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    1、Unit 1 A Trip to the Silk RoadLesson 5 Another Stop along the Silk Road Whats the places of interest in Dunhuang?Do you want to take a trip to Dunhuang?the DunHuang frescoes 敦煌壁画敦煌壁画Mingsha Mountain ride a camelanotheramazingmain sand cavebelieveadj.另外的;又一另外的;又一pron.另一个另一个adj.惊奇的;惊人的惊奇的;惊人的adj.主要的主要

    2、的n.沙;沙地沙;沙地n.洞窟;山洞洞窟;山洞v.相信相信Words and expressionsMarco Polo camelsirsafe fall ontoyay马可马可.波罗波罗(14世纪意大利世纪意大利商人、旅行家商人、旅行家)n.骆驼骆驼n.先生;老师先生;老师adj.安全的安全的v.落下,跌倒落下,跌倒prep.到到上面上面int.哇哇(因高兴而欢呼因高兴而欢呼)Words and expressionsTo understand the dialogueTo use the following words correctly:fall off be famous as an

    3、otherobjectives.短语连线短语连线1.fall offA.作为作为而出名而出名2.take a tourB.跌落;下降跌落;下降3.be famous asC.可以的;好的可以的;好的4.all rightD.某人在去某人在去的路上的路上5.on ones way toE.参观;旅游参观;旅游.句型展示句型展示1.他们在全市旅行。他们在全市旅行。They _ _ _ around the city.2.这是一个令人惊奇的城市。这是一个令人惊奇的城市。This is _ _ city.答案:答案:1.take a tour 2.an amazing3.它作为沙城而闻名。它作为沙城而

    4、闻名。Its _ _ the City of Sands.4.我们正在走和马可我们正在走和马可波罗同样的路。波罗同样的路。We are walking on _ _ _ _ Marco Polo.答案:答案:3.famous as 4.the same road as The group arrives in Dunhuang.They take a tour around the city.Listen and read.Ms.Martin:This is an amazing city.Li Ming:Its one of the main stops on the Silk Road.I

    5、ts famous as the City of Sands.Many people come here to see the ancient paintings in the Mogao Caves.Jenny:I cant believe it!We are walking on the same road as Marco Polo.Danny:Yes,Marco Polo walked here.But did he ride a camel here?Ms.Martin:Yes,Danny.Of course he did.Danny:Well,then I want to ride

    6、 a camel too!(They find a camel man on their way to Mingsha Mountain.)Danny:Hello,sir.May I ride a camel?Camel Man:Sure.Danny:Is it safe?Camel Man:Yes.You will not fall off.Danny:Are you sure?That camel is really tall.Camel Man:Yes,he is tall.But you will be all right.Danny:OK.(The man helps Danny a

    7、nd Jenny onto the Camel.)Danny:Yay!This is fun!Look at me.Im Marco Polo!Language points (1)another:又一的;再一个的;另一个的;又一的;再一个的;另一个的;别的不同的;泛指三个或者三个以上的人或别的不同的;泛指三个或者三个以上的人或物中没有确定的另一个。物中没有确定的另一个。We had a party last month,and it was a lot of fun,so lets have another one this month.我们在上个月有一个聚会我们在上个月有一个聚会,聚会非常

    8、有意思聚会非常有意思,所以让我们这个月举办另一个聚会吧。所以让我们这个月举办另一个聚会吧。I dont like this hat.Can you show me another?我不喜欢这个帽子我不喜欢这个帽子,能拿另一顶给我看吗能拿另一顶给我看吗?(2)other:别的;不同的;其他的;别的;不同的;其他的;other+名词名词 He ran faster than other students.(3)the other:指已知的两个人或两事物中的另指已知的两个人或两事物中的另一个;一个;the other 常常与常常与 one 连用,具体形连用,具体形式为式为 one.the other

    9、.I have two American friends.One is a doctor,the other is a teacher.我有两个美国朋友我有两个美国朋友.一个是医生一个是医生,另外一个是另外一个是老师。老师。(4)others:泛指别的人或事务泛指别的人或事务 可以单独使用,可以单独使用,其意思与其意思与 other+名词名词 相同相同。Some,others.He ran faster than others.Some came by car,others came on foot.【探究总结探究总结】(1)表示两件东西或两个人中表示两件东西或两个人中“一个一个,另一个,另一

    10、个”时用时用one.,the other.(2)表示不定数目中的表示不定数目中的“一个一个”与与“另一个另一个”时用时用one.,another.【拓展延伸拓展延伸】(1)表示一定范围内)表示一定范围内“其余所有的其余所有的”用用the others,相当于相当于the other+名词复数。如图:名词复数。如图:(2)表示许多人或物中的)表示许多人或物中的“一部分一部分”和和“另一另一部分,并非全部部分,并非全部”时用时用some.others.。如图:。如图:提示:提示:others后不跟名词。后不跟名词。【学以致用学以致用】We have two foreign teachers her

    11、e.One is from England,and _ is from America.A.another B.the otherC.other D.the others连接中考:连接中考:Could we see each other at 9 oclock tomorrow morning?Sorry.Lets make it _time.A.others B.the other C.another D.otherC2.This is an amazing city.这是一个令人惊奇的城市。这是一个令人惊奇的城市。amazing 形容词形容词 sth.be amazing 令人惊奇的令人惊

    12、奇的 amazed 形容词形容词 sb.be amazed at sth.人对人对感到惊奇。感到惊奇。句型句型 It is+amazing+for sb.to do sth.做做事令某人非常的惊奇。事令某人非常的惊奇。It amazing for me to watch the movie.看这部电影另我非常惊奇。看这部电影另我非常惊奇。3.They take a tour around the city.他们围绕这个城市观光旅游他们围绕这个城市观光旅游.4.Its one of the main stops on the Silk Road.它是丝绸之路上的主要景点之一它是丝绸之路上的主要景

    13、点之一.句法分析句法分析:It is one of the+形容词最高级形容词最高级+名词名词复数复数.常用于表达常用于表达最最.之一之一It is one of the biggest city in our country.main 形容词形容词 主要的主要的 This is a main road.This is a main subject.This subject is main.这个学科是主要的。这个学科是主要的。5.It is famous as the City of Sands.它因沙漠之城而著名它因沙漠之城而著名.be famous as “作为作为而著名而著名”,后面常后

    14、面常加职业名词加职业名词.例例:teacher,writer,doctor.be famous for,“因为因为.而出名而出名;以以.而著名而著名”famous=well-known 著名的著名的 Mo Yan is famous as a writer.Lanzhou is famous for the Yellow River.【探究总结探究总结】famous的用法的用法6.I cant believe it!我不能相信!我不能相信!believe sb.相信某人相信某人(说的话是真的说的话是真的)believe in sb.信任某人信任某人 I believe him,but I ca

    15、nt believe in him.我相信他的话是真的我相信他的话是真的,但我不能信任他但我不能信任他.7.We are walking on the same road as Marco Polo.我们和马可波罗走在同一条路上我们和马可波罗走在同一条路上.the same+n.+as 意为意为“和和.一样一样”same总是和总是和the连用连用.same 后跟名词后跟名词.我的短裙和妹妹的一样。我的短裙和妹妹的一样。My skirt is the same as my sisters.我的头发的颜色和你的一样。我的头发的颜色和你的一样。My hairs color is the same a

    16、s yours.8.They find a camel man on their way to Mingsha Mountain.他们在去鸣沙山的路上找到了一个骑骆驼的人。他们在去鸣沙山的路上找到了一个骑骆驼的人。on ones way to意为意为“在某人去在某人去.的路上的路上”。ones 要与主语的人称保持一致要与主语的人称保持一致,当后接表示地当后接表示地点的副词点的副词here,there,home等时等时,不加不加to。We will be on our way to Dunhuang next week.On my way home,I saw a traffic acciden

    17、t.9.Is it safe?它是安全的吗它是安全的吗?safe 形容词形容词 安全的安全的 反义词反义词 dangerous 危险的危险的 safely 副词副词 安全地安全地 dangerously 危险地危险地safety 名词名词 安全安全 danger 危险危险 in danger 处于危险中处于危险中这条绳子很安全吗这条绳子很安全吗?Is the rope quite safe?10.You will not fall off.一般将来时的否定句一般将来时的否定句 will 后加后加 notfall off=fall down from 跌落,跌落,从从掉下掉下来来他昨天从树上掉了

    18、下来。他昨天从树上掉了下来。He fell off(fall down from)the trees yesterday.今天早上他从车子上摔下来。今天早上他从车子上摔下来。This morning he fell off the bike【探究总结探究总结】fall的用法的用法(1)fall一般用作不及物动词,意为一般用作不及物动词,意为“落下;跌倒;落下;跌倒;(气(气 温,价格等)下降温,价格等)下降”;The temperature will fall tonight.今天夜间气温要下降。今天夜间气温要下降。(2)fall off可以单独使用,意为可以单独使用,意为“跌落跌落”;也可以

    19、直接;也可以直接跟跟 宾语,意为宾语,意为“从从上跌落上跌落”,相当于,相当于fall down _;(3)fall 还可用作连系动词,意为还可用作连系动词,意为“变得变得”,后常接形,后常接形容容 词词asleep,ill等作表语。等作表语。She fell ill as soon as she got to London.她一到伦敦就生病了。她一到伦敦就生病了。from【学以致用学以致用】Tom fell down from the wall yesterday.(改为改为同义句同义句)Tom _ _ the wall yesterday.答案:答案:fell off11.I want t

    20、o have a picture taken on the camel.我想拍张我骑在骆驼上的照片。我想拍张我骑在骆驼上的照片。have a picture taken 意为意为“让别人给自己拍让别人给自己拍 照照”。have something done 意为意为“使某事发生;使某事发生;使使完成完成”(有被动的含义)(有被动的含义)我请人理发。我请人理发。I have my hair cut.I have my bike mended.Mr Mrs Miss Ms 的区别?的区别?Mr 先生先生 Mrs 夫人夫人 Miss 小姐(未婚)小姐(未婚)Ms 不知身份的不知身份的女士(不知婚否)

    21、女士(不知婚否)Hello,sir。你好。你好,先生,先生,Sir 是对长者,上级,老师,顾客的是对长者,上级,老师,顾客的尊称,称呼女士用尊称,称呼女士用 madam。一般过去时的用法一般过去时的用法 1、表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态。表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态。2、表示过去经常或反复发生的动作。、表示过去经常或反复发生的动作。常与一般过去时态连用的时间有常与一般过去时态连用的时间有:yesterday,the other day(前几天)(前几天),just now last night (week,month,year)two days ago,a week ago

    22、,three years agoin 1990,(in 1998)When I was 5 years ago实义动词的过去时实义动词的过去时:be 动词的过去时:动词的过去时:Lets Do It!Listen and write true(T)or false(F).1 11.Dunhuang is famous as the City of Sands.()2.Marco Polo came to Dunhuang a long time ago.()3.The camel is not safe and Danny falls off.()TTF Read the lesson and

    23、 fill in the blanks.2 2 The group takes a tour around Dunhuang.Its one of the _ stops on the Silk Road.Its famous as the City of _.They walk on the _ road as Marco Polo.Danny wants to ride on the camel,but he is scared.Is it _ to ride a camel?Yes,Danny will be all right.mainSandssamesafe Fill in the

    24、 blanks with the correct forms.3 3ride safe believe another main be famous as on ones way to1.Li Hua _ his bicycle to work every day.2.We cant _ the news.It cant be true.3.I dont like this jacket.Can you show me _ one?ridebelieveanother4.Rizhao in Shandong _ the City of Sunshine.5.Its not _ for chil

    25、dren to play on the road.6.I met an old friend _ school this morning.7.I live on a _street.Its always very busy.ride safe believe another main be famous as on ones way tois famous assafeon my way tomainExercises1.The boy _ his bike and hurt his leg yesterday.2.Yao Ming _a basketball player.3.Li Ming

    26、 often helps the little girl_ _ school.4.Davids jacket _ colour_ Jims.5.We _ on Mountain Tai last week.I.选词填空选词填空 take a tour be famous as on ones way to fall off be the same as fell off is famous as on their is the same as took a tourway to.按要求完成句子按要求完成句子1.He rode a camel here.(改为一般疑问句)(改为一般疑问句)_ h

    27、e _ a camel here?2.I,way,the,to,on,my,am,zoo(连词成句)(连词成句)_答案:答案:1.Did;ride 2.I am on my way to the zoo.3.He will fall off the bike.(改为否定句)(改为否定句)He _ _ fall off the bike.4.famous,as,a,writer,is,Lu Xun(连词成句)(连词成句)_5.my,Lilys,same,as,coat,the,is,colour(连词成句)(连词成句)_答案:答案:3.will not 4.Lu Xun is famous as

    28、 a writer.5.My coat is the same colour as Lilys.Work in pairs.Continue the dialogue in this lesson.What happens after Jenny and Danny get on the camels?Example:A:I want to have a picture taken on the camel.Can you help me?B:Of course.Look here and say,“Cheese!”Great!A:Thanks.Now Ill take a picture o

    29、f you.Smile!HomeworkWhat is this animal?It was an Elephant!What is this animal?The elephant is the largest animal that lives on land.Some male elephants can grow to be thirteen feet tall.Thats more than twice as tall as many human adults.Elephants can weigh as much as a school busbetween ten and fou

    30、rteen thousand pounds!It was an Elephant!In the USA the elephant is the symbol of the party.Turn the page to find out which party!The elephant is the largest animal that lives on land.Some male elephants can grow to be thirteen feet tall.Thats more than twice as tall as many human adults.Elephants c

    31、an weigh as much as a school busbetween ten and fourteen thousand pounds!The traditional symbol for the Republican Party first appeared in a cartoon in the 7 November 1874 edition of Harpers Weekly by the artist Thomas Nast.Ans.The RepublicansIn the USA the elephant is the symbol of the party.Turn the page to find out which party!


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