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    人教版英语九年级全一册Unit 5达标测试卷.doc

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    人教版英语九年级全一册Unit 5达标测试卷.doc

    1、UNIT 5 学情评估九年级英语上(山西R版)时间:120分钟满分:120分第一卷听力部分(共20分)一、情景反应(每小题1分, 共5分)()1. ()2. ()3. ()4. ()5. 二、对话理解(每小题1分, 共5分)()6. A. This afternoon. B. This evening. C. Tomorrow afternoon. ()7. A. Plastic. B. Bamboo. C. Silver. ()8. A. To Seoul. B. To New York. C. To Paris. ()9. A. How the paper cutting is made.

    2、 B. When the paper cutting is made. C. Where the paper cutting is made. ()10. A. She drew some pictures. B. She made a clay toy. C. She painted the clay pieces. 三、语篇理解(每小题1分, 共5分)()11. Where are the couple from?A. France. B. Korea. C. England. ()12. What is the house made of?A. Wood. B. Balloons. C.

    3、 Glass. ()13. How long did the couple spend building the house?A. About 7 weeks. B. About 1. 5 months. C. About 6 months. ()14. How much is the ticket for the house?A. 3. B. 10. C. 13. ()15. What do the couple prepare for children?A. Delicious food. B. Interesting books. C. Magic shows. 四、听力填空(每小题1分

    4、, 共5分) The history of the bicycleTimeCountryThe featureIn 179116. _It was 17. _ to move. In 18. _ScotlandIt had a big back wheel and a small front wheel. In 1870EnglandIt had a 19. _ front wheel and a small back wheel. In 1885EnglandThe 20. _ bicycle was invented. 第二卷笔试部分(共100分)五、补全对话(有两项多余)(每小题1分,共

    5、5分)ANo problem.BThats right.CIt looks so beautiful!DHow do you make it?EBut it would be interesting.FCould you teach me how to make them? GIt means wishes and good luck.六、完形填空(每小题1分,共8分) China was once known as the “Bicycle Kingdom” before two wheels were widely replaced(取代) by four. Now a young Ame

    6、rican man living in Beijing is using his talent and pieces of _26_ to bring back peoples love for the bicycle. The American man, David Wang, has lived in Beijing for more than six years and he loves the citys ancient hutongs. He _27_ that old and broken bicycles were thrown in hutongs. He _28_ getti

    7、ng the old and broken bicycles and “saving” them. Then one day he found a bicycle which couldnt be “saved” in usual ways. It made him begin thinking of better _29_ to replace the frame (框架). Bamboo came to _30_ mind. After three months of research, David made his first bamboo bicycle. It was _31_! M

    8、any people showed interest in it. Several years ago, David opened the Bamboo Bicycles Beijing Workshop in Langjia Hutong. The bicycles he makes are not _32_they are just used to encourage a renewed love of cycling among people who live in Beijing. “Bicycles are often regarded as a lowend kind of tra

    9、nsportation (低端的交通工具),” David said. “I want to make a _33_”()26. ApaperBwoodCbamboo()27. Anoticed Brequired Csuggested()28. Astarted Bhated Cavoided()29. Aplaces Bmaterials Cworkers()30. Amy Bher Chis()31. Aimpossible Bexact Camazing ()32. Afor sale Bon purpose Cin public()33. Adifference Bmistake C

    10、promise七、阅读理解(这一部分共五篇短文,A至D每篇短文后有五个小题,E篇后有六个小题,每小题2分,共52分)AThe BeijingHangzhou Grand Canal (京杭大运河), the worlds longest manmade river, is 1,794 kilometers long from Beijing to Hangzhou. It is also a cultural river that has nourished (养育) people and is filled with history.Peking Opera was created in B

    11、eijing in the Qing Dynasty, growing out of Huiju, Kunqu and Qinqiang operas. It can include singing, acting, and martial arts(武术). Peking Opera uses expressions to build different kinds of characters. It is one of the best traditional arts along the river.The New Year painting is a popular folk art

    12、form in Tianjin, Shandong and Jiangsu along the river. The art form often uses the red color and has patterns that are closely related to life. The works which draw attention around the world can truly show the life in the Han Dynasty. At the same time, they carry the best wishes for people around.

    13、Fruit pit carving (果核雕刻) is regarded as a traditional Chinese art form. The art has been around in China for thousands of years, and can date back to the Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties. It is a Chinese folk art and looks similar to the real life. Some hard nuts and other fruits are cut to make artifa

    14、cts. It takes a long time to finish one piece of work.The history of classical gardens can be as far back as the Spring and Autumn Period(770 BC476 BC). There are many classical gardens in Suzhou, including the Lion Grove Garden and the Great Wave Pavilion. Those gardens show the achievements of the

    15、 social, cultural, scientific, and technological development of that period.()34. One of the traditional Chinese arts, Peking Opera _Aappeared in the Xia, Shang and Zhou DynastiesBwas created in Tianjin along the riverCbuilds different characters by expressions()35. Both the New Year painting and fr

    16、uit pit carving _Awere born in the same dynastiesBare closely connected with the life Cuse the red color and different patterns()36. 跨学科综合题_ has the longest history among those art forms along the river.AThe classical garden BFruit pit carving CPeking Opera()37. Which of the following is TRUE accord

    17、ing to the text?AFew people know about New Year paintings.BThe Lion Grove Garden is a garden with cultural treasure.CIt is easy to finish one piece of fruit pit carving work.()38. From the passage, we can learn that _Athe BeijingHangzhou Grand Canal is the worlds longest riverBall the Chinese cultur

    18、es are from the BeijingHangzhou Grand CanalCthe BeijingHangzhou Grand Canal shows Chinese civilization B Shadow puppetry, or piyingxi, is an ancient form of storytelling and entertainment(娱乐) in China.It has been an important part of Chinese culture. Shadow puppetry dates back to the Han Dynasty, mo

    19、re than 2,000 years ago. When Emperor Wus favorite wife died of illness, the emperor became very sad. One of his ministers came up with an idea to cheer the emperor up. That night, he cut a puppet (木偶)in the shape of the emperors wife and put on a performance. It was so wonderful that the emperor fe

    20、lt that he saw the spirit of his love. Shadow puppet shows became popular during the Tang Dynasty. People celebrated festivals and holidays by putting on shadow puppet shows. Its said that the puppets were first cut out of paper, but later made of colored leather(皮革). One mouth tells stories of thou

    21、sands of years, and a pair of hands brings millions of puppets to life. This is how a puppet artist works. However, being a puppet artist is never easy. In order to make the puppets look like real ones, puppet artists must spend long hours watching and studying how people and animals move. They usua

    22、lly practice many times before a show. In a show, performers hold puppets behind a white cloth and make the puppets move naturally. They use both hands while performing and have to change their hands from time to time. ()39. When did shadow puppetry start?AIn the Zhou Dynasty. BIn the Han Dynasty. C

    23、In the Song Dynasty.()40. Who created shadow puppetry?AEmperor Wu. BEmperor Wus wife. CEmperor Wus minister. ()41. In the beginning, what were the puppets made of?APaper. BLeather. CClothes.()42. Which of the following sentences is NOT true?AIn a shadow puppet show, the puppets move through the perf

    24、ormers hands.BShadow puppet shows were put on popularly during the Qin Dynasty.CPuppet artists spend much time practicing the performances.()43. The passage is mainly about _. Athe importance of shadow puppetryBhow to make a puppetCthe history and performances of shadow puppetryC请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从方框内所

    25、给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余项。Flowerdrum dance is a traditional folk art form in China. It is popular in many places, such as Fengyang in Anhui, Guangshan in Henan and Haian in Jiangsu.44. _ It became popular in the areas of the Yangtze River and the Huai River during the Ming Dynasty(13681644). Peo

    26、ple used it to show the peaceful lives of people. Known for lively movements and gentle music, it is still popular in Haian today. Yang Peijie is 73 years old now. 45. _ “It has become part of my life,” he said. In the 1960s, Yang joined an art team and learned the dance from old artists. At that ti

    27、me, people could only learn it this way. There were no textbooks about it. To solve this, Yang began to study the history of the dance in the 1980s. He visited many local artists and recorded their movements in detail(详细地). Later, he wrote a book. 46. _Yang also set up a team to teach the dance to m

    28、ore people. He leads the team members to visit about eight schools each year. 47. _ So he goes to the local school to teach kids the flowerdrum dance. “To make it easier for kids to learn, we break up the difficult movements into several simple ones,” Yang said. 48. _“My wish is to let all age group

    29、s know how to perform the dance,” Yang said. In 2007, the Haian flowerdrum dance was added to the list of Jiangsus provincial intangible cultural heritage(非物质文化遗产)AThe book helps more people learn about the dance.BMany schools have added the dance to breaktime exercise.CThey also go to communities a

    30、nd parks to teach old people.DThe Haian flowerdrum dance dates back to more than 400 years ago.EIt was becoming more and more popular with local people.FHe has been performing the Haian flowerdrum dance for about 50 years. D请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,在方框内的缩写文章中,填入与短文意思最相符的单词。每空一词。Acupuncture(针灸) is a kind of tr

    31、aditional Chinese medicine way that uses different kinds of needles(针). It is a way to treat and prevent illness. It has a long history. It was first seen in the Inner Canon of Huangdi(黄帝内经) during the Warring States Period. In this book, the shapes and the usage of nine kinds of needles are describ

    32、ed in detail. But The Classic of Mountains and Seas proved that it originated (起源于) in the Stone Age. People at the time found that when feeling unwell, beating or pressing on certain areas with a sharp stone could help them feel better. Later, with the continuous development, it has developed into

    33、a complete subject now. In 2006, acupuncture was listed in the first batch of the National Intangible Cultural Heritage List(国家非物质文化遗产名录). Compared with other treatment methods, this method has its special advantages. As it is widely used, much illness can be treated with this method. It also has th

    34、e advantages of simple and easy operation, low medical cost and small side effects (副作用). Therefore, it attracted the attention of many foreign doctors and spread to many countries.Acupuncture is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine way 49. _ a long history. In the Inner Canon of Huangdi, the shap

    35、es and the way to 50. _ nine kinds of needles are described in detail. By reading The Classic of Mountains and Seas, we know that people at the time found that when they 51. _ unwell, beating or pressing on certain areas with a sharp stone could help them feel better. Compared with other treatment m

    36、ethods, this method has something 52. _. It can be operated simply and easily. Many foreign doctors 53. _ attention to it because of its low medical cost and small side effects.E请阅读下面短文,按要求完成所给任务。China is known for its long history and rich collections of ancient relics (文物)from different dynasties.

    37、 So its necessary to restore (修复)the relics often. To become a restorer, one needs to have skillful hands, years of experience and a deep understanding of history. As_unknown_heroes,_many_of_them_are_working_hard_to_protect_national_treasures.Zhang Juncai, born in Shanxi in 1949, has been interested

    38、 in repairing broken objects since childhood. When he was just 25, he joined the Shanxi Archaeological Institute to learn to restore cultural relics. Four years later, he became an official member of the organization. He also set up a cultural relic restoration workshop in 1982. Experts say the cult

    39、ural relics he has restored are “mentally (精神上) and physically” alive. Now, the 74yearold is also making efforts to breathe life into the relics.Wang Jinyu, 61, is an ancient book restorer at the Tianyige Museum in Zhejiang. Built in the 1500s, Tianyige is the most ancient private library in China w

    40、ith a collection of thousands of ancient books. In 2018, Wang led a team to restore a set of 58 books produced around 200 years ago, of which 19 were so damaged (破损的) that their pages could not be turned. It took them two years to finish the restoration work. The satisfying results were accepted and

    41、 praised by experts in the field.Best seasons: All seasons availableOpening Hours: The museum will be closed every Monday morning, and open at 1:30 pm.Summer opening time: May 1October 318:30 am.5:30 pm. (no entry after 5:00 pm.)Winter opening time: November 1April 308:30 am.5:00 pm. (no entry after

    42、 4:30 pm.)Chart I Travel guide of the Tianyige MuseumWang is a real master in this field who sets a good example to young people. For younger staff at Tianyige, Wang is a role model they look up to. But for Wang herself, the road to perfect skills is endless.Chart 54. Please translate the underlined

    43、 sentence into Chinese._55. What did Zhang Juncai like doing as a child?_56. According to Chart I, people cant visit the Tianyige Museum on _. They arent allowed to enter it after _ in summer.57. What is Wang Jinyu like in the eyes of younger staff at Tianyige?_58. Please complete the facts about Zh

    44、ang Juncai and Wang Jinyu in Chart ._59. What do you think of the work the restorers are doing? What can we learn from them?_八、词语运用(每小题1分,共20分)A请阅读下面短文,根据语篇内容,在空白处填入恰当的单词,使短文通顺、连贯。每空一词。Peking Opera (京剧) is a traditional form of Chinese culture. In Peking Opera, each character has their face painted

    45、60. _ a special way. By looking at the face painting, the audience (观众) can know 61. _ the character is good or bad.Where did this kind of face painting come from? An old story told us 62. _ it had something to do with the Prince of Lanling (兰陵王). This prince was one 63. _ the four most handsome men

    46、 in ancient China. Some soldiers in the princes army thought that he was weak because of his goodlooking face. So, to make himself look stronger 64. _ his appearance, the prince wore a mask 65. _ an ugly face painted on it. Another face painting story was about Li Longji, 66. _ emperor in the Tang Dynasty. He loved opera very mu


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