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    1、四川省泸州市龙马潭区2022-2023学年九年级上学期期末英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单项选择1Lets go on a trip to the mountain, OK? _. Id like to breathe some fresh air. AI dont agreeBIm afraid not. CYou are welcomeDThats a good idea2 How do you study for the English tests? I study _ working with a group. AbyBwithCinDfor3My listening i

    2、s very poor. What should I do? _ you practice, _ your listening will be.AThe more; the moreBThe better; the betterCThe better; the moreDThe more; the better4My sister used to _ to work, but now she is used to _ . Because she thinks its good for her health. Adrive; walkBdriving; walkingCdriving; walk

    3、Ddrive; walking5Tina wants to know if you _ to the park with us tomorrow.Id love to. But if it _, I may go to the library instead.Ago; will rainBgo; rainsCwill go; rainsDwill go; will rain6There is no need to _ every new word in the dictionary when you are reading. Alook atBlook afterClook upDlook t

    4、hrough7The China International Alcoholic Drinks Expo (“中国国际酒博会”) _ in Luzhou every year. Awill be heldBis heldCwas heldDheld8Great changes _ in Luzhou. We are all proud of the achievements. Awere taken placeBhave taken placeCtook placeDhave been taken place9 What does “mother” mean to you, Helen? Ev

    5、erything. Mother is the person _ is standing in the wind waiting for me on cold winter days. AwhichBwhoCwhomDwhat10Excuse me, could you please tell me _? There is a bookstore on Yinghui Road. You can buy it there. Awhen I can buy the book Harry PotterBhow can I buy the book Harry PotterCif theres a

    6、bookstore near hereDwhere I can buy the book Harry Potter二、完形填空Once, there were two hard-working children, Che Yin and Sun Kang. They loved reading, 11 their families were poor and couldnt afford lamp oil (灯油) for the children to study at night. Che Yins story began on a hot summer night. He saw fir

    7、eflies (萤火虫) flying and an idea came into his mind. He caught some fireflies in a cloth bag and hung it up as a lamp. He spent all of his summer nights 12 like this. The other story happened in winter. Sun Kang woke up 13 a cold night. He saw the moon shine so 14 on the snow and it made the night br

    8、ighter. “I can read with the light!” he thought. So he took his books outside and read, even though it was very cold. The living condition is 15 better now, but the stories still encourages us to study hard. Difficulties cannot stop young minds from learning. If there is a will, there is always ligh

    9、t on the road to knowledge11AandBbutCsoDor12AreadBreadingCreadsDto read13AinBatConDfor14AbrightBbrightlyCbrighterDbrightest15AlessBmoreClittleDmuchI usually took a bus to school. I found that most passengers were silent and 16 had a conversation with anyone else. About a year 17 , an old man got on

    10、the bus and said loudly to the driver, “Good morning!” Most people looked up, and the bus driver didnt 18 it seriously and just replied in a cold voice, “Mm -hmm.” The next day the man got on and again he said in a loud 19 , “Good morning!” to the driver. Another “Mm-hmm”. By the fifth day, the 20 f

    11、inally answered him with a little happy “Good morning!” Then the man said, “My name is Benny. ” The driver told the man that he was Sam. That was the 21 time any of us had heard the drivers name and soon people began to talk to each other and say hello to Sam and Benny. Soon Benny spread his 22 “Goo

    12、d morning!” to the whole bus. Within a few days, his “Good morning!” was returned by a lot of “Good mornings” and the whole bus seemed to be 23 . People got to know each other. Benny truly showed friendship among us with a simple “Good morning!” , I thought. Then suddenly, Benny stopped 24 . Everyon

    13、e began to ask about Benny, wondering 25 happened to him. No one knew what to do and the bus got 26 again. So, I started to act like Benny and say “Good morning!” to everyone and the whole bus 27 up again. Hopefully, Benny could comeback to see his “Good morning!” mattered a lot. Sometimes we see so

    14、me strangers 28 many times that we know their faces well, but we never even say hello to them. 29 saying hello, friendship starts to 30 , and sunshine comes to the world around us, and love spreads over the community we are in. Why not start a “hello” today? 16AeverBneverCoftenDeven17AagoBlaterCbefo

    15、reDafter18AlookBmakeCgetDtake19AsoundBvoiceCnoiseDlaugh20AdoctorBteacherCstudentDdriver21AfirstBsecondCthirdDfourth22AsadBsickChappyDboring23AworseBcolderClonelierDfriendlier24Aputting upBtaking upCshowing upDlooking up25AwhereBwhenCwhatDwhy26AnoisyBquietCwarmDhelpful27AcheeredBcalledCgaveDstayed28A

    16、tooBsoCandDbut29AWithBForCWithoutDBy30AdieBdisappearCgrowDleave三、阅读理解Parents helped us in all sides when we were very young. As we grow older, we may help them. Families can succeed in reaching goals when all family members help one another.What makes real family members? Whoever we are, our family

    17、members are the most important in our lives. Family members support each other in many ways besides money or helping around the house. On the one hand, we can share our hopes, dreams or problems when we communicate with them. On the other hand, we can get a strong feeling of satisfaction and confide

    18、nce with their help.How to build good family relationships needs a lot of efforts. Firstly, everyone in the family needs to get along well with each other and shouldnt have conflicts. Secondly, family members should share thoughts and feelings while eating meals, traveling or working together. Third

    19、ly, we should talk with each other about our worries and then solve them together because family members can encourage one another to set goals and achieve dreams. Finally, we are supposed to spend time listening to family members. Listening shows we care about them as much as they care about us.In

    20、a word, family members can make us full of energy and powerful all the time.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。31Who helped us in all sides when we were young?ATeachers.BFriends.CClassmates.DParents.32Whats the most important in our lives according to the passage?AMoney.BDreams.CFamily members.DProblems.33What does the

    21、underlined word “conflicts” mean?ADiscussions.BFights.CHappiness.DKindness.34How many ways are there to build good family relationships in Paragraph 3?AOne.BTwo.CThree.DFour.35What can our family members encourage us to do?ATo set goals and achieve our dreams.BTo get good grades.CTo spend time trave

    22、ling.DTo avoid arguments with others.October 16 is World Food Day. The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is always trying to make everyone in the world have enough food to eat by providing help for them. However, some people are still in a poor situation. In some African countries, some peo

    23、ple fall ill because of poor diet (饮食) and some even die of hunger. So their countries have to borrow money from other countries to buy food. After reading this, does it make you start to think more about the food you eat? Do you waste food? Do you throw food away without finishing it? As a student,

    24、 what can you do to reduce (减少) food waste? Here are some of my ideas. Firstly, do not order too much while eating in a restaurant. If you cant eat all the food, take the rest of it home. Secondly, the food you eat may not taste good sometimes, but your body needs it. Always try to finish the food o

    25、n your plate. This is a way that you can easily take care of yourself. Thirdly, make a plan before you go shopping. Dont buy too much. In fact, it is everyones job to save food. Remember, start with something small and you can make a big difference to others. 36What does FAO try to do? ASell cheap f

    26、ood. BSave people in danger. CHelp hungry people in the world. DLend money to some poor countries. 37What can we learn about some of the African people? AThey are busy. BThey eat much. CThey live a hard life. DThey sometimes waste food. 38What should you do when you eat in a restaurant? AChoose new

    27、dishes. BTake home what you cant finish. COrder as much food as possible. DEnjoy as much food as possible.39What is the advice on shopping? ABuy what you like. BBuy what you need. CBuy cheap things. DBuy the best things. 40What is the main idea of this passage? ANot to order too much food while eati

    28、ng outside. BEat all the food on the plate. CMake a plan before going shopping. DSave food from something small. Interesting festivals in the worldThrowing tomatoes-Spain( 西班牙) Spain takes tomatoes fights to a whole new level. But the tomatoes are being thrown, not eaten. The festival takes place du

    29、ring the last Wednesday in August. Trucks (卡车) carry tomatoes into the square. People rush to the tomatoes and throw them into the crowd.Rolling cheese-England This festival is celebrated on the last Monday in May. It takes place on Coopers Hill. A large wheel of cheese (奶酪) is roiled down Coopers H

    30、ill. The festival is actually a race where people run down the hill after the rolling cheese. The first person to cross the finish line at the bottom of the hill wins the cheese.Burning man-The United States The Burning Man Festival lasts a week, it is from the Monday before Labor Day to Labor Day(w

    31、hich falls on the first Monday in September in America). The festival takes place in the Black Rock Desert. The best part of the festival is the burning of a large sculpture of a man.Pouring water-Thailand The Songkran Festival is the celebration of the New Year in Thailand. Rather than a single day

    32、, Thailand celebrates the New Year from April 13th to April 15th. Thai people run after each other, pouring water. Songkran is one of the most important reasons why foreigners travel to the beautiful land.41How many festivals are mentioned in the passage?AOne.BTwo.CThree.DFour42Where will you probab

    33、ly go to enjoy one of the festivals above in May?ASpain.BEngland.CThe United States.DThailand.43Which festival is held in Black Rock Desert?AThrowing tomatoes.BRolling cheese.CBurning man,DPouring water.44Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AThe tomatoes are thrown into the crowd

    34、 to eat.BNot all the festivals alive fall on the single day.CBurning a large real man is the best part of the festival.DSongkran is the only reason for attracting lots of tourists,45The passage is most probably taken from _.Aa tour guideBa science reportCa story bookDa fashion magazineOne thing youv

    35、e probably already known by now is that ant brains are tiny! Ants are tiny insects, so their brains must be even smaller to fit inside their little heads. Elephants, on the other hand, are large animals. So its no surprise to learn that an elephant brain is large. But just how big is an elephant bra

    36、in? Scientists tell us that the human brain weighs about 3 pounds. That s pretty big, considering the size of a human being. Elephant brains weigh 1113 poundsabout four times the size of the human brain. Compared to a tiny ant brain, an elephant brain is thousands of times larger!But does brain size

    37、 determine intelligence (决定智力)? Not necessarily. When thinking about brain size, its helpful to compare the size of the brain to the size of its owner. If you compare the ratio (比例) of brain to body weight in humans and elephants, you learn that this ratio is about 1:50 for humans and about 1:800 fo

    38、r elephants. So, for their size, humans have much bigger brains than elephants. Even though elephant brains arent all that big compared to their size, they re known for their intelligence and good memories. But what about ants and their brains? Of all the insects in the world, the ant has the larges

    39、t brain. There are about 250, 000 brain cells (细胞) in an ant brain. And ants are widely considered to be the smartest insect in the world.Although scientists have learned a lot about the brain over the past hundred years, the brain is so complex (费解的) that it cant be fully explained in simple words,

    40、 such as size, and much of how the brain works remains a mystery. 46The writer develops Paragraph 1 by _. Atelling storiesBshowing factsClisting numbersDasking questions47What information is mentioned in Paragraph 2? AThe size of an ant brain. BThe weight of an elephant. CThe height of an elephant.

    41、DThe weight of a human brain. 48Why does the writer say humans have much bigger brains than elephants? ABecause human brains are bigger in size. BBecause human brains are much heavier. CBecause humans have more cells in their brains. DBecause humans have a higher ratio of brain to body weight. 49Fro

    42、m the last paragraph we can learn that _. Athere is still a lot to learn about the brainBscientists know almost nothing about the brainCscientists will do more studies on the size of the brainDthe brain will remain a mystery for hundreds of years50In which part of a website can we find the material?

    43、 AScience. BCulture.CLife. DPeople. 四、补全对话A: You look worried and unhappy. Whats wrong? B: Oh, I did badly in the English exam. A: Im 51 to hear that. What are your problems? B: I cant get the pronunciation right. What should I do? A: 52 not read after the tape? B: Good idea. But I always make mista

    44、kes in writing.A: Thats too bad. You could 53 making a foreign pen pal and writing letters in English to practice writing.B: Maybe Ill try. The last one is that I find 54 hard to understand grammar. A: Its a good way to take notes in class and do more exercises after class.B: Thanks 55 giving me so

    45、much advice. A: My pleasure!五、选词填空短文填空Abefore Bare C try Dreason E. scaredF. about G. also H. bring I. other J. helpThe lion dance is part of traditional Chinese culture. People often perform it the night before the Chinese New Year. They 56 perform it for other happy activities. People think the lion dance can 57 good luck and success. There are many different stories 58 how the lion dance began. One of them is like this: Hundreds of years ago, a monster called Nian came to a village in China. The villagers were 59 A lion chased (驱赶) Nian away. A yea


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