38、(砚) in the boxes. Hundreds of years later, people 50 a new kind of schoolbag called the budai. The budai was lighter 51 the bamboo box. From 1949, military rucksacks (军用帆布包) became popular. Young people would 52 having a military rucksack at that time. Maybe you can see these rucksacks on TV or even

    39、 in your parents house. A new style of schoolbags has appeared in recent years. Many of them have 53 and beautiful designs on them. And they are more comfortable to use. There are many kinds of schoolbags and sometimes it is hard for us to 54 which one to buy. Schoolbags are still changing. Can you

    40、imagine what future schoolbags will be 55 ?五、任务型阅读阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,在每小题句子空白处填入适当词语,使其意思与短文内容一致(每空词数不限):Do you know the Tantou New Year Picture? Its a famous traditional art form in Shaoyang. It is designed for the Spring Festival. The Tantou New Year Picture appeared in the Tang Dynasty. It started mor

    41、e than 1, 300 years ago. Since the end of the Ming Dynasty, the Tantou New Year Picture has got its special features (特点)bright colors, old and exaggerated images (夸张的图像), ordinary materials and special skills. There are more than 20 steps to make the Tantou New Year Picture. All these steps, from m

    42、aking paper by hand to producing the New Year Picture, are finished in one place. This is not usual in our country. In 1994, the Tantou New Year Picture won the silver medal at the folk arts fair and gold medal eight years later. However fewer people know the skill now and most young people are not

    43、interested in it. The Tantou Year Picture is in danger of disappearing in the world.56Tantou New Year Picture is a well-known traditional art form in Shaoyang for .57Tantou New Year Picture has a long history of over years.58People can use materials to make Tantou New Year Picture.59From the passage we can know that Tantou New Year Picture can be finished in place.60Tantou New Year Picture won gold medal in the year of .六、书面表达61请以“My family”为题,写一篇短文,介绍一下你的家庭。My family_试卷第7页,共8页


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