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    Unit 2 Wildlife Protection Reading and Thinking (ppt课件) -2023新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第二册.pptx

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    Unit 2 Wildlife Protection Reading and Thinking (ppt课件) -2023新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第二册.pptx

    1、A Day in the CloudsReading&ThinkingWarming upWhat animal can you see in the video?Lead inHeight:_Weight:_ Main Habitat:74-83 cm45-60 kgTibet,Western Qinghai,the Changtang National Nature Reserve.课文短语The air is thin and we have to rest several times on the short hike from camp.To our left,snow-covere

    2、d mountains disappear into clouds that seem almost close enough to touch.On the plain in front of us,we can just make out a herd of graceful animals.This is why were here-to observe Tibetan antelopes.Part 1:para1Part 1:para1Para1Para11.1.国家国家自然保护区2.在离开营地的短途徒步旅行中3.白雪皑皑的群山4.消失在云层中5.隐约看到一群体型优美的动物6.那就是-

    3、的原因National National nature reserve on the short hike from campsnow-covered mountainsdisappear into cloudsmake out a herd of graceful animalsThis is why1.The air is thin and we have to rest several times _ the short hike from camp.2.To our left,snow-covered mountains disappear _ clouds that seem alm

    4、ost close enough _(touch).3.This is _ were hereto observe Tibetan antelopes.onintoto touchwhyTibetan antelopes live on the plains of Tibet,Xinjiang,and Qinghai.Watching them move slowly across the green grass,Im struck by their beauty.Im also reminded of the danger they are in.They are being hunted,

    5、illegally,for their valuable fur.para 2para 2 Para2Para21.1.生活生活-在平原上在平原上2.2.被被所触动所触动3.3.使某人想起使某人想起4.4.因为因为-正在被捕杀正在被捕杀5.5.珍贵的皮毛珍贵的皮毛live on the plains ofbe struck by remind sb ofbe being hunted.forvaluable fur73%Para21.Tibetan antelopes live _ the plains of Tibet,Xinjiang,and Qinghai.2._(watch)them

    6、move slowly across the green grass,Im struck _ their beauty.3.Im also reminded _ the danger they are in.4.They are being hunted,illegally,_ their valuable fur.onWatching byoffor para3 para3My guide is Zhaxi,a villager from Changtang.He works at the Changtang National Nature Reserve.The reserve is a

    7、shelter for the animals and plants of northwestern Tibet.To Zhaxi,the land is sacred and protecting the wildlife is a way of life.Were not trying to save the animals,he says.Actually,were trying to save ourselves.1.1.一个动植物的庇护所一个动植物的庇护所2.2.一种生活方式一种生活方式3.3.试图拯救动物试图拯救动物a shelter for the animals and pla

    8、ntsa way of lifetry to save the animalsParagraph 4Paragraph 4句句1:The 1980s and 1990s were bad times for the Tibetan antelope.句句2:The population dropped by more than 50 percent.句句3:Hunters were shooting antelopes to make profits.句句4:Their habitats were becoming smaller as new roads and railways were

    9、built.supporting pointsuKey words 1.1.对对-来说是一个悲惨时代来说是一个悲惨时代2.2.减少了减少了3.3.为了谋利而射杀藏羚羊为了谋利而射杀藏羚羊be bad times fordrop byshoot antelopes to make profits1.The 1980s and 1990s were bad times _ the Tibetan antelope.2.The population dropped _ more than 50 percent.3.Hunters _(为了谋利而射杀藏羚羊为了谋利而射杀藏羚羊).Their habit

    10、ats were becoming smaller _new roads and railways were built.forbyshoot antelopes to make profitsasParagraph 5Paragraph 5In order to save this species from extinction,the Chinese government placed it under national protection.Zhaxi and other volunteers watched over the antelopes day and night to kee

    11、p them safe from attacks.Bridges and gates were added to let the antelopes move easily and keep them safe from cars and trains.summary supporting points1.1.从从-中挽救中挽救2.2.将其置于国家保护之下将其置于国家保护之下3.3.日夜看护日夜看护-4.4.保护他们免受攻击保护他们免受攻击save-fromplace it under national protectionwatch over-day and nightkeep them s

    12、afe from attacks1.In order to save this species _ extinction,the Chinese government _(将其置于国家保护之将其置于国家保护之).2.Zhaxi and other volunteers watched over the antelopes day _ night to keep them safe from attacks.fromplace it under national protectionandandParagraph 6Paragraph 6The measures were effective.T

    13、he antelope population has recovered and in June 2015,the Tibetan antelope was removed from the endangered species list.The government,however,does not intend to stop the protection programmes,since the threats to the Tibetan antelope have not yet disappeared.Summary supporting points1.1.从从-移除移除/删除删

    14、除2.2.打算做某事打算做某事3.3.的威胁的威胁remove.fromintend tothe threats toIn the evening,I drink a cup of tea and watch In the evening,I drink a cup of tea and watch the stars.I think about the antelopes and what the stars.I think about the antelopes and what Zhaxi told me.Much is being done to protect Zhaxi told

    15、me.Much is being done to protect wildlife,but if we really want to save the wildlife,but if we really want to save the planet,we must planet,we must change our way of lifechange our way of life.Only.Only when we learn to when we learn to exist in harmony with natureexist in harmony with nature can w

    16、e can we stop being a threat to wildlife and to stop being a threat to wildlife and to our planetour planet.(para 7).(para 7)1.1.改变我们的生活方式改变我们的生活方式2.2.和自然和睦相处和自然和睦相处3.3.不会成为野生动物和地球的威胁不会成为野生动物和地球的威胁change our way of lifeexist in harmony with naturestop being a threat to wildlife and to our planetPara

    17、graph 7Paragraph 7课文基本框架 Make a predictionWhat do you think the text is about?It is about Tibetan antelopes.heardthoughta travel journalA Day in the CloudsTibetFrom the title,we can know that the text mainly talks about what the writer saw,_ and _ about the endangered animalsTibetan antelopes in a d

    18、ay.It is _.Learn about protecting endangered animalsA Day in the Clouds What I see?What I hear?What I think?1.Read the text quickly and divide it into three parts.Para _:What I seePara _:What I hearPara _:What I think1-23-67 While-readingRead para.1&2 and find out the answers.what?Tibetan antelopesT

    19、hey have fur.Butwhy?plainsgracefulvaluable mountainsSnow-covered Tibetan antelope live on the ,moving slowly across the green grass.They are animals.Part 1.What I seeThe 1980s and 1990s were bad times for Tibetan antelopes.Part 2.What I hearMy guide is Zhaxi,a villager from Changtang.He works at the

    20、 Changtang National Nature Reserve.The reserve is a shelter for the animals and plants of northwestern Tibet.To Zhaxi,the land is sacred and protecting the wildlife is a way of life.Were not trying to save the animals,he says.Actually,were trying to save ourselves.(para.3)Q1:What is Zhaxis opinion o

    21、f protecting wildlife?What we have given to nature will be given back one day.Read para.4 and find out the reasons.The 1980s and 1990s were bad times for Tibetan antelopes.Part 2.What I hearHunters antelopes to make .Built and .were shootingprofitsroadsrailwayspopulation:habitats:dropped bybecame50%

    22、ReasonssmallerRead para.5&6 and find out the answers.something is protected across the whole country,and it is illegal to harm itHow?government Zhaxi and other volunteers bridges and gatesplace antelopes under national protection.watch over antelopes day and night.added to let them move easily and k

    23、eep them safe.measurespopulation:recoveredantelope was removed from the endangered species listResults?resultsnational protectionDid the measures work?Thats enough?NO!More to do!Part 2.What I hearIn the evening,how does the writer reflect on the days observation?VSZhaxis way of lifeProtecting wildli

    24、feGoing against natureRead para.7 and find out the answers.We must change our way of life to exist nature.Part 3.What I think重点句式 Only when we learn to exist in harmony with nature can we stop being a threat to wildlife and to our planet.状语从句状语从句主语主语 谓语谓语 Only when he finished his homework did he wa

    25、tch TV.他只有完成作业后才看电视。他只有完成作业后才看电视。Only when the project was completed was he able to get back home.只有当工程完成时,他才能回家。只有当工程完成时,他才能回家。Only+Only+状语从句,置于句首,主句用部分倒装状语从句,置于句首,主句用部分倒装只有学会和大自然和谐共处,我们才不会成为野只有学会和大自然和谐共处,我们才不会成为野生生物和地球的威胁。生生物和地球的威胁。与与和谐共处和谐共处Only in this way can we help the endangered animals.Only

    26、 then did we know the animals were in danger.Only when we know the threat will we find out ways to help them.“Only+状语状语”位于句首,主句部分使用部分倒装。位于句首,主句部分使用部分倒装。部分倒装结构使用部分倒装结构使用“助动词助动词/情态动词情态动词/be动词动词+主语主语+谓语谓语”。only+介词短语介词短语位于句首,主句进行部分倒装位于句首,主句进行部分倒装only+副词副词位于句首,主句进行部分倒装位于句首,主句进行部分倒装only+状语从句状语从句位于句首,主句进行部

    27、分倒装位于句首,主句进行部分倒装P17-21 短语P17P171.1.在海平面以上在海平面以上2.2.和平地生活和平地生活P18.P18.据报道据报道-above sea above sea levellevellive in peacelive in peaceIt is reported that-It is reported that-phrasesphrasesP19.P19.被用来做被用来做-寻找寻找采取措施做采取措施做-be used forbe used forsearch forsearch fortake measures to do take measures to do

    28、sthsthP20P201.当提到当提到时时2.注意注意3.给给-一个机会一个机会4.激起情感激起情感5.削减;删节;砍倒削减;删节;砍倒6.目标观众目标观众When it comes to-pay attention to give sb a chancestir up emotionscut downthe intended audience1.履行,实施,执行履行,实施,执行2.一个不同寻常的标题一个不同寻常的标题carry outa unusual titleP21P21相关练习1.The measures were _(effect).2.In June 2015,the Tibet

    29、an antelope was removed _ the endangered species list.The government,however,does not intend _(stop)the protection programmes,since the threats to the Tibetan antelope have not yet disappeared.3.I think about the antelopes and _ Zhaxi told me.4._we really want to save the planet,we must change our w

    30、ay of life.5.Only when we learn to exist in harmony with nature _(我们才会停止)being a threat to wildlife and to our planet.effectiveeffectivefromfromto stopto stopwhatwhatIfIfcan we stop1._(当提到野生动植物保护时),all speciesthe good,the bad,and the uglyshould be treated equally.2.Pandas,dolphins,and other cute wil

    31、dlife are important,but we must _(注意)less cute animals,too.3.The world needs all kinds_ variety,our planet cannot survive.4.So if you want the future to be beautiful,you have to _ _(给难看的动物一个机会).When it comes to wildlife protectionpay attention towithoutgive ugly a chance5.Billions of trees are being

    32、 _(被砍伐掉)every year to make paper for humans.cut down6.Is it right to make animals homeless _(以便)humans can have more paper?so thatso that7._is reported that living spaces for wildlife are being reduced due _ the cutting of trees.It It toto8._(正在实施一项计划)to increase the number of wild tigers.A plan is being carried outWork harder and make progress everydayHave a nice day!


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