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    1、参照秘密级管理参照秘密级管理启用前启用前 试卷类型:试卷类型:A 2019 年潍坊市初中学业水平考试 英语试题英语试题 2019. 6 注意事项: 1.本试题满分 90 分,考试时间为 90 分钟; 2.答卷前务必将试题密封线内及答题卡上面的项目填涂清楚。所有答案都必须涂、写在答题卡相应位置, 答在本试卷上一律无效。 一、阅读理解一、阅读理解(共共 15 小题;小题;每小题每小题 2 分,分,满分满分 30 分分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A 1.The poster gives information about _. A.the man tea

    2、cher B. English courses C.language schools in London D. different activities in Lanleygate 2.How much do you have to pay for both Speaking and Writing? A. 195. B. 125 C. 155. D. 220 3.If Leo is free on Sunday afternoon, he can _. A. improve his listening ability B. join the possibly smallest class C

    3、. have a native teacher D. learn how to write in English 题材 应用文 话题 招生广告 词数 90 【主旨大意】短文是一份海报,属于应用文中的广告。内容是关于 LANLEY 英语学校的课程培训相关信 息,包括招生人数、培训课程的内容、时间、师资情况以及收费和联系方式等。 1.B【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:这份海报给出的是关于_的信息。A 项:男教师;B 项:英语 课程;C 项:伦敦的语言学校; D 项:在 Lanleygate 不同的活动。通过海报标题 The LANLEY SCHOOL of English 和 3 courses:

    4、Speaking, Writing, Listening 可知是英语课程的相关信息。故选 B。 2.C【解析】数字计算题。题干意为:要报口语和写作课你需要支付多少费用?通过 Speaking 和 Writing 两 栏下的价格可知是 155 英镑。故选 C。 3.A【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:如果 Leo 周日下午有空,他可以_.A 项:提高他的听力能力 B 项:参加可能最小的班; C 项:拥有一个本土教师;D 项:学习英文写作。根据列出的三项课程的时间 可知“周日下午”这一时间只符合 Listening 一栏的 every day of the week.故选 A。 B When he w

    5、as a teenager, Hunter Adams was very unhappy, and he spent many years in the 1960s and 1970s in a special hospital for people with mental (精神的) health problems. When he left hospital, Adams decided to become a doctor, so he went to Medical School in Virginia, USA. But when he was there he did things

    6、 in a different way. For example, he didnt like the doctors white coats. He preferred to wear shirts with flowers on them when he visited his patients, and he tried to make them laugh. The doctors at the medical school didnt like Adams very much because he was too different. But Adams believed that

    7、people in hospital need more than medicine. He saw unhappy and lonely people, and he tried to help them as patients, but as people, too. He spent a lot of time with children in the hospital, and often put a special red nose on his face to look like a clown and to make the children laugh. When he fin

    8、ished medical school and became a doctor, Adams opened his own hospital called “the Gesundheit Institute”, together with some other doctors. They wanted it to be a place in a different way of working with sick people. Hunter Adams became famous during the 1980s, and in 1998, Universal Pictures made

    9、a film about his life. It was very successful. In the film (called Patch Adams) , Robin Williams played Adams. Williams said, “Hunter is a really warm person, who believes that patients need a doctor whos a friend. I enjoyed playing him.” 4. What probably made Hunter decide to be a doctor? A. His in

    10、terest in medicine. B. His idea to open a hospital. C. His early experience as a teenager. D. His love for the lonely children around. 5. How was Hunter different from other doctors? A. He was famous before working in hospital. B. He liked to wear shirts with flowers on them every day. C. He treated

    11、 his patients as friends in every way possible. D. He was good at dealing with people who were mentally ill. 6. What does the underlined word “clown” in paragraph 3 probably mean? A.木偶 B.小丑 C.外星人 D.蜘蛛侠 7. What can we know from Robin Williams words? A. He thought highly of Hunter. B. Every doctor nee

    12、ds a patient friend. C. He became a warm person ever after. D. A good doctor makes a successful film. 题材 记叙文 话题 工作与职业 词数 279 【主旨大意】 短文是一篇记叙文。 文章叙述了 Hunter Adams 由于早期在精神病院和精神病人多年相处的经 历,他选择了学医。成为医生后,Hunter Adams 有不同于其他医生的对待病人的理念,他讨厌医生的白大 褂,尽量想尽各种办法让病人快乐,他致力于把病人当人看待,而不是当做病人来对待。他的理念遭到了 其他医生的反对,最后他成立了自己的

    13、医院,在 20 世纪 80 年代声名鹊起。他的故事也被拍成了电影,扮 演 Hunter Adams 的演员也对他赞赏有加。 4.C【解析】推理判断题。题干意为:很可能是什么让 Hunter 决定成为一名医生?A 项:他对医药感兴趣; B 项:他开设医院的想法;C 项:他早期青少年的经历;D 项:他对周围孤独的孩子的爱。通过短文第一 段的背景叙述, 和第二段首句 When he left hospital, Adams decided to become a doctor.可知让他成为医生的 原因是早年在精神病院多年和精神病人相处的经历。故选 C。 5.C【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:Hunte

    14、r 是如何不同于其他医生的?A 项:他在医院工作以前就很出 名;B 项:他喜欢每天穿带花的衬衣;C 项:他用尽各种可能的方法把病人当朋友看待;D 项:他擅长对 待精神病患者。通过前文叙述和扮演 Hunter 医生的演员的评价 Hunter is a really warm person, who believes that patients need a doctor whos a friend.可知 Hunter 医生总是把病人当朋友看待。故选 C。 6.B【解析】词义猜测题。短文第三段中画线单词 “clown”很可能是什么意思?根据上文 put a special red nose on

    15、his face“在脸上戴上一个特别的红鼻子”和下文 make the children laugh“是孩子们开心大笑”可知 画线单词最有可能的意义是“小丑”。故选 B。 7.A【解析】 推理判断题。 题干意为 : 通过 Robin Williams 的话我们可以知道什么?A 项 : 他高度评价 Hunter 医生;B 项:每个医生都需要一个病人朋友;C 项:他从此以后成为一个热心的人;D 项:一个好医生能 成就一部成功的电影。根据扮演者 Robin William 的话 Hunter is a really warm person, who believes that patients ne

    16、ed a doctor whos a friend. I enjoyed playing him.可知他高度评价 Hunter 医生。 C A recent study from a team of South Korean researchers suggests that eating alone often may lead to poor eating habits and poor food choices. Specifically, the study found that men who ate alone more than twice a week had a greate

    17、r risk of developing high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes. For children, eating with their families is not only about preventing bad outcomes (结果) it is also about developing good ones. In 2014, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development ( OECD) looked at data from nearl

    18、y three-quarters of the worlds countries. Among its findings was the fact that students who shared a main meal with their families were less likely to skip school. Children who eat a main meal with their families are also less likely to abuse drugs and alcohol (吸毒酗酒). In the report, titled “The Impo

    19、rtance of Family Dinners ()” researchers say that “teens who have frequent family dinners are more likely to say their parents know a lot about whats going on in their lives”. They also claim that when teens say they feel closer to their parents, they are less likely to use drugs and alcohol. Anothe

    20、r study from the University of Montreal found that children who ate with their families experience long-term physical and mental health benefits (好处). These children were physically in better shape and drank fewer sugary soft drinks. These children also seemed to have better social skills and they w

    21、ere less aggressive(好 斗). Professor Linda Pagani says that mealtimes shared with parents “likely provide young children with first-hand social interactions, discussions of social issues (事件) and day-to-day concerns”. She adds that they may likely help the child have better communication skills with

    22、others. 8. What can be the best title for the text? A. Benefits of eating together. B. Advantages of eating alone. C. Ways of developing social skills. D. Risks of using drugs and alcohol. 9. Children eating with their families are more likely to_. A. drink more sugary soft drinks B. do well in thei

    23、r studies at school C. be more socially active and aggressive D. have a closer relationship with their parents 10. Why is Professor Pagani mentioned in the last paragraph? A. To introduce her. B. To add a new point. C. To explain further. D. To provide background information. 11. From which is the t

    24、ext probably taken? A. A travel guide. B. A biology textbook. C. A cooking instruction. D. A science magazine. 题材 说明文 话题 科普知识 词数 312 【主旨大意】短文是科普文。韩国研究人员对独自用餐者的研究发现,独自用餐者有不良的草草了事的饮 食习惯。甚至男子每周超过两次独自用餐者有罹患高血压、高胆固醇和糖尿病的风险。短文接下来说明通 过世界各地各种组织的专家研究发现,和父母一起吃饭的儿童都和父母比较亲近,感觉父母参与他们的生 活;这些孩子从身心两方面都健康;孩子有良好的社交能力

    25、,不好斗;而且这些孩子不容易逃学、不容易 沾染吸毒酗酒等不良习惯。 8.A【解析】主旨大意题。题干意义:这篇文章的最佳标题是什么?A 项:一起用餐的好处;B 项:单独用 餐的优点;C 项:提高社交能力的方法;D 项:沾染毒品和酗酒的风险。通读短文和第二段中的综述句 it is also about developing good ones.可知短文叙述的是一起用餐的好处。故选 A。 9.D【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:和家人一起用餐的孩子们更有可能_。A 项:喝更多的含糖 软饮料;B 项:在学校学习好;C 项:更多社交活动和好斗;D 项:和父母有更亲密的关系。短文第四段 最后一句 They a

    26、lso claim that when teens say they feel closer to their parents.提示他们感觉和父母更亲近。故 选 D。 10.B【解析】细节理解题。题干意为:为什么在最后一段要提及 Pagani 教授?A 项:为了介绍她;B 项: 添加一个新观点;C 项:进一步解释说明;D 项:提供背景信息。通过短文最后一句话 She adds that they may likely help the child have better communication skills with others.可知经常和孩子一起用餐,很可能会帮 助孩子和别人有良好的沟

    27、通能力。在整片文章论述父母孩子一起用餐的优点上再添加一项。故选 B。 11.D【解析】推理判断题。题干意为:这篇文章很可能取自于哪一种?A 项:旅行指南;B 项:生物课本; C 项:烹饪指南;D 项:科学杂志。短文是属于科普文,故选 D。 D No one wakes up feeling happy every day. Very happy people are not different. They never stop trying to be happy. Here are some of the habits of happy people. They slow down. Som

    28、etimes we think too much. 12 Happy people know how to enjoy the taste of their meal, enjoy the worlds colors, even just step outside to enjoy fresh air. 13 Getting your body moving for as little as 10 minutes can make you happy. Happy people exercise regularly and follow through on it because they k

    29、now it will help them get in good mood (情绪) and stay in good mood. They spend money on other people. Research shows that spending money on others makes you much happier than spending it on yourself. This is especially true of small things that show effort, such as going out of your way to buy your f

    30、riend a book that you know he or she will like. They get enough sleep. 14 Your energy, attention and memory all go down when you dont sleep well. Happy people make sleep a first thing of all. They have deep conversations. Happy people know that happiness and depth go hand-in-hand. They avoid saying

    31、mean things about people. 15 They talk with others on a deeper level, because they know doing it feels good and is an interesting way to learn. 根据短文内容,从下列选项中选出能填入文中空白处的最佳选项,选项中有一项为多余选项。 A. They exercise. B. Happiness makes you creative. C. We dont have time to look around. D. Instead, they focus on

    32、meaningful relationships. E. When you sleep, your brain restarts and cleans itself. 题材 说明文 话题 情感与情绪 词数 238 【主旨大意】短文是一篇说明文。介绍了让人们快乐开心起来的 5 个方法:让生活节奏慢下来、锻炼、为 比人花费、充足的睡眠和深度交谈。 【备选项分析】 A.他们锻炼。 B.愉悦使你更有创造力。 C.我们没有时间环顾。 D.相反,他们关注有意义的人际关系。 E. 当你睡觉时,你的大脑重启和自我清理。 12.C【解析】承接上文 Sometimes we think too much.“有时我

    33、们顾虑太多”可知下文用 C 项,“没有时间环 顾”。故选 C。 13.A【解析】下文 Happy people exercise regularly.“开心的人有规律地锻炼”,提示本段陈述锻炼和愉悦的 心情之间的关系。故选 A。 14.E【解析】本段主题 get enough sleep 提示和睡眠有关,故选 E。 15.D【解析】上文“他们不对人说一些刻薄的话”和下文“和别人深度对话”提示选 D 项和上下文意义贯通。 故选 D。 二、语言知识运用二、语言知识运用 (共共 20 小题;小题;满分满分 25 分分) A Tips for being a super organized stude

    34、nt Posted 2 hours ago by Amy I have always admired students who hand in their homework on time and never 16 to do it. Me, on the other hand. OK, Im not good enough. Im 17 at getting myself organized (有条理的)! But lately Ive started keeping a small study 18 . I write down 19 I need to do and when it ne

    35、eds to be done by. Then I write a reminder (提醒单) a few days before the date just in case. Its helping. So 20 are your tips for getting organized? Post a comment below. Im hoping we can share some tips to teach us better study skills Comments Hana Good question, Amy. I 21 spend about five minutes at

    36、the end of the day 22 the desktop on my computer. I make a copy of important documents. I delete things I dont need any more and put everything useful into the 23 folder(文件夹). The most important thing is to start studying a few weeks before the 24 and not leave it 25 the night before! Thats just com

    37、mon sense, I think. Gloria Hi, Amy. My tip is to have a big noticeboard. 16. A. prepare B continue C. regret D.forget 17. A. sad B. good C. angry D. terrible 18. A bill B. diary C. score D. promise 19. A. all B. each C. both D. neither 20. A. how B. when C. what D. where 21. A. always B. never C. se

    38、ldom D. sometimes 22. A. making up B. tidying up C. putting up D. setting up 23. A. real B similar C. correct D. natural 24. A. exams B. holidays C. meetings D. parties 25. A after B. until C. since D. as 题材 应用文 话题 自律 词数 228 【主旨大意】短文是应用文。内容就如何做一名自律的学生提出的建议和对此所做的讨论。 16.D【解析】考查动词词义辨析。前文“我总是钦佩那些按时交作业的学

    39、生”提示用动词 forget 表示“忘记” , 符合句意“他们从不忘记作业”。prepare 准备;continue 继续;regret 后悔,都与句意不符。故选 D。 17.D【解析】考查形容词辨析。上文“我不够好”提示下文用形容词 terrible“糟糕的”,符合句意“我在自律方 面做得很糟糕”。sad 伤心的;good 好的;angry 生气的。故选 D。 18.B【解析】考查名词词义辨析。下文的“写下”提示用名词 diary“日记”,作动词 keep 的宾语,符合句 意“我开始写一个小小的学习日记”。bill 账单;score 成绩;promise 许诺,与句意不符。故选 B。 19.

    40、A【解析】考查代词意义辨析。用不定代词 all 指代 everything,all 后是省略引导词 that 的定语从句,all 作定语从句中动词不定式 to do 的宾语,符合句意“我写下我需要做的所有的事情和截止到什么时间需要完 成的事”。each 每一个;both 两者都;neither 两者都不。故选 A。 20.C【解析】考查特殊疑问词辨析。用特殊疑问代词 what 引导特殊疑问句,表示“什么”,符合句意“你自 律的技巧是什么?”其它特殊疑问副词表意不清。故选 C。 21.A【解析】考查频度副词辨析。短文意义“自律”,“做事有条理”提示用频度副词 always“总是”说明自己 的习惯

    41、,符合句意“我总是在每天结束时花费 5 分钟”。never 从不;seldom 不常;sometimes 有时,与 短文意义不符。故选 A。 22.B【解析】考查动词短语辨析。下文的“电脑桌面”提示和动词短语 tidy up“整理”构成动宾短语,符合句 意“我总是在每天结束时花费 5 分钟整理电脑桌面。”make up 编造;put up 建造;挂起;set up 建立。故选 B。 23.B【解析】 考查形容词辨析。 前文 “我删除我不再需要的东西”提示用形容词 similar“相似的”, 符合句意 “把 有用的东西放进相似的文件夹里”。real 真正的;correct 正确的;natural

    42、 自然的。故选 B。 24.A【解析】考查名词辨析。前文“最重要的事情是开始学习几周的时间”提示下文意为“在考试之前”。用 exam 表示“考试”。holidays 假期;meetings 会议;parties 聚会。故选 A。 25.B【解析】考查连词辨析。前文的 not 提示用连词 until 构成句型 not.until.表示“直到才”,符 合句意“不要留到考试前一天晚上才学习。”after 在之后;since 自以来;as 当时候。故选 B。 B 阅读下面短文,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词。(共 10 小题,满分 10 分) She used to sleep on

    43、 the sidewalk of the Fifth Street Post Office. I could smell her before I came close. She 26 (wear) dirty clothes and her mouth was nearly toothless. If she was not asleep, she talked to 27 (she). What a poor old lady! One Thanksgiving, we had lots of food 28 (leave) over. I thought about the old la

    44、dy. She might be still hungry. So I packed the food up and rode over to the Fifth Street. It was a cold night. There was hardly anyone out. But I knew she would stay at the same place and I would find her 29 (easy). There she was, sitting against a tree near the post office. She 30 (dress) as she al

    45、ways was. I went to her and said, “Ive brought you some food. Would you like some turkey and apple pie?” However, the old woman didnt seem to be very 31 (excite) about this. She looked at me and said, “Oh, thank you very much, but someone 32 (give) me food earlier and Im quite full now. Why dont you

    46、 take it to someone else who 33 (need) it?” Her manners were gracious (亲切的). I was the person who didnt know what 34 (say). An old lady whose life was 35 (bad) than most of us still thought about others. Why dont more of us do that? 题材 记叙文 话题 人与社会 词数 251 【主旨大意】 短文是一篇记叙文。 记叙了作者和一位流浪的老太太的故事。 作者牵挂着这位流浪

    47、的老太太, 在感恩节晚上给她送食物的时候,老太太由于自己已经吃饱饭建议作者把食物送给别的需要的人。这一举 动使作者深受震撼。 26.wore【解析】并列连词 and 并列两个句子时态一致。下文的 was 提示用 wear 的一般过去时态。 27.herself 【解析】主语 she 提示用反身代词 herself 构成短语 talk to oneself 表示“自言自语”。 28.left【解析】用过去分词作定语,表示“剩下的食物”。和名词存在被动关系。 29.easily【解析】用副词修饰动词 find 表示“容易地找到”。 30.was dressed【解析】短语 be dressed 表

    48、示“穿着”,指持续的状态。 31.excited【解析】主语 woman 提示用形容词 excited 作表语,表示“(感到)兴奋的;(感到)激动的”。 32.has given【解析】下文 Im quite full now.“我现在很饱了”提示上文用动词的现在完成时态表示对现在造 成的影响。 33.needs 【解析】定语从句引导词 who 代替的是 someone,提示定语从句的谓语动词用一般现在时第三人 称单数形式。 34.to say【解析】特殊疑问词和动词不定式构成固定结构,本句中作宾语,表示“不知道说什么”。 35.worse【解析】下文的 than 提示用 bad 的比较级形式 worse。 三、翻译句子三、翻译句子 (共共 5 小题;小题;每小题每小题 2 分,分,满分满分 10 分分) 用括号内所给的词或短语,将下列句子翻译成英语。 36. 我们的国家越来越强大。(get) _. 37. 上学期,玲玲的诗获得了一等奖。( win) _. 38. 尽管是个外国人,他却热爱中国传统文化。( although, foreigner) _. 39. 在公交车上不得与司机打架,否则你将会受到惩罚。(o


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