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    2024年中考英语专题复习:书面表达 专项练习题汇编(Word版含答案范文).docx

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    2024年中考英语专题复习:书面表达 专项练习题汇编(Word版含答案范文).docx

    1、2024年中考英语专题复习:书面表达 专项练习题汇编2023.6南山第二外语集团学府中学四模 2023深圳公园文化节(Park Culture Season of Shenzhen)期间,深圳市各大公园举办了各种文化活动,例如音乐节,露天电影,花展,书展等。你参加了哪项活动?请你根据以下提示和所给标题,写一则活动评论。要点:1.你参加了哪项/些活动(不超过2项); 2.活动的内容; 3.谈谈你的感受和想法。Park Culture Season of Shenzhen is a yearly event During the season, different kinds of events

    2、were held in the parks around the city. For example, you can choose to enjoy the flowers show , books show and so on, which attracted a large number of people to take participation in . As for me, I also went to enjoy quite a few events , such as the music festival at the beach and the happy theater

    3、. At the music festival, I listened to many pieces of pop music and traditional music, which really excited me a lot. At the happy theater, there were many interesting and educational plays for children. There was no doubt that I had a good time there. Thanks to all peoples hard work, Shenzhen has d

    4、eveloped very fast in recent years though it was a small fishing village in the past. I feel proud of my city.I will work hard and try to play a role in building a better city in the future.2023.6深中三模考 学校学生会正在招募志愿者,为外国来访学生展示传统手工制作(如剪纸、风筝、灯笼等),以弘扬中华传统文化。假如你是李华,请你用英语给校学生会写一封自荐信,在信中说明你申请成为志愿者的理由以及你的优势。

    5、内容提示:1你申请志愿者的理由:(1)热爱中国文化;(2)有机会用英语交流;(3);2你的优势:(1)有过当志愿者的经验;(2)擅长英语;3你当选之后的打算:参考词汇:传统手工制作traditional Chinese handicraftsDear Sir/Madam, Learning that the Student Union is looking for volunteers, Im writing to apply to become a volunteer. Let me introduce myself to you. I am Li Xin,an active boy fro

    6、m Class 2,Grade 9. First and foremost, I have been a volunteer since I was a middle school student . I have learned a lot from my volunteer work,like the communication skills, the awareness of service and so on.Apart from that, the reason why I want to be a volunteer of your program is that I love C

    7、hinese culture very much and I want to spread Chinese culture. Besides,My English is very good, so I can communicate with them very easily. They are my advantages. As far as I am concerned, traditional Chinese culture is important and colorful. As a Chinese, it is my great honor to show the traditio

    8、nal handicraft, such as paper cutting, kites, lanterns and so on to spread the traditional Chinese culture. If I have the chance, I can make videos to tell international students the history of kites and teach them to make kites. Im sure they will have interest in it. I will be very thankful if I ha

    9、ve the opportunity to be the volunteer that youd like to find.Im looking forward to your reply!Yours, Li Xin2023.5福田区八校联考卷 假定你是李华,暑假你将作为志愿者参加北京国际中学生夏令营。在开营仪式上,你将发表一个英语演讲向外国朋友介绍首都北京,内容包括:1北京的名胜古迹: 长城; . 2.北京的美食; 3.表达祝福。参考词汇:故宫 the Palace Museum北京烤鸭 Beijing roast duck Ladies and gentlemen, I am honour

    10、ed to deliver this speech about our great capital Beijing to you. Beijing is the capital of China with a a long history and corlorful culture. There are variety of tourist attractions that you can visit, such as the Great Wall , the Palace Museum and Tianan men square. As an old saying gose, he who

    11、never been to the Great Wall is not a true man. Therefore, every summer holiday or winter holiday, thousands of foreigners come here with their families to visit well-known places of interest. If you have an opportunity to come to China, you should not miss the Great Wall. Futhermore, there are diff

    12、erent kinds of delicious food, like Peking duck , Kung Pao Chicken and so on. To sum up,welcome to China. I believe it will be unforgettable for you to come to China on holiday. The trip must be fantastic and impressive. 2023.6.南实麒麟中学三模 在科技发达的时代,人们的阅读方式越来越多样化,比如阅读纸质书,报纸和杂志,在线阅读,使用APP 听书等。假如你是李华,你校英语

    13、社团正在开展线上交流活动,其公众号计划推送关于阅读方式的内容,请你用英语写一篇文章,介绍你最喜欢的阅读方式,并阐述理由。要点:1.Whats your favorite way of reading? 2. Why do you choose this way?参考词汇: p-book(纸质书),e-book, audiobook, immerse(沉浸),inspire, pastime(休闲活动) Nowadays, there are many ways of reading.As far as I am concerned, reading e-books is a better ch

    14、oice. Here are my personal reasons. First and foremost, we can easily download new books on the Internet with WiFi connection. It is much easier and quicker to search for passages we would like to read. Besides, we write notes or mark some important information in the e-book. With rapid developing t

    15、echnology , a large number of books can store in the small machine, which is convenient for us to take and read anytime and anywhere. Moreover, e-books can save a lot of paper ,which is much more environmentally friendly. With the rapid development of technology and science, the e-book will be more

    16、popular among students and office workers. Of course,every coin has two sides . To much reading of e-book may be harmful to our eyes. Therefore,we should read and relax properly. In short, no matter which way you choose, I hope yon can enjoy your reading . 2023.5.23深中初三模拟考 今天的英语课上,班级进行了题为“我送过的一份珍贵礼物

    17、,”的主题分享。请你写一篇英语短文,汇报你们四人小组的分享内容,需包括以下要点。FromBobKateLilyYouToparentsgood friendforeign teacher(请补充)WhatsoupPhoto albumPaper cutting(请补充)Whythanks and lovefriendshipculture(请补充) In today s English class, we had a discussion on A valuable gift I gave. Here is what we shared in our group. First of all,

    18、Bob gave a bowl of soup to his parents. The reason why he sent this gift was that it could express his love and thanks to his parents. Then, Kate made her valuable gift that is a photo album for her good friend . She said this gift could stand for their friendship and she would like to cherish every

    19、 moment with her good friend.As for Lily, she made a paper cutting for her foreign teacher, which let her foreign teacher have a better understanding of Chinese traditional culture. What I gave my elder brother who was a doctor with plenty of work was a pillow. It was a pillow which could make him r

    20、elax when he was free. I wanted to share my love with him because he always took care of me when I was young. It is our families and friends who support and help us when we are in need. It is high time that we should do something to show our love and care to them.2023.5.广东省初三联考卷 一个善良的人,就像一盏明灯,既照亮了周围

    21、的人,也温暖了自己。请你叙述一件发生在你身边的善意的小事。内容提示:1.事情的起因、经过和结果: 2.谈谈这件事对你的影响; 3.呼吁大家传递善意。 A kind person is just like the light which shines brightly for oneself and others around. Whoever we are, we should be kind to others and help them in need. Take one thing happened in my daily life as an example. Although it

    22、was a common act, it touched me a lot . It was at age of 13 that I went to shool with my mother, a middle-aged woman. We talked about my study happily on the way to school .Suddenly, one man who was warned -dressed with grey hair came up to us and begged for money to have meals.As he said, he hadnt

    23、have meals for 3 days . I thought he must be cheating, ,so I asked him to go away. However, my mother insisted to help him and took him to a nearby restaurant for a meal. And she even donated him some money without any hesitation. I was confused about that .My mother said to me, Maybe he was lying,

    24、but we would rather believe that he wss kind but had a hard life . We just do a little thing for us but maybe the thing help him a lot. Why not? I had no idea what to say but I was touched by what my mother said. She is a common woman in my eyes , but from then on thought highly of her sincerely . S

    25、he sets a good example for me ,and I ll learn from her . As an old saying goes, actions speak louder than words. Lets be helpful and kind . It is a good idea to help others in need .2023.5.深圳罗湖区二模 假如你是李华,你的英国笔友John下个月将作为交换社团并计划加入其中一个,请根据提示给他写一封邮件,向要点:1. 名称:武术社;京剧社;(至少补充1个)2. 内容: 练习中国武术; 学唱京剧; 3 推荐理由

    26、: 丰富课余生活; .参考词汇: 武术社Wushu Club 京剧社 Peking Opera ClubDear John, I am excited to have you with us next month and I know you are very interested in the clubs in our school.There are various kinds of clubs in our campus, such the Wushu Club, Peking Opera Club , Paper Cutting Club and so on, which attrac

    27、ts quantities of students to join in . Let me give you a brief introduction of the Wushu Club and Peking Opera Club . In the Wushu Club, you have an opportunity to learn to practice Chinese Wush, like kungfu, shaolin quan and so forth. They are interesting and amazing ,which embodies our countrys co

    28、lorful culture and history. In the Peking Opera Club, you can learn to sing Beijing Opera and some classic actions . How fantastic it will be ! Of course, you can also join the Rocket Club where you have a chance to make a rocket model and launch them by yourself. The teacher will instruct you how t

    29、o do it so that dont be worried about the process. In a word, the clubs we have can enrich students daily life, broaden their horizons and even improve their practical abilities. It will be unforgettable for you to join them. I am looking forward to your reply. And I cant wait to enjoy the clubs wit

    30、h you. Yours,Lihua2023.5.深圳龙岗区二模 “劳动使我快乐,劳动促我成长”。随着劳动教育被纳入国家课程,越来越多的中学生主动分担家务劳动。假如你是某校中学生李华,你校英语周正在开展主题为Sharing Housework 的征文比赛,请写一篇短文,分享你平时参与家务劳动的情况。内容包括:1.分担家务的目的: 帮助父母; 2.所分担的家务: 平时:洗碗、浇花; 周末:打扫卫生、整理房间; 假期:。3.感受与收获。 Sharing housework is an important part of family life. With the labor education a

    31、dded into the national curriculum, more and more secondary students offer to do the housework at home after school. So do I . Now, let me give you the introduction of what I do at home . Usually, I wash bowls and water the flower . At weekends, I often clean the house and tidy desk in my study. I he

    32、lp my mother to sweep the foor and walk the dog during the holiday. I think it meaningful for me to do these things in my life, because it can assist me to strengthen the life skills and develop my self-care ability. Furthermore,our parents take care of us so hard that they are deserved to have a re

    33、st . As a secondary student, we ought to learn to share housework at home to help our families.It is our obligation to do that, isnt it ? To sum up, not only is it essential to learn knowledge in the class but also we need to develop our life skills in the reality. 2023.4.宝安区二模 2023年春节期间,深圳宝安区举办了首届“

    34、民族美食嘉年华”活动,将民族美食融入新春文化。假如你是李华,你在春节期间参加了这次美食嘉年华。请根据以下提示,给你的外教Mr.Smith 写一封邮件,介绍此次活动。要点:1. 时间地点:2023年1月15日,宝安万达广场 2. 内容: 品尝不同民族美食 欣赏少数民族舞蹈表演 .(自行补充两点内容) 3. 你的感受:.(自行补充两点感受)参考词汇:1.Food Carnival 美食嘉年华 2. ethnic minority 少数民族3. Wanda Plaza 万达广场 Dear Mr. Smith, During the spring Festival, we held a Food Ca

    35、rnival in Shenzhen. It was a fantastic activity that gave a great impression on me. I took part in this activity during the spring festival. Let me give you a brief introduction of this activity. First and foremost, the Food Carnival was held on January 15th, 2023 in the Wanda Plaza. Apart from that

    36、, you could have an opportunity to taste various kinds of ethnic foods and enjoyed the dance performance, which was exactly relaxing. Moreover, you could learn more about the ethnic culture and history when you took part in this activity. At the same time,you could also meet different people, which

    37、enables you to make friends with them and have more communication with them. In a word, the Food Carnival was popular with local persons and attracted a large number of foreigners to take part in. It was an educational and interesting activity that I would like you could come to have a try. Yours, L

    38、ihua 2023.4.福田适应性中考 为了发展学生兴趣爱好、丰富职业体验,你校成功举办了题为“Experiencing Future Job”的职业体验游园活动。学校英文报就以此活动展开征文比赛。请你根据以下内容投稿。1.场景描写: 多种职业 .2.体验描写: 你的选择 .3.体验感悟:.参考词汇:career 职业 game tester 游戏测试师 astronaut 宇航员 fitness instructor 健身教练 Last week, the activity Experiencing Future Job was held in our school. The activit

    39、y aimed to develop the students interest and enrich their job experience , which became a hit in our campus. Here was its introduction that I hope can help you learn it about more. First of all, we could choose different careers here to experience, such as game testers, astronaut, fitness instructor

    40、 and so on. As far as Im concerned, it is a good choice to be an English teacher. Therefore, I decided to choose to be an English teacher to teach students knowledge and culture. When it came to the process, I talked with lively students about their dreams and hobbies. Meanwhile,I helped them to do

    41、some future plans . It was fantastic to be with students, isnt it ? In short , the activity enhanced our careers interest and broadened our horizons. It encouraged us to study hard and cultivate our professional skills to adapt to the modern society. 2023.4.深圳南外二模 近日,“红、蓝、黄”三条主题路线的旅游观光巴士成为了深圳的热点之一。假

    42、如你是李华,你打算邀请你的外籍朋友Kathy一起乘坐红色观光巴士游览。请你写一封邀请信,信件需要含有表格内的主要内容:1. 红色巴士外形特点:双层巴士,车顶为玻璃2. 红色巴士行程特点:途经深圳的主要景点,可以了解深圳的本士文化3 约定集合时间地点: 本周日上午十点,在老街公交站4. 温馨提示: 带手机支付车费 在公共场合下要 (请你补充两条)参考词汇: double-decker bus (双层巴士),busfare(车费),Old Street Bus Stop (老街公交站)Dear Kathy, Three new sightseeing bus routes have become

    43、a hotspot in Shenzhen recently. I am writing to invite you to come to take the red sightseeing bus together. The following is the brief introduction of the bus. The red sightseeing bus is a double-decker bus,whose roof is made of glass. Along the way, you can visit several fantastic sights . Moreover ,you have an opportunity to learn about the local culture of Shenzhen. What you need to pay more attention is that we should meet each other at 10:00 a.m. this Sunday at the Old Bus Stop. It is convenient for you to t


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