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    -外研版七年级下册《英语》Module 10 A holiday journey 名校培优拔高 检测题(含听力音频+听力材料+师生版).rar

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    -外研版七年级下册《英语》Module 10 A holiday journey 名校培优拔高 检测题(含听力音频+听力材料+师生版).rar

    1、外研版七年级英语下册外研版七年级英语下册 Module 10 名校培优拔高名校培优拔高 检测题检测题时间:120 分钟满分:120 分班级:_姓名:_听力部分听力部分(共共 30 分分)一、听句子,选画面。每个句子读一遍。(5 分)1_ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ _ 二、听句子,选答语。每个句子读一遍。(5 分)()6.A.He likes hamburgers.BI like chicken.CHe dislikes fish.()7.A.It was rainy.BIt was London.CIt is windy.()8.A.Once a week.BI went to Lond

    2、on.CFor five days.()9.A.Yes,I think so.BReally?CWhat about you?()10.A.Its half past twelve.BIts the 1990s.CIts Saturday.三、对话理解。每段对话读两遍。(10 分)听五段短对话,选择最佳答案。()11.A.70 yuan.B80 yuan.C150 yuan.()12.A.A pair of football boots.BSize 9.CA football.()13.A.Grey.BGreen.CBrown.()14.A.At the party.BIn the shopp

    3、ing mall.CIn the hospital.()15.A.On the second floor.BOn the ground floor.COn the fourth floor.听第一段长对话,回答第 1617 小题。()16.Who is hungry?ATom.BTony.CMary.()17.What kind of noodles does Tony like?AMutton.BBeef and carrot.CBeef.听第二段长对话,回答第 1820 小题。()18.Is there a computer in Mikes home?AYes,there is.BNo,

    4、there isnt.CWe dont know.()19.Mikes _ dont use the computer.Afather Bmother Cparents()20.Mary is good at _Adoing her homework Bchecking her emailsCplaying computer games四、短文理解。短文读两遍。(5 分)()21.Yesterday evening,I went to a film with _Amy sister Bmy aunt CSusan()22.I asked the office girl for _ ticket

    5、s.Aone Btwo Cthree()23.There were _ tickets left in the ticket office.Ano Btwo Ca few()24.Just then,a man came to the ticket office to _ his tickets.Abuy Bsell Creturn()25.We _ at last.Asaw the film Bbought the tickets Cfailed to see the film五、听短文,填信息。短文读两遍。(5 分)A Summer holidayThe place they went t

    6、o26._ _The colour of the sea27._ _The island they sailed to28_ _._The food they ate29._ _Their feeling about the holiday30._ _笔试部分(90 分)六、单项选择。(共 10 分)()31.Tom is coming by _ plane tomorrow.Lets go to _ airport to meet him.Aa;a B/;a Cthe;the D/;the()32.Whats the _ today?Its August 12th.Atime Bday Cp

    7、lace Ddate()33._ did the sports meet last?For about two days.AHow much BHow oftenCHow long DHow far()34.They had a wonderful time and _ did I.Asame Bsuch Cvery Dso()35.The children were _ about opening their presents(礼物).Aexcites Bexcited Cexciting Dexcite()36.My mother _ in London in 1996,but now s

    8、he _ in Paris.Aworked;is working Bworks;worksCworked;will work Dworked;working()37.Wendy is _ because she gets the best score in the exam.Atired Bhappy Churry Dcareful()38.We should try to _ the way to solve the problem.A.look for B.find out Ccheer up Dpick up()39.When did your uncle arrive _ China?

    9、He got to Guangzhou _ the morning of the 16th of April.Aat;in Bin;in Cto;on Din;on()40.Im going to Sanya for the summer holiday._AHave a good time BWell doneCNever mind DThanks a lot七、完形填空。(共 10 分)Last summer,Cathys whole family went to New York City for their summer holiday.They stayed there _41_ t

    10、wo weeks.New York City has more than seven and a half _42_ people.It is the largest(最大的)_43_ in the US.It is also the home of the United Nations.First they _44_ The Statue of Liberty.The Statue of Liberty is one of the New Yorks most wellknown historic sites.Millions of _45_ visit New York City ever

    11、y year.On the _46_ day they went to the Empire State Building.It is the tallest building in New York City now.From the top of the building,they saw most parts of New York.On the third day,they visited the Metropolitan Museum.In _47_,they saw a lot of famous paintings.During the rest time of the week

    12、,Bob went to Bronx Zoo _48_ his younger brother and sister.There they were glad _49_ a lot of their favourite animalstigers,lions,monkeys and elephants.In the second week,the family visited Long Island.On the island,they spent most of their time _50_,sunbathing and playing on the beach.They all had

    13、a good time.()41.A.on Bat Cfor Din()42.A.millions of Bmillion Cmillion of Dmillions()43.A.town Bvillage Ccountry Dcity()44.A.visited Bbought Ctook Dwent()45.A.animals Bpeople Cpeoples Dperson()46.A.two Bthree Cfifth Dsecond()47.A.this city Bthis museum Cthis country Dthis building()48.A.with Band Cf

    14、or Dto()49.A.see Bsaw Cseeing Dto see()50.A.swim Bto swim Cswimming Dswam八、阅读理解。(5155 每题 1 分;5670 每题 2 分,共 35 分)ABob and Jim once worked in the same factory.One day,Bob lent(借给)Jim ten dollars,but the next day Jim left his work and went to work in another town without paying back the money.Bob didnt

    15、 see Jim for a year,and then he knew from another friend that Jim was staying in a hotel in another town.So he went there to see him late in the evening.When he got to Jims room,he saw Jims shoes near the door.“Well,he must be in,”he thought,and knocked at the door,and said,“I know you are in,Jim.Yo

    16、ur shoes are out there.”“I went out without wearing my shoes,”answered Jim.判断正误,正确填 T,错误填 F。()51.Bob and Jim were once in the same factory.()52.One day Bob borrowed ten dollars from Jim.()53.Jim paid back the money to Bob and went to work in another town a few days later.()54.Bob didnt see Jim for a

    17、 year when he learned about Jim was in another town.()55.When Bob got to the hotel that day,Jim was out.B When I was 13 to 19 years old,I always felt unhappy.I often got angry with my parents and shouted at them,so I seldom talked with them about my feelings at that time.Later on,when I thought abou

    18、t it,I understood it was wrong to do that.My parents never minded what I said or what I did to them.They only wanted me to grow up healthily.I decided to do my best to calm myself down and get on well with them.Now I begin to act more politely(礼貌地)to them and other people around me.At that time,I ha

    19、d another teenagers problem.I often cared about my look too much.I spent much time deciding what my hair should look like or what clothes I should wear,while all my dirty clothes were on my bedroom floor.As time went on,I learnt that true beauty should be in our hearts,but not just on our faces.So I

    20、 spend more time on my study.I believe all teenagers have some problems,but I also believe if we deal with them properly,we will be happier and have a better future.()56.When did the writer often shout at her parents?AAt the age of 8.BAt the age of 16.CAt the age of 21.DAt the age of 26.()57.Why did

    21、 the writers parents never mind what she said or what she did to them?ABecause they couldnt help her with her study.BBecause they couldnt understand her.CBecause she loved her parents.DBecause her parents loved her.()58.Whats the Chinese meaning of the word“teenager”in the passage?A儿童 B青少年 C成年人 D中年人

    22、()59.How many problems were mentioned(提到)in the passage?A2.B3.C4.D5.()60.Whats the passage about?AHow to get along with parents.BDont care about our looks too much.CSome problems about teenagers.DWe should love our parents.CAccident Report FormAccidentA car hit a tree.Four people were in the car.Wea

    23、ther conditionThere was a heavy rain.CauseThe driver named Li Jun drank too much.Date of callMarch 20th,2016Time of call8:30 pm.Name of callerA man called Zhang Wei.(He wastaking a walk there at that time.)PlaceZhongshan Road,NanjingConditions of victims(受害者)Mr.Green hurt his head.Mrs.Green hurt her

    24、 left leg.Their daughter felt frightened.Their son hurt his right arm.ActionPolicemen arrived at 8:40 pm.and sent the victims to GulouHospital at 8:45 pm.()61.What time did Zhang Wei call the police?AAt 8:30 am.BAt 8:30 pm.CAt 8:40 pm.DAt 8:45 pm.()62.How many people were there in the car?AOne.BTwo.

    25、CThree.DFour.()63.Whose left leg was hurt?AMrs.Greens.BMr.Greens.CTheir daughters.DTheir sons.()64.What was the weather like that day?AIt was sunny.BIt was snowy.CIt was cloudy.DIt was rainy.()65.Which of the following is TRUE?AThe car hit a wall.BThe accident happened on Zhongshan Road in Beijing.C

    26、The driver drank too much.DHalf an hour later the policemen sent the victims to the hospital.D Did you see the film The Pursuit of Happiness(当幸福来敲门)?If not,you had better go to see it.It tells us love can make us strong and never give up.The film is a true story.It happened in 1981,in San Francisco

    27、of America.A black salesman Chris Gardner,the main character(人物)of the film,was out of work.Then he met a lot of other difficulties.His wife(妻子)couldnt stand the hard life and left him with their fiveyearold son.Some months later,his wife returned the boy to Chris.Without work,he couldnt rent a hous

    28、e.But he still needed to care for his son.The life became even harder.Chris went to look for jobs with his boy every day.Having no living place,they slept in subway stations.Having no enough money to buy food,they two just ate a small loaf of bread.When Chris was disappointed,the boy often cheered h

    29、im up.When the boy felt sad and unhappy.The father told him to be strong and happy.The two loved each other and helped each other.One year later,Chris found a job as a salesman in a company(公 司).In the end,Chris opened his own company and became a millionaire(百万富翁).()66.When did the story happen?AIn

    30、 1981.BIn 1982.CIn 1983.DIn 1984.()67.Where did the story happen?AIn China.BIn the USA.CIn England.DIn France.()68.What kinds of difficulties did Chris meet?AHe lost his job.BHis wife left him.CHe had to care for his son alone.DAll of the above.()69.Which of the following statements is NOT true?AThe

    31、 father went out to look for jobs every day.BThey slept in the subway station and didnt have enough food to eat.CThey felt sad and unhappy the whole year.DThe father finally found a job after a year.()70.What can we learn from the passage?ANever give up.BLove can make you strong.CMany people had no

    32、work in 1981 in America.DBoth A and B.九、综合填空。(共 15 分)(一)选词填空。different,visit,interest,take,placeTourists like to do 71._ things on holiday.Some like to learn about the 72._ they see,some like to 73._ _ photos of themselves in the places they 74._ ,and some just like to take photos of the 75._ _ thin

    33、gs they see.(二)单词拼写,每空一词。76He _ _(驾驶)slowly down the side street because the traffic was heavy.77We _ (游泳)in the sea and enjoyed the sunshine on the beach as well.78She _ _(遇见)an old friend on her way home last night.79When I get home from school I like to _ _(放松)with music.80They _ _(卖掉)their house

    34、 and moved to Beijing.81I went to Hollywood two years a_ _82What are you going to do on h_ _?83How long did it t_ _ _to get there?About nine hours.84How long did you s_ _there?For two days.85My parents met me at the a_ _十、书面表达。(共 20 分)86去年暑假,你和你的朋友们去北京旅游。根据下列提示,用英语写一篇 70词左右的英语短文。TimePlacesEvents(事件)

    35、SundayHotelArriveMondayThe Palace MuseumVisitTuesdayBeihai ParkGo for a walkWednesdayThe Great WallClimb,take photosThursdayWangfujing StreetGo shoppingFridayRestaurantTaste foodSaturdayAirportReturn/Come back_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _外研版七年级英语下册外研版七年级英语下册 Module 10 名校培优拔高名校培优拔高 检测题检测题时间:120 分钟满分:120 分班级:_姓

    36、名:_听力部分听力部分(共共 30 分分)一、听句子,选画面。每个句子读一遍。(5 分)1_E_2._C_3._A_4._B_5._D_二、听句子,选答语。每个句子读一遍。(5 分)(A)6.A.He likes hamburgers.BI like chicken.CHe dislikes fish.(A)7.A.It was rainy.BIt was London.CIt is windy.(C)8.A.Once a week.BI went to London.CFor five days.(A)9.A.Yes,I think so.BReally?CWhat about you?(A

    37、)10.A.Its half past twelve.BIts the 1990s.CIts Saturday.三、对话理解。每段对话读两遍。(10 分)听五段短对话,选择最佳答案。(B)11.A.70 yuan.B80 yuan.C150 yuan.(B)12.A.A pair of football boots.BSize 9.CA football.(A)13.A.Grey.BGreen.CBrown.(B)14.A.At the party.BIn the shopping mall.CIn the hospital.(C)15.A.On the second floor.BOn th

    38、e ground floor.COn the fourth floor.听第一段长对话,回答第 1617 小题。(B)16.Who is hungry?ATom.BTony.CMary.(B)17.What kind of noodles does Tony like?AMutton.BBeef and carrot.CBeef.听第二段长对话,回答第 1820 小题。(A)18.Is there a computer in Mikes home?AYes,there is.BNo,there isnt.CWe dont know.(C)19.Mikes _ dont use the comp

    39、uter.Afather Bmother Cparents(C)20.Mary is good at _Adoing her homework Bchecking her emailsCplaying computer games四、短文理解。短文读两遍。(5 分)(C)21.Yesterday evening,I went to a film with _Amy sister Bmy aunt CSusan(B)22.I asked the office girl for _ tickets.Aone Btwo Cthree(A)23.There were _ tickets left in

    40、 the ticket office.Ano Btwo Ca few(C)24.Just then,a man came to the ticket office to _ his tickets.Abuy Bsell Creturn(C)25.We _ at last.Asaw the film Bbought the tickets Cfailed to see the film五、听短文,填信息。短文读两遍。(5 分)A Summer holidayThe place they went to26._Hainan_The colour of the sea27._Blue_ The is

    41、land they sailed to28._Xidao_ The food they ate29._Seafood_Their feeling about the holiday30._Exciting_笔试部分(90 分)六、单项选择。(共 10 分)(D)31.Tom is coming by _ plane tomorrow.Lets go to _ airport to meet him.Aa;a B/;a Cthe;the D/;the(D)32.Whats the _ today?Its August 12th.Atime Bday Cplace Ddate(C)33._ did

    42、 the sports meet last?For about two days.AHow much BHow oftenCHow long DHow far(D)34.They had a wonderful time and _ did I.Asame Bsuch Cvery Dso(B)35.The children were _ about opening their presents(礼物).Aexcites Bexcited Cexciting Dexcite(A)36.My mother _ in London in 1996,but now she _ in Paris.Awo

    43、rked;is working Bworks;worksCworked;will work Dworked;working(B)37.Wendy is _ because she gets the best score in the exam.Atired Bhappy Churry Dcareful(B)38.We should try to _ the way to solve the problem.A.look for B.find out Ccheer up Dpick up(D)39.When did your uncle arrive _ China?He got to Guan

    44、gzhou _ the morning of the 16th of April.Aat;in Bin;in Cto;on Din;on(A)40.Im going to Sanya for the summer holiday._AHave a good time BWell doneCNever mind DThanks a lot七、完形填空。(共 10 分)Last summer,Cathys whole family went to New York City for their summer holiday.They stayed there _41_ two weeks.New

    45、York City has more than seven and a half _42_ people.It is the largest(最大的)_43_ in the US.It is also the home of the United Nations.First they _44_ The Statue of Liberty.The Statue of Liberty is one of the New Yorks most wellknown historic sites.Millions of _45_ visit New York City every year.On the

    46、 _46_ day they went to the Empire State Building.It is the tallest building in New York City now.From the top of the building,they saw most parts of New York.On the third day,they visited the Metropolitan Museum.In _47_,they saw a lot of famous paintings.During the rest time of the week,Bob went to

    47、Bronx Zoo _48_ his younger brother and sister.There they were glad _49_ a lot of their favourite animalstigers,lions,monkeys and elephants.In the second week,the family visited Long Island.On the island,they spent most of their time _50_,sunbathing and playing on the beach.They all had a good time.(

    48、C)41.A.on Bat Cfor Din(B)42.A.millions of Bmillion Cmillion of Dmillions(D)43.A.town Bvillage Ccountry Dcity(A)44.A.visited Bbought Ctook Dwent(B)45.A.animals Bpeople Cpeoples Dperson(D)46.A.two Bthree Cfifth Dsecond(B)47.A.this city Bthis museumCthis country Dthis building(A)48.A.with Band Cfor Dto

    49、(D)49.A.see Bsaw Cseeing Dto see(C)50.A.swim Bto swim Cswimming Dswam八、阅读理解。(5155 每题 1 分;5670 每题 2 分,共 35 分)ABob and Jim once worked in the same factory.One day,Bob lent(借给)Jim ten dollars,but the next day Jim left his work and went to work in another town without paying back the money.Bob didnt see

    50、 Jim for a year,and then he knew from another friend that Jim was staying in a hotel in another town.So he went there to see him late in the evening.When he got to Jims room,he saw Jims shoes near the door.“Well,he must be in,”he thought,and knocked at the door,and said,“I know you are in,Jim.Your s


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